Wild Horses Are Wild Things Too


Disclaimer: For legal purposes, Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt and the rest of their posse own the characters from the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series. BUT IN ALL OTHER WAYS THAT ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT- Buffy owns Angel and Angel owns Buffy. Always and forever.


Feedback: Hey, if not for me- then for all the terrific S/D and B/A fanfiction writers out there. You guys are all super talented and make our lives easier during these sad times of post Buffy and Angel breakup.


Dedication: To Jess, thanks for letting me have back my idea and to all the B/A and S/D shippers, I love you guys! Don't worry- good things come to those who wait... I'm taking back the episode not just for me- but for all the Buffy and Angel shippers out there! We'll get our day!


Distribution: Wow? You actually want this? Well email me and I'll give it you on a silver platter.


Background:  This is a re-write of the horrible Buffy Season Four episode known as WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE. And I've changed the timeline a little bit… Only the Season Four episode HUSH has happened, so Buffy and Riley haven't really worked out their problems yet. In the Angel timeline, everything has happened up until ETERNITY.



Part I- Origins Of The Fire


Buffy couldn't quite get into the same jovial spirit as the fraternity boys around her. There were too many conflicting feelings and questions running through her mind. Partying and getting drunk no matter what the superficial allure, wasn't really ever a valid solution. So Buffy decided not to start that up now. The game was over- Riley found out her secret and she discovered what activity really occupied his nights. They mutually promised not to say anything about their extra-curricular activities and to maybe start a relationship…


So here she was. At a party in his fraternity house, trying to sort out her feelings for the secret government commando. Originally, Riley had planned for the two of them to go out together alone. Yet Buffy wasn't ready for such closeness and asked that Tara, Willow, Xander and Anya come with them. The solider reluctantly agreed to the buffers and they were here as well. As a precaution Riley got the lab closed for the night, due to a lot of people being at the party above. He also didn't want Buffy stumbling into the secret quarters accidentally. She looked across the room at Riley speaking with Graham, wondering what they were talking about.


"I think tonight is the night I'm making the move," Riley said to his friend.


Graham shook his head, "I don't know, man. Yeah- she's fly and all that… But the more I think about it.… I just don't know. There's just something about her-"


Riley worried at that remark but tried not to show it, "Buffy's not like any other girl out there, that's for sure. And I'm thinking- maybe I'm the guy for her."


His friend held his hands up in defense, "I just don't think it's as simple as you make it out to be, that's all. Tell me- do you really think you know her?"


Riley ignored the comment and turned back to smile at Buffy. She put her best nothing-face and gave a small smile back. Making sure not to encourage Riley with any extra eye contact the Slayer looked away as soon as she had the chance. Buffy turned instead to her friends, who were in the living room of the house. Xander and Anya were enjoying themselves sitting next to a smiling Willow and Tara. They were all sitting down on a spot at the floor, since all the seats were taken. The foursome were having a ball, laughing at the various jokes Xander made. For a moment she thought about going over to the group, but she stopped herself feeling that she'd just be intruding.


The crowd seemed too loud and drunk for any conversation either. And truth be told, Buffy suddenly felt like being alone. Especially when she saw Riley move across to the room for her. She acted quickly and disappeared into the thicket, leaving him behind in the chaos. With the stealth only a Slayer could muster, she quietly climbed up the back staircase to the second floor.


The upper floor was somber and still, a stark contrast to the rumble below. The girl stopped for a second and wondered if any of the pledges brought their female conquests up here to seal the deal. Although Buffy remembered that one of the drunken men had tried to drag her to the spare rooms in the back of the house rather than up here. No one seemed to be here and Buffy felt confident she wouldn't be disturbed.


"Well if it's one thing I can count on- it's the Lowell house boys not wanting to make out unless they have easy access to the beer," she said to herself.


Buffy found one of the bedroom doors slightly ajar and tentatively stepped in. To her relief the room was clean and empty, void of anything except a bed with white sheets. She figured it must have been one of the extra rooms the fraternity offered to alumni when they were in town. Thankfully she locked the door behind her and crawled into the soft bed. She kicked off her shoes and lay down on the mattress.


"Why am I here," she asked herself out loud.


She knew the answer to that question. He wasn't here with her. She needed him… Needed him beside her to support her- to love her. Buffy turned to lay on her side and let out an audible sigh as she closed her eyes.


"Angel," she whispered. "Where are you?"




After Angel emerged from the old elevator, he slipped out of his leather coat and tossed it on a couch near the television. Another day, another demon.  As he slid out of his black boots and pants he looked out the window. It was still dark out, but the last fight he had with a few other aggressive vampires wore him out. He unbuttoned and pulled off his black silk shirt, clad in only now in his boxers.


Sometimes he wished it would all just end. With the recent debacle involving that Rebecca actress, he realized that more than ever he was just a ticking time bomb. And he found himself longing for oblivion- an end. But then a book across the room caught his eye, and he walked over to pick it up. Inside its yellowed pages lay a picture of the sole reason why he fought the darkness from taking over his entire being…


"Buffy," he breathed as he touched the edges of the black and white photo.


True, he had Cordelia and Wesley as his family. Yet after a certain point, even they left him tied up to his bed. They couldn't give him what he needed now. Only one person could move him- touch the depths of his soul to make him feel… Total Bliss.


He dropped the book and walked back over to the bed, clutching the picture both as gently and as tightly as he could. Angel pulled down the covers, stopping to smell them. The day never happened- she was never here. But why did the covers waft of her scent? Her perfume, her sweat and her essence… All combining for that heavenly aroma that was uniquely her own.


He stared down at the picture in his hands, "What are you doing now?"


Probably living the fabulous life you wanted her to have you dummy, he thought. Still he hoped… That maybe one day, he could be worthy of her. That's what kept him grounded during the storms of darkness, and what ultimately kept him sane. He thought about putting the picture beside him on the left side of the bed, just like she had been that day in November. Angel shook his head at the whimsical idea. Not wanting to mar the photo in any way, he put the picture on the bedside table next to him. He turned on his side to stare at the smiling face of his love. His wife…


"I guess that doesn't really count anymore," he sighed to himself.


As he as closed his eyes, he dreamt that possibly one day it would. Maybe he could tell her- and be the husband, friend, and lover she deserved out of a man.




The sun shone all around them as they walked through the spacious green field. Buffy looked at her side and found Angel smiling back at her. He looked simply amazing, wearing a flattering long black tuxedo and cream silk colored tie. They held hands tightly and made their way through the field to a destination over the horizon. She gave him a sweet open-mouthed kiss on his cheek, and he took in the sight of her in an elegant strapless full flowing white wedding gown.


"Scared," he found himself asking her.


She shook her head, "No… Anxious really. We have a lot of time to make up for."


Angel gave her one of his famous sexy half smiles and said, "We certainly do."


"You still need to make up for Thanksgiving," she whispered seductively.


Instead of anger or dread Angel laughed at that. Their day together brought joy to them here as they remembered their joining and not their parting. Thoughts not of how hot the newly human flesh that melded together was… But more at the wonderful freedom in their expressions of love they spent the majority of the day sharing. Here, the lovers stood a chance of expressing their feelings in a language meant for only each other. Words, caresses and signals that all demonstrated the loving passion that ran deeper than anything else in their lives.


Buffy kissed his hand and the sliver cladaugh that rested on his ring finger. The ring along with his hand felt cool- devoid of human heat. And Buffy smiled at that, it felt wonderfully refreshing against her lips.


"Does it bother you," he wondered as they continued walking.


"No," she replied honestly. "I love you either way… You're a dish served best hot or cold, you know. You feel good, no matter what."


"Just like you," he huskily moaned, suddenly impatient to reach their destination.


Buffy sighed as she felt his stimulating cool breath on her neck, "How much farther, until we're there?"


Just as soon as she got the words out of her mouth, they found their destination in the private meadow. The large mahogany four poster bed had comfortable white silk sheets flapping in the soft breeze. Buffy giggled at the size of it.


"You could fit ten tall people on that bed and still have tons of space," she laughed as he stood behind her.


He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and placed kisses on her neck, "I don't want to share you."


"Mmmm," she cooed as her hands snaked around to hold him. "Who said I wanted to be shared? Or to share you, huh? There will definitely be no Angel-sharing. Got it? You're mine, buddy."


"Yours," he agreed as he turned her around to face him. "Forever."


"And I'm yours," she smiled as he lifted her white veil to kiss her. "Always."


"Mine," he mused as she began to kiss his neck. "I love you so much."


"I love you too Angel," she said as he eagerly kissed her open and waiting mouth.


Angel had already felt himself aroused at just her presence and to his surprise he didn't worry about anything going wrong. He could sense only her lips, and her hot little hands roaming over his clothing. The cladaugh ring she wore on her left hand added more texture to the touching. They groaned inside their kissing mouths, feeling their tongues slide and vibrate at the sound. They both knew not just of his arousal but of hers too, her wet body crying out to him. Angel's hands moved from Buffy's cheek to her hair, stroking the blonde tresses and removing the wedding veil. The white headpiece fell to the ground, along with Angel's long tuxedo waistcoat.


Their kisses came a little faster and harder, both wanting to be inside of the other immediately. It was one of the beautiful parts of their relationship, they knew the other so well to speed or slow down at their whim. And whatever the action, it was always for their pleasure that extended beyond the terms of "turns". Angel needed to touch and be touched just as his beautiful lover did. It didn't matter who did what, all of their connection was exhilarating.


Buffy had striped him of everything except his black silk boxers, eager to be rid of the garment to grasp his body beneath. He wouldn't let her at that minute and she didn't mind. Her attention turned to him, playfully noting the interest Angel took in her body. He smiled and looked back at the white lace up corset with the fine silk garter belts that graced her body.


"Do you think you can handle getting it off," she asked grinding herself into him.


He groaned again and brought his mouth to her tiny ear, "I think so… I was pretty nimble, even when I was human."


"Ummm," she moaned as he kissed the lobe. "I'll believe that when I see it."


"Look," Angel prodded as he turned her around to kiss while she looked at herself.


Shocked, Buffy found she was only in her white silk stalkings. She laughed as he turned her around again to see her corset and slightly ripped panties on top of the rest of Angel's wedding clothes. She stared into his warm chocolate eyes as he laid her down on the soft covers. As he did this, Angel slid off the high heeled shoes, and exposed her feet. He kissed each foot and moved his strong thumbs in small circles at their fleshy bottom.


"Ohhhhhh Aaaaannnggeeel," she quietly cried out at how erotic he made the simple action, causing her to move forward.


Angel said her name again as he rolled the stockings down each smooth leg. He felt the energy at the actions of their time together, the need to be united and to never stop. Every kiss and touch felt like a surge of electricity thrumming through their bodies and into the cool air. Buffy sat up on the bed, to move her hands downward to rub his neck and tangle in his thick hair. He kissed his way up her toned leg, sticking his tongue in swirls around her calf and knee until he reached the inside of her thin thigh.


"Ooooooohhhhh Buuuufffy," he said in arousal, her kneading fingers more than enough to give him pure pleasure.


He continued to show his affection as he tried to fit as much of the tanned flesh into his mouth as he could. When he got a few satisfying mouthfuls, he suckled the thigh area gently and they both shivered. Angel made tiny kisses until he reached the mound of her womanhood and looked into her brilliant emerald eyes. Their eyes locked again as he parted her body with his tongue. Slowly, he licked upward. They cried out the other's name again, as he reached all of her tender spots in the single stroke.


Buffy's bodily reaction was to close her eyes to savor the feeling, but she liked the view of Angel's dancing irises much better. She could tell that he was coming with her at the action, but they both knew that no matter how many times they were excited in this way it was never enough. Though their minds and spirits were always swimming in the pool of ecstasy, their bodies knew when to finally explode in physical pleasure. Angel knew of the treats to come. He felt the same excitement as she did, but his body kept itself from erupting physically. That didn't mean his mind wasn't already orgasming with her. Buffy could feel him stiffen at her foot as she thrust into his mouth for more.


Angel teased her for a while, darting his tongue in and out of her extremely flooded orifice. He tasted all of the flesh in every direction he could, enjoying the varying tastes of the amazing buffet. Buffy gripped his hair in tight fistfuls, both strongly and carefully pushing his mouth closer to her core. All the while, chanting his name in a thankful blessing for the volts of electric bliss floating through her body.


He did this slowly and steady, changing their pace again- to fit their pleasure. Buffy felt the knot of her love growing and tightening with each lick and suckle. He forged ahead into her entrance to taste the delights there, his tongue evenly sweeping her inner walls. His nose too, took in the sweet smells her body freely offered to him. Which he gladly accepted and invited into his nostrils. The tip of his nose brushed up the swollen knot of Buffy's core. He sensed it was very full and swollen with joy, more than he thought he had ever seen it before.


Wanting to fully taste the ruddy blossom, he painstakingly slipped out of his home in Buffy's body to satisfy his need. Buffy whimpered again, but Angel felt too good and she was far from complaining. All this time their eyes were locked together in happiness. And when he moved away from her entrance, Buffy knew exactly where he wanted to go. She mewled when his tongue made contact, in a simple brush that was her thousandth mental undoing. But her body was charged and eager to release that energy as they changed the pace again, quickening the experience. The teasing was over.


His steady tongue lapped at the bodily flower before he found himself actively suckling it. More mouthfuls of her essence flooded outward and covered his face. Angel wished that he could swallow all of her- flesh and fluid in one long gulpful. His eyes screamed out that desire to never be separated, and that fully lead to the peak of Buffy's physical pleasure. She groaned as she came, all of the cells in her body seeing exploding supernovas that screamed out their pleasure. Angel felt that emotional pleasure as well, sharing the mind blowing experience with her all of the way.


Once the initial sensations quieted themselves, Buffy was surprised his mouth was still at her entrance. She felt the waves he created in her again and her eyes continued to stare down in explosion after delicious explosion. Buffy's first thought was that if he continued, she would hurt and that he had to stop. Yet Angel knew full well of the raw sensitivity their passion left in the midst, and knew just the right direction and pressure to continue making this unbelievably pleasurable for the both of them.


Buffy could have let Angel stay in this position forever, but she wanted a slight change. He was still technically clothed, and Buffy wanted him as bare as she. Buffy bent her herself forward and her hands went from his hair to his back. She tugged at him, and he instantly got the message to pull himself to her face.


"Did I hurt you," he asked ceasing to kiss her but still massaging her shoulders.


Buffy smiled dreamily holding his face in her small hands, "Noooooo, sir. I could have stayed that way forever."


Angel felt satisfied and continuing his kissing eyeing to go back to her entrance, "Then why did we-"


"You're not naked enough," she half-complained, moving her hands to his lower body.


Angel stopped to look down at his torso. Buffy's small massaging fingers roamed from his chiseled muscular stomach to the exotic lower regions of his body. Without bothering to take the black silk garment off, her thin fingers dipped below the waistband. Her hands were microns from touching the most intimate part of his body and he let out an unnecessary burst of air.


"Besides," she said in a throaty sexy voice meant for only him. "We can revisit that position again…We can revisit all the positions again…and again…and again…"


As she said this, her hands found his massive manhood and stroked it lovingly. If their love could make sounds of its own, it would crackle in that moment of correspondence. This time, it was his eyes that fought to stay open as Angel looked into Buffy's invigorating hazel orbs. But his dark orbs were wide open, because no other sight was lovelier than the one in front of him now. She raked her four fingers lightly on his manhood and smiled when it seemed her hand could no longer fit under the fabric. Buffy could feel that Angel was all but popping out of the remainder of their clothes.


She leaned over to kiss him as she deftly ripped the silk from his body and tossed it aside. Now both of them were fully exposed and Buffy began the new step in their love making. Effortlessly, they had switched places. Now Angel's back was on the soft bed and Buffy loomed over him. She took in the full view of his body, and felt his burning eyes meander down her naked flesh as well.


"Perfect," she whispered to him. "Beautiful and perfect…"


"Mo rún," Angel said, reaching up to touch her. "My secret love… Tá grá agam duit. I love you," he said in his Irish brogue that was as velvety as his skin.


"This happens every time," she smirked. "Our first time together, then in LA and now here… I've got you speaking in tongues and you make me barely able to form a sentence... I love you, Angel…"


He sighed and brought a hand to her cheek. Using the smooth backs of his knuckles, Angel’s hand softly stroked up and down her soft skin. Buffy let her head linger there for a moment, before she lowered herself to his strong chest. She kissed the pectoral muscles, while her hands were still arousing him below. At the opportunity, Angel held Buffy close so he could feel her beating heart pound quickly for him in her arousal. She loved his body, Angel could see that adoration in her eyes- eyes that sank lower and lower down his flesh. Buffy varied her rhythm of kisses, traveling down the center of his body until she reached her prize.


Her tiny hands were lost on his massive length, and Buffy had to smile at that. Angel's body was ridiculously huge and hard or just… well, ridiculously huge and hard. And he just kept getting more aroused. She loved that feeling. He would be inside of her, already the fully endowed male he was- and still swell even further at her touch. Buffy had command over his body as much as he did hers, her entrance becoming wetter as each second with her husband passed.


Wanting to make this experience as electric as possible, she forestalled doing any quick or hard movements- for now. Buffy chose more open-mouthed kisses all over him, especially at his nearly purple tip. Angel made soft almost purring noises and growls of her name as she did this. His hands fell to her silky blonde hair, gingerly massaging the scalp. But he wanted to see her honey mouth and tenderly pushed the tresses back to watch her. She let a soft stream of air escape her lips, making Angel buck forward in anticipation. Neither Angel nor Buffy could stand the teasing anymore, Buffy needing to directly touch him. Buffy brushed her lips to the peak of his member, causing another hiss of passion from her husband.


His body was weeping at his need to be with his wife, to love her and be loved. Buffy couldn't resist and slowly began licking his slit, sopping with pre-cum. His taste on her lips was Buffy's breaking point and she at once demanded to satisfy both of their urges. Still locking eyes with her husband she determinedly took his plump head between her lips and suckled. Concerned for her pleasure, Angel did not want to hurt her by pumping into her hot, wet mouth. But when her tongue stroked his sensitive underside, Buffy drew more of his erection into her craving cavity. He naturally responded and Buffy felt the electric surge of power with each of his plunges into her.


Buffy used her entire mouth- tongue and teeth to make this act as intensely charged and enticing as all of their love making had been. Buffy's heart did somersaults in her chest-knowing that Angel felt as impassioned as she did, suckling him down. This was pure heaven for her, to taste him in this way as Angel shared himself to her. She never thought she could be so enraptured at this act- but this was Angel. Her Angel… And that feeling of power stirred the most erotic sensations through all of her body. Making her want more and more of him in her body- until she engulfed him whole.


Through out the haze of fiery love, Angel's eyes never left Buffy's. Now he growled, purred and screamed out his praises to Buffy in every language he knew- demoic or otherwise. All the love he had for this woman streamed out of his lips, as he tried desperately to tell her how profoundly she affected him. Emotionally, mentally, physically and all of the other ways possible. Her tongue was everywhere on him- at his base one second or at the very cusp of him the next. Her lips found his velvety sacs, engulfing them too- before she used her hands to fondle the area so she could move back to his member. He now furiously bucked into Buffy's eager, wanting mouth- knowing how much it excited the both of them. She fluxed her movements, suckling and licking at a fast frenzy or a leisurely quiet at a change of a dime.


Her eyes spoke of her desire for him, as did the smacks and slurps her mouth made on him. Listening to her and feeling it reverberate on top of all the activity she did- quickly brought him to his long, sweet climax. Angel's body jerked deep into her ready, hungry mouth. Buffy cooed as he spilled himself into her, again, and again and again. Buffy grinned in satisfaction that she could make him orgasm just as hard and just as many times as he did to her. She knew of no other male who could do this and still be so hard- no one who loved her so much as she gradually swallowed his come. The delicious sticky liquid tasted sweet and savory, of everything in the world. Just like Angel… Buffy tugged at him for more, using her lips for the desperate request. And long after his initial peak, Angel pumped more of his essence into her. Angel drained his body into her, until he suddenly wanted to touch more of Buffy's body.


With his vampire reflexes, he simply rotated their positions and pulled Buffy to his lips for kissing. He missed having his mouth on hers, to caress her tongue with his. They tasted themselves on the other's lips, hungry for more. With the needy rustling of their mouths, both their essences combined into an intoxicating electric cocktail for their senses. He pulled back only far enough to speak.


"I need to be to be inside of you- now," he huskily declared, his hard member rubbing against her sopping orifice.


Buffy pulled him down to her body to feel his secure comforting weight on her, "I need you to be inside me too."


His forehead touched hers as he groaned to ask, "Please."


That humble request almost made Buffy cry and aroused her even more, "Angel, you don't need to say please…"


"It feels good saying it to the woman I love," Angel admitted, stroking her face.


"Angel… I want you, I need you- I love you… Come with me."


Buffy could see Angel tearing as well, but they both concentrated on their overwhelming arousal than on any sad remembering. Using only a single word- he touched her, not just stimulated her lust and love but with everything that made Buffy her own self. There was something about how he said please or even her name, always with such reverence and desire. All of the feelings that burned through her now as he lay on top of her.


She quickly opened herself to him, and his hands went directly to her thighs. He massaged the erogenous skin, also employing it as leverage to position himself just at the apex of her body. Buffy dug herself down on the mattress, grinning as Angel raised his pelvis a little higher off of her body. They both tried to do this only with their lower bodies, not wanting to be separated anywhere else.


At the same moment they crashed into each other, their bodies completely connecting. Buffy and Angel couldn't help themselves at feeling so at home in each other, especially when they were as close as they were now. Both at first wanted to lay there and take a moment to enjoy this homecoming. But a strange force propelled them for more- to burn with energy over and over again.


Soon Buffy and Angel began thrusting into the other's body, hands stroking and caressing the body in front of them. Angel's hands found her ample and longing breasts. He cupped and fondled her in an eager sensual vigor. Her fingers found his griffin tattoo, as her other hand went lower to his callipygian derriere. She kneaded him at both sites, sometimes brushing her fingers over his back entrance, teasingly plunging her fingers inside of him.


Their lips were eagerly devouring each other's mouths, and soon they were rolling in ecstasy all over the bed. Her core opened more for him as Angel thrust his body deeper and deeper into her. Buffy's tiny body engulfed him as her mouth did. Her Slayer muscles squeezing and titillating him, making him feel the same dizzying rush she felt now. He groaned out her name at the feeling and stroked more of her soft flesh to take them to a higher intensity of feeling, if there was any… Angel couldn't imagine feeling any freer or more in love, but as they progressed-he did.


Every following moment fired in him, swelling his flesh and his soul. Buffy shared that swelling, her groans lost with his. She whimpered at Angel's member directly rubbing the same ruddy blossom he suckled moments before. The friction felt so soothing, and they used all of their bodies give each other pleasure. Angel found himself far past Buffy's cervix, and deep into her body. He began wantonly to thrust harder and faster, rubbing all of the tender walls that enraptured him. Buffy moved lowered onto his body too, until he was rubbing the very top of her womb.  Their bodies became magical- only because they were together like this and enjoying how it felt to be united.


They thrashed together for what seemed to be an eternity of kisses and touches, until the energy they built between them brilliantly exploded around them. Both crying out at the other for such a feeling, surrounded by pure pleasure and love. Buffy and Angel climaxed, over and over and over- somehow doing so in perfect synchronization. This caused their orgasms an added dimension of energy, as Angel wallowed in Buffy's honey and she was bathed in Angel's cool seed. The couple fell back on the bed after the passion's storm eased slightly, and their foreheads touched again.


"Buffy," was all Angel could say, raining kisses all over her face.


She hugged him at his waist, leaning forward and said, "God…"


"Yes… That omnipotent being is definitely on my Christmas Card list," Angel breathed, not able to stop from running his hands over her. "God brought me to you…"


Buffy's heart warmed at that but then she smirked pointed directly at him, "Yes on mine too… But no- I meant you, god… I love you."


His lips curled in a smile as he whispered to her, "A goddess told me she loved me… Buffy, I love you… I don't want to leave you. Ever."


"Then don't," she bellowed stroking his hair, causing him to stare into her green eyes. "I didn't want you to go anywhere either. Stay…"


They gazed lovingly at each other wanting again to be still. But a powerful force encouraged their happy worked up bodies to start their rhythmic joining again. Coursing with both new incentive and lingering wanting for her husband, Buffy took action. She pushed herself up, causing Angel to fall into a sitting position. Buffy pulled herself into his lap, straddling his hips and still buried to his hilt.


"Stay Angel… Please," she said, her pelvis moving in erotic circles on him. "I need you…  I want you- to love you."


His left hand went to her glistening hair while he moved the other to her sweet curves, guiding her back down on him he cried, "Oh Buffy… You don't need to say please either… I always want to love you…."


The strange force played on their enduring need for the each other, gently pushing them back into more vigorous love making. Their lips met again, as their bodies- newly humming with more energy. Lips and tongues played together, and moving to more sensual locales on the other's skin. All the while thrusting, needing more of their lover's body. Restless hands tangled in each other's hair, as they shuttered and rocked in sexual excitement all over again.


Part II- The Fire Burns Brightly


"Has anyone seen Buffy," Riley asked the laughing group, who stopped at his approach.


"What," Willow asked still giggling from Xander's previous joke.


"Buffy," Riley repeated, slightly agitated.


Xander contained his laughter momentarily, "Oh I think I saw the Buffster… She was right here at the beginning of the party."


"But where is she now," Riley pressed again.


 Tara stood up and seriously considered the question, "I-I-I-I know… You're r-r-r-r-right. Guys, w-w-w-where is Buf-f-f-f-y?"


"Well she sorta pulled a Houndi," Xander said, turning more reflective as he stood up as well. "One minute she's there- the next-"


"Poof," Anya laughed. "All gone."


"No but you're right," Willow said, more urgently as Tara pulled her up on her feet. "Where is she?"


All of the gang had stopped their strange laughter, except for Anya who laughed so hard her sides hurt. She tried to stand up, but chuckled so loud that she fell down again. When her whole body lay on the floor she laughed even harder. Riley studied the girl's strange

behavior as she roared with boisterous laughter.


"Has she had a lot to drink," Riley asked Xander.


He shook his head, "No- we were going to get some munchies and then we sat down… Wait a second, it's almost 3 am! We've just-"


"Been here laughing since the party started," Willow finished. "Almost seven hours."  


"It's j-j-just the f-f-f-f-loor," Tara stuttered. "We sat do-o-o-wn and just started laughing.”


"Anya- honey," Xander said bending down to pick her up. "Come on, An."


"Okie, dokie," she giggled as he pulled her up.


"Anya," Willow asked as the girl stood upright.


The ex-demon turned to her calmly and said, "Hello. Why are you looking at me like that? Xander, do I have some piece of food or other bodily discharge on my face?"


Riley studied her for a moment and was surprised when she didn't laugh back. Riley looked back down at the vacant spot on the floor. Nothing seemed unusual about it, so he started to sit back down on the area.


Willow tried to stop him, "Riley, maybe you-"


But he sat down on the ground and remained oddly quiet. Xander and Willow quickly helped him back up, wondering why he didn't laugh as soon as he sat down. They looked at the blonde boy, his face expressionless.


Xander asked, "You feeling okay there, Riley?"


"I'm not good enough," he said quietly, walking out of Willow's arms.


"What," the red head asked again, as he walked to the drawer.


"I'm not good enough," Riley said louder, taking out the bible that was inside.


Anya turned evenly at him, "Hey! Xander was talking to you, you need to listen to Xander!"


Riley suddenly started hitting himself with the bible as he chanted, "I'm not good enough! I'm not good enough!"


Xander was about to walk over to the boy, but Graham stepped in front him. Graham's lean body blocked Xander, threatening him with a large cane. The cane was made of wood and had a carved cross on its tip. Xander slowly backed away from Graham, as he took Riley upstairs.


"Hey! Where are you taking him," Xander asked as the two boys went upstairs.


"To be purified," he answered, as the group quickly followed.


They all tried to follow him, but Xander and Tara were pulled down the steps by another one of the party goers. The two looked up at a girl with a large pair of scissors in her right hand. In her other hand, she held a fistful of what appeared to be her own hair cut off.


"I'm bad," she screamed, dropping her hair at their feet. "I'm bad… I'm bad, I'm bad!"


"Whoa! You're not Michael Jackson," he said, trying to steer them away from her. "So I'll tell you once again- you're NOT BAD!"


"I'm bad," she screamed, pulling at Tara's hair and cutting it off.


The duo moved away from the possessed girl, as she chased them through the house. She twirled the scissors upright into her hands, holding it like a knife. Abruptly she began stabbing people at random, loudly screaming her mantra. The other guests fled the house in fear, and the two saw their break as the deranged girl began stabbing herself. Xander and Tara quickly moved up the stairs to the second floor, hoping to help the rest of the gang stop Graham.




"Hey," Anya tried to reason but the young man knocked her out of the bathroom into the hallway.


Willow tugged at Graham's arm as he pulled away the bath curtain, "Something's going on- I don't know what but you have to-"


Before she could finish he dunked her head and Riley's head under the water. Willow kicked around and tried to break free, but his grasp was too strong. Before she knew it a hand pulled her out of the water, and Willow choked for air. She found Riley and Graham drowned inside the tub, both were dead. Willow turned to the door to see Anya rushing into the room.


"Who was here," she coughed, looking around for an answer.


Anya's eyes stopped dead at something behind the red head, "Him."


Willow turned around to see a translucent figure. The cane that Graham had was grasped in the small ghostly hands of a young boy. He offered the wooden rod to Willow and with chilling eyes began to speak.


"Save us," he cried.


The young witch reached out to the boy but touched only air. Suddenly the cane flew at her, nearly impaling her. Anya quickly caught it, and together the two ran out of the bathroom. The girls sprinted straight into the hallway. Ghostly faces greeted them, and in their rush to leave they eerily passed right through them. They ran down the hall until they found Xander and Tara.


"Buffy," Xander loudly called out, banging soundly at the door.


"B-b-buffy," Tara screamed out, trying to turn the locked knob.


Willow looked at the closed door, "What's wrong? Is Buffy in there?"


"Well, since I don't think anyone else at the party would be screaming out- `Oh Angel, please touch me there! Oh God, yes! Angel!' I'm thinking that's probably her," he snickered.


Anya shook her head, "Angel? The large and glowerly one? Isn't he in LA?"


"He's supposed to be… At least, oh- bad… Bad, bad, bad- if he's in there with her and she's screaming that," Willow worried.


"A-a-a-a-gne-e-e-l," Buffy's muffled voice moaned from inside.


"I think she's in t-t-there a-a-a-lone," Tara said, turning to face Willow. "Xander and I could only hear h-h-her, m-m-moaning."


"Tara," Willow gasped. "Your hair!"


"Believe me," she reassured. "It could have been a-a-a- lot w-w-orse."


"I can't get in," Xander said, kicking the door. "Willow, Anya- What happened to Riley and Graham?"


"Ghost boy. Drowning in a tub. He saved me and then he asked me to save him. But, being a ghost already, well, I was way too late," Willow explained.


"Riley and Graham didn't make it," Anya continued. "The ghost gave us this cane thing that Graham was holding."


"We've got to get to Giles," Xander said with resolution.


The group ran down the hall and found the place all but empty. Everyone had run out, scared out of their wits. Spike stood in the center of the wreckage, calmly drinking a mug of beer. He had a smug look on his face as the gang descended on him.


"Bloody hell, didn't invite me," he said snidely.


Willow eyed him irately, "You mean that you drove everybody crazy so you could be invited in? You pig!"


Spike laughed at that, "Please… Your littl' parties I wouldn't go to if you paid me. Just saw all the chaos and figured I ought to be a part of it. Great fun too, got meself some free beer out of the deal."


Tara looked at the vampire in shock, "Then that means all of the fraternity boys a-a-r-r-"


"Are dead," Anya finished for her.


"Again I vote to go see Giles," Xander said again as the foursome ran out into the foyer.


Willow nodded, "Right. Spike- you're coming with us!"


"And why the hell should I," Spike asked as they got to the foyer. "There's free booze all over the place. Not to mention some dead carcasses I might be able to eat. And I intend have meself a bloody good-"


But before the blonde vampire could finish his sentence a strong invisible force knocked the entire group out of the building. Spike's face smashed on top the steps, while the rest of the gang fell on their backs.


"Right then," he said, quickly standing up and backing away. "I'm off then."


The vampire ran back to his lair, while the four got up from the ground. They turned back to house, and it was suddenly shaking. They saw the windows break and heard furniture move around as the brick house rumbled in the air.


"Houses don't normally do that," Anya said quietly.


"M-m-aybe we can try to get b-b-b-ack inside," Tara suggested.


Xander resolutely climbed the steps and opened the door. He boldly took a step inside the front door and was suddenly forced out again. The boy fell on his back, his head knocking the hard pavement.


"Ok. Ouch," he said, rubbing his head and trying to stand up again. "We need weapons."


"What good are weapons against disembodied spirits, Xander? They have

no ass to kick," Anya said, helping her boyfriend up.


"S-she's r-r-ight," Tara said, turning to Willow. "We have to go, go to the cafe. Giles was going to the Espresso Pump."


"Yeah," Willow agreed. "But he, he told us not to come."


"Well, this won't be the first time we didn't do what Giles told us," Xander quipped rejoining the rest of them.


Willow looked back at the house as they walked away, "Hang on Buffy."


As they walked to Xander's car none of the group noticed the tiny branch sticking out from the door. They drove away as the branch grew and twirled into a long green stem. Other vines and greenery trailed to meet it, extending in a tangled mass of impenetrable thorns that covered the house.




Buffy tried to pull her legs further apart to allow more of Angel inside of her, and he groaned at the change in position. He backed her to one of the posts on the bed as they rocked their bodies together. His hands gently massaged her and held her tights apart, as he thrusted homeward.


"Ahhh- Buffy mmmm, oh- uhhhh… my love…Buffy," Angel moaned out, thoroughly ravishing her body.


"Mmmmmm…. Oooooooh… Ah! Angel- did you hear someone? Xander? Or Willow- ooooooh, Good!  Angel, ooooh," she cooed, slamming down on his hard body.


"No," he mumbled moving his hands back to her breasts. "It… ahhh…Doesn't matter."


Buffy giggled into his mouth, "Nooo, it- ooooh. Doesn't. More, oh- Angel! I love you! More! Oh God!"


Her body was still so tight around him, even after it had seemed to be forever since they started their love making. It was always like this when he was with her- the outside world seemed brighter and more forgiving. That's because the world of passion he created with her gave him the freedom to be himself and pour all of his being- his physical and spiritual self inside of her… To keep with her and protect her-forever.


Angel could feel the energy in his blood, and sense that same tremor in his wife. They were both pent up with such energy and fire- being apart for so long and never physically expressing their love. And even when they were together, thought of the aftermath was too much. Though sex was never the only thing in their relationship, it hurt to know that pure expression of love was off limits to them. Yet it made this time together all the more wonderful, if anything could propel them further into each other than they were now. 


Buffy and Angel were pushing and grinding together, holding the other as closely as two physical bodies could be. Shouts of joy kept getting louder- they emptied into one another until their voices became one as their bodies did. Angel bent his head to give his tongue sweet access to Buffy's full breasts.


"I need to taste you," he hoarsely whispered, before daring to whisk his tongue over the swell of one of her nipples.


Buffy's mouth opened wide as she licked his sensitive neck, "What's good for gander…"


They enjoyed the rendezvous on the other's body, but soon missed the allure of the other's lips. Both abandoned that area to go back to the open mouth of their lover. Angel suckled Buffy's lower lip between his own, still actively delving into her quivering body. She sipped his top full lip, before using her tongue to open her lover's mouth to her. He gladly welcomed her lips back from their long sojourn all around his body. His tongue once again tried to memorize Buffy's mouth. The sides of her cheek, her tiny, sweet tongue and perfect teeth.


He was here- making love to Buffy, but it seemed as if there was something else… Other forces at work he couldn't quite understand or remember. But just as easily as the thought entered his consciousness, it just as easily disappeared. Without leaving any remembrance of it being there. Angel's mind eagerly went back to focusing completely delightful, unending kisses with his love.


Angel could never get enough of Buffy's mouth- or the rest of his wife for that matter. And neither could she. Angel's muscular legs and thighs held her hips close, as his strong gentle arms pulled the rest of her body to his. As Buffy rode and descended down her husband, she mused that his body must have literally been sculpted for her. She felt the smooth cool unyielding hardness plunge between her legs and keened in pleasure. They were propelled to the heights of ecstasy, beckoned to jump through the fire of their love. The flames threatened to consume them whole if they didn't stop or slow down their actions. Rather than shriek away from escalating blaze, they sought out to reach its hottest point. Both were denied each other for far too long, neither wanted to back away. Their nerves were so enthralled with their lover's touch, their bodies so charged- a bursting exertion of passion was soon.


"Buffy! Uhhhhh! Sweetheart! Ahhh… I love you," he moaned out, taking her hands to hold. "I-I- ahhh! I can't stop! Uppphhh! Buffy!"


She smiled as he raised their joined hands above her head, "Ooooh! Ah… Come with me, Angel… Ahhhh! Ooooh! Yes!!! I can't stop either!"


The couple changed in angle, as if their love became so vast it could no longer be contained in their bodies. Their heat of love was its hottest and both could feel its consumption as they neared its peak. They vibrated and slid against the centers of bliss on their bodies, adding more fuel to their flame. Thrusts got faster, the rubbing harder- their heavy breathing acting as bellows to the fire. They were going to come- and come hard, if they could survive the all-encompassing heat to their love.


Suddenly they felt it- the burning friction finally reaching its maximum intensity between them. They pushed harder, Angel shoving himself into all of her g-spots and Buffy flew back down on him, grasping his erection. Angel and Buffy were awash in the flames of completion. Feeling its burning in their loins but having the peak's center in their souls. Orgasm after orgasm they took it all in and gushed forth the elixir of their love. As they came- both wanted full swallows of that potion, its sweet sickness spellbinding in their hungry mouths. Yet Buffy and Angel were stingy to give up the prize of their lover's lips that land being far more enticing. As the surges of their high-volted loving lowered to trailing flickers, they fell back on the sheets in bliss. Only this time- Angel lay to Buffy's side, both sweaty and still wanting.


"Oh Angel," Buffy breathed, her lungs still getting valuable air. "I felt so-"


"Whole," he asked pretty breathless as well, through he did not need the air.


"Yes," she said, once having enough air began kissing him again. "And good… and beautiful… and wanted… and home… and burning… and… and a whole bunch of other things."


"I know," he said, his head finding a safe haven in her heaving breasts. "I know- there's more, besides just one-word adjectives. I don't think I could ever really describe it… It's just… it's just for-"


Buffy turned his head to look at him, "Us. Just for us."


"Yeah," he sighed, his hands cupping her hands on his face. "For you and me."


Their lips met again, as they found their bodies wanting to join together again. Angel's fingers found the knotted point of Buffy's arousal. His thumb began teasing her at a leisurely pace while his other digits dug elsewhere. At the same time Buffy's willing hands found Angel's lingering erection. She cupped him and slowly ran her tight fist downward. While both were pleased with this, and cried out more of this type of contact- something in the air stopped him. It urged them for more contact- encouraging the growing inferno that lay inside of them.


"More," Angel suddenly said aloud, pulling himself on top of her body. "I need more of you to touch."


Buffy rubbed her thighs, wanting the friction of his hard again member inside of her, "Mmm… Angel, honey- I gotta feel you and touch you…" 


And once again- that energy surged, driving them together. Angel sat on top of Buffy's flexible body already gripping him as soon as he entered her. They yelped in double delight at the feeling, as Angel began riding them into gratification once more.



Part Three- The Fire Burns For The World To See


"Oh Buffy," Angel moaned out, thrusting into an imaginary body. "God! Ahhh! Sweetheart, you can't do that- I'll just co- Oh God! Buffy! You feel so good!"


"Is there any way we can make him stop," Cordelia yelled from the back of Angel's car. "As if he wasn't grossing me out when he- well you know… And over and over and over and over-"


"Yes Cordelia," Wesley shuttered as they neared the Watcher's house. "You need to make sure he doesn't do anything rash. Angel has to come to Giles's with us in one piece and you must watch him while I drive."


Cordelia scoffed, "Oh Angel's come all right… And I don't really think I can stand anymore of watching him do this! God- are you sure this just isn't a side effect of the mojo thing we did before?"


Wesley shook his head as he turned the car, "Absolutely not! The spell was meant only to permanently fix his soul into his body. Nothing more and nothing less."


Cordelia edged farther away from Angel's ambitious thrusts, "Yeah well, something must have set him off. And let me just say in advance, I think your spell worked. He seems pretty dog gone happy right now."


The British man felt honestly sorry for the brunette, but someone needed to watch their friend as they drove to get help. Angel had been like this for the past eight hours, in a strange… state of mind. They found the vampire after they had completed a spell guaranteed to end the threat of Angelus from ever reappearing. Both Wesley and Cordelia realized that if something as easy to obtain as drugs could cause the change even for a short while, then it was simply too dangerous. The duo at once set to work on finding a spell or some way to make sure that would never happen again. And on a hunch, they found a reliable source and performed the ritual.


Once the ritual had ended, they went downstairs to see Angel. Only to find him, rolling in his bed screaming Buffy's name. They waited for hours hoping he'd snap out of it- but he never did. Grabbing a robe to cover him and making as little physical contact as possible- they dragged Angel to his car. Cordelia sat in the back and Wesley drove as fast as they could. Through out the ride, Angel still spoke out his ex-girlfriend's name and undulated to somehow please her invisible body.


"We're here," Wesley said, as they parked in the driveway of the Watcher's condo.


Cordelia's breath rushed out in relief, "Thank God! Quick, help me get him out without him molesting me."


"With all due respect," the young man said as they began walking up to the front door. "You don't honestly believe he'd do this to you intentionally, do you? Clearly he's not well. And even in his state, it's not you that… well- he's doing it to."


Angel stuck his hands out to hold the thin air, "Oh yeaaaah! Ahhh! Buffy!"


"But something is still wrong, Wesley. And I don't know if anyone- even Giles or Buffy, can help," Cordelia worried, knocking on the door. 


Inside the Watcher's apartment Willow, Xander and Tara were reading some of the older volumes in the living room. After finding Giles at the café, the group came back to the  condo for research. When they heard the commotion all three stood up to get the door.


Xander's surprise was not seeing Angel shouting in ecstasy in front of him. The young man had NO DOUBT those shouts were heard by everyone in the TRISTATE AREA. What came to be the true shock was seeing Cordelia and Wesley propping up the vampire like he was a life size rag doll. Angel moved and rocked in his dream state, but the

pair managed to keep a good hold on him.


"Angel," Willow croaked, as they carried him over the threshold.


"Let's see… There are a number of insults at my disposal," Xander began as he shut the door behind them. "The question is- which route do I take to ensuing hilarity?"


Cordelia zinged back, "How about the route where you stop being a major loser and start helping us, `kay?"


"Did I mention how much I missed you," Xander said sarcastically as Giles and Anya came in from the back study.


"Good Lord," Giles cried as they heard Angel moan and rock wildly again.


Anya watched Angel move, "It looks like he's going for the mythical `toabath' sexual position. Wow. I'm impressed. He must love Buffy a lot. And he must be very flexible."


Wesley shook off Anya's blunt comment, "He's been like this since earlier this evening… Wait a moment- why are all you here at such an hour? Where is Buffy?"


Willow answered still looking as Angel revolved around, "Uh- I think whatever's happening to Angel is happening to Buffy too. They're probably, uh…um… happening together."


Cordelia pouted as they laid Angel on the couch, "God- they don't even need to be in the same city and they get pelvic. Go figure."


Xander's expression darkened, "Pelvic… Oh god! Good God woman! Quick! Help me CHAIN HIM UP! He could go evil any minute!"


Wesley shook his head, "No, there's no need for that Xander. Before he began acting… um, unusually- Cordelia and I performed a ritual that ensures he will not lose control of the demon."


"You mean to say that you've successfully anchored Angel's soul," Giles asked the two in amazement.


Cordelia shrugged sitting down, "Well we did the thing and all but- it wasn't like we could put it to the test. Although Angel seems to be testing it out a lot right now, eww… But as for all this groiny stuff, definitely not because of our spell."


Anya looked at the ex-Watcher, "So you're here… Weren't you horribly fired?"


"Currently I am working with Angel," Wesley said a little annoyed at the question. "Cordelia and I have been with him for some time now. And I agree with Willow- whatever the cause of this is, both Angel and Buffy are under it's influence."


"I could have told you that," Anya scoffed slightly. "And look at him- He's all sweaty. And surprisingly going for the makoth mating love knot! Besides, Buffy was screaming out for him in the dorm room."


"So again- why is she not here," Cordelia asked.


"The fraternity house… It's kind of haunted," Tara offered, finally speaking.


"Oh… Okay- um- person I don't know. So anyway- we're here to help with whatever's going on so Angel can stop dream humping Buffy," Cordelia said, standing up looking for something to do.


Despite her choice of words Willow saw Cordelia's sincerity, "Her name is Tara. And we're trying. Ever since we got back from Giles's concert-"


Xander shuddered, "Some of us want to forget here, Will. Not only all this Buffy and Angel sex but also Giles singing… No wait… I think I could live with the singing- if I meant I could forget about the rest of Buffy and Angel's vocal performance…"


Even in the crisis Giles couldn't help some resentment at the comment, "I have you know I get a lot of positive feedback!"


"That's right," Anya defended as she patted the older man on the shoulder. "If I wasn't having sex with Xander, I'd gladly be your groupie and have sex with you. As long as you brought your guitar."


"You don't really need a reason to stop sleeping with Xander," Cordelia shot out. "You can just stop right now if you want."


"I believe some focus is in order," Wesley said, trying to stop anymore jarring remarks. "None it is helping out Buffy or Angel."


"Wesley's right," Willow agreed. "Very unconstructive! Now all right- this could be powerful magiks and/or a lot of unfriendly ghosts… We're not really sure yet. I've been looking up the history of the house. And one of the ghosts gave us this cane. Well… It sort of lunged at as really, but we caught it."


The younger British man inspected the cane, "It's made out of oak. If it is a magic scepter of some sort- then it's made with the right material. This does not look good at all… It is imperative we stop whatever is causing this before it is too late."


"My thoughts precisely," Giles concurred as he handed Wesley one of the books he had in hand. "Now I thought-"


Suddenly Angel screamed out from the couch, "Tobrix onlige orarta! Ahhhh! Es imepoma! Alre gi zealer ni soasta, Buffy!"


At the demonic words both Watcher's dropped their books and their mouths collectively gasped open in shock. Anya merely shook her head and cocked her head back in the vampire's direction.


"That was a little crude," Anya remarked. "But hey- it just means he loves her."


Angel smiled and laughed in oblivion as he started planting small kisses on the couch's arm, "I'm sorry, sweetheart…. That wasn't very poetic, was it? But I do love you and that IS how you make me feel…"


"And we know it's something we DON'T want translated if Anya deems it inappropriate," Xander said pointedly to the Britishmen, then turning back to his girlfriend. "Please An… DON'T!"


His girlfriend shrugged, "I don't think there's a word for he wanted to do anyway. I'd have to show you what he meant."


"Anyway," Giles said trying to compose himself. "Oak is a very good conductor of magical power. Though why the Wiccan practitioner would fashion it in a shape of a Christian cross confuses me…"


"Someone might have picked it s-s-symbolically," Tara added. "Scepters that are made with p-p-powerful magiks are m-m-made like that to be effective f-for their goal."


Then Xander remembered, "Oh wait a sec… Here."


The young man walked back over the table he and Willow were sitting at and picked up one of the smaller books. He flipped open to a bookmarked page and showed it to the Englishmen.


"I found it- look, this lady here in every group photo for this Christian based orphanage… The LOWELL HOUSE ORHANAGE. They kept shop from the 1940's up until the 70's when the college came in…. And look- she's got the cane in her left hand in every photo. This lady- Genevieve Holt," Xander said handing them the book.


"You know in a weird way that makes sense," Cordelia mused. "The whole orphaned Peter Pan Lost Boys-college guy routine."


"But Xander," Wesley said as he read on. "It says there that lady is the director of that orphanage… A devout Christian woman herself. It doesn't make sense, what would she be doing with black magic?"


"When did she die," Willow asked.


"She didn't," Cordelia spoke up remembering… "That Genevieve Holt… Ms. Holt- she was my grandmother's roommate in that big retirement village out at the edge of town. Well they were roommates… Before she left us all."


Willow frowned slightly, "Your grandmother died?"


"No… She skipped town once the IRS boys started the witch hunt for everyone who's last name was Chase. Left us all high and dry. And the last I heard she was living it up in Miami," Cordelia huffed.


Tara turned to the brunette, "What do you remember about her?"


She answered, "That her name was on the door of the room… She mostly kept to herself. And it's not like I was super attentive during the visits. I only went so I could get Daddy to buy me things. Oh- and the nameplate was a tacky kind of Formica…"


"Perhaps we should start there then," Giles said, ready to explore the lead. "So Cordelia, Wesley and I will attempt to see if she is the same Genevieve Holt. Though someone needs to stay here- to watch over Angel and the cane."


"Oh no," Xander quickly objected. "Make room in there for four… Dead Boy's pillow talk is another thing I DON'T want to hear."


"I'll stay," Anya brightly volunteered, trying to be helpful. "Should he shout anything else vulgar I can be here to NOT translate."


"W-w-e'll stay too," Tara offered. "So Angel d-d-d-oesn't h-h-h-urt himself."


"Yeah and we can do more research on the cane," Willow said. "See if we can find more info about it."


"Good," Giles said as the four of them walked out the door. "We'll try to get back as soon as possible."


The witches and the ex-demon looked on as the foursome left, then turned their attention back to a quivering Angel. In the midst of their research conversation he had changed positions several times and save for the one outburst, remained relatively quiet. Now he lay at the opposite end of the couch, nuzzling its cushions as if it were his lover's face. Well, to him they probably were.


"C'mon we gotta get researching," Willow persuaded, as she and Tara sat back down.


As the two women sat at the table, Anya pulled out a chair next to the couch, "Hmm… It makes you wonder doesn't it?"


"What he and Buffy are doing," Tara said.


"Well its obvious what they're doing," Anya slightly scoffed. "I'm wondering what they had planned for next."




Buffy gave Angel a satisfied smirk as he lay on top of her. Their hands were again, lower- still stimulating and enthralling each other. During their time together last Thanksgiving they had done a lot more in a much shorter time period, and didn't feel drained of any energy.  But in this strange atmosphere, each time they reached their physical peaks- more electricity was siphoned out of them. Angel and Buffy both got weaker, but the drive to touch and titillate and love was just as strong as they went on.


Buffy rubbed Angel firmly in her skillful hands, "So before… That's what you meant when you said-"


"Screamed out. And I admit- very crudely," Angel apologized, his fingers diving, moving in fast circles on and in her core. "I'm sorry- it was inappropriate."


"No," Buffy contested, gripping him tighter with want. "You love me and I love you. And it felt so good.  YOU FEEL SO GOOD… And I-I- I want you just as much. Everything we do together, we do because we love each other, right?


"Yes," he smiled, before groaning out to his wife. "Ahhhh! Mmmm… Yes, I do love you Buffy. All of my soul- it cries out for you."


With more kisses and sweet whispers of desire they burst together again- their energy soaking into the air. Both were quick to devour their milk-covered hands, reveling in their lover's taste. But it was not enough.


Angel pulled Buffy back into a sitting position on his lap. She gladly opened herself to him, but this time she turned around. She settled onto him, her hot back against his soothing chest. Buffy backed away from Angel just enough to give him a needy beckoning glare as she suggestively jiggled her backside to him. Instantly he took Buffy's invitation. Angel was just as hungry for her as Buffy was for him. Holding Buffy gently, Angel blanketed his body over her. Buffy ground her wet center on him in appreciation, and he found her lips to kiss again as his arms encircled her rib cage. His hands found her torso and Angel ran his palms down the flank of her body. Then his two palms came to reside on her full round breasts. Tongues twisted in elation as the tips of Angel's fingers teased her hardened nipples.


"Buffy," he said in between their heated kisses. "I want to be inside of you- but not if I can't have all of your mouth too… Or not have you touching me-"


She tilted her head so he could still kiss her neck as she spoke, "I need to feel your body too, Angel. And I want you… NOW."


Buffy used her back to rub against his chest, her soft skin bringing his male nipples into a frenzy. Her hands massaged his muscular legs and thighs as he lifted her lightly into the air. Angel slowly sheathed himself inside her warmth, and Buffy felt him grow in her at the beginning act.


She stroked the sides of his body as her lips desperately sought out his. Angel was right… Access to his lips was more difficult, but once she latched onto his full mouth- Buffy was determined never to leave. Buffy bent her elbows into an upside down V to stroke Angel's tattoo on his right shoulder. To both their delight it made passage to her breasts easier and Angel took full opportunity of it. He opened his palms up, using the small webs of flesh in between his fingers to touch her. Angel lightly pinched for a while, until the tips of his fingers couldn't stand the teasing. Fingers came back into a full on assault to knead, and the couple swallowed their shouts of bliss as they kissed.


Once Angel was surrounded by her- he firmly began quick and deep thrusts into her wet body. She moaned for him and their unity, snaking her hands around him until they were at Angel's hips. Using her delicate hands, Buffy pushed his hips and pelvis deeper into her flooded body. Angel and Buffy felt the vibrations of their wailing as they swayed together, needing more.


His member assertively brushed against her swollen bud and Buffy wanted more. Her hands traveled downward at the sides of his body, searching. She pulled him forward a little more until they were both on their knees, still a single body. Now Buffy could open her legs wider for Angel's pleasing thrusts and continue with her quest.  Her journey ended as she found the velvety sacs that bobbed up against her. Buffy's greedy little hands found them- and squeezed.


That touch was an electric shock for both of them, and the strange force that settled over them demanded them for release. Both were compelled to ride these sensations longer- to explore and touch more of their lover's body. Yet Angel found himself speeding up his strokes- rapidly pounding into her hottest depths. And Buffy followed unable to stop or slow down as she grabbed at him with her womb and hands, riding him just as hard. Moans were lost in their throats as their lips wrapped furiously closer, energy to the brim of sweet release.


They both wanted it- and now craved it, seeking more of each other to reach that bliss. Angel and Buffy's bodies were singing- ever since that first glimpse and anxious to reach the crescendo of their à deux symphony. Their bodies swelled in pleasure, orgasms boiling into their blood full of love and life. Yet the crown of their perfect happiness came suddenly and surprisingly unexpected. Their bodies could no longer stand the friction, heat and energy that burned within them- and they flew high into splendid climax. It was long and burning with satisfaction, spawning more heights of bliss after it. Buffy and Angel crested the glorious release as long as their environment would let them, before hoarding it away from them.


Buffy's ample breasts pinned down Angel's still caressing hands, as she fell forward on her taut stomach. Angel's comforting weight lay on her again, only his head was away from her lips. Angel's head rested on Buffy's upper body, and gasps of air ticked the back of her neck.


Angel panted in joy as he continued lacing her back with large wet kisses, "I love you so much, Buffy."


Buffy worried a little as she turned to lie on her back, "Angel- I want to touch more of you… I want to feel your body and I want you to feel mine. I want-"


But before she could finish her sentence Angel took her strong legs and angled them until they were draped over his shoulders. To both their delight he slammed upward and cried out in jubilation as he returned to his home. With her. His lover, his wife, his angel, his Buffy. Their lives were now deeply connected together once more. The odd essence was still around them, dictating their release. But neither were concerned or cared about this peculiarity. Buffy and Angel tuned out whatever was outside of their conjoined bodies. Solely fixated on thrusting each other into the pure unbridled passion their love making.


Part IV- The Fire Threatens To Consume


"No you didn't bother me at all dear," the older woman assured Cordelia and the others. "I'm glad to see you rising at such an early hour. I normally wake up around this time- for early morning prayer. Ever since I was old enough to speak, father would see to it that I

rose early."


"Thank you, Ms. Holt," Cordelia said as Ms. Holt offered them all a place to sit.


"Yeah that's me. I rise… early. Ummm. I'm an early riser- uh," Xander stumbled, realizing the connotation of his words.


Ms. Holt ignored the remark, "Yes… Well then, what would you like to discuss, Carly?"


"It's Cordelia," the brunette said. "We just have a few questions."


"Yes," Wesley said, facing the woman. "About the orphanage."


The older woman smiled and Giles got a better view of her, "I started working there so I could bring the word of the Lord to his children."


"Forgive me but I noticed your arm," Giles said, pointing to her prosthetic plastic arm. "Did that occur during your time as director of the house?"


"Oh goodness no," Ms. Holt said, touching the false left limb. "I was a little girl when it occurred, it's nothing. I used to need a cane to walk around and such, but what with new fangled science it's not necessary."


"It must have been quite difficult though," Wesley mused. "Trying to care for all of the children and not having the use of both arms."


Ms. Holt shrugged it off, "No burden is greater than the burdens of God."


"Of course," Giles said. "Excuse us for asking this but- um, did you notice anything peculiar during your time at the house?"


The older woman gave him a confused look, "Peculiar?"


"Yes, ah… well… Were there were objects that seemed to levitate or suddenly appear out of nowhere," Wesley prodded. "Perhaps you saw persons drifting in and out of the house and yet strangely gone when you looked again?"


Ms. Holt turned back to Cordelia, "Why that's insane! Carly- I haven't seen you since your grandmother moved on but… It might be wise if you choose to associate with people more conscious of the ways of God."


"It's Cordelia," the brunette corrected again, irritated. "So you're saying nothing like that happened? Nothing- no deaths, no freaky ghosts?"


"Demons and ghosts are the workers of the devil," Ms. Holt said sternly. "Once a child is saved, the occult holds no power on you. Robert Jessup is living proof of that. I caught him with incantations of the evil, pentagrams scribbled in his notebook."


"And you saved him," Xander added, worried of where the conversation was going.


"That was my job- I loved him… I loved them all as they were my own. Once he was saved- well… He carved me a special oak cane, for my left arm. I lost it in the move, when the college took over the house. A young boy from the college was supposed to give it to me last night. Graham I think was his name. Anyway said he found it wrapped in some plastic inside of the attic."


"You said you saved them," Wesley said, processing the information. "How exactly did you do that?"


"I prevented them from being lost to the devil incarnate- I saw to it that they did not stray from the path of righteousness," she said nonchalantly. "I removed the temptations of evil- of earthly pleasures. Girls wasting away the precious life that God gave them by standing in the mirror to primp their hair."


"So you just hacked it off," Cordelia realized, and cried out.


"I merely refocused them to the divine. Without the temptation they became better Christians for it," she contended.


"And you repressed every normal biological urge in them- stopped them from laughing or being loved," Wesley fumed.


Ms. Holt evenly stared back at him, "I did what was necessary to ensure their place in the Kingdom of God."


"And does that include drowning them in the bathtub too," Xander said, remembering what Willow had described to him.


"I performed the sacrament of Baptism on all of my children. Cleaned them of their sin! How dare you-"


Giles interrupted, "No- how dare you! How dare you abuse the children with your warped sense of morality! Because of you those children were traumatized and no doubt grew to be disturbed individuals!"


Ms. Holt stood up and faced him, "You pass judgement on me, when I can smell the sin on each of you. Reeking of sin and all things evil!"


"Yeah? You smell sin? Well let me tell you something, lady, she who smelt it dealt it," Xander cried out, earning him a strange look from everyone in the room. "It's like what Giles said, but faster."


"I must insist you leave now Carly," Ms. Holt said, rushing to throw them out. "And take your band of sinners with you!"


Cordelia revolved back to her as they all filed out to leave, "It's Co-You know what, you're not worth the bother…"




"Well, that totally adds to my `old people are crazy' theorem," Xander said as they walked back to Angel's car. "But I still don't get it. I mean- yeah, those kids went through some major damage but none of them kicked the proverbial bucket. So where did those ghosts come from?"


Cordelia opened the door for them, "And why are Buffy and Angel suddenly the sex tri-athletes of the world?"


"I believe it's not necessarily spirits that haunt the house, but rather the tremendous negative energy those abused children left behind," Giles thought out loud as they walked. "It's possible they all could be apparitions, born out of repressed sexual energy and intense adolescent emotions."


"But that still doesn't explain the cane thing," Xander protested as they all got into the car. "How does that factor in?"


"Maybe it was the trigger," Wesley suggested as Cordelia drove. "Yes! Perhaps that Robert boy really was a practitioner of the occult- and carved the cane to release Ms. Holt's inhibitions somehow."


"Oh that's a good plan," Cordelia mocked. "So why was she still the Lord's dutiful dictator then, huh?"


"Ms. Holt said she used the cane for her left arm. HER PLASTIC left arm. And that when that college boy found it, the cane was wrapped in plastic," Wesley said to Giles who began to understand.


"Of course," Giles agreed. "Those types of magiks don't work with man made materials, plastic or anything else synthetic stops the effect. But they'd need a large energy source to tap into…"


"Hence Angel and Buffy acting like the lust bunnies they are," Cordelia added. "Spilling out sexual energy all over the place."


"Okay, let's not talk about what they're spilling out," Xander shuddered. "So what? We just cover the cane with Seranwrap and poof? Everything's back to normal?"


"No, it's too late for that… They already have Buffy and Angel as a source of energy and will use them until they run out of it," Wesley mused.


"Then we've got to hurry! I mean sure… There are whole super human stamina issues, but- eventually even the two of them will get tired," Cordelia said.


Giles suddenly turned grave, "I don't think they'll get tired… I believe… they will die."


Xander turned serious too, "Ok- not good! So what's the plan, people?"


"We need to think about this rationally! There has to be- The cane! The cane… I believe the cane was sprinkled with Etruscan Powder, a very powerful potion," Wesley turning to the older Britishman.


"Yes that would make excellent sense," Giles agreed. "Even more powerful than it's precursor Corinthian powder… Both are supposed to make those who are effected by it control the different realities of the mind."


"Huh," Xander asked from the front.


"It lets you experience whatever you want," Wesley paraphrased. "Only, Etruscan Powder is the stronger of the two… If gives the user a better control of their minds, although as I said before- it's uses are limited to natural materials."


"Which brings us back to Xander's unusually non-idiotic question… How do we stop it before they die," Cordelia asked the Watchers.


"Well… Literally, they are polar opposites of a battery," Giles answered. "In theory a battery is a connected circuit of polar opposites. So, if we were to bring the physical ends of the battery together- the flow of energy would be interrupted."


Wesley seemed impressed, "That may work in this case as well- bring Buffy and Angel physically together."


"So we bring Angel over to the house? To the room that Xander said Buffy locked herself into," Cordelia wondered aloud.


Xander looked at of all as if they were crazy, "How the heck are we going to do that?"




It was hard to tell who was screaming. Buffy and Angel were hollering out their completion as they rode each other into climax. Each blast of happiness heralded the cry of their lover's name. Angel made Buffy's name into a marathon of orgasmic long vowels and blissfully extended consonants. Trying to somehow convey just how much love he felt at her touch and presence in his life. It was only natural. Buffy was doing the very same thing at that moment. From Buffy's lips, Angel's name had become an infinitely syllabled word for pleasure and love.


And this exchange had been… well, just as intense and full of love as all of their love making is. But the couple could tell their physical bodies were waning. More than waning, they were barely coherent. As if the source of their strength, not just their endurance but what made up their very souls was being drained away. And even in the face of that depletion, mystical forces secretly at work or not- they still wanted more.


It would always be that way- death would stare them straight down their throats and the only thoughts on their mind would be of the other's embrace. Memories of their love raced through their minds at every apocalypse… Comfort that if their death bought the others happiness, the price was well worth it. Even during their love making death seemed to threaten them.  It loomed over them with talk of betrayal. That Angel could suddenly drain Buffy of all of her blood, or that Buffy could just as easily snap Angel's neck to decapitate him. Yet that was never a question between them… Because Buffy and Angel only knew how to love the world like they loved each other. With the totality of their soul and everything else just- falling away. No words were needed for it. There was no place better anywhere or at anytime than together, in love.


"I want to die like this," Buffy announced from her place on top of Angel's sweaty body. "With you inside of me, loving me. And me loving you."


Angel gave his wife a very hungry kiss but could feel the energy immediately leave him, "I want to die like this too."


Angel pulled her mouth down to his for more kissing, easing Buffy so she could lie flat on top of him. He brushed the blonde strands off of her forehead as he lovingly kissed her, feeling himself drain not into Buffy- but into the menacing channels around them. And Angel did not like it- Buffy was being robbed of what he wanted to give to her from the very moment he first saw her. His life…


"But I don't want to die yet," she managed to say to her husband.


"Neither do I," he agreed, pulling her down to him as they fiercely went on.


 Part V- The Fire Remains


"Whoa… That wasn't here before," Xander said to Cordelia as he pointed at the vines covering the house. "And why am I here and not at the séance?"


"We need to get them together before it's too late," Cordelia huffed as she got out of the car. "Giles and Wesley know about that kind of mystical thing, right? And Willow and Tara chant and stuff…They do the séance, keep the haunting munchkins busy and we get Angel to Buffy to stop this."


"Okay are you trying to convince us or yourself? Cause, it's not effective either way," Xander said sarcastically. "And when did my life get reduced to being Angel's man servant while he's getting it on with Buffy in dreamland???"


"He's like a very large child. A horny child," Anya noticed as she easily helped Angel out of the car. "You just need to know how to handle him."


The brunette laughed as she took out an axe from the trunk, "Good… Now tell me how you can handle Angel without him getting all touchy and we're all set."


"Actually, he's gotten very quiet now. Not even a few ohiths or a niawa for his mate," she commented as Cordelia walked around to help her.


"See- no real boyfriend would ever stop giving his mate an… oh hi, or whatever you said," Xander snickered as he took the axe from Cordelia's hand.


Anya glared at him angrily, "You've NEVER given me a OHITH… Besides, I don't think it's his fault- he seems to have stopped all motion whatsoever."


"That's not good," Cordelia said as they came on the steps of the house gripping both Angel and her small pink handbag. "Please Will… Keep the ghosts- energies or what ever they are busy."




Wesley looked at the pale faces in shock, "Yes… Uh- ummm…Hello."


"Gonna need something more than that here," Willow whispered to the younger Englishman.


"We thank you for coming forth so that we may know you," Tara picked up, her voice calm and sure.


Giles saw all of the apparitions look oddly back at the circled group, "Yes, we want to know you're pain. To understand your suffering."


"And to help stop it," Wesley recovered, only to wince at his choice of words. "Not to stop Angel and Buffy from living! We wish to keep them alive… Although Angel is dead already… But uh- to stop the pain… yes, the uh… p-pain."


Willow tried to go on, "Yeah! Transform your pain! You don't have to suffer this torment anymore! Release your past. And ... uh ... um… get over it."


The red head turned to Giles for support, but he gave her doubtful look in return.




"I'm coming," Angel cried out as they dragged the vampire up the steps.


Xander cried out, "Oh god not again… Trust me Deadboy we ALL don't want to hear about it."


But as they walked through the hallway the vampire quickly veered to the left, taking all four of them to the side. Xander opened his mouth to complain before a gigantic vine crashed through the drywall, blocking their previous path. The young man turned back to the vampire in explanation, but the same enigmatic features graced his face.


"Buffy- now," Angel commanded, though they all wondered if he really could hear them.


Without stopping to find out, they ran over to next flight of stairs to climb up to the dorm room.




"You need to let go," Wesley said as the wind in the room began to pick up.


"Yes, there's no need to feel blame. Or shame… Or-," Giles stumbled as the table in front of them levitated in the air and holding hands in a circle became more difficult.


"Lame," Willow weakly offered, the only word coming to her mind. "There is peace in letting go of the past."


The wind blew furiously now as Tara began yelling, "Find here the serenity you seek, the peace you - "


But it was too late. The table jerked in front of the four, causing them to break the circle. They lost the grasp of each other's hands and tumbled to the floor. The round wooden table flew across the room, smashing into bits as the ghostly apparitions disappeared.


"What happened," Giles asked, looking at his former colleague and the two witches. 


"We lost them," Tara said, looking around the room.


"Then they're back at the house," Willow gasped, turning to Wesley.


Wesley worried out loud, "Cordelia…"




The brunette threw one of her high heeled shoes at the attacking vines and managed to severe the killer stem. She lost the other shoe to another vine that tried to pull her down the steps and now was barefoot in the damp moss that covered the floor. Cordelia fumbled threw her bag for more things to throw as she fought to keep Angel moving. Anya struggled as well, with a large machete in one hand and Angel at the other. Xander held an axe, swinging wildly at the dirty roots and just barely reducing them to mulch.


"Ow! Stop it," Cordelia cried jumping up, as she began to feel tiny thorns growing under her feet to stab her.


Out of nowhere a vine whipped out like a tentacle and whipped around Anya's waist. It dragged her to the hard wall and began hitting her into it. All of Angel's weight fell to Cordelia, almost knocking her to the ground. Xander quickly ran over to her and tried to hack her out of it, as the vine continued to slam his girlfriend into the wall. It was hard for him to swing at it, for fear that he might accidentally strike Anya. Cordelia sat Angel down on carpeted hallway and picked up the machete that Anya dropped. Together she and Xander tried to cut Anya out of the vine's hold.


"We'll make it," Xander screamed out, trying to keep his girlfriend conscious.


Just as they got the girl free, another vine crept around the vampire and pulled him into a nearby bathroom. The three all ran over to the bathroom, just before the door closed behind them.


Before Cordelia could reach Angel she felt a pair of hands push her into the bathtub. For a moment, she thought she saw a group of young children glaring down at her. She flailed her arms and head in an effort to get free, looking up for any hope. Then she saw Xander and a badly bruised Anya pulling her away from the icy water.


The three turned back around to see the vines still clutching Angel, attempting to push him out the open window. They all grabbed at him and tugged hard to keep him inside. Angel's face suddenly twisted and he began moaning out again. Anya noticed a white cord sticking out of Cordelia's purse and reached inside. She triumphantly held up the small blow dryer and grabbed part of the vine that held Angel.


"Let go of him," Xander yelped out as he saw what Anya was doing.


The ex-demon ran to the bathtub as she plugged in the dryer and turned it on. But the vine in her hand suddenly sprouted up a thorn, jabbing straight through her hand. Anya yelled out in pain, dropping both the vine and the dryer into the bathtub. An electric shock hit the vine, racing its way up to the connected roots.  Before the shock could reach Angel, Xander managed to chop the vines and free the vampire.


They all ran out to the hallway just a few doors down from where they could hear Buffy screaming out Angel's name. As they neared the door wails and howling boomed through the air, making it hard to hear where Buffy was.


Anya pulled Angel and snapped at the spirits, "Shut up, repressed crybabies!"


With that remark another vine came up and gripped her again, this time squeezing her so tight she couldn't breathe. As Xander turned around to help her, another vine got him too and without warning he was choking for air. Cordelia and Angel were the only ones left standing, finally at the dorm room Buffy locked herself into. The young girl pounded at the door, calling to the slayer inside. Abruptly, Cordelia stopped as she found one of the vines choking her neck. It wrestled her to the ground until finally the former May Queen succumbed to her subconscious. Angel was left wobbly standing….


The vampire stood in front of the door, his mind not fully aware of what was going on. He felt conflicting sensations: warm lips, slimy vines, hot little lands and prickly thorns. Angel didn't know where he was or what to do. Darkness shrouded him and he felt like a lost child in night. No clue of where his home was or how to get back there…


Then he heard a voice, calling out for him. Angel suddenly heard her, Buffy- screaming out to him. Somehow he could feel that same confrontation in her, the insecurity of what to do. Frightened to death- she mentally reached out for him, clawing at the blackness- hoping to touch him. Angel sensed her reaching out and did the same- his fingers extending into the nothingness. They could feel their hands were so close to touching- but something was still between them. Buffy and Angel pounded on the invisible barrier, yelling out to each other from both sides.


All at once the door opened, and the lovers found each other's embrace. The light came back into their lives as they desperately held each other. Buffy and Angel saw Anya, Xander and Cordelia getting up off of the floor. The vines were gone and the house was void of the vicious greenery. Angel held Buffy tightly looking into her eyes.


"Hi," was all Angel managed to say.




Sunrise was coming quickly. And though Angel's car had tinted windows, the group realized he needed to get under cover fast. None of them really wanted to stay at the Lowell House and collectively agreed that Buffy's house was the closest haven for the vampire. The house would be empty as well, since Joyce was away in Sante Fe for the month. Angel quickly got under cover while Cordelia and Buffy made sure that all the curtains in the house were carefully closed. By the time they got to the Revello Drive home, Cordelia had used Angel's cell phone to inform everyone they were going to Buffy's. Now, the entire group was at her house... All eager for a "talk".


Once everyone was settled, they sat the couple down on the couch. In a strange sort of intervention, each person attempted explaining to Buffy and Angel what had happened.


Giles and Wesley spoke mostly on technical things mentioning the cane and Etruscan Powder, with no side comments. Willow worried that Xander would voice any snide remarks, but he remarkably seemed civil. Tara explained to them about the séance, stopping Willow from her worrying and to help elaborate. Cordelia mentioned the battle inside of the fraternity house, but mostly complained about losing her new stiletto heels. On top of all this, Anya kept asking them questions about various mythical sexual positions and in which order the couple had tried them in.


The couple remained quiet until everyone got out what they wanted to say. The mood was awkward when Buffy and Angel asked to be left alone for a while. Yet the motley crew understood and went their separate ways, all needing to get some sleep after the ordeal. Before Wesley and Cordelia left to stay with Giles, they took Angel aside. Both told Angel about the ritual they performed just before he went to sleep that night.


"And the whole time Buffy and I were together… I had my soul," Angel said as more of a statement rather than a remark.


"I believe we performed the rite just before the both of you began to sleep and… dream of each other," the young Englishman euphemized.


Cordelia pulled Wesley with her out the door as she said, "This time- just try to keep the noise down… We don't really want to hear about your love life- one way or the other. Call us at Giles when you're finished. Well, if you ever finish…"


Before Angel could protest they hopped into the Gilesmobile and drove away. Angel wasn't given time to muse on the thought. He felt a tap on his shoulder was surprised as Xander offered him a handshake. The young man had to give Angel some credit- in the end, it was both his and Buffy's willpower that broke the spell. And in a way, that fact fostered the growing respect Xander had for the vampire. Angel realized they weren't exactly close, but Xander did respect him- and that made the vampire glad. He took Xander's silent peace offer and shook Xander's hand before he left with Anya. Angel turned back inside to see Willow and Tara hugging Buffy just before they slipped out themselves. Buffy and Angel were now alone in the huge house, wondering exactly what to say to each other.


Angel tried to begin, "Well that was-"


"Yeah," Buffy agreed falling down on the couch, staring at the floor.


"So," Angel said, sitting down on one of the easy chairs nearby.


"So… Who knew Giles could sing," Buffy tried to joke.


Angel smiled but regarded Buffy seriously, "About what happened between us…"


Buffy finally looked up into his deep brown eyes, "I don't want to forget about it, Angel. I don't want to apologize or just write it off as `my daily dosage of freakiness in my freaky life'. When we were there- I knew… everything."


"I did too," Angel said, venturing to sit closer to her on the couch. "But why didn't you tell me about how you felt? I mean- everything… What you thought the first time you saw me…The nightmares you had before I came back. Even what you felt when I bit you during your graduation…" 


Buffy lay back quiet and reflective, "Probably the same reason why you pretended not to know me when I first saw you… Or not telling me what our cladaugh rings meant. Or why I felt as if the world ended when I walked out of your office last Thanksgiving."


Angel nodded, "There's a lot that's been left unsaid… But Buffy… I…"


"You what," she said, inching close to him.


He smiled again and said the only thing he could say ever say to her, "I love you. I try not to but I can't stop."


"I can't stop either," Buffy whispered, meaning those words just as much now as she did all those years ago. "And I- I don't regret anything… I mean about my seventeenth birthday- god… That was the most beautiful… But just- loving you. And I think the only sad times in my life- were when I couldn't let myself just, just love you."


"I know. I've felt the same… I've loved you all my life," Angel confessed, running his index finger over her lips. "Whether I knew it at the time or not. "


"Angel," Buffy breathed, moving nearer to him. "I don't know if I can

go on with my life without being close to you."


"I do," Angel asserted, his eyes dark with passion and love. "I KNOW sI can't be without you. And I know that there are issues- stuff we need to work out. But if you'll have me-"


But Angel never finished that sentence, because suddenly Buffy's lips were on his mouth and all he could feel was her warmth. He naturally leaned into her mouth, feeling her slowly climb into his lap. His hands moved to her cheek to brush them, and ended up stroking her blonde hair. Buffy's arms were around his neck, her body cuddling against Angel's secure frame.


"Buffy," he moaned when she broke apart for air. "I want you… I mean all of you. I don't think I spend a working week waiting-"


"For the weekend to see me," Buffy finished, planting small kisses on his chest. "I couldn't do it myself. But we don't have to."


Angel tilted up her chin so he could gaze on her, "I wouldn't want you to leave Sunnydale and the Hellmouth exposed. And people need me in LA."


"That wasn't what I was thinking of," Buffy said, pointing to a vile of snow white powder on the table. "The Etruscan powder. We can use it during the night. And when we can't be together we can… well, we can still be together."


Angel took the vial allowing hope and love to enter his heart, "Are you sure we can use this? It isn't dangerous?"


"Willow and Tara have told me about it, and believe it or not… They made it using my mother's spice rack and a few witchy incantations. They told me it's not addictive like some of the other powders, like that Corinthian stuff Giles was going on about. But there is one major catch."


The vampire frowned, "What is it?"


"The powder doesn't work if the person using it is wearing anything made out of plastic. No lycra or elastic or anything else found in modern day in underwear," Buffy smiled, rubbing herself against his torso. "Although to be on the safe side, we might just go completely naked when we use it."


Angel laughed and wrapped his arms around her to kiss, "Sounds like a plan to me… I want to be with you, Buffy. So much. And I want-"


"Want what," Buffy mumbled in between their sweetly locking lips.


"I want a wedding. Another one," he moaned out when she began kissing his neck. "And to spend the rest of our lives on our honeymoon."


Buffy giggled, straddling him wantonly, "I want our honeymoon now."


"Well… You did say your mother would be gone for the month," Angel agreed, his palms brushing along her soft flank. "I still meant it though, I want to marry you again."


"I know you did," she breathed, arching her neck so he could kiss and suckle the skin. "And I'm already yours."


"I still want to marry you," he said, his hands traveling lower.


"And I want to marry you again too," she sighed at his orchestrations. "Why don't you marry me now…oooohhh… Like you married me, on my…my, my birthday."


He smiled and got down on bended knee, "I take you Buffy Anne Summers, my only love- for eternity. In loyalty, friendship and love."


Buffy got on her knees with him, "And I take you my Angel, my only love- for eternity. In loyalty, friendship and love."


They sealed their renewed vows with a long soulful kiss. Buffy began to pull him down to the floor to lay on top of her, but he gently stopped her.


"Upstairs," he barely managed to say as he kissed her little ear. "And then we can work our way down from…ahhh… there."


Buffy merely nodded and Angel swept his beloved into his arms. He held her tightly in his arms, cradling her tiny knees on his left arm. Buffy's hands held onto the back of his neck, still kissing him as Angel made their way up the stairs. Before she opened the door for him, Buffy pulled his face close to hers.


"Angel, do you remember the very first fantasy I had about you and wrote in my diary?"


"I've never read your diary Buffy," Angel smiled. "So I wouldn't sknow."


Buffy flashed him an eager grin, "Well… I guess today you'll find out."


And just like the bride and groom they were, Angel carried Buffy over the threshold to her room and closed the door with his foot.


Once they were inside he carefully put Buffy on her feet to look at her. Her eyes were a wonderful mix of hazel with tints of electric blue misting the lovely irises. Angel couldn't help but just to kiss her, losing himself in her lips. He pulled away to take off his coat and give her a chance to breathe.


"Buffy," he questioned, as held her and used his left hand to brush her cheek. "You said there was a FIRST FANTASY… Does that mean you have some other suggestions you'd like to share with me?"


She blushed, "Yes… But nothing involving handcuffs or anything TOO kinky."


"Handcuffs are definitely over rated," he bellowed, kissing her hands. "You have such a beautiful body and soul, Buffy. It'd be a shame to restrain the free and wild beauty that's naturally inside of you. Handcuffs or otherwise."


"Yes and you do have such wonderful hands," Buffy cooed back, pulling his hand to her mouth to slightly lick. "Good for kissing… And touching and-"


"Undoing buttons," he added, reaching over to her blouse and unbuttoning it.


"That too," she giggled, thinking of the other uses for his hands and fingers on her body.


After Angel got the light cotton blouse off, he reveled in the hot tan skin underneath. He kissed her shoulders and arms, only slightly aware that Buffy had taken off his robe. It had only crossed his mind then he wore just his boxers at the time he and Buffy `started dreaming together'. He quietly thanked Cordelia and Wesley for finding a big securely closing robe that preserved his dignity.


Yet now, Angel didn't need to hide anything from Buffy. And he didn't try to. His very apparent arousal, bobbed up against her belly and she could barely contain herself. Once he had her fully naked, Buffy quickly did away with his black boxers. Now they stood together freely kissing and caressing, hungry for the other's flesh.


Angel could feel Buffy's hot panting next to him as he unconsciously backed to the wall. Once he realized their position, Angel began to protest. To claim that she deserved to have a bed which really wasn't that far away- but before he could utter a word Buffy silenced him with her mouth. Her kiss spoke to him more than any words could. He understood and wholeheartedly agreed with her. As long as every touch and every kiss fully expressed the love they had for each other, it did not matter where they were when it happened. The couple shared this same view of love as both shared their lips- and the rest of their bodies.


Buffy was inundated with the blissful chill of Angel's frame. Despite the outside world waking up to the beginning rays of the sun, her bedroom walls were cool on the skin of her back. The curtains in her room made the room surprisingly dark, and her automatic nightlight fired to life. Despite the darkness, Buffy could clearly see Angel- his warm brown eyes, full kissable lips, hard cut chest, toned streamline abs, and as always his hard ever ready constantly growing erection. She tried to think of any other words to describe that part of his body, but couldn't. All her efforts resulted in synonyms of the same thing- gigantic, ridiculously huge, big, wonderful…


Angel murmured as he kissed her, "I could say the same for you, you know."


She looked at him in confusion for a moment before she angled her head to what he was referring to. His eyes were on her bare breasts that bounced whenever she moved or breathed out. Buffy rubbed her full chest against his and they both groaned at the contact. Her womb had been empty for too long and Angel felt that same unending need. When she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his lean waist, he took awhile to slowly inhale her scent on him. Buffy was literally pouring out her desire to be with him and he felt it erotically drip onto his own pale skin. Within a second he easily lunged into her, as she ground forward to meet him. If the sun had not already stirred the people of Sunnydale, they certainly would have awoken to the sounds of the couple's merging.


Angel tried to quantify all of the emotions the act stirred within him but couldn't. The vampire could remember every detail and nuance of the moment, yet to begin describing it to someone else- was impossible. Truth of the matter is, Angel had the only person he ever wanted to share himself with in his arms right now. Besides, Buffy was faring no better. The subtleties of her unions with Angel were forever seared into her brain and body, however all she could do now was process the pleasure. Buffy looked for more ways to give the both of them pleasure, more avenues to travel down the journey of their love making.


Her knees gratifyingly dug at Angel's left and right sides, using her calves to push him deeper inside. In every heavenly thrust and counter-thrust, her legs shivered in all encompassing bliss. Buffy tried to stand, so her weight wouldn't be a burden on Angel's back- but the pleasure was so immense… she worried her limbs could not support her. Knowing that Angel felt the same way, she worried that his legs would tumble in rapture. When she did move slightly Angel's hands only moved to slide her thighs back up his body. In the single action he let her know that it was good for the both of them to feel this way, and that he enjoyed this just as much. Her hands crept to his tight backside to caress him and sent her further down his member.


And Buffy was right- Angel could feel his legs surrender to the happiness in his blood, but the couple stayed upright as they made love. What helped them remain upright was the friction in their bodies, the intense pleasure of the touching. Angel continually pushed Buffy to the wall in his plunges to her body, as she pushed frontward onto his body. Those polar opposites balanced their bodies, kept them from falling- and ensured the centers of their body be ready for all the sensual endeavors that were to come.


Angel's left hand tightly held her small body close to him, fondling her derriere though she was already tightly wrapped around him. His other hand was at the nape of her swan-like neck, running his fingers through the soft hair. As they kissed it trailed down to the beautiful curve of her shoulder, using his hand to relax the strong muscles under her soft skin. The hand moved to the valley of her breasts, cupping one of the heavy globes as he drove into her.


But as they progressed, deeper into their kisses he couldn't help but to wrap his arms around her to hold. Buffy enjoyed the safety of Angel's arms as he pulled her with him into orgasm. Bursting and flying- any doubt about sharing their lives together was erased by the rocketing sensations of their conjoined harmonious peak of pleasure. Swimming in the cool fountain of Angel's come, Buffy felt a rush of exhilaration and revitalization. In their unity she found her strength- her rebirth, her spirit, and her reason to live. She looked into Angel's eyes and saw that same revelation- that to him, she made Angel reborn and was his sole purpose in existence.


The pulsing energy that was communicated in their eyes at that moment had such power, it sunk them slowly both to their knees. Now they were on the floor, still connected- and still very eager for more of their marvelous expression of love. Sitting in the exact same spot of carpet he slept on years before, he sought to make their bodies crescendo with their music all over again.


Making her own passion heard, she leaned her head close his face- kissing and licking as she hollered out for him. Angel satisfied his hunger to feel more of her gentle back and ran his hands all over her grinding hips. Buffy's enjoyed the easy way her long arms could hold his back, his cool chest like refreshing water to her hot body. And though they had only just started their love making again, both were close to climaxing once more. Angel and Buffy lunged, thinking of no better heaven or eternal reward that what they had now.


As they spiraled into another peak of pleasure, Angel looked into the eyes of his beloved. They were like his, wild with desire. The green flames were calling out to the brown earth of his eyes to be closer, to touch, to feel and to love. He thought of that perfection within his only love, making her body just as beautiful as her soul. Buffy was an untamed and free soul, who loved with all of her being- just as he loved with of all of his soul. Suddenly that wild beauty within her was gloriously released, enveloping him into that free world where only their love existed. They rushed headfirst into the peak of their passion, the doorway to that world and bathed in the warm glow that lay beyond...


When Angel could finally manage to speak he said, "I love you Buffy… So much. Was that you're fantasy for us?"


She coyly shook her head, "Yes and no… There's more to my fantasy. But it can wait-"


"What exactly is your fantasy," he asked, stroking her sides. "I'm UP for anything…"


Buffy laughed at the pun as she leaned down to kiss him and be close to him, "My fantasy was that we were married… And we had a very looooong wedding night and… And that the next morning, I'd wake up and you'd be there to hold me and we could make love all over again."


"I'm not going anywhere," Angel said as he kissed her swollen pink lips. "And I'm here to hold you, now."


He turned their bodies around so that he leaned against the wall and propped Buffy up on his large strong chest. Buffy loved the quite strength of his frame and the security it provided. They lay there still for a few moments, soaking up each other's comfort. Their love could be so loud at times and yet be just as full when they were silently still. The comforting energy that was robbed of them before, was now sweetly back. Deep and unending love, exchanged back and forth- by just sitting closely together. But they could only stay quiet for so long...


Buffy looked up at him and eagerly began kissing him, "I think that's enough time for being quiet."


"Oh yeah," he quickly agreed, as she pulled him back down onto her body. "Wild horses weren't meant to stay quiet forever."


"Never quiet," she added, as they fell back into the timeless rhythm of their love making.