Desert- The pills never killed me The cutting didn’t either The thing that killed me Was the death of you Many tears at night The thought racing in my head The image of your body Dangled by a chain Days of disbelief only Only made it harder I’ve tried to quite Now I smoke more than I aught to Three days after The pills fell into my hand Downed them one by one One hundred and nine the total cost Twitching and shaking What have I just done? If it works Who knows, I mat just see his face Vomiting hour after hour Three IVs and blood draws Landed in the hospital What a lovely surprise A week went by I can finally eat again I can stand again I am getting well Placed in psychiatric care Two therapists and a shrink I really must have scared them Too bad I don’t remember Once out, it just got worse I ran away I didn’t care anymore I thought no one else did either Not two months later Here I stand In the middle of the desert with the Bullfrog clan Now I can see What could have been the end Though all I see now Are you parents smiling faces I’ve done it all Made fires and done phases I cry less now While I think about him You can really see my smile No Mary Sunshine to be found Though I can’t say that I’m cured I’m sure better than before