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Various Short Texts in Almalinë



"I Can Eat Glass. It Doesn't Hurt Me." (Visit the project website.)
Télminal bei ablanen. Nui mectar nyen.
Télmin-a-l bei ablane-n. Nui mect-a-r nye-n.
(be able to)-(present tense)-(1st person singular) (eat) (glass)-(direct object marker). (Negative) (hurt)-(present tense)-(third person singluar) (I)-(direct object marker).


  "Proletariat of the world, unite!"
Calonatha anae alor i dónumë, a naltaf!
Calon-a-tha an-ae alor i dónumë, nalt-a-f!
(work)-(present tense marker)-(participle marker) (person)-(plural marker) (of) (the) (world), (gather)-(imperative marker)-(2nd person plural)!



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