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The Angel's Realm 9/22/03
Hey everybody. If you are still visiting the site, then, that's good news for me. I am finall done from boot camp. That was a pain. Glad to be able to continue too. If any of you have anything you want to submit, go ahead, you know how.
Hello for one last time everybody. As in 4 days, I leave for boot camp. Because of this, I will be gone for 9 weeks. After that time, I will back and updating. Hope to see you soon. I might also update, so stayed tuned.
Hellow visiting angels! I have an update here for you. From a newly found friend, her website has some awesome drawings and poems. Its called the Padded Wall. Be sure to check it out. That's it for today, check in again soon!
Hey everybody! I know its been a while since I updated the site, but, to be able to update it daily, I need people to send stuff in. C'mon, if you have any kind of talent, tell me and I can make arrangments for you to submit stuff. Plus, you can be famous!
Hey everybody! I want you to know that I have started the Angel Realm Newsletter. All you do is e-mail me with the link above ^ and I will e-mail you the updates to the site! Also, please register to the Angel Realm Forum! And check out the jokes page for a timeless funny. ^-^.
Alright, its playtime everybody! I have updated the games page with a couple more games for all of your enjoyment. All these games comes from Web Abstract. Hope you enjoy. Don't forget about the new Angel's Realm Forum! Link below & to the left.
Hey, we have another new artist today. His name is Jon G. He makes awesome charaicatures of me. Hope you enjoy.
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