The Gus Newsletter- 4/22/02

Hi everyone that's reading this. I got bored at home, so I've decided to start a bi-daily weekday Newsletter, all about you favorite smuck-in-the-muck...


I hope I don't get tired of this crap in a few days though... Now, on to the Newsletter! (By the way... full screen this sucka' for best results...)

GUS's General Shit...

Today marks the beginning of a new something! What that something is, I will never know. What you should do though is take a bloody freaking guess at what that something something is. Those of you who say that this something is an era, cool. Those who say that this something is a cult, cheers. Anyway... this pointless crap leads me to my next point which I will feature every Monday...

GUS's Opinion Shit...

So... what is that something? I'm taking a poll and what not. Send in your wonderful opinions and ideas to my so-far crappy Newsletter. Normally I will have a topic or question ready... but if you got something you need a'opinion about, send your suggestions to me.

GUS's Funny Shit...

Every newsletter, I will try to have some GUS enlightenment or GUS funniness to make your day a little bit sweller than it alright might be. I hope... I HOPE... it'll fill your days with loads of hickles. And now for today's chuckle...

Funny... I know...

GUS's Story Shit...

I come up with stories more often then I'd like to, so every now and then, possibly every friday, I'll have y'all a story to read. Not today though, so don't get your hopes up.

GUS's Vocabulary Shit...

I'm under the understanding that many of you wish to be smart when you grow up, so, at my own request, I have set up the (hopefully) the only educational piece of crud in this crud. Every Newsletter I will feature a word or phrase that sounds really educated. They won't be anything too useful in life though.

Here's today's:

- adj. - Cowlike.
Example of usage: "Your bovine."

GUS's Song Of The Week...

Everyweek I'll be listening to a song that'll make my ears bleed from hearing too many times... and it'll be my duty (while wiping the blood off) to advise you to do the same...

This weeks song... "Mrs. Robinson" by Simon and Garfunkel. Enjoy...

GUS's Back To Talking With You...

I hope the rest of my crap is better than this shit... oh I hope. Anyway, gimme' a holla' if theres anything special you want put up...

Till you don't care anymore, I remain,