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High School
Documentation of my torturous high school.

Freshman Year

5-95 This is just a super pic of me when I did a big a$$ project on Japan my Freshman year of HS

Junior Year

Me, on my front porch, circa July '98

Me, dressed up for "Back to the Future" Day...yes, that's my real hair

Senior Year

02-99 Back in the day when I was a "band dork" I used to play the national anthem at most all the home basketball games. Here's me on one such event

Here's me playing the part of Grecian Goddess for Coming Home (the opposite of home coming, for those of you who aren't familiar). My friend Jared was nominated for king and he elected me to throw rose petals in front of his chariot. Pretty swanky, eh?


The zoology class I aided for took a trip to the Toledo Zoo. We got a neat-o lesson from a cool old guy that did a mean spectacled owl baby impression.

There's me playing the part of recently hatched baby bird.

Rye-- Giving a new meaning to "spreading eagle"

Rye-- Doing his baby spectacled owl impression and Me-- in a fit of laughter


Our school had a lovely production of Anything Goes. I was in the orchestra, so I got some good shots from the pit

Jessica- Everyone's favorite pic from our senior slide show

Prom '99

Our theme was "The Enchanted Rainforest." Let me tell ya, this rainforest was some kindof enchanted. Did you know that giraffes and tigers live in the rainforest?

It's me (go figure) pre-prom '99 at my house. Don't I look angelic?

The belle of the ball..that's me alright, at muh senior prom all by my lonesome.

Stuart and I

School's Out For Summer...School's Out For Ever

Rachel, Amy & I-- in the caf. I didn't wanna be in this one, but Amy made me and accidentaly molested me in the process (that's why I have that look on my face)

Mr. C.(Coscarelli) and I-- my last anatomy class. That man taught me a lot about slave labor, ridicule, and breaking glass objects. In addition to having him for Biology, Invertebrate Zoology, Vertebrate Zoology, and Anatomy, I was also his teacher's aide. It's a joy/hell only Jared and I knew.

Mr. Wilson and I-- How I miss band at 7:30am every weekday...

Me and Erin-- My signature thumbs up. How cheesy is that one?



These pictures were all taken at my graduation on 5-28-99. "Free at last...Free at last...Thank God almighty...We're free at last..."

Me and Ellie-- Pre-EMU

Jessica, Kendra, Me, and Christina-- chillin' pre-graduation

Jenny and I-- We were the two "Bald Girls."

This is me and my lovely family at my graduation.
L to R: my sister Kelly, my mom Elaine, me, my niece Devin, and my bro Glen

Me and Jared-- Just call us Squinty and Cap'n J

It's Bandtastic!

These are pix from my glorious days in the Blissfield Royal Regiment, concert band, pep band, and The Original Red-Hot Royal Sugarboy Jass Ensemble

Band Seniors! Brad--Snare Guy, Kendra--Frau Flutist, and Me--Bass Drum a Memorial Day shin-dig at the Hufford's. We marched in our last three parades that day

It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To

Here's pics from my graduation party at Major Magic's All Star Pizza Revue on 6-4-99. There's also pics from other parties

Jessica-- was the only one that could fit in that rocket (that wasn't pre-pubescent)

Erin, Leigha, Julia, and I

Bastian, Jared, and Sauter-- Check out these secret agent men...Too sexy! Too sexy!

Me and Dave