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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Tough Choice
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: "Bat Country" by Avenged Sevenfold
Topic: Summer Vacation
I need someone who i can talk to. i really need someone who i can confide in with this difficult decision that im faced with. honestly i dont know what to do with it. if you're someone who i can talk to, please let me know.

Posted by XMidNiteXRunnerX at 9:30 PM PDT
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
The End Of Summer Skool
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: "Mercy, Severity" by Mudvayne
Topic: Summer Vacation
yay, i have now completed health! that means that aside from senior exclusive credits, im done with all my high school credit requirements. i ended up getting a B+ in the class, so thats good. it was VERY easy to pass it, so im happy for that. Alg 2 im pretty sure i got a A- at least. so thats even better. well now that just leaves me with FilmED workshops at foothill high school. that will go from 8:00AM until 4:00PM monday through friday for two weeks. then the following week, XC Summer Camp at big bear. hopefully ill be able to attend, but the way things look right now, its very unlikely. the best thing about today, is that there is a week left. one whole week left, then im finally free! some of you know what im talking about. but then even that doesnt look too good. grr i hate that. so basically i get Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday before skool starts to do whatever it is i want. big whoop . . . this summer i can honestly say SUCKED! i really hated it, and its not getting any better whatsoever. especially not after this morning.

Posted by XMidNiteXRunnerX at 4:35 PM PDT
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Summer Skool Is Coming To An End
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: "Under A Killing Moon" by Thrice
Topic: Summer Vacation
so i guess i should update this thing. i mean i havent really cared for it. but then again who cares. nothing new. just a few things to add. summer skool will end on thursday. by the look of things, im guessuing ill either end the class with an A or a B. but you never know something stupid could happen on my part, and i could end up getting a C. my video project turned out to be pretty good. i liked it, and didnt think it was that bad. the class apprerently also somewhat liked it. well they laughed at the jokes i put in there. so that means they were at least paying attention.ive got to finish a Asthma Packet and then that will be it for health projects. i want to do another video of some sort, just beacuse ive really liked to do the editing stuff. sure i stayed up until 3:00 AM finishing the 6 min 23 second video that i turned in, but i really enjoyed it.i cant even imagine editing a 30 mins video. and mine was sorta halfass, not too flashy, just transition effects and small invideo effects. plus matching the music to it. coach practice has also started, and i guess thats been fun. but ive only been to two coach led rpactices this week, and on saturday, i couldnt really run that well. except at the end, me and pfirmann really went faster. we both got injured and sprained our ankles, and so saturday was a coming back to running workout. i drove my parents to lake elsinore. haha, that was great cuz it was my first time on ortega highway. it was easier than expected, although it would have been a lot more fun, had i been in a car and not a van, if the transmission was manual and not automatic, and if my parents werent there. my dad constantly told me to slow it down, but i just had an urge to keep going faster. it really felt like i was driving to get to the other end as fast as was really great. thats been about it for the last couple of weeks. nothing big has happened. so ill leave you all at that.

Posted by XMidNiteXRunnerX at 1:23 PM PDT
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Monday, July 11, 2005
Off to Mexico we go
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: "Charred Fields of Snow" by A Static Lullaby
Topic: Summer Vacation
today, my younger brother finally came back from mexico. big whoop, that means that i no longer get to stay up as late anymore. whatever, hes been gone for three weeks hanging out with friends down in mexico. we went to go pick him up this morning after xc practice. basically it was a big car ride down to tj and back where i was sitting the entire time. it wasnt kool. haha but i did manage to piss off some people, especially this lady when i told her off in english. haha that hilarious. i guess that was the highlight of my day. nothing really happened other than that. and im freaking hurting all over my body, especially my jaw. its aching like hell, and i know mcguan said his jaw was also hurting. its really pissing me off.

Posted by XMidNiteXRunnerX at 8:47 PM PDT
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Getting Thrashed and then more
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: "Flatline" by Element Eighty
Topic: Summer Vacation
whoa, so surfing was pretty kool actually. sure i need to get better at it, but maybe i can learn that through ashton or ryan or clay. but i did get a huge beating by the water, and that really tired me out. and tomorrow is a speed workout, so thats gonna be even better. yippie! saturday's workout was an intense 9 miles, but i think it was done at a pretty ok pace, usually ranging from 8:00 min to at one point 7:20/ mile pace. i havent done much other than going to abonfire on friday night at aliso beach. and even then it was ok. we needed at least a few girls, and maybe more food and drinks. but at least it was something to do on a friday night. i start health on tuesday and then ill only have summer skool for 11 days,so i guess thats good. thats about it.

Posted by XMidNiteXRunnerX at 9:02 PM PDT
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Its about time
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: "M.I.A." by Avenged Sevenfold
Topic: Summer Vacation
yay! i have now completed ALG. 2 after three attempts at it. i passed it this afternoon with a 91% A-, so im pretty happy about that. now this means that i can either move onto Math Analysis or AP Stats, and since the word around skool is that AP stats is easier, so thats what im gonna be going into. no way am i taking math analysis . . . well maybe not, ill think about it over the summer. so that just leaves a couple things now. ive got to finish the fimled workshops which start on August 1 and end on August 12 and that will be mon - friday from 8am until 4pm. and ive get to finish summer skool with health . . . great a senior with a bunch of freshmen. how dumb am i gonna look. well thats gonna go on for 11 days. as far as anything else going on, i might be going to arizona to pick up a bike my brother might buy. that and getting up at 4:00am to watch the british GP. word has it going around that Raikkonen and McLaren-Mercedes are gonna rule this weekend, which is what im hoping for. raikkonen should have knocked alonso off the number 1 position already, but thers lots of crap happening so its taking a while. its raikkonen's turn to rule the series and take the championship.

Posted by XMidNiteXRunnerX at 4:18 PM PDT
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
French GP
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: "Seize the Day" by Avenged Sevenfold
Topic: Summer Vacation
woo, tomorrow morning i get to wake up at 4:25 AM to watch the Formula 1 GP! well i went to sleep last night at 1:00AM and woke up at 4:00AM to watch the Qualifying runs. that was great, nice to see Raikkonen and Trulli both up in the top three. hopefully tomorrows race is a good, especially after the United States Debacle! after watching the Qualifying runs, it was time to go run. ok so maybe there was an hour and a half between that on which i was just watching tv, but the run was 7 miles. finally met the supposedly fast freshmen that runs a 4:45 mile. thats gonna suck for me, cuz i dont want to let a freshmen beat me at that. but it also makes me happy that this kid is gonna be the fastest kid after the class of 2006 leaves. MVP Varsity runner as a sophomore, thats great, and he also came from Mraco, so theres a sense of pride in that. i cant wait to see this kids potential, of course im never gonna let him beat me. no way am i gonna let that happen. Pfirmann came and ran with us today, so that was different. Nightingale also got back from costa rica. so today was pretty fun, especially when ramiro brought some snacks. it was great. i cant really complain. ive been asleep most of the day. i was supposed to go to Gleb's party but it ended up that i couldnt go, cuz of my parents. so that kinda killed my plans. im hoping that we can get some kind of bonfire going on monday night, but well see how that goes. tomorrow tho i really wanna do something.. anything, as long as it involves just chillin with friends and hanging out.

Posted by XMidNiteXRunnerX at 9:40 PM PDT
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Ive Got No Summer
Mood:  down
Now Playing: "Thrashed and Scattered" by Avenged Sevenfold
Topic: Summer Vacation
i just came to realize that ive got no summer. im in summer skool from June 21 until July 28th. the following monday, ive got FilmED stuff at Foothill High School from 8am until 4pm for two weeks. the best fun im going to have is at big bear for a week, following the end of FilmED stuff. then i have that weekend when i get back until the tuesday which is the very last day of summer. im not doing anything other than work work work. so to recap, ive got 8 WHOLE FREAKING DAYS TO SLEEP IN THIS SUMMER! that is not kool. this summer sucks. but the skool year will be better, at least i hope. as of right now ive got a 93.9% in Alg. 2, and ive only got three more days, plus a final. so hopefully i can get a good solid A. then i get to go to health, in a class full of freshmen! o well, i guess thats what i get for being a procrastinator. great thing for next year is that i get to start the skool with a bang. the weekend after the first week of skool, im going to a Drifting Competition up in Irwindale speedway. woot woot. my schedule looks as follows right now:

AP Stats
AP Physics
Eng Lit
Auto Design

thats a total of seven classes and thats not kool.

but it should be lots of fun. from what i hear, only English Lit should give me any trouble. but then again, i never really cared for english.

Posted by XMidNiteXRunnerX at 6:55 PM PDT
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Monday, June 27, 2005
No, I'm Not Dead
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: "(Per)version of a Truth" by Mudvayne
Topic: Summer Vacation
haha, like the title says, i havent died yet. although i havent really been active on my blog. summer skool started, as did summer training. everything has been oky dory. i went to urt's spanish villa for a party on saturday. and sunday i spent some of the time cleaning up the house for my parents to arrive. nothing new is really happening. hey its summer, i supposed to be sleeping a minimum of 15 hours per week.

Posted by XMidNiteXRunnerX at 3:50 PM PDT
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Monday, June 20, 2005
Summer School Tomorrow
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: "Made of Glass" by Trapt
Topic: Summer Vacation
So today i was bored. i went to practice, courtesy of doug. it was measly little workout, but i managed to make the best of it. four miles, nice and easy. i was supposed to go take a test, but sadly i fell asleep and never went. looks like im stuck with an F in math. whatever im over it. as long as i can intercept the reportcard, so my dad doesnt see it, im fine. wee so close!!! i cant wait!! haha none of you know what im talking about, but i cant wait! ill brief SOME of you in as to whats going on. so i guess i should really update the website sometime soon. most likely tonite, but im feeling REALLY LAZY! but ill try to do it. American GP yesterday really sucked, thats all i have to say about it. absolutely worst race ever! well thats about it, not realy in a descriptive mood today.

Your Birthdate: May 19

Your birth on the 19th day of the month adds a tone of independence and extra energy to your life path.

But at the same time, it poses a number of obstacles to overcome before you are able to be as independent as you would like. The number 1 energy suggests more executive ability and leadership qualities than your path may have indicated.

A birthday on the 19th of any month gives greater will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach. However, a somewhat self-centered approach to life that may be in conflict with some of the other influences in your life.

This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush.

You are sensitive, but your feeling stay somewhat repressed.

You have a compelling manner that can be dominating in many situations.

You do not tend to follow convention or take advice very well.

Consequently, you tend to learn through experience; sometimes hard experiences.

The 19/1 is a loner number and you may experience feelings of being alone even if you are married.

You may take on a tendency to be nervous and angry.

Posted by XMidNiteXRunnerX at 6:54 PM PDT
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