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Morning Dew

The morning air hits my face
The wind drapes around me and holds me in a tight embrace
My bear feet hit the cold ground
The sky a dark blue with sunlight breaking through all around

I see you break through the dew
There you are as if on cue
The grass slightly wet as you walk closer
I smile, pushing back tears, holding my composure

You come up dropping your shoes as we stare into each other’s eyes
We move closer, still holding back my grateful cries
The arms that I knew so well pulled me close into a tight grasp
Feeling your body against mine I gave a slight gasp

Your eyes on me, smiling, we gently place our lips on each other’s
Right that moment our hearts clutch to one another’s
Here we are again together as one just how it’s supposed to be
In the morning dew, just you and me
