My Poetry

Fall Back On

Today is a waste of my time
Today is a waste of my life
I wonder if I turned around
If you would be there
Because I was always there
For you
But I am tired
I’m ready to leave
I’m ready to stop
Waiting and wondering
If you will ever need me
Because you only need her
She is all you’ve ever wanted
And I have never been a competition
Falling back with no one to catch you
Everyone can watch you as you stumble
Because I realized I was wasting my life
On someone I will never understand
I’ve just been the best friend
The one in the back
The one you casually smile at
At the parties that we shared together
At the parties that I came alone to
I wonder if anything will ever change
If you will ever learn to forget her
If you will ever learn to ignore her
If you will ever see that it’s me
Me that you fall back on
Falling back with no one to catch you
Everyone can watch you as you stumble
Because I realized I was wasting my life
On someone I will never understand
Wasting my life on someone blind
Of love
Of passion
Of everything real
So, I’ve left
I’m gone
You’ve missed me by ten years
You’re left
You’re alone
There’s no one to catch you now

This Brilliant Night

Laying here beside you on a worn blanket of grass, the eruptions of nature surround us; explosions of subtle sounds; a hum of a creature, a sway of a tree. A gentle light drapes us, carefully showing our exterior, a fuzzy character. Sharp edges disappear in the shallow light. A warm breeze brushes our faces, caresses our minds. Pin pricks of white frozen in the sky, creating mythical figures, stirring imagination, awakening the mind. I feel your hand grip mine and sigh at such a spectacular sight... this brilliant night...

Waking Up
Waking up
I don’t know why anymore
It seems that life has become a burden,
That sunshine is a reminder of everything lost
I wonder if every feeling would change
I wonder if this would all go away
Once you’ve come into my life
Once I can wake up by your side
Knowing my life now has meaning
If only I could just open my eyes to your beautiful face
If only I could have your arms wrap me in a sweet embrace
I long for the night we fall asleep together
I long for the warmth at my side
But right now your face is blank to me
Your eyes I have never seen
You are but a wonderful stranger
Just as alone as I
And one day we will meet
And we will know
And we will kiss
And we will love
And we will cherish everything
his love that neither of us has ever experienced
And we will know
Just how lucky we are…

where have i been?
i'm looking down
down at the ground
down at the life i've lived so far
down at the path i've taken
i'm looking forward
towards the way i'm going
towards the end thats fastly approaching
towards a fate i've stumbled to
I'm looking back
searching for the fork in the road
searching for the childhood that runs behind
searching for the love i lost long ago
i'm looking up
at the sky
at the place i long to be
at the open space
i long to fly
to not know whats up or down
to not care whats infront or behind
to feel free for every feeling
from everything i've gotten myself into
i long to fly
to just get away
to leave this all behind
cause i've had a bad day again
and its nobodies fault but mine
i wish it were anyones fault but mine

Keep it in line
Keep it in line
Never quite knew what to say
Give me a chance to breathe
To catch my damn breath
I just can't keep up anymore
You’ve stolen my mind
I’ve become numb
An inconsistent stutter
Is all I seem to be
Just give me a chance
Let me catch up
I don't belong anywhere
Not anymore
Been trying to hold my tongue
Trying not to slip
I’ve worked so hard to get here
So why should I stop now?
I've been waiting so long
Just to know you're here
Just to be able to say
I’m yours
You’re mine
Just to be able to look
In your eyes and know
I'm alright
I've been fine
For a long time now
So why should I give in?
Now that you say
I'm mine
You’re yours
I'll just keep going
Keep searching, finding
That one that makes me feel

Connecting- We sat here together, sharing this moment, watching the sun sink into an ever-darkening sky. Feeling the presence of each other and knowing that's enough, that's all we need these days. We no longer feel that if we let go the other will drift away, that we have to constantly tighten our grip. We've come to realize that the feeling of our souls being in the same place is enough to strengthen- us. It's enough to make us continue this fairytale.

Old Man’s Dentures

Staring at this “gift”
An aqua keychain with sparkles
A fifty cent toy meant to impress me
Meant to bring a smile to my face
Only makes me wish I were somewhere else
An aqua keychain with sparkles depicting a setting sun
Claiming that I’m welcome in Florida
But all I’m thinking of is these freezing temperatures and these long days
This hometown that suffocates its residents
Choking on its alumni and veterans
Waving its flag like a golden sheet
Pretending to be important in this vast state in this vast country
In this never-ending world
I want to be something important
But all I can see is what’s in front of me
An aqua keychain with sparkles
And I realize I’m where I’m supposed to be
