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Wedding Information


Things to Keep in Mind while Visiting Boulder
(because you can't have a place this pretty without potentially deadly hazards)

  • Altitude- Denver is not called the "Mile High City" for nothing.  There is less air here, and if you're coming from sea level, you will notice.  The best way to combat altitude sickness, which for me typically manifests itself as a bad headache and really crazy dreams, is to stay hydrated.  Drink lots of water and avoid alcoholic beverages- they will seem more potent if you're not used to the altitude.  Also, getting a good night's rest is never a bad idea.
  • Sun - we are closer to it, the atmosphere is thinner, and there are a lot fewer clouds than you'd see in, say, the Midwest.  Also, we are getting married in an east-facing outdoor amphitheater in the late morning.  Bring sunscreen and sunglasses.
  • Weather - In Boulder, it's pretty common to have an afternoon thundershower on a summer day.  This is one good reason we are having the wedding in the morning.  It rarely rains for long, but please pack appropriately.
  • Interesting Fauna - Apparently, this part of the country is habitat to rattlesnakes and black widow spiders.  I've never seen one in the wild.  If you don't go off trail deep into the underbrush, and avoid sticking your hands into places they don't belong (animal holes, brush piles, rocky crevices,) you won't either. 
  • More interesting Fauna- I have, however, seen a mountain lion, and my friend has seen a bear.  One case was late at night and the other was very early morning.  I've never seen either at Sunrise Amphitheater.  But it's nice to know what to do if you do see one.



A Special Note About the Ampitheater

The Sunrise Amphitheater webpage mentions that restrooms are available.  It should be noted that these restrooms are of the pit toilet variety.  The park maitenance folks keep them clean, and if you use them, you will have a stall, a seat, and toilet paper, but no running water.  They are nice for outhouses, and weren't that smelly when we stuck our noses in in late June.  However, if the idea of an outhouse bothers you, we recommend you use the bathroom BEFORE leaving your house/hotel for the wedding.

Also, please note that the seating at the Ampitheater consists of stone benches (see our photos page). If you need extra cushioning or back support, you might want to consider bringing a seat cushion or similar device.



More Information - Wedding Venues

Map showing wedding venues

Map of Flagstaff Mountain, including Sunrise Ampitheater

Sunrise Ampitheater -- Located on Flagstaff Mountain, this is the site of the wedding ceremony at 10:30am.

Masonic Lodge -- Located at 2205 Broadway in Boulder, this is the site of the wedding reception.



More Information - Visiting Boulder & Denver

Boulder Visitors Page -- The City of Boulder's official information portal for tourists and other visitors

Boulder Outdoor Cinema -- Boulder's beloved outdoor movie venue. For interested wedding guests, the following features are being screened the week of the wedding: Donnie Darko on Friday, August 19th, and a double feature of The Land Before Time and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron on Saturday, August 20th.

Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse -- The city of Dushanbe, in the former Soviet republic of Tajikistan, is one of Boulder's "sister cities." In 1990, thanks to the effort of hundreds of Tajik craftsmen, what is now the Dushanbe Teahouse was built by hand in Tajikistan, disassembled, and shipped to Boulder for your tea-drinking pleasure!

Celestial Seasonings -- Purveyers of fine teas and related products. Headquartered in Boulder, Celestial Seasonings offers free tours (with tea tastings!); this is a popular stop for Boulder visitors.

Chautauqua Meadow -- One of the most popular of the many trail systems in Boulder - just be careful about altitude sickness! (Webmaster's note: Having just moved here from Texas, I can personally attest to the debilitating [and humiliating] effects of hiking too hard at altitude - please be careful!)

Boulder Citysearch -- A commercial "yellow pages" site with information on Boulder attractions

Boulder Tourism Info -- Yet another commercial site touting the City of Boulder

Denver Convention & Visitors Bureau -- Information on Boulder's southeastern neighbor - maybe you've heard of it?



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