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Hi~! Glad you stopped by~! We hope you will enjoy the contents of our new family site. We've tried to make navigating through it easier, so that all our online family and friends will be able to share with us in our adventures~! Pictures with story lines will be added as they become available.

For those who are here as first time visitors, we'd like to tell you a bit about ourselves~ Our family consists of Ken, Autumn and our daughter Chelsea aka Baby Blue, plus assorted pets~! We have many adventures~ which we enjoy sharing with our Friends through photographs. We have a vast array of friends online who have become close as family to us in the past few years. These all know who they are, and to them we say,
"We Love You All"~!

While life has changed alot since the 3 of us came online~ we still try to find the time to stay in touch with Friends and therefore sharing our adventures not only through our various websites, but also through photographs. We aren't online as much as in the beginning, but that's not to say we still aren't a 'Puter-Family'~! LOL In fact, each of us 3 have our own computers~ with Autumn's & Ken's being in the same room, about 5 feet apart~! That seems to shock alot of people~! It's sad that alot of people out there misuse the internet to cause problems in their relationships but if you have a deep commitment as we do, there should be no secrets or problems with sharing ALL you do~~ with one another online. This, we believe is the key to our personal success as a Family Unit. We wish the same for everyone out there.

Ken, Autumn & Baby Blue

Want to see where we live?
Come, check out 'Our Rocky Mountain High'~!
Meet our four legged friends~!
A new hobby we picked up not long ago~ meet our finned friends~!

Now onward to our Family's Seasonal Pictures~! Enjoy~!

Just this year in February, we made a cross country trek and moved our little family to beautiful Colorado~! As much as we've enjoyed our adventures, we have been so busy with our relocation and setting up the home we bought, playing online has been harder to do. 'Some' of our latest adventures here in Colorado can be seen above in
'Our Rocky Mountain High'
however quite a few of the holidays haven't been recorded due to our being so busy. We will resume ASAP and until then, hope you keep us bookmarked, so that we can share upcoming adventures.

We hope you enjoyed your visit and please do sign our Guest Book, so that we can drop you a line to Thank You for stopping by~!

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