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Some Cool Sites Worth Checking out
Green Plastic Radiohead
Transworld Snowboarding
3/13/03 Added UN page.
4/12/02 I just added the guest book so hopefully now it will be easier for you all to speak you mind and crap.
4/7/02 Yeah I added the picture page. so far it isn't too good but just give it some time and I'll add some new pics and it will be better. in the meantime, keep giving me suggestions I can make.
3/9/02 !Hey Everybody! this is my brand SPANKING NEW home page. I decided to get a new one because Homestead was REALLY pissing me off. I haven't yet decided what to make this page for so your suggestions would be a Great help. Email me with any suggestions or im me on AIM at Smazz32. thanks everyone.
Hitme With An Email Right Here