
Ya, today sucks! I had anothing blood draw today. My ears started ringing, and I felt like I was going to pass out. Sounds like fun huh? I am still trying to convince them to let me go. If they don't change my level soon...them I am going to get myself out. I will go to court and say it was a lack of judgment, and a bad call. Then I will only have to stay the days they recomend. I am a level 1, so I can't even go to the damn bathroom with out someone standing with a foot in the door. I am "within the line of sight" of staff. They have to watch me until I fall asleep, and while I take a damn shower. I am so sick of it. They had me on a 1 to 1 for a while. That was about a day. They had to watch me sleep. How ghetto shit it that? Really? Oh well...what can I do. I haven't talk to me shrink yet. They are running behind. I am half excited about that. I hate having them pester me to talk about my emotions. Really, they are mine and they can just back the fuck off. Ya, I know I am swearing a lot, but I can't while I am in here...so I curse a lot when I right and type to people via e-mail. REMINDER~ E-MAIL ME PEOPLE! Depraved69666@netscape.net Anywho...what else to say. I get to go to the cafateria now. I get to pick what I eat instead of no protien kick that I was on for a while. My liver levels were so bad. They are in the 40s normaly...and mine hit 4000+. They had even talked about a liver transplant if my levels didn't go down after 3 days. I tell you...when you have nothing but stomach acid inside you...but you puke after everytime they give you this IV med...ya. That was great fun. Now I am in a room with a 12 year old that gets feed though the nose because she refuses to eat. One person I am with at all times talkes to the devil. Though, this one girl Sophia is totaly cool. I am going to give her my phone number and address if I get to leave before she does. Or other way around. She reminds me of Heather. She looks like Heather a little. The dark hair and the funky way she goes around her day. I miss you all so much, and I relised something else while I am here. I found a note Bacon write. The 5 thing on his website, he wrote that to me in a note first. The last line on it is "Don't follow me". Let's just say...I cried my eyes out. He did say goodbye! Like he did to everyone else, he just told me before everyone else. Anywho...I am going to get off typing before I tell me whole life story. I will write more tomarrow if I get the time. Talk to you all later! I love you all very much, and I am sorry for what I did.