Today Is Your Birthday


Disclaimer: Yeah, yeah- Joss Whedon still owns the BuffyandAngelverse. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with them now can we? ;)


Feedback: As always- if no feedback for me, then please feedback your favorite writer today. Consider it my one birthday wish. Well- other than the obvious thing I’d be wishing for this birthday :)


Dedication: To all my B/Aers and S/Ders, where ever you may be. To all the inspirational BA-positive folks who have come through my life and the Babble Board. Don’t think that just because Joss ran out of stories to tell doesn’t mean that me or any of the other fanfic writers have. We’re just getting started, you guys! :)


Rating: I tried to make an R-version, really I did. It was about three pages long. This is the one and only version, and it is rated NC-17 for romantic smut.


Distribution:Sure thing! Let me know where you’re posting and I’ll bring the yummy baked goods as a house-warming present. :)


Background: Not really spoiler-specific, but consider this as taking place not too long after Angel Season Five’s NOT FADE AWAY and therefore Buffy Season Seven’s CHOSEN.



She handed him a bag with tissue paper sticking out of it and smiled, “Happy Birthday!”


Confused, he gratefully took the bag and gave it a little shake. He knew HER birthday was just around the corner, but Angel had planned on giving her something. Not the other way around.


Angel moved the files he’d been reading and put them on the night table beside their bed. He’d been a tiny bit disappointed Buffy hadn’t come to bed yet, still wearing her nightgown. It was why he tried to busy himself with work in the first place, thinking that maybe he read her mood wrong. Having actual sleep was probably what she wanted tonight, and as long as he could be near to her- he had no complaints.


They were still in the tentative stages of their new life together. But since they’d safely re-consummated their relationship, Buffy had seemed to adopt his life-long habit of going to bed naked. It was a habit he’d heartily encouraged.


“Buffy- today isn’t my birthday,” he said, wrinkling his brow at the brightly colored pastel package with hearts over it.


He’d been concerned at seeing the words “We make your Birthday HAPPY” on the bag’s front. Its wrapping was uniquely Buffy’s. He’d playfully hid the wrapping paper from her during Christmas, despite her half-hearted insistence that her gift wrapping skills had improved. He remembered shopping together, how she opted to buy several nice gift bags for her presents to Willow, Xander and the others. They also found some decorative mailing boxes to send to Giles and Dawn while they were stuck in London. Dawn was fully expecting her Christmas present, official slayer scouting mission or not.


But he didn’t see her buy this particular package.


She hopped into bed and it made her night gown rustle against the silk covers, “Do you even remember when your actual birthday is?”


“No, but-”


“Well then that settles it,” she said, cutting him off and inching the package closer to his side of the bed. “I’m officially declaring it your birthday today.”


“Thank you,” he said, letting himself smile at the silly and completely thoughtful gesture.


“Well you can show me your full appreciation for my… gifts, when you open it,” she exclaimed, now practically shoving the package into his lap.


But the look in his eyes alerted Buffy to his teasing, and she rewarded him with a flirtatious pout. His focus was more on kissing that perfect pouty lip, that he hadn’t looked at what he’d been unwrapping…


He was puzzled at the clear box and looked at the two cubes inside of it, “What is it?”


“You know that color-me-clueless look is very sexy on you,” she seductively giggled, curling up next to him. “But really.. for a vampire who’s had 251 years of experience, I’d have thought you’d know.”


“Is it something I can use at the office,” he sincerely asked, realizing that there were letters on the cubes themselves. “A glorified paperweight?”


“Aaaaangggeeellll,” she drawled out, shaking the box and giving him a better look at the words as she whispered her answer. “These are specially made love dice.”


“Love dice,” he slightly stammered, the feel of Buffy’s hot soft breath at his ear making any sort of speech difficult.


“Yes,” she nodded, sliding closer to his lap. “You know, it’s the ‘roll-the-dice-then-do-whatever-they-tell-you-to’ kind. Watch…”

His blonde goddess shook the clear box and Angel watched the red dice roll inside their plastic prison. The dice slid to a stop revealing the words SQUEEZE and MOUTH. Confused at how exactly Buffy intended to do that, Angel was surprised at how she leapt into his lap and sought out his mouth.


Lips. Warm luscious Buffy pouty lips, molesting his mouth. Quick to action, he heartily kissed her back- letting his tongue play with hers as her lips parted for him. He groaned through their kisses, as her talented mouth locked onto his lower lip and massaged it. She gently squeezed the fleshy appendage between her own two lips, Had his soul not been bound- Buffy would have surly sucked it out through his mouth from her all-too-welcome ministrations.


He gulped a needed, supposedly unnecessary, breath as the kiss ended. Buffy buried her head at Angel’s neck, taking a few labored breaths of her own. She hid in the crevice of his shoulder, smelling his aftershave and his natural Angel-scent. She turned up to look at him as she handed him the contraption.


“Your turn,” she smiled, peppering a kiss to the would-be-pulse-point at his neck.


The dice rattled in their container and Buffy nestled into him, awaiting the outcome. When SQUEEZE and NECK popped up, he wasn’t sure how to proceed. But Angel always felt he was a creative soul. Given any set of directions, he’d be able to fully pleasure Buffy. But any ideas he had with the two words resembled torture more than anything erotic or pleasurable or fun. Though Angel was a very quick study…


Angel flipped her faster than she realized and Buffy’s world took on a more seductive angle as she lay on her back. His mouth descended on her neck, and for a moment the blonde slayer hoped he’d ignore the dice instructions in favor of other delights. She moaned out as his lips found HIS SCAR. His lips rubbed against the raised edges of the two puncture marks, as his mouth massaged and sucked the former wound. His hands slipped from their grasp of her hair, massaging the juncture of her neck and shoulders. She felt her entire body go slack at such stimulation. Well most of her body. Other parts squirmed and squeezed and tightened in anticipation at the feel of Angel all around her. Her eyes drugged with sexual sensation ands sought out the clear box for another roll.


Angel managed to contain himself for a moment as the dice rattled again. He saw Buffy’s eyes light up at their message of KISS and ?. Dazed from their heated kisses, it took him a moment to figure out a question mark meant a wildcard. Before he could ask what she intended to do with her wildcard he found himself flat on the bed, looking up into her soft every-color-eyes. Buffy straddled his waist, exaggerating a pause while she thought about the delicious choices on her tasty menu.


“Hmmmm,” she purred, putting a dramatic finger to her chin and tilting her head in mock thought. “I get a kiss ANYWHERE on your body…. Hmm… Oh what to do, WHERE to do it?”


His eyes reflected the sparkle of mischief that glowed in her hazel ones, “Well, your long distance plan affords you free kisses from me in any day ending with y.”


She deliberately teased him, placed a small slightly open mouthed kiss to the tip of him. Buffy’s lips were pliant and inviting, but not engulfing- merely licking at the precum seeping from his erection. She tongued the moist head, with a tiny little kiss on his hard flesh as Angel grunted his approval. His lover was so agonizingly slow… a small kitten-like lick at the root of him, a nip at his shaft, a fleeting nuzzle to his rounded sacs… She was trying to bait him.


And it was working.


His hands tangled in her golden tresses and he drew in heavy breaths as she slowly made her way back to the head of him. Her eyes bore into his as she delved into the sinful delicacy that was Angel’s body. An animal growl passed through his lips at the feel of Buffy’s tongue around his erection. His control was minimal at best, and it took all his near 300 years of willpower not to explode just yet. He felt Buffy’s mouth slowly move over the hard length of him, still teasing him but quickly picking up the sensual pace. His penis was slowly sucked into the tight wet gulf of her mouth- her tongue scalding him up and down. Her hands joined in this ménage trois of body parts, fondling him at his base before she raked her nails lightly on his balls.


He felt the rush of dead blood to his ever hardening penis as he hollered out, “Ahh- OH GOD, BUFFY! Uuuhhhh!”


So, so, so much pleasure- so, so, so very close to release. And Buffy had taken a truly carnal delight to making him come this way. He was thrilled to see that fire of enjoyment in her eyes. Aroused to see her nipples hardened in her own pleasure at this oral act. He had no doubt that sweet spot between her legs was just as wet and tight as her tiny little mouth. Maybe even more wet, but he couldn’t imagine anywhere else that could be wetter than feeling her tongue on him as she sucked.


Her mouth was completely around him now, and lord help him- Angel could feel himself down Buffy’s throat. How she still managed to breathe, let alone make those yummy mmmmm-noises while she gulped him… His self-restraint was razor thin, with glorious punishment wrought from her tongue.


Her tongue wildly stroked his cold hard flesh, making wet smacking noises as sucked at the very root of him. He could feel himself filling, getting so completely full- no doubt soon to erupt. His whole body was alive with the electricity of it, paralyzing him to anything except the pleasure of Buffy’s mouth.


He tried helplessly to warn her about his eminent messy release, but his words morphed into pants and moans before they could fully form. Angel chanced a look down at Buffy’s bobbing head, shocked at the practically predatory gleam in her hazel depths.


Those eyes said it all for him. Contained her love, her trust, her innocence, her seduction, her everything… And it all screamed at him to come for her.


When her hands traveled back to his sacks, frantically petting him and as she bared down all of her mouth on his cock at once- it was his own undoing. Her lips gripped at his hard full head and he felt her palms clenched at him everywhere- every, every, every, every where…


“Buffy,” he rasped, finally bursting with sex- as Buffy sought to load herself up with his eager pumping release.


This was peace and arousal unleashed as he felt his hard release leave his body. She relentlessly engulfed him whole, swallowing all he had to offer her. God, she hadn’t even stopped at the climax of his gratification. She was still pushing him further, farther, deeper into the land of sexual excess. Still practically puffing him in her mouth until the solid waves of pleasure echoed in his sweaty, spent body. His fingers softly, leisurely massaged Buffy’s scalp- pulling her lips reluctantly away from his member.


He cradled her in his arms, shaky fingers stroking her scantily covered back… Up and down, up and down. Trembling in her arms did not stop him from peppering Buffy’s mouth with kisses, reverently opening them up to caress that miraculous tongue. Nor did it stop those strong fingers from rubbing her hard little nipples around in the silk nightgown she still wore. He made her feel so good, so very, very good. Whole. Complete. Truly loved. And pretty damn sexy to boot. She rolled her head back at his ministrations, thrusting her breasts closer to that marvelous sexual stimuli. Buffy panted at the feel of his cool breath as it tickled her eyelashes.


“Everyone needs their proper birthday suit attire,” he said to her, gritty with longing and carnal desire.


Her little pink mouth opened for a saucy retort, but Angel didn’t give her a chance to make one. He kissed her soundly again, pushing down the thin spaghetti straps past her shoulders. Angel kept on nipping at her lips as he pulled that tiny sexy powder blue strip of material down her full curves and away from her soft heavenly body.


“Mr. Grabbyhands,” Buffy purred before she lost her herself in his cool lips and lecherous tongue.


He tried desperately to get his fill of her breasts with his hands and her lips with his mouth, “Mmmm… I love you too.”


She sighed, feeling him already start to harden again as they ran their hands along each other’s body. Buffy needed to have him inside of her, desperately needed to feel her hot sweet release meld with his cool unconditionally loving body. He was already priming her for this explosion, rubbing his hardened member over her wet tight opening. She grunted at not feeling his entire body inside of her, seeking that hardness to rub against the hot slick part of her clit.


Buffy gripped onto his strong pale shoulders, trying to pull him closer to her fevered body. She craved and yearned and loved and lusted for this man. THIS man, and no other man ever made her feel so alive. With him, she was wanton- dripping sexuality, for him. It rushed in her blood- thumping and bubbling in her heart, heating her body to sugary stickiness that pooled deep in her belly. A sugary stickiness that Angel was wholeheartedly seeking to suck out through her tongue and mouth… Or any other of her dripping orifices. He wanted to feed at them all.


Her breasts felt sensuously heavy in his hands, her nipples full and hard from the lavish attention he used to fondle her. His left hand trailed down over the soft full curves of her breasts, his cool fingers leaving a tingling trail that meandered all the way over to her thighs. He massaged, but never trespassed over to the inner sanctum of her intimate lips.


“Tease,” she half accused, half complimented with closed pleasure-filled eyes that felt his touch everywhere.


His open mouth sucked at her tongue and a heartbeat later, she felt his lips seek the delights in the soft pillows of her chest. Angel began to lick at the fleshy underside of her left breast, his right hand still massaging the delicate nerves of her other nipple. His tongue slid all over the dark pink of her breasts, tasting the decadent perspiration that called her chest its home. His tongue slowly took its final lick before beginning a descent to her ribs and kissing her navel. Buffy knew this road very well and with the fire of lust raging in his eyes, it made her breath still in her lungs at the anticipation.


Teasingly- his hand was still at her right breast, only now grazing her nipples slowly. His other hand was still infuriatingly at her hip, but not deep inside her wet folds as she yearned for him to be. Nor urging her to spread herself even more out in front of him, as she was more than willing to do.


With a veneer of innocence, Angel’s lips began to tease the skin near her folds, “A birthday boy has to have his special birthday treat to eat.”


Buffy could only groan her agreement.


“Which is why I’m surely very hungry,” he said soothingly, but inflaming Buffy’s senses by running his lips and nose over her wetness.


His tongue made first contact, running along the pink lushness- provoking all sorts of heavenly responses from Buffy. Soon he found the tight full nerve at the center of Buffy’s pleasure, wrapping his lips around the jewel and sucking her with a raging intensity. Her nails raked along his shoulders in encouragement, begging him for more of his tongue to her body. She gasped at the flicks of his tongue over her clit, knowing he’d make this fantastically earth-shattering, but have it last. ”


It in for the long haul. What a trooper.


Who was he kidding- he was just as desperate for this as Buffy was, needing to make love to her this way. Beyond her current intoxication of this sexual ecstasy, Buffy knew this deep in her blood. She felt the iron in her veins drawn to his lips like a magnet- pulling him nearer to her honeyed opening. His tongue was replaced by his cool fingers, stroking her wet flesh and rubbing her clit in that oh-so-wonderful way of his. Those talented fingers, working out her hot throbbing flesh… He made Buffy moan at the need to have them plunge into her, stroking the center of her pleasure as she felt his tongue just hovering over her opening. She was so close as it is, feeling her body so desperately on the verge of-


“Roll the dice,” he mumbled, his lips slightly off her skin- close but not close enough for Buffy.




“I want you to roll the dice while I taste you,” he said, his words blowing cool and tantalizing puffs of air against her warm ready mound.


Angel guided one of her hands away from his shoulder and placed the plastic box in her trembling fingers. He backed up slightly- to look deeply in her eyes, still only a hair’s breath away from her ruddy glistening flesh so anxious to come. Angel’s tongue gave just the tiniest bit of brushes to her wet inner lips. She gripped his head and the box, her hips arching off the bed to seek out the talents of his mouth. His left hand rubbed her hips as he resumed fingering her with his other hand, only at a much slower pace than before.


“Roll the dice… Please,” he begged, his tongue flicking her clit in another subtle tease.


Her gasp was loud enough to drown out the sound of the love dice hitting the inside of their plastic prison. Buffy’s eyes were half closed, she didn’t care what she rolled- just as long as Angel’s tongue and fingers didn’t stop wetly rubbing her.


“Buffy,” Angel practically purred, licking away at her and picking up his pace. “What do they say?”


Her eyelids slit open as she ground down on him and rasped out her reply, “Rub chest!”


She felt his lips curve into a smile against her delicate flesh at the command. Buffy audibly sighed when his fingers slowly left her body. Buffy looked down to see Angel sucking on his fingers, greedily consuming the wetness that slathered them. She shivered to feel his moist, but not completely drenched fingers roll her hard nipples with the pad of his thumb. A completely deep, powerful, sexual thrill surged all through her hot body. Knowing where those skillful fingers were minutes before… The same place his tongue was eagerly making itself very, very, very comfortable… Buffy felt her orgasm boiling inside of her as Angel continued to suck and rub her.


“Roll, sweetheart,” Angel moaned again in between licks.


Buffy slammed the contraption down on the mattress, not a real shake- but Angel’s mouth and hands were glorious distraction enough. In her pleasure-hazed mind she saw the words CHEST and RUB again, not caring if the dice hadn’t really moved. She groaned as Angel licked her clit and fingered her all at once. Buffy released her death grip on the plastic box and moved her fingers to touch her soft warm breast. Angel looked up and nearly came at the sight of seeing Buffy touch herself. Buffy mimicked his actions at her right breast, Angel’s left hand continued the fervent massaging of its large twin. The look in Angel’s eyes made Buffy shiver even more as she stroked. She knew he was planning something…


His tongue left her soft bundle of nerves, leaving his fingers in charge to marvelously stroke at her. Buffy felt so exposed to him, her thighs splayed out just for his fingers and tongue. She continued to stroke her breasts for him, her other hand now helping his fondling fingers get in the best rubs to her left nipple. Her nails dug into that hand the moment she felt his tongue begin to slide into her entrance. Angel had tongued her like this before, but each time he did it- she felt the cool wet sensation down at the very marrow of her bones. His tongue wildly licked her slick walls, creating pockets of pleasure inside Buffy that Angel religiously reveled in. His tongue drove into her even deeper- past the shallow insides, drilling itself hard into her vagina. The friction of this sexual exploit was too much for her- the heat inside of her reaching its breaking point as he tongued her. He struck a final hard chord in her body- rubbing her clit and using his tongue to constantly thrust into her was too much. She arched off the bed, giving his mouth full access to the sweet release that poured out of her body as she orgasmed.


Buffy came hard on his tongue and screamed out, “Uhhhh, uhhhh, ahhhhhhh- ooooohhhh goooood, Angel! Mmmm…Oh, oh, oh!! GOD! GOD! ANGEL! Oh, god- ANGEL!”


He grabbed at her firm backside, pushing her sex even closer to his mouth- so that his lips and tongue could suck all of that oral bounty out of her. He drank her, gobbling up the wet release her hips were shaking out with wave after wave of her coming. She still slightly rocked her thighs at this warm aftermath, as he still continued to lick- slowly working her body as her climax rushed out of her. Gently he slowed his fingers and mouth, eased until they were gossamer caresses against her hot quivering sex. He didn’t need his preternatural hearing to listen to her gasping for air, her body already trying to recover from such delicious adventure.


His head found his own nesting place between her breasts, the rest of his strong hard frame locked between Buffy’s pulsing thighs. Angel stared up at her face, red and flushed with exertion that came from centuries of lovemaking. He couldn’t help pressing his lips to her body, in the hollow of her breasts- listening to her quickened heartbeat.


He feathered kisses onto her skin and murmured, “I love you. I want to always make you feel good…”


“Me too. Its part of who I am, because I can’t really be real Buffy without my Angel- I’m not really me without you,” she semi-rambled, her climax still coloring her cheeks a rosy shade of aroused.


After a moment Buffy opened her eyes, her hands trailing down Angel’s shoulder blades and to seductively trace his tattoo. They both savored the quiet happy moment, basking in the aftermath of their love. Yet Angel couldn’t deny the love and lust that still roared in his belly, still needy for more of his soulmate. His body had ached at seeing how Buffy practically fondled herself in front of him. The voyeur in him was titillated. He took an even bigger sexual delight at having a direct hand in Buffy’s coming, so to speak.


“Mmmmm…. You, touching yourself… So ripe, lush and wanton,” he practically growled. “And then when I get to touch you….mmm…”


“Must rub off from who I live with,” she exhaled, remembering the private “show” Angel treated her to just last night.


He moved back up her body, in a quest to get back to the home of her mouth. The pilgrimage didn’t end once his lips found hers and kissed them. He opened his mouth in supplication, letting his golden goddess’s tongue reach in, soothing and inflaming the depths of his soul. Buffy sought out the hard rod of Angel’s erection, and had no troubling guiding him into the cavern of her hot smooth wetness. She hissed in pure satisfaction and gave Angel a frantic nod to let him know she needed him right this very second. He pushed himself all the way into her- hot, tight and unbelievably slippery. Angel had to take a moment himself, plunged in Buffy’s body, so warm and obscenely lubricious. Release raced inside him, titillating him inside of his thick shaft. No matter how many times they had made love in the past, or as he hoped, into the indefinite future, Angel completely lost himself in her. And my god, Buffy’s wet heat surrounded him here as tightly as it did when he was in her mouth!


Angel was enraptured in the sensuous feast of all that was Buffy. From resting his head into her vanilla scented locks and surrounded by her fabulously taut body as he plunged- he felt all of her. Perfect happiness. And all of that perfect happiness came from their love- celebrated in this sweaty, naked, unyielding and forever-melding-together kind of union. It was this sort of complete joy and sexual ecstasy that coursed through Buffy’s veins as well, making her eyes twinkle with pure unbridled bliss.


They began to grind together as soon as he as he seated himself fully inside of her. Neither was interested in denying their lover- each seeking to dazzle and ride the other until they burst into sticky sweet orgasm. Angel gathered Buffy nearer to him, his hands grabbing onto her slim waist and tanned back to keep her close. Gratuitously he thrust into her, his cock setting up a hard rhythm in her body. She licked his lips before she rained down her kisses. Buffy bucked up to meet him with groans of approval at each steamy pulsing snap of flesh. Hints of both their earlier releases flavored their wet kisses with its electric sexual buzz. He was relentless and Buffy barely found words to answer the pleas pulsing from her skin as he rammed into her.


Buffy could only moan, “I love you and you just keep me coming bahhh…. And coming and cu-uuuuhhh! Oh! And harder, oh HARDER!”


Angel answered Buffy by seeking out the pleasures of her lips again. His mouth, full of kisses rather than words. Buffy felt his hands finally running up the insides of her thighs, his motions in tune to his thorough strokes deep inside of her. She reached for his callipygian haunches, a desperate grasp of his toned muscle, as she heaved forward onto his cock. Her slayer muscles tightened all around him in happy appreciation for his fabulous vampire stamina. He was inside so much of her already, sweaty and swollen in the heat of their love. She pulled away from his lips, just to admire him for a moment as their bodies thrummed into each other.


“How good do you feel right now,” she gasped, struggling not to groan too loudly or risk drowning out his response. “Right- right this very second?”


“This is…perfect, you are- perfect,” he whispered in her ear as he let his hands wander around her body. “You feel, GOD DAMN perfect!”


She was enraptured by his pleasure and could only squeak out, “I do?”


“Completely,” he continued softly, groaning as his body hammered into her happy body. “I only feel this way around you. This, uhh- this aghh-uhhhh-it’s perfect.”


His words echoed in the soft buttery flesh of her neck, his lips too tantalizing and Buffy burned for more. She pulled Angel’s lips to hers for a sloppy sugared kiss. The digits of his left hand found easy access to her clit as he kissed her, knowing what the added stimulation and his cock would do to her. He fingered her endlessly. Labored breaths were only means of expressing her orgasm, until her nails bit into his shoulders to scream out her pure pleasure. She gasped as she reveled in it, as Angel’s thrusting facilitated it. Her clit buzzed with her orgasm, electric volts of pleasure shocking through her body with her lover plunging away. She jerked around him tightly as she came, panting for him to fill her up with his release.


He didn’t stop, continuing his easy thrusts into her, his own coming not far behind. She thought he’d have burst from this too, feeling him so engorged- his thick shaft slipping in and out of her as she wetly squeezed out her coming. The girth and length of him filling her up, his full soaked sacs smacked at Buffy’s entrance- rubbing against her. The look in his eyes seemed so lecherously determined, clear to her even in the haze of her climax. Her clit was so sensitive to touch. But Angel continued to rub her, jolting her with his cock, as he slowly built up his pace. Kept going for more. More, more and more- as he pumped, and Buffy continued to be titillated- happily discovering her prurient need for MORE. Pleasure abounded her. Even the slightest of pain never surfaced as they ground together, Angel wouldn’t let it. With his penis rubbing in newer slightly erratic circular motions, Angel’s carnal revelations inflamed her.


He’d purposely held himself back for this.


She gasped at such delicious over-over-stimulation, wasn’t it enough he made her come two very, very, very long times in single session? Let alone the things he had done to her earlier in the course of the day. Her pink glistening sex was already a delighted blush of satisfied. Yet his passion was coursing into her, bringing her out of blissful numbness and into the fires of desire all over again. He could have just as easily come earlier rather than now- his jaw tight with unfulfilled need. But Angel was ravenous, a hungry soul- and just a quick melding of sweaty flesh and an even shorter spill into her wasn’t going to cut it. He needed her there with him in order for it to be heaven and she needed him as desperately as he needed her. Anytime, anywhere, his hard eager cock stuffed inside of her wet tautness is pretty damn good.


Their bodies fell in a natural and perennially dangerous angle, his cock desperately shoving into her slippery channel. His member roused her clit all and of its sister g-spots through its own hard enormity. The sweet spot of her insides frantically massaged, stretched and sang by the length of him ramming deeper and deeper. The sexual heat engulfed her body, charging in the center of wet tightness. All Buffy could feel was his hard cock inside of her, desperately thrusting into her. She cried out as his hardness filled her up, sliding in and out of her again and again. The pleasure they’d built up was too much. She was stretched to the edges of desire every time he entered back into her. Suddenly Buffy felt herself explode in sexual rapture, climaxing and gripping onto him as she rode out her peak.


She desperately worked the salty coldness out of him, her coming making him all the more primed for ejaculation. Buffy’s slippery femininity gripping Angel’s penis in most carnal of ways, as she kept rushing through each orgasm he gave her. She utterly milked the come out of his bucking cock and Angel finally surrendered into the intense ecstasy of coming. He let out a feral roar that shook both their bodies, only subsiding as Buffy’s lips closed around his mouth. The waves of bodily bliss coursed through him, as Angel streamed into her with his wet sticky love. They kissed as cold hard spurts from his shaft surged through her, seeping out from inside of her while he slowly emptied out all he had to give her. She moaned at the wet sticky cool thrusting as he worked her, causing powerful quick aftershocks in her sexually satisfied body. Another drugged kiss and his body gave a final shudder of delicious release.


Still in the daze of recovery, she urged him to lay down on her, needing the feel of his weight upon her. He grunted, in protests that were post-coital Angelspeak, that he loved her so much and worried about crushing her. But Buffy always did get what she wanted, tugged at him, and he happily complied to lay down with her.


His eyes quickly closed and for a moment, Buffy thought Angel had passed out. But she saw him take many deep “unneeded” breaths, letting out her own sigh to see he was alright. She managed a soft chuckle listening to him, hearing him mumble incoherently in his mother tongue with a hint of a leer on his lips. His mouth found hers again, and Buffy reveled in their slow softly wet kisses.


“Afterplay,” he breathed out, his fingers toying with Buffy’s hair as his lips whispered in her ear. “I’d be an idiot if I fell asleep for this.”


“Mmmmm- afterplay,” she purred, snuggling into his comfortable embrace. “Is what, exactly?”


“This part,” he explained, with an errant kiss to her scalp. “Where I get to touch you, before the NEXT time. This blurs slightly into foreplay, you see.”


“I see,” she smiled, her legs tightening around his torso. And she did see. His lingering erection only stilled slightly. It almost comically still stood at sluggish attention. Even after the maelstrom that occurred between them, its rigidity stark against her hip. Or perhaps he was as limp as a man of Angel’s size could be, it was just hard to tell as she struggled just to keep her eyes open at all. The feel of Angel’s hands running through her hair was so rhythmic and as hypnotic as all the other parts of their lovemaking. They luxuriated in this quiet time of afterplay between them, eager to touch the expanse of the other’s flesh in such a warm unhurried manner. She closed her eyes to fully enjoy him, running her hands along the planes of his body….


After few quiet moments, she ventured to fully open her eyes to look upon her eternal lover. She felt some smug satisfaction at seeing Angel’s teeth slightly chatter at the intensity of their latest bout of love making. Even her hair steadily hummed from their climax. His chocolate depths greeted her then, as his fingers moved to silky skin of her cheek. The feel of his fingers stirred cravings deep within her, though Buffy’s body tingled with climax.


Buffy still hungered for Angel’s body. And he clearly still hungered for her.


Buffy saw his thick hard penis bob in front of her- shamelessly, she found herself starving for him again. She still ached to have her fill of him, groaning at the thoughts of her coming over and over again- always longing for him inside of her… Demanding that he take her more and more and more. She sheathed herself in his scent and luxuriated in the cool haven his arms provided. He pressed kisses into her hair as she lay in front of him, not needing words. Angel aware of her thoughts. Buffy knew she was safe in those arms. Safe to feel her uninhibited self. And safe to explore the appetites she had for the only man she had so eternally loved.


He was so tantalizing to feel in her hands and it was her duty to make sure Angel celebrated his birthday to the fullest. And how could she resist such that large, lovely package from her birthday boy?


“This is where it blurs into foreplay now isn’t it,” she giggled, reaching out to rub his persistent erection. “Doesn’t that ever go away?”


“Mmmm,” he bellowed in appreciation. “Not if you keep rubbing me like that….mmm… This won’t go away and I won’t go away.”






She sighed at the declaration, “I won’t either. I love you… A very happy-Happy Birthday to you. If only my birthdays could be like this. They never ended quite so… satisfactually. You’d never get me to leave our bed.”


“Not even for a tryst in our brand-new-genuine-antique tub,” Angel whispered with a grin full of sin, slowly smoothing a thumb over Buffy’s clit.


“I’m open to anything,” she murmured, literally urging Angel to sit up on the bed as she spread herself on top of him. “My position is… flexible.”


“That’s good to know,” he said, his voice bellowing out of him as he felt her hot center rub all over his full erection. “Ahhhh- I-I-It means you won’t object to what I have planned for your birthday next week.”


“And just what do you have pla-”


But her words were halted by the feel of him fabulously penetrating her again as she sat on top of him. His hips pushed into her, urging her to ride him. All too soon her question was forgotten, leaning back into their thrusts. Their bodies made a perfect V and Angel had the glorious vista of Buffy’s breasts bobbing up and down with each fleshy plunge. As he felt himself slide sinfully back into her again and again, Angel tried futilely to think of ALL his options for her birthday. A knowing smile crept over his face as the plot formed in his mind. He propelled into her in earnest as he already thought of the things he’d need for his plan of birthday seduction for Buffy…