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~my relm: revisited, ass~

why i have to write poems to keep from killing poseurs

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check your spelling and seem smart, ass!
heath to your own advice, ass.
don't let him hit on you.
self richeous ass tip of the iceberg

welcome to my relm. no one understands me. not even roddy, or trent. my relm is a temple, kinda. my sweater is in the temple. BULL-SHIT

can you see me in the temple? can you even realise that you're capacity is like oppressive? can you see me? i'm curled up in fetal position. your so shallow.

went to dashboard, it was cool, but kinda oppressive. capacity, ass. heath. realise. i hate how the indie scene is being taken over by facist jox.

realise this: like, dont get arrogant, heath to your own relm. or sumthin.

~cold candy clown~

a bottle of Jack Dainiels
in a while I was drunk
but I was in the Circus
festival and scary funk
when the carousel is moving
I can feel my stomach sink
I think I had one too much
and I know that I don't think

His voice is Higher than Mine
but its lower than mine too
and the music dosent make much sense
but theirs nothing else to do
I felt way too sick in a circus
I felt so close to it though
and I may have been wrong but
because I was too drunk to know

A cold candy clown clatters
colder in my head
a Cancerous Carnivourous clown
is never ever dead
(ode to mr bungle)

just discovered burroughs? ass. poseur. a poet like anthony kiedis and the power of kurt cobain, heath. .suicide.sweaters.folk.hick.razors.wrists.relms.

anyone seen Pi? its a total indie film. its more indie than like and of kevin smiths films, even clerks (it was black and white, thats why its indie, ass)

i was in the art room today, it was totally inspiring, im in the green party, its like, a revolution, or something. realise.



yeah, my world
A relm underground
of super human beings
yet we're uncomplete
welcome to my relm

Person: hey thanks a lot your real cool
ZeroJay: i know
Person: yeh like you saved me from .rape.suicide.cancer.heroin.
ZeroJay: too afrayed to do heroine, ass
Person: i just got into .burroughs.opiates.avant.
ZeroJay: yeh its kinda oppressive
Person: yeh.
Person: arent you in the green party?
ZeroJay: yeh, im the captain and stuff, .ass. heath.realise.rape.razors.sweater.temple.fetalposition.roddy.pollockunderstandsme.adu.

yeh so my mom kicked me out. ive got like 5 dollers to my name. ass. pack a ciggs and a bottle of jack daniels, just had some smoked salmon, im like homeless. i eat out of your trash. heath to your own trash, ass. this is a poem i just wroat.


This may not be much, but I'm happy here
it's not what you would call paridice
I've got my cold rock bed, and a fire in a barrel
and I think it is sort of nice

my clothes once were yours, but you threw them away
I guess you knew I needed some
my food wouldn't be eaten by the likes of you
but it is eaten because you don't spare any crumbs

Do you think I haven't noticed your childs innocent stare?
or when he asked you, "what's wrong with that man?"
Don't think I'm bothered, its facts of life
that I eat from your garbage can

yeh so im in the green party and stuff. do you even no who they are? ass. there like jackson nadar or somethin. heath to your own position on gays, ass.

~ maby like you could open your mind, but dont open my soul. ~

my mind is a temple: sacrifice me

The cold moist air is filling my lungs,
heavy, like the smoke of a ciggarette.
sometimes I don't like to breathe in crowds,
sometimes I take it all in.
don't turn away this time, not yet.

Echoes from the chamber where sound traveled,
much like the chamber of a gun.
Sometimes I need that feeling of power,
sometimes I just want to fit in.
At night you're alone, like the rest of us.

cylinders of smoke, comforting thoughts,
where each one is like a bullet.
sometimes we hurt to know we're alive
sometimes we smile to live a little.
To live to die to die to live,

(and you repeat your cycles, for the rest of your life)

yeh that was my poem, from my relm. yeh.