

Disclaimer: For legal purposes, Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt and the rest of their posse own the characters from the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series. BUT IN ALL OTHER WAYS THAT ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT- Buffy owns Angel and Angel owns Buffy. Always and forever.


Feedback: Hey, if not for me- then for all the terrific Sarah/David and B/A fanfiction writers out there. You are the brave- who fight to keep the hope alive! And even these dark times, we need to FIGHT!


Dedication: To Sara-Lee, she always helps me with these! Hope it makes you all happy. Don’t forget your faith- BASD FOREVER!!!! To the B/A posters at the Babble Board, (especially Khymera, some of her words I used) I share your thoughts and hope this gives you hope. And most importantly-to all the BAers! We are strong together and we will get our day!


Distribution: Wow? You actually want this? Well email me and I'll give it you on a silver platter.


Rating:  I’ll say the darker side of R, because of the language and innuendo. Darn the writers and B/S for having to make me use stronger language!


Background: This takes place after Buffy Season Six’s SMASHED. Yes, right after the unmentionable happens. There is not enough YUCK! In the world…


Tonight had been a good night, as far as he was concerned.


The Slayer lay unconscious, crumpled on the floor. Her skirt was torn, her face bloodied... Looking just so.


A damn good time of a night, he smirked.


"You would think that," a familiar voice said to Spike from the shadows. "And yet, you know... Deep down, its not."


"Angel," Spike shot back in a condescending tone. "You damn ponce!

Oh this is right near Christmas! Come to see how much I made your little Buffy come?"


The dark coated figure passed Spike who now stood shirtless before him, "I figured you be too stupid to really get it."


"Oh I tell you what I got," Spike growled, meeting his grandsire head on. "Look at 'er. Screwed 'til she couldn't keep up with me anymore! And she was the one who kissed me first! Didn't force her to do anything- she pulled me out... And I gave her what she wanted. Rode her till-"


"You can't gloat over something you haven't got," Angel cut him off, quickly moving over to Buffy.


"Well let’s see... Where to begin? You know there were so many lit' special moments tonight. The way she screamed out my name when I took her... No, maybe it was when she ripped off my shirt-"


"And how exactly did you take Buffy," Angel asked as he tended to her, noticing Buffy was still fully clothed. "She didn't even let you undress her."


Spike just grinned as he looked for his torn shirt, "Well if you're so picky on the details, I'll remember next time to strip her down before I do 'er. Might try me hand at some ARTISTIC pics, after I bang her of course."


Angel snickered, "Even if you could draw or get Buffy undressed, you wouldn't be able to show me anything I haven't seen before... Honestly Spike, you could never see the forest for the trees."


"And quite a forest it is," Spike shot back. "It was good when my fingers-"


“You could stare at her for hours… Days… Years even. And you couldn’t tell me anything I already knew blindfolded miles away,” Angel steely injected. “You look, but you could never see her.”


“Tonight was my winning. Do you see her Angel? She BEGGED me and I gave it to her,” Spike said, as if he had triumphed.


Angel deftly interjected, "What, you think this was it? The big jackpot? Sorry to disa- well no... I can’t say I’m sorry for the truth. Buffy gave you NOTHING tonight."


"Angel... I never thought you were one for denial," Spike said glaring down at Angel's hunched over frame.


"It's not denial," Angel casually offered. "It’s a basic fact that any idiot can see. You know, you must be some SPECIAL idiot then."


"Tsk, tsk. I thought we were above name calling- with all that save a soul business," Spike chided, looking for a cigarette.


"This was nothing," Angel said, trying to revive the girl. “Not making love. Not sexual… It wasn’t even about raw need. This is something you'd flip past on the Discovery Channel…"


Spike gave back a self-satisfying smile, “I got meself plenty. There was the banging… Lots of banging. And oh yeah- even some of the mushy kissing that comes wit’ all the hearts and flowers.”


Angel bantered as he tried to stop the bleeding, “Kisses? Any of them longer than two seconds? Oh no wait, that's probably how long you lasted..."


"Look at her," Spike proudly pointed. "She couldn't handle me."


"No one wants to 'handle' you Spike. Besides, I know what you have to OFFER A WOMAN... You're the pebble trying to tell me you filled up Lake Superior," he said, taking out another handkerchief to clean away her blood.


Spike grimaced at Angel's analogy, "Bloody hell, you don't need to get personal, mate. She wanted me. I gave it ALL to her. She LOVES ME and I took ALL OF HER. Plan on giving it to her again."


"Love? Heh," Angel sneered, cradling Buffy's head in his arms. "That's your fantasy Spike! The truth? This has nothing to do with love. Or anything else that's remotely significant."


The platinum vampire lit up his cigarette at the words, "She loves me. That's why she let me do 'er. Can't change that."


"Where's her mole," Angel asked of him, trying to keep Buffy’s pulse steady.


Spike tried not to make a show of it and shrugged puffing on his cigarette, "Don't know. Don't care. She still let me take 'er."


The dark haired vampire sardonically smiled at Spike's ignorance, "That's what I thought."


"I don't care where her stupid mole is," Spike maintained, but the thought had already done its damage.


“Don’t fool yourself Spike… You got nothing here today,” Angel said, seeing Spike’s knees lower as the bleached vampire sat down on the wreckage.


Spike waved his fist at Angel, hoping to flick some of its ashes to him, “I WANTED IT ALL AND I GOT IT. BUFFY LOVES ME. You can’t deny it.”


From his place near Buffy's side the elder vampire eerily asked, "Did she tell you that? During any of the whole thing? Did she tell you that she loved you, weakling?“


“Shut up,” Spike said wearily, taking a drag from his cigarette.


“You’re so eager to give me the details,” Angel pushed, knowing he hit on the truth. “Did she? Whisper “I love you”? Were her eyes open when your hormones got the best of you? Because you couldn’t handle just a single second of her body?”


“That’s enough,” Spike said, pulling Angel to his feet.


“Did she Spike,” Angel pressed, throwing the facts at Spike’s face. “‘Cause I don’t see anything manly or powerful about that.”


Spike flinging his cigarette at Angel, but missed screaming, “I said shut up!”


But Angel hissed and went on, “She gave herself to you Spike because she thinks she has nothing left... You had to beat her up to get her to even touch you. Some kind of big bad you are.”


Spike responded to his comment by hurling Angel into a pile of rotting wood. Wishing on that far chance Angel would get impaled and turn to dust. He crashed into the debris, but Angel beamed as he stood up to continue.


“She only did this with you because you badgered her. You took and she gave but she gave nothing… Not herself. Not what makes her who she is.”


“You think you’re so bloody smart! Do you,” Spike screamed throwing his grandsire a hard right jab to his jaw. “I won! She’s mine! I HAVE IT ALL!”


“You got the part that was full of anger and hate and nothing else. Even her body isn’t really Buffy anymore...  You got the empty shell,” Angel affirmed, going over to Buffy.


Spike quickly delved into the rumble and drew out a rotted wooden rafter, “She’s mine.”


“There is nothing here for you anymore Spike,” Angel growled back. “Time for you to go. Or face the consequences of touching the woman I love. The one I marked. My love.”


“Your love,” Spike spat out, eyeing Angel’s chest.


“You’ve got NOTHING,” he repeated over his shoulder, wanting to get Buffy out of there. “And that little bit of nothing is all you are ever going to get. The truth is, all she is- all she will ever be is mine. Like I am hers.”


Angel sensed Buffy’s waking and began to make his way over to her. Seeing Angel make a move toward Buffy, Spike shoved the older male from his path. The younger vampire ran over to her, seeing Buffy stir.


“Slayer,” Spike smugly mused, blocking off Buffy’s sight of vision to anything except himself. “Are you up for another round then? Got more to give me, now?”


Buffy woke up and as Spike blocked her she groaned, “God Spike, the only thing I’m going to give you is a pointy end of a wooden stake.”


“Buffy,” Angel called, running toward her once he heard Buffy speak.


“Angel,” she beckoned back, trying to move Spike aside.


“Are you all right? Do you feel dizzy,” Angel asked, rushing to her side.


“You damn straight she does,” Spike answered for her, giving a truly cocky smile. “Probably won’t be able to walk or move either, will you pet?”


Yet Buffy stood straight and effortlessly walked to Angel. Spike’s face fell, watching as Buffy easily moved to Angel. She quietly stood next to Angel, who held her and looked her over.


“You never did have a lot to offer a girl, Spike,” Buffy mumbled, as Angel helped straighten her tangled hair and rumbled clothes.


“’ang on a bloody minute,” Spike snarled, wooden beam still in hand. “Where do you think you’re going?”


“Away from you… From here,” she said making her way from the fray, willing to stand and walk alone.


“Buffy… Let me help you,” Angel proffered, and Buffy accepted his hand.


Spike watched as the two walked out of the abandoned house, but refused to let Buffy go. He ran after them, waving the stake in the air.


“You’re mine! You can pretend that this never happened- but it CHANGES EVERYTHING,” he protested, grabbing her to make her listen.


Buffy whipped around, as Spike roughly hung onto her. He held the impromptu stake at her throat, threatening her with the wooden implement.


“You’d like me to stick it in you good,” he snorted, angling the wood at her. “Like I did last night.”


“No,” she said grabbing the wooden object, piercing Spike’s gaze. “This changes NOTHING. You…You’re still pathetic.”


Spike watched the once hard beam he had carefully chosen, crumble in Buffy’s hands. The old rotted wood reduced to dust from Buffy’s small powerful hands. He watched as the dust flew from her hands and scattered to the wind.


“Goodbye,” Buffy said, turning her back and walking with Angel out of the house.


And Spike was alone in the crumbling house. Among the falling posts. The rats. Decay and death. Alone… And with nothing.