The Night Called Forth Pleasure


Disclaimer: For legal purposes, Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt and the rest of their posse own the characters from the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series. BUT IN ALL OTHER WAYS THAT ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT- Buffy owns Angel and Angel owns Buffy. Always and forever.


Feedback: Hey, if not for me- then for all the terrific S/D and B/A fanfiction writers out there. You guys are all super talented and make our lives easier during these sad times of post Buffy and Angel breakup. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE HOPE! Hope is what keeps us grounded into life- it IS LIFE. And without pursuing our hopes and dreams, we are about as alive as the Buffybot… Not that I have anything else robots or other mechanical Americans…


Dedication: To Sara-Lee, she always helps me with these! And as always- to all of the B/A and Sarah and David shippers out there! I hope this makes you all happy. WE MUST KEEP THE FAITH!


Distribution: Wow? You actually want this? Well email me and I'll give it you on a silver platter.


Background: This takes place after Buffy Season Five’s CHECKPOINT and Angel Season Two’s HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. So, at this point in time- Angel didn’t know the Host’s name was Lorne. Also this was around the time California was experiencing major blackouts due to strain on the power plants. In this fic, when the Host sees Angel’s increasingly dark behavior- he decides to take matters into his own hands… If Angel won’t come into the light- then the light will just have to come to him.


Driving down the lonely midnight highway, Angel mused his heart was just as dark and desolate as the road ahead. Hope was gone, leaving nothing but ash and bone. The eternally bright city lights of Los Angeles were now extinguished, left powerless from no electricity. Lost to darkness because the powerhouse- the hands of light, couldn’t handle all of the demands the world made. The night seemed to swallow him whole, and the disturbing mental image provoked no response within him.


“I'm all for matching ensembles…  But really, sweetness- you can't have a black soul to go with your black wardrobe,” the Host said, not needing much concentration to read Angel’s thoughts.


“It gets the job done,” Angel replied in a menacingly low tone.


“Well see- As any good champion will tell you, its not a job... Its a way of life,” the Host pointed out.


“Maybe I don’t want this so called life anymore,” Angel countered back, kicking up the car’s speed.


The Host grabbed onto the black leather interior as the car jerked in acceleration, "Ouch! We HAVE to change that attitude. And preferably at a less life-threatening speed!"


Wordlessly, Angel eased off of the gas- bringing the speeding car back to its original pace. He cast a weary glance at the red horned demon. No need to take anyone with him on this one way trip, he thought to himself. Angel turned his eyes toward the road again. No one else needed to get hurt.


With a concerned look at the lonely warrior, the Host placed an understanding hand on his shoulder.


The Host tried to comfort him, "Strong is fighting, precious. And if you don't, you'll never-"


Angel gruffly cut him off and pulled away, "Stay out. Those thoughts are off-limits."


“Sometimes the past memories can show us the future path. You just have to know which ones,” the anagogic demon enigmatically responded. “And sometimes even warriors need a little help in that department.”


“I don’t need help,” Angel said quietly, turning into the parking garage of Caritas.


He wanted the green demon to stop his mystic babbling, and they arrived at the club not a moment too soon. Angel brought the car to a halt, causing the demon to be thrown against the dashboard again. The vampire stared down at the Host, before the demon finally moved out of the black convertible. Wolfram and Hart were already doing a good job at picking part his thoughts, Angel didn’t need the Host doing the same.


As Angel started the car up again the Host quickly stopped him, “Whoa, buddy! Where do you think you’re going?”


“Home,” he said with a steely look, putting the car into gear.


"What? We just saved the world and no drinks for a celebration," the Host asked congenially.


“Gene already gave us some beer,” he mumbled, ready to leave.


The Host shook his head, “But not the red stuff. You can have a Bloody Mary- with the real blood!”


The vampire gave the Host another tired look in return.


“One for the road,” the Host persisted. “What’s it going to hurt?”


Figuring that it would be quicker to give in, Angel turned off the ignition and got out of the car. Silently, he followed the Host into the building. The Host unlocked the doors and motioned for the vampire to sit in the softly lit club. Angel took a seat at the bar and waited for the Host to bring out the glasses. Out of habit, Angel eyes slid shut- trying to take some solace in the still quiet of the room. Knowing full well of Angel’s penchant for the quiet darkness, the Host saw his chance.


As the vampire’s eyes were closed, the Host reached below to a blue bottle from one of his special cabinet counters. Slowly, so as not to arouse Angels’ suspicion, the Host slipped the blue powder into the glass. He stirred quickly, making sure that no hint of the magical grains were left to be seen.


“Sweet dreams are made of these,” the Host sang softly to himself.


Angel’s eyes snapped back open in question, “Blood?”


The Host made a face as he handed Angel the glass, “Not all your dreams are about blood. Really… You know everyone has dreams, my little lamb. Dreams that anchor them to this world and keep them in the fight. Dreams happen. You have to will them. Of course, that’s never a solo performance.”


Angel gulped the blood in one swig and mumbled, “Dreams…”


He only ever had one dream. One beautiful dream, of sunshine hair that fell to strong but delicate shoulders… And with eyes that had all of the colors that thrived in the fresh world of the living. From that first day she graced him with her glorious presence, it was always only- Buffy…


"We just need a little something to bring those dreams out," said the Host as Angel felt his eyes begin to strangely droop.


Suddenly the act of sitting up straight became too difficult for him, and Angel fought to keep from falling off the stool. The Host saw the struggle and eased the vampire out of the chair. Stumbling, the Host gathered the vampire around his shoulders and tried to make his way to the spare bedroom in the back. The green demon walked Angel over to the room, his large body almost sinking to the floor.


“Let’s pray that at least this sharing of dreams won’t be like your last experience,” the Host smiled as he managed to get a sleeping Angel on the bed.


Angel turned and settled into the mattress, mumbling in his sleep, “Buffy…”


The Host grinned again as he closed the door, “Hope your Buffy is up for it.”




Angel found himself in the familiar dimly lit room, as if were suddenly four years in the past. He saw the menagerie of stuffed animals lying on the bed, the small Mr. Gordo leading the pack. He heard the rustle of the delicate butterfly wings flapping, as the friendly mobile turned in the gentle wind.


He looked at her younger sixteen year old face… Thinking that no matter how much time had passed from then until now, she always had that golden quality unto her. She was fresh with vitality and youth, but somehow with a graceful and strong maturity as well…


Angel suddenly found himself saying those dreaded words, “I'm older than you, and this can't ever… I better go.”


“H-how much older,” Buffy questioned, suddenly acting on the same pull that Angel felt toward her.


But Angel did not want to expose her to his darkness and tried to move away, “I should-“


“Go,” she finished for him, walking over to gently block his escape. “You said…”


But Angel never heard the rest of what she had to say, finding his body slowly drawn to hers. And all at once- their mouths sweetly met for the first time, falling into the sweet ambrosia. Their lips parted for a moment- only to be tenderly brought back together, losing themselves again. Passionately, Buffy wrapped her arms around him to bring Angel closer. Angel let himself indulge at the feel of her lips, caressing her neck to keep her close as well. They got so lost in each other, lost in their love. All of his hidden hopes and dreams- bombarding Angel’s senses. His mind and demon were overwhelmed by this love, stirring a fire his cold blood.


No, no, no, no… Angel used all of his will not to ruin this beautiful moment, not to have the demon manifest its evil countenance. Just a moment longer…


But he felt his sharp demon fangs start to extend, and the beginnings of his rumpled vampire brow surface. He refused to pollute the beautiful light of his life.  She would not touch such darkness… Ever. Angel jerked away from her, turning his face to the floor so she could not see him- a monster.


“What? What is it? What's wrong,” Buffy asked in concern, trying to get him to look at her in the eye.


Angel could no longer fight the demon’s compulsion, and looked at his eternal enemy straight in the eye. He never forgot the terror that marred her features, or the blood-curdling cry that bellowed from her lips. They would forever haunt him like this- in his dreams… And follow him until he was dust.


He waited for the sound… And waited… Though the scream never came. Angel was almost afraid to blink. That if he did- she would be gone. His eyes firmly held onto the vision. Thinking that somehow, if he held her with his arms and his eyes- he could will her to stay. He needed see her too much… He couldn’t let his dream be forever lost.


To his astonishment, Buffy moved her body close to him once more. With the eyes of a lover, she raised a tentative hand to the vampiric features.


“Oh,” she warmly whispered, running her tiny fingers over the ridges. “I didn’t even notice.”


Angel was speechless as she moved her mouth to kiss each bump. Trailing downward from his forehead, to his nose- and finally, opening her mouth to kiss his full lips. Her every kiss always with the same bright intensity. Making him feel whole and truly alive.


He knew full well, that Buffy had not reacted this way… not at first. And every time he dreamt of this- it always ended with that horrified scream… Or worse yet, they ended with something even more befitting the lowly creature he was. Dreadful, horrible things Angel would find himself doing. But at very least of his nightmares, there was always that single truth- her scream. Why was this time suddenly different?


Angel pulled away from his Buffy’s gentle touch to see that the room was suddenly different. What caught Angel’s attention first was the calendar, its big red numbers blazing the year 2001. He looked closer and saw the rustling mobile was gone, along with some of the other pictures that had adorned the room’s walls.


Angel turned back to Buffy and saw her face, different but somehow still the same. It was another one of the amazing parts about her. No matter how many years had past, there was that same glorious face of blinding sunshine. Continually changing details, but in the end she always remained the same. A woman and a girl, his anything and everything… His Buffy.


“My hair is longer now,” Buffy smiled, sensing his unspoken thoughts. “When I first moved here I had-”


“Beautiful hair,” Angel added, daring to move his hand through the locks. “Always beautiful hair… No matter what the length. At Hemery… In college… Beautiful.”


Buffy leaned into his touch but thoughtfully said, “Angel, I didn’t know you had nightmares about this…”


He shook his head sadly, “But it’s the trut-”


“You can’t keep torturing yourself like this, Angel. You just can’t because… I- I- I’ve always loved you,” Buffy said, her gaze softly penetrating his.


Angel began to protest, “But not-”


“All of you,” she quietly calmed him. “I’ve always loved ALL of you. It was our first kiss. It HAD TO be beautiful. And our kiss was.”


The way she gently caressed his still demonic form… The feel of her lips on his mouth, the smell of her hair… His dreams hadn’t been this vivid since-


Feeling his face relax into his human features again, Angel tried to understand it all, "But this can't be- I mean we're not... Are we sharing dreams again?"


"That would explain a few things,” she smiled, like she had aimed for the lowly treetops but instead shot the moon. “Usually at this point in my dreams, we've stopped talking."


Angel cast a half-smile to her, “In mine we don’t talk we just…”


Buffy raised an eyebrow in mock surprise, “We… What?”


“We,” Angel began, but stopped himself. “We… Need to talk. There are some things… I don’t know why I’m here like this- the Host probably did this-“


“The who,” Buffy absently asked, staring into his eyes.


“A friend,” Angel said to her, trying hard not to loose himself in her again. “I-I… I’ve been going through some things… Cordelia and the others-”


“I don’t want to talk about Cordelia,” she gently interrupted, suddenly unafraid to plant tiny kisses on his neck. “I just want you…”


"I need to tell you," he replied softly, gently giving her quiet kisses in return. "That I've-"


“We’ve been through so much,” Buffy breathlessly interjected. “Angel, I guess what I’m saying is that I… Its enough for you just to be here… To love me.”


“Really,” he softly queried, running his hair through his fingers.


“Things are bad for both of us. There’s stuff on my end too- the council, a new demon… But you don’t need to say anything,” she sighed, her tiny hands drumming along the lapel of his black coat. “We’re here now… We need this, we need each other.”


“Buffy,” he sighed feeling himself fall back into her wonderful body, as she began to remove the coat.


She turned his face back to her, “We can talk tomorrow on the phone, Angel. This is our chance to hold onto something. Our anchor to the world…”


Stunned, he almost fell over at what she was implying, “S-s-s-o you, you want to-”


Buffy stopped him with another kiss and said, “Here… Now, this is for us- only us… Just…Kiss me.”


And as Angel kissed her passionately back, the last of his fears trying to get its way,   “We can't- you may make... um... sounds, in your sleep.”


"This is our dream,” she huskily answered, eagerly pulling the dark purple shirt out of his pants. ”And I want it all.”


“I want you… All of you, in my soul- in… everywhere,” he confessed, slowly rubbing his hands over her breasts encased in the silk of her pastel green pajamas.


He used his hands to tease her breasts, the soft pillows seductively heavy in his hands. Angel loved to feel her small body, needing to be closer to her more and more. Wanting more of her to touch, his right hand smoothed down over the slick fabric- over her stomach, stopping when he had reached the juncture of her body. He rubbed the erogenous zone over her pajamas, aroused that he could already feel her wetness gushing through the fabric. He kept up the erotic activity at the two delectable places of her body, feeling himself harden even more that he had been before.


She groaned at the his soft touches and arched into him, “Ohhhhh, Angel! Mmmmmm… Mom is staying, staying- oooh… yes…overnight at the hospital for her…. Ooohhh… weekly scheduled checkup…. And- ah! Ooohhhhhhhh….”


“And what,” Angel prompted her, still rubbing her breasts with his left hand but began to slowly unbutton her shirt with his right.


“Dawn is… sleeping….oooooh…sleeping…. Yes, Angel! Mmmm… over at her friend's,” she moaned out her sentence, as he continued to rub.


“Then your alone,” Angel whispered nuzzling at her bare shoulders, softly running his hands through her hair and over to her back so he could kiss the golden skin.


Buffy thoughtfully looked into his chocolate eyes as she took off his shirt, “I'm alone, Angel. I have been ever since you left. I need you… Need you to-“


“Fill you,” Angel answered for her, knowing exactly how Buffy felt because he felt that exact yearning deep in his soul. “Yes, Buffy… I need to feel you, all around me- fill me too.”


“Oh yes,” Buffy groaned, as she pulled his now bare chest over her own newly exposed golden skin.


Holding her close, Angel ran his hand through her soft silky hair. He pushed aside the heavy sweet smelling golden swathe to place his lips on the tender nape of her neck. As he kissed the sensitive area, Buffy could feel him breath in the vanilla of her hair. Angel nestled his nose into the delicate strands as he kissed, and she felt the slight tickling breeze of cool air. They both shook with the intensity of it. Knowing that it was a sensitive spot for the two of them. Raining soft kisses on her nape, Angel shared in feeling of passion running through their bodies.


His lips found their way back to Buffy’s mouth, opening his own in hopes that she’d do the same. She did and when his tongue made gentle contact with hers, it only added to their eternal need for each other. After a long while Angel pulled just slightly away to look at her, feeding his starved and hungry senses.


“We’re here together,” Buffy smiled, moving his hand along his strong jaw in a loving caress.


“I know,” Angel admitted, fondling her lower curves as he spoke. “It’s just hard for me to belie-”


At the drop of Angel’s voice Buffy’s eyes opened from their lusty heaviness, “Angel? Is there something-”


“Shhh. I’m testing a theory,” he whispered seductively, kissing her mouth again before moving them backwards to her bed. “I had an idea.”


“An idea,” Buffy asked breathlessly in between their sweet kisses.


“Oh god… Yes,” he exclaimed, as Buffy’s hands found their way inside his black plants. “And…Ahhhhh, yes! Yes, to you… And, and- yes that… that, I-I- GOD!!! I-, I- I had an idea…”


“Your idea,” Buffy urged him, barely able to get the words out herself, as he slid his hands back to her pajama bottoms.


Angel continued his loving ministrations trying to explain as he touched and kissed, “I want to wait… Until-I uuuuuhhhhh…mmm… Buffy! I want- want, want you naked.”


And with that husky declaration, his craving hands slowly slipped the silky pants, down. His kissing lips trailing the sliding fabric, down. Down her luscious hips, down her firm thighs, down her tanned legs, down her tiny ankles-until the fabric was away…  All that was left was beautiful, amazing Buffy. Angel stepped closer to her full body again, pressing slow wet kisses softy into her face.


“The idea is only half finished,” Buffy panted, momentarily stopping her teasing to pull down his open black pants.


With the same deep reverence, she tugged the rough material down Angel’s body. The worn and weary threads clung to Angel’s frame. Clearly showing his arousal for her but forcefully restrained his being, in a prison of cloth and darkness. Buffy now tore down the walls of that jail, his black silk boxers the only cover that graced his frame. Buffy gently tore at that last silken barrier, until Angel was as bare as she.


“There’s still one more part to this,” Angel whispered down to Buffy in passion.


Buffy smirked from her kneeling position at his feet with a full view of his large hard penis, the member proudly commanding her full attention. She smiled inwardly at the sight, how every part of Angel consumed her- filling her senses so that all Buffy knew was Angel. His body. His soul. The former part of him, she was now engaged in licking- his delightful hips, the chiseled curves of his derriere, those yummy thighs…


“And I’m happy to oblige it,” Buffy murmured, moving to suckle the spot of his tight pale torso- the very spot of skin just before it melded into his hard erection.


Still in a quiet haze at her healing touch he didn’t realize what Buffy intended until she started placing wet kisses over the length of him. Buffy was eager to reach his tip, as she happily noticed the delicious pre-cum streaming out of him. Her mouth had just made contact with the tip of his member before awareness rushed forth and he managed to gently lead her back up on her feet.


“That’s not the part I had in mind,” he quieted, knowing her playful complaint before she breathed it aloud.


“You can’t stop me,” she smiled, giving him another long kiss on his full lips before continuing. “Can’t- can’t stop me from going back there.”


Angel grinned, not saying a word but instead quietly lifting her to the bed. The white comforter had never felt so soft and inviting until now, with Angel so deliciously close to her wanting body. He half sat on the side of her bed, pressing cool kisses to her lips and face before he spoke to her.


“This is what I wanted…Always wanted… Just you,” his long fingers running through her hair, but again gave her another smile. “And… Well, let me see if it worked-”


He held her close, leaning a little forward to look inside the white drawer next to her bed. Buffy was about to ask why he was looking in there, until he produced a beautifully carved glass bottle. She looked in amazement at the unfamiliar bottle, filled with a rich amber colored liquid.


“I was alone, on the pier in Santa Monica one night,” Angel began to explain, as helped Buffy comfortably lie down on her bed. “Walking… And then I saw this little girl- and she, she was… I bought every bottle she had.”


“Of this,” she asked quietly, taking the glass bottle and opening it. “I don’t understand… Why is this in my room? What made you dream of th-”


But the scent of vanilla immediately flooded her senses. There was the sweet smelling vanilla, but there was something else in the heavenly mixture as well- she couldn’t quite describe. She gasped at the sweet aroma, as Angel took the bottle from her again.


Suddenly, she realized what it was, “This is- this, this is us isn’t it? It’s you and me. Its-“


“Vanilla and sandalwood. Mixed together, as a lotion and a massage oil,” he said, letting the tantalizing vapors waft into their nostrils. “Non-toxic, made of an all natural syrup.”


Buffy stuck a few of her fingers into the sticky wet substance, delighting in the way it gushed in between her fingers.


“It reminds me of you,” she smirked playfully bringing to mind a particular part of their lovemaking, as Angel had guessed by the look on her face.


Making her meaning clear, she massaged Angel’s member with the cool substance. She was delightfully rewarded, his thick erection sopped with even more precum than he had already. She had barely restrained herself from licking him before- but being so close… Her control… With all of this delicious stimulation, just snapped. Her mouth darted to fulfill her desire, as she lapped at the savory sweetness that formed at his darkened rounded tip.


She had taken in just the tip, just his sandalwood smell- until she worked her way up his syrup covered shaft. And when she reached his hilt, the full musk of both unique essences blanketed her in a warm passionate rush. During her limited experience with Angel’s body, she had always loved that scent of him- soft sandalwood. And even though they had spent that one night together, she knew of him probably more than she knew of herself. Buffy knew his scent. Just his taste alone could drive her into dizzying heights of passion. And coupled her with own aroma, it made the heavenly ride just as sweet as before.


“This syrup… Its like putting sugar in ice cream. The ice cream is already so sweet,” she said ducking down to seductively suck his sacs before she groaned out again. “And uhhhh- ummm… your already sooooo good.”


Angel moaned out in response as he took some more of the fluid from the bottle and eased Buffy to lie down. With her back resting snuggly on the warm mattress, her legs were already wide open and gladly eager for him. But she did not expect to feel his cool naked tongue to lave at her lips.


He kissed and tasted the her naturally sweet lips, “Mmmm… You are so very very sweet, Buffy.”


She looked up to her Angel moved above her. He caressed her hair with his free hand, and Buffy leaned into his nimble fingers that gently roamed through the strands. Buffy loved to see him like this- not just because it was clear all of his attention was focused on her and their lovemaking. But she loved to see him happy, and her heart fluttered endlessly knowing that it was because of her. And what made this a truly real love- was that she took that same happiness in him. Buffy was forever joyful in his presence, at the perfection of his body, reflecting the beauty of his soul.  That his intelligent mind knew hers so well- that all his parts knew her so well. That all of Buffy’s parts knew him just as deeply.


Angel offered her a wry grin before suckling the spot behind her ear again, “I think I need to thoroughly taste you from a head to toe a few times… Then maybe I can squeeze in a few more times with this oil.”


Buffy gave Angel a feminine grunt before stuck out her little pink tongue to wordlessly lick up the sticky amber fluid on his fingers. Angel in turn purred for her, coming to the conclusion that no matter where Buffy’s mouth was sucking him- he’d just as easily climax. Well… He’d come hard at anything she did. And being with her like this, so close- so loving… Angel wanted to envelop her- to cover their bodies with love and come.


Though his body was on fire and readily agreed with that lusty sentiment- it did not, his erection growing even bigger than before.


To feed his hunger for Buffy’s essence, he kissed down to the apex of her body- where her quivering thighs were already drenched in luscious arousal. Angel took great fervor and dedication for her succulent folds and thighs. Grasping and tasting her sweet bottom cheeks in his adventure, not unlike how Buffy had done with him earlier. He only took a moment to brush his tongue and fingers with her ruddy blossom and steamy entrance. Arousing and loving her, just as Buffy had done with him.


“Mmmm… Yesssssss…. Very, very sweet,” he mumbled before bringing his lips to suckle the sensual locale again.


His tongue titillated and teased her, but Buffy never felt any kind of frustration. She was definitely a hair’s breath away from coming- but his mouth was so wonderful… Angel’s strong and gentle lips, his questing fingers and probing tongue made sure this act was solely about love. He always strove to give her only pleasure and love.


And to see Angel delighting at the taste of her wet core… To know her happiness, was his happiness as well…


Buffy sighed at the loss of contact, but did not need Angel to explain to her why. She knew of the feast of treats to come. It was the reason why she had reluctantly stopped her pleasing and tasty endeavors that his member offered. The same reason that prompted her to wrap her firm legs around Angel’s lean waist, as he licked and crawled up the length of her body.


They desperately needed to be inside one another… And to release their souls, minds and bodies into the vast landscape of pleasure that came only from their union.


Their lips met again in a massaging and lusty kiss, as Angel slathered the remaining bottled amber fluid all over their sweaty and happy bodies. Using hands, noses, lips, tongues- any body part possible- Buffy and Angel massaged the each other. Kneeding out any tension or pain from the sorrow of their separate lives. Making Buffy wetter and Angel harder than ever before. Her hands soothed the tight overworked tendons in his back, gliding over the fine dark lines of his tattoo. Angel’s hands and mouth were happily at Buffy’s ample breasts, licking and suckling to both their pleasure. Their legs were complexly but very comfortably entangled, their pelvises grinding only enough to sense the other’s happiness.


Then, in a midst of all knowing clarity and powerful loving intensity- their bodies slowly slipped into each other. Tenderly blending these two halves of flesh and blood, into one whole and unending body of love.


Buffy and Angel’s eyes were locked together- just like the rest of their bodies. Watching their lover’s expressions of happiness and bliss as they slid into each other. Angel’s cold flesh was warmed as he was fully seated in his Buffy’s tiny form. And Buffy’s hot body was lovingly cooled with Angel’s penetrating cozily chilly frame.


Their embrace of love so tight, that if it had not been gentle- it would have surely crushed them to unspeakable pain. Yet there was only the uttermost of love and pleasure. Even the concept of pain, seemed vague and foreign to them here… In the other’s embrace.


Angel petted her wet core, even now- as his penis filled Buffy’s body. The act was so erotic for Buffy that she was utterly breathless. No sound could ever describe the rapture Angel made her feel. As they thrust together, Angel seductively petted. His finger massaging her pouty netherlips, with barely deliberate lunges. Wonderfully sandwiched between frantic abandon and slow deliberateness.


As his penis rubbed against her sensitive nub of pleasure, she used her own hands to make their love making even more charged than it already was. Buffy hungered to touch him back too, and found her tiny hands on the wet base of his penis. She stroked that sensitive root of his body, where all of their liquid arousal gathered. This action alone felt so good. To hold him in her hands and feel him sheathed in her body.  He equally groaned at her touches as she kept up her rubbing.


In the course of their thrusting and mutually sweet petting- their hands and fingers bumped together. Their hands would switch back and forth. From touching each other, to a concentration for all four hands… Four hands that petted that particular spot of the other’s body. But more often than not, Angel’s hands would wander back to caressing Buffy’s body. And Buffy would glide her fingers down and over to his.


This was heaven… Angel was always her heaven. Such strong enveloping comfort- making her feel so warm, wanted and safe. It was like this before on her birthday. It was like this in the countless dreams she had of him chronicled in her diary. And it was like this- just like this… In the strange, but wonderful flashes she’d get from time to time- of breaking a kitchen table and licking cool ice cream across his pale chest.


Buffy could imagine no place better and thought that if… when- when she died, she would be here. In Angel’s arms. With his cool hands and wet mouth, roaming her body. His penis driving deep into her, touching places no one else could reach- far deep from her womb and straight into heart. All of his touch, his presence- his existence with her like this, made her feel so…Warm…. Happily, warm.


Looking into Angel’s eyes, Buffy could tell it was the same for him. He didn’t need to tell her with his words. Though Angel did use words… Beautiful prose… When his lips weren’t engaged in the sensual dance with her own. His mouth wanted to do both at the same time, and Angel ended up with an erotic mix of the two.


“I love you, Buffy… More… More, more than anything,” Angel whispered, thrusting his body into hers, exploring her skin with his hands and mouth.


“Angel,” she moaned, her tiny fingers running through his hair as she held him close. “I love you… So much…”


This heaven, this love and happiness- was far too wide… Too large and too complete, to be contained in their conjoined bodies. Even though their souls and minds could forever revel in their love…. This love was far too encompassing, to be held in their flesh for much longer without effusion.


Angel arms wrapped around her perfect frame, trying to get even closer than he already was to this lovely, heavenly creature. Buffy held him just as close, her eyes open to fully see the wonder of him- the mind, the body and soul… How all of him converged with all of herself, with such joy and rightness. He felt Buffy everywhere, as they rolled passionately around her warm cozy bed. 


Loving her, holding her… Touching him, surrounding him…


The rapturous pleasure and their total love could not be contained- far too big and infinite… They were receiving and giving, stockpiled with such heated passion that pleaded to grow more in release. As Angel’s mouth moved back from her full breasts to her swollen pink lips, he felt himself sink even deeper inside Buffy’s core. She rose to meet his lips and his hard wild thrusts. To taste his mouth and tightly grab at his body with her hands and womb. There was just too much to be restrained in such beauty- too much titillation to show each other, too much love to tell each other… With lunges and moans and rubbing and kissing and suckling and petting and throbbing and- and so much more. It all swirled in their heads, rushing, running- until their love exploded from themselves, deep, deep, deep into dizzying climax.


Suddenly Buffy was awash in the cool sweetness of Angel. They bellowed the other’s name, as they marked each other with the sweet stickiness of their lovemaking. Buffy couldn’t help but come- squeezing and titillating even more as Angel’s thick strong effluency coated her hot inner depths. And Angel spilled himself even further at the rush of Buffy’s sweet liquid arousal heavily wetting his still hard cock.


Both knew, that no matter how many times they were together like this… That need, that want to always be together- would never fade away.


After their sweating bodies had gloriously emptied all of themselves into each other, the lovers fell back onto the soft bed. They both groaned once they fell, as their bodies jerked back to each other with the action.


Angel was eager for more, and Buffy was in complete agreement. But somehow, in between their readying gasps to join together again- unconsciousness crept in. Though they were the fiercest warriors creation had even seen, sleep won out in the end. Settling into a comfortable entanglement of limbs, love, and come- the lovers slowly slipped deep into quiet slumber…




The uninvited blare of Buffy’s alarm clock woke the young girl up, and she began to reach her hand out to silence the sound. But Buffy found she couldn’t. Because both her arms were pinned down by…


“Angel,” she moaned out with a surprise, finding him entwined with her warm body.


“Buffy,” he yelped back, just as dumbfounded at their cozy predicament.


What shocked Buffy was not only at his presence but… exactly HOW her hands pinned down. Angel’s graceful body pressed down on them, in a way she didn’t physically think was possible- but definitely not painful… Oh no, certainly not painful AT ALL…


Being in more of a position to stop the sound, he managed to wriggle one of his arms away from its home in between Buffy’s legs to get it. Angel barely managed to complete the task since his balance was offset by where his other hand still lay, behind her back.


He awkwardly hung his head down- not able to look at her in the eye, “God Buffy… I’m sorry- I hadn’t realized that this would… I better go. No- I WILL go. I’m going, and I won’t bother you and I’m sorry-“


Buffy was finally able to pull one of her arms free to tug on Angel’s shoulder, “Angel- stop. Look- you’re not burning!”


Angel looked up to speak at Buffy, but became utterly speechless at how beautiful she looked in the sunlight. Her hair shinning and golden in the light, her body bare and…


Sunlight… Buffy’s body… In sunlight… Shadowed only by his own form…


Angel looked down at himself, to see that the morning had washed him in its rays- and that for once it did not hurt him. He sat amazed at the sight. The vampire did not notice the warmth or golden glow until now- he had only felt those things around Buffy.  To him she was his sunshine, his light…


“I’m not on fire,” Angel whispered, almost as if by saying it too loud he would remind the forces of nature to burn him as they normally did.


The marvel that had really captured his attention was not just seeing his body in the sunlight. It was seeing Buffy’s own body with him that was the wonder. Buffy sensed that awe, because she felt it as well- at how in the harshest of early morning light their bodies still looked so beautiful together. Tentatively she outstretched her now free hand to feel Angel’s broad muscled chest.


“But your cold,” Buffy said aloud, and he was surprised that she did not scream out in horror at the fact.


If anything, that made Buffy eager to touch him all the more. To feel his cold but broad masculine chest and see it clearly wrapped in the golden rays of day. The sunlight came from everywhere, in all directions. Buffy hadn’t drawn in any of the curtains the night before in her room. Without the barrier, the sunlight was free to lazily drift into the room.


Buffy shook her head and turned to look up into Angel’s eyes, “We’re not dreaming… So how is this possible? Why are you-”


“In the sunlight,” he finished, looking into her own eyes. “But I’m-”


“Still a vampire,” Buffy continued, and they both just sat in amazement. “Do you think this… This was what your friend did? The Host guy?”

“He gave me something to drink and he said… He said that dreams happen. You have to will them. And that its not something you do alone,” he told her, as the sat together under the covers of her bed.


“And so this thing you drank it helped… I mean, we willed this- TOGETHER,” she asked, gesturing to the both of them bathed in warm morning light.


Angel could only nod at the revelation, and reached a tentative hand to where the sunlight had kissed Buffy’s long silky hair. Not really thinking about anything else, other than being right here, right now- this Buffy. She loved the gentle movements of his hand, and reveled in his soothing touch. And in this quiet touching… At that very moment… They knew. Angel’s soul wasn’t going anywhere- ever again.


Buffy slowly nestled herself into Angel’s chest, and they leaned down to rest against her headboard. Shakily, she moved her dainty hand across the right side of Angel’s chest. Her tiny fingers, carving hearts where his own un-beating heart lay.


And as their silent realization finally surged through Angel’s brain, a new energy rushed through his entire body. Exciting him, thinking of the possibilities- of all the things he could do for Buffy. It made him sit straight up in bed with the thought.


“Buffy- Buffy! I can do so much for you now,” he giddily acknowledged, as Buffy wrapped herself around him. “I… I can make things up to you now.”


“You don’t need to make anything up to me,” she contested quietly, sliding her hand up from his chest to his cheek.


“I can make you breakfast! Everyone’s had my eggs- but NOBODY has yet to taste my French toast,” he energetically realized, bending over to the floor for his pants, then stopping when he saw his wallet.  “No wait! I’ll buy you something for breakfast!


“Angel,” she cooed, trying to coax him back into bed.


“Anything you want. You name it,” he said, already taking out the bills for her to see. “I’ll buy out the whole deli if you want! And then I’ll take you shopping! I’ll buy you-”


Buffy stopped his slight rant with a kiss, before she put a hand over the tight fist that held his wallet. As their lips locked with passion and love, his grip loosened- and Buffy easily pried the item away from him.


She continued to kiss and suckle his lower lip, trying to caress his jaw- and deftly flung the wallet to the other side of the room. Buffy continue to delight in the feel of both her hands roaming Angel’s chest, before he stopped- realizing what she had done. 


“Mmmm… Wha- Buffy,” he questioned, when he heard the wallet flop down next to the rest of his clothing. “What are you-”


“I don’t want you to buy me anything,” she huskily declared before assailing his lips, pulling him back to her body. “You don’t need to get me anything at all- just… Touch me, love me… Be with me.”


He shook his head still doubtful that she could love him, “But don’t you want-”


“You,” she kissed, desperately clawing at the large sheets he wrapped the both of them in for modesty- wanting to expose her flesh to his. “I want you. I love you.”


Angel shook with passion at the words and her kisses at his neck yet still persisted, “Don’t you want me to make you breakfast?”


“Breakfast,” she repeated, when she finally pulled the bed cloth away from their nude bodies. “Mmmm…”


“There’s toast,” he said half convincingly, finding himself hard at her moaning- and now at her completely bare naked body.


“Mmmm, Angel- you know,” she smiled, her lips suckling his mouth and her hands rubbing down his torso to his erection. “You can give me all the delicious breakfast I can swallow… And then some.”


“Oh god, Buffy… Uhhh,” he moaned out, as her little pink lips traveled from his lips down to the spot in question.


Buffy licked at him before she looked up at his handsome enraptured features, “I don’t want your money or anything else. I just want to be with you… To have you.”


“I only want you too, Buffy. To make you happy,” he said lovingly, pulling her back up to his lips for more kissing.


Buffy groaned at the feel of his lips but hungered to taste his member, “If you wanna make me VERY VERY happy, you let me get back to what I was doing so- Hey!”


Angel effortlessly flipped her up and over, so she lay on her belly- straddling his chest. He massaged her lower cheeks, kissing and nuzzling in her soft skin before he spoke.


“If you get to have breakfast- then I think I should eat mine too,” he sensuously reasoned, his tongue lapping at her already sodden, delectable netherlips.


Buffy hissed as his tongue furthered its exploration into her tight channel, but grinned as Angel’s large and strong erection bounced against her chin. She lowered her head and took his tip into mouth, aroused at tasting the flood of precum that was already there.


As they tasted the other’s arousal, both swam in their constant and never fading need for each other. Buffy and Angel reveled in their love, and how even in the day- the night called forth pleasure.