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Here is a list of "Get Paid To.." web sites that I have found
All of these sites have paid me personally!

Web Site Name: Paid For: Pays By: Min. Pay out: My Opinion:
Donkeymails PTR, PTC, PTP No Min ($0.01) E-gold 
$1.00 Paypal
A very long running PTR program that is still paying every time. great PTP! pretty easy to earn with too. A lot of emails a day
Nominimum PTR, PTC, PTP No Min ($0.01) E-gold 
$1.00 Paypal
As the name says, No Min. payout. thats always a good thing right? earns fairly quick and never misses a payout. 
Pay4Surf Surfing No Minimum! Autopayout on E-gold! Great way to get some E-gold!. get points for surfing and exchange them for cash. get free points and cash every day. random .05, very helpful admin! get paid while you promote your own sites!
CashForAction PTR,PTS
Company Check
$0.50 E-gold 
$0.10 Paypal 
$10.00 Check
Not A Big earner. but 2-3 emails a day isn't too hard to get done. pays great for the effort put forth. paid many times!
InboxDollars PTR, PTS, Taking Surveys, Games, Shopping Online Company Check $30.00 Long Running site with A LOT of ways to earn! 1-3 Mails a day worth 2-5 cents. take a survey everyday for $1 refer others for faster earnings!
SendEarnings PTR, PTS, Taking Surveys, Games, Shopping Online Company Check $40.00 Another site owned by Cotterweb (inboxdollars) runs on the same idea as inboxdollars. just a little bit higher pay out. sign up for both and make twice as much!
Nocturnal Email PTC, PTR $1.00 Good site with lots of ways to earn. random cash every 24 hours. Lots of clicks a day!
Redneck PTC PTC, PTR $1.00 From the same owner as pretty much the same. why not sign up for two good things??
JillsClickCorner PTC, PTS $0.10 E-gold 
$1.00 Paypal
Very easy to earn with this site. and a very quick pay out! good way to start earning E-gold. paid many times!
MilkywayClicks PTC, PTS $0.10 E-gold 
$1.00 Paypal
A lot like Jills Click Corner. Seems to earn a little bit faster though. paid me many times!
WorldWideCash PTC, PTR, PTP No Min ($0.01) E-gold Not a big earner, however pays every weekend. and your points can be used to promote your PTP links or are converted to cash at the end of the month. paid me many times!

To Receive payment through E-gold you will have to set up A free account. If you don't have one already sign-up here-

Here are some other things that can make you some money online!

A mock investing site. runs 24/7,FREE $1 ON SIGN UP!!! you can make money without ever spending anything if you pick the right stocks. nothing to lose here! and if you want to you can deposit your own E-gold to invest more. fun way to practice investing!

Invest your E-gold with stable percent and earn 1.5% of your investment everyday! Pays Directly to your E-gold Account.
You Can also compound your interest to create an ever increasing amount!

Another Investment Site. deposit your E-gold and watch it grow. 150 Day terms. Use the Compounding option to make your money really grow!

I can not promise you that these sites will pay you, or live up to what they say they will do. I am only suggesting them to you to on the best of my knowledge. There are a lot of scam sites out there. I am just trying to show you a few that i know worked for me.
best of  luck to you!!