

Disclaimer: For legal purposes, Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt and the rest of their posse own the characters from the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series. BUT IN ALL OTHER WAYS THAT ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT- Buffy owns Angel and Angel owns Buffy. Always and forever.


Feedback: Hey, if not for me- then for all the terrific S/D and B/A fanfiction writers out there. You guys are all super talented and make our lives easier during these sad times of post Buffy and Angel breakup.


Dedication: To Kim, thanks for letting me know about this place and to all the B/A and S/D shippers, I love you guys! Don't worry- good things come to those who wait...


Distribution: Wow? You actually want this? Well email me and I'll give it you on a silver platter.


Background: This story takes place right after the Season Five episode- "Out of My Mind". Everything that came before it- including the original movie is used in this story. All the stuff after that episode doesn't count. :-) As for Riley- hey, I only brought out what was there to begin with…


Rating: I don't know- I'm not good at these things! I'll say R- but oh well.



Part I- Powerful Delusions


Riley paced back and forth in his dorm room. The wounds from the operation and the arrow still hurt. Things weren’t the same anymore. He missed the adrenaline and energy that rushed through his body. He missed that power… He liked being able to make Buffy scream. To be the dominant one…


Yet no matter how hard he tried to conquer her, there was one part of her he could never touch. Buffy didn’t think he knew.  But he did. Maybe Buffy didn’t even really know herself…


Whenever they were alone together he sensed it. She was thinking about HIM. Even during sex. She didn’t think he could hear her saying HIS NAME. It was just barely a whisper- but it was still said out loud… I love you always, Angel…


Riley growled out again in pain, yet not from the wounds of his operation. He could ever dominate her- he would never fully be in control. He had no power- he had no hold over the Slayer, the most powerful being… He didn’t have the power.


A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Struggling, he stood up and walked to the door. At the doorway was a tall, scruffy, handsome looking guy.


“Hello,” he said to the stranger.


“Hi. I’m a friend of Buffy’s. Is she here? May I come in?”


“She’s not here now,” Riley said as he looked suspiciously at the pale visitor. “And which friend might you be?”


“The name is Pike. Buffy and I go all the way back to LA-”


“You’re from the snob school,” he said about to slam the door in Pike’s face.


Regretfully, the visitor sadly looked down at the floor and said, “No I didn’t go to Hemery… Hell, I went to the large public school next door…before I had to drop out…”


“Hey, sorry, um, Pike is it? Yeah man, come in,” Riley stepped back to allow him inside.


“Thank you,” Pike said as he walked into the dorm, looking around. “Nice place.”


Riley turned his back to Pike to close the door and said, “What did you want to see Buffy abou-”


Riley stopped in mid sentence when he turned around again. The ex-commando was shocked to find Pike in full vampire game face.


“I’ve gone through some changes, definitely… Actually, I came here for you, Riley!”


Pike plunged at him and Riley barely dodged out of the way. He scrambled around the room, searching for a stake. Pike stopped his attack, and leaned with one hand on the night table. He merely started to laugh at Riley. The ex-commando tried to swallow his humiliation.


“Get away from me,” he croaked out, still weakly holding the stake.


“Look at you, man. Totally pathetic. Love bitch to the Slayer. It should be the other way around… You should be out there- killing, taking control… Buffy ought to be here, waiting for you to get home. For you tell her what to do…”


Riley found himself agreeing with this vampire, but tried not to show it. “What are you talking about?”


“I know what you’re thinking, dude. I know everything about you. Who you were… Who you still want to be. And you know what? I can help you, Riley.”


“Nobody can help me.”


“See that’s where you’re wrong. I can do things for you… WE can give you the power and authority that you really want.”


Riley’s ears perked up at the words. He relaxed his grip on the stake and motioned for Pike to continue. Pike wickedly grinned back.


“We’re looking for a few good men,” he began.


“I’ve tried that route already… For awhile I was just as strong as her. But that’s-”


“Not enough,” Pike finished for him.


“Yeah,” Riley nodded, sitting down on the bed. “Wait- Who is we?”


“A legal eagle team that I work for. Excellent bunch of kids. Do what they ask and they take good care of you. I got that pretty little ‘cycle parked outside because of them.”


“This is stupid,” Riley stood up, holding the stake above his head. “What could you possibly offer me that could make me stronger than Buffy? Stronger than anyone?”


“Immortality. Money. Power,” he hissed back.


“Turn me into a vampire? Ha! That’s just-”


“What you’ve always really wanted. You are the dominant type, I can tell… Killing what you are jealous of…What you want to be… Think about it- Ungodly night vision…Incredible strength… Dead accurate precision.”


“What about the money and power,” Riley asked, still not convinced of Pike’s claims.


“That comes as a reward from the suits. But the real killer is that you can finally control the part of the Slayer you can never conquer,” he said as he made a gash on his chest.


“Angel,” Riley realized.


Pike stood back up, looking squarely at Riley and said, “So what are you waiting for?”


It was clear to him now. Pike was right. From the very beginning, all he wanted was to rule over Buffy. All of her. He thought he could do it by making her his little love slave, dominating her. But no matter how sickeningly sweet or how strong he was- she could never be totally his. She needed to realize that she was HIS GIRL. HIS TOY. He should be in charge, and HE should be telling HER what to do.


There was only one way to drive out the thoughts she constantly had of Angel… He would silence all of her thoughts, forever. He could have the power…


Pike sensed his approval before Riley could speak. He grabbed his neck and bit into him. Riley grinned back. This was HIS CHOICE. He was taking charge. He would make Buffy fall to HIS FEET. As Riley began to feel the life drained out of him, his mouth eagerly drank the blood oozing from the cut Pike had made across his chest.


“Should take you an hour or so to rise. After that,” Pike said looking down at Riley. “I need to write my sire a little note… Then we’re off to LA.”


Part II- Prelude to Disaster


It had been a tough night for Angel. He was getting more and more sleep, but he felt less rested. Last night he could barely attack a punching bag, let alone any vampire. But he felt more energy tonight. Something was about to happen…


He turned the corner of the main street and headed downtown. The Wolfram and Heart offices were nearby, and most demon activity happened there. As Angel continued walking, he sensed that he was not alone. He was being followed. He listened at the hushed voices, trying to make out what they were saying. They both sounded vaguely familiar…


“Lindsey is too cautious, dude. We need to rub Angel out now!”


“Look, Pike- I know you’ve been doing this longer than me, but trust me. You don’t want to tangle with Angel now. You need to wait-”


“I refuse to wait anymore, Mr. Lilac,” Pike said in a very loud voice. “I can take ‘em.”


Pike with a bottle of gin in his hand ran up to Angel, about to tackle him from behind. But Angel was ready for him and easily ducked out of the way. It was obvious that Pike was drunk. He was wobbling around, just barely able to stand straight.


“This is too easy,” Angel snickered as he pulled a stake from his coat.


He stopped dead in his tracks as he got a good look at his attacker. Suddenly it dawned on him who he was about to kill.


“You’re Pike… You helped Buffy with the vampires at Hemery when she was first called.”


“Yep… That’s the old me. I got a visit from someone and he helped me see the light… Actually the darkness, dude… You know him. He’s an old friend of yours. Goes by the name of Spike.”


Angel suddenly pieced together the puzzle, “So that’s why Buffy could never find you after the battle at the gym… She hurt so much when you weren’t at your apartment.”


“Oooh… Quite the stalker huh? Even then you wanted to get in her pants… I admire you, man. She’s too whinny for me. I heard about your little fling, man.”


Angel held up the stake about ready to strike, but Pike began laughing at him again.


“She seems to have forgotten you real good. Shacking up with some college dude. Actually he and I are total buds now. He begged me to make him one of us, and now he’s in on the plot,” the drunk vampire continued.


Just then, Angel heard a shuffle from the alley. He saw a tall figure running quickly into the Wolfram and Heart building. It moved too quickly for the vampire to get a good look, but he had a feeling who it was.


“Yeah, it was great, man! I took him right in his dorm room!”


“Tell me what you know,” Angel threatened.


“Well let’s see… I know my ABC’s,” he retorted in his alcoholic stupor.


A strange energy surged within Angel, making him angry and vengeful. Suddenly, before he realized it he staked the vampire. Pike turned into dust before him. Angel wondered what had possessed him to kill his only source of information. What had he been thinking?


“I got to get to Buffy,” he said, dropping the stake and running to his car.


From the window of the tall skyscraper, Darla watched him speed away in his car. She had missed so much of the times… She had missed her Angelus. But not for long.


“Soon,” she whispered.


“So everything is going to plan,” Riley asked as he stepped up to the window.


“Yes, quite… I’ve got a free hand here when it comes to dealing with Angelus. These people want only money,” she said thoughtfully.


“But I think you know where the real focus is,” Riley said as he studied her.


Darla gave a slight smile and said, “Selling out Pike was a strategic move, boy. Getting him that drunk was very good. Ambition and power are fine goals, indeed. But don’t betray me… Learn that from Angel- that filthy creature that corrupts my Angelus.”


“I can see you aren’t someone to be crossed,” he replied.


“William should be coming soon.”


“Yep…The prelude to disaster… But seriously, I know where the power is. I will not betray you.”


“Good lesson, boy. William will help us greatly…”


“Not to contradict you, Darla- But what if your plan does not work?”


“We have other options- albeit, not as poetic but they will do.”


“Should we begin our preparations?”


“We don’t have to start right away. The best part about this game is always the chase… We have enough time for dinner. Greek, Spanish, even China-men… They give me anything I want here,” Darla said as she led Riley out to supper.


Part III- Not What I Expected


Buffy lay on the bed, staring worriedly at the clock. It was almost sunrise and Buffy had no idea where Riley had gone. All she found was a note written yesterday. The note just said he needed to do something and it would take a long time. That was enough concern for alarm… And it seemed Riley had not taken his keys either.


She was about to call Willow for help when she heard a knock on the door. Thinking it was Riley, she sprang from the bed. She felt a tingling sensation all over body, something she’d never felt near Riley before.


Buffy opened the door, without really looking at who was there. She wrapped her arms around the figure, and began her assault of kisses. Soon her embrace was met and the lips returned her fury of passion. Gentle, but firm hands encircled her waist and drew her nearer. The exchange made gave Buffy a sense of relief, that the man in front of her was her home… Her love. A few minutes had gone by before Buffy realized- the body in front of her seemed very…cold.


Buffy quickly pulled away and was shocked to see a speechless Angel in front of her. Turning a slight shade of red, she stepped further away to get a look at him. Angel didn’t need to breathe for Buffy to have made him breathless at that moment.


“What are you doing to me,” Buffy asked suddenly angry.


“You kissed me,” he said, holding his hands up in defense.


“Well why didn’t you stop me? Don’t you specialize in pushing me away?”


“We’re not starting off like this. We were civil the last time I came,” he urged.


“You had no right to kiss me like that,” she added, not wanting to admit that she enjoyed the kiss as much as he had.


“No I didn’t,” he said quietly relented. “May I come in?”




“Buffy, no games. You know I-”


“Yes! Come in already,” Buffy said, moving out of the doorway.


Angel walked into the dorm room and Buffy closed the door behind him. Out of habit, she checked her appearance in the mirror before turning back to Angel. She offered him a seat, but he motioned that he preferred to stand. Buffy sat down on a chair near the bed.


“What are you doing here? No wait, let me guess… I’m in danger again huh?”


Angel didn’t flinch at the remark and continued, “I think so.”


“What? Did that Doyle friend of yours get some vision of me dying again?”


“No, Doyle’s dead.”


“Oh, sorry,” Buffy said, immediately regretting her previous tone.


“As much as it hurts, I know things work out for the best…He died for something good, Buffy. Cordelia gets the visions now. Then, you know Wesley has been helping..”


“Certainly a motley crew you have in the detective business,” Buffy said trying to get into a lighter tone. “So Cordy saw me in danger, eh?”


“No. They didn’t know I was coming here until- I actually came.”


“So what gives? How do you know I’m in danger?”


“I’ve heard some vamps talk. Had a run in with one last night in LA… Buffy, this may come as a shock-”


“I’m a big girl. I can take it,” she assured him.


“I saw Pike. He’s been turned.”


Buffy furrowed her brow at him, “How do you know who Pike is?”


“I’ve watched you for so long… Before you were called and afterward. That’s why I followed you,” he said, pain apparent in his voice.


“Oh… But no! I mean, about Pike- He took all of his stuff out of his apartment. I found a note saying that life was just too hard for him and he couldn’t deal with it. That he was dropping out of- Oh God… Just like the vampires at the college,” she gasped.


“That’s an old vampire trick. No questions asked about our victims,” Angel agreed. “He said some pretty disturbing things… I had to-”


She held up her hand, “No. It’s okay. I understand. Pike and I never really worked out anyway. I went to him that day to say goodbye… What did he say?”


“That he had been sired by Spike. But that’s not the worst of it. Where is Riley?”


“He’s not here,” Buffy said quietly, realizing that she had forgotten about Riley’s disappearance.


“Do you know where he is?”


“Do you?”


Angel sighed, “I think so.”


“Want to share with the class?”


“I think he’s been turned too.”


Buffy abruptly stood up and asked, “Did you see him?”




“Then you don’t know, do you? He couldn’t,” Buffy said nervously starting to shake.


“I think I saw him run into a building. A place that helps demons.  If it was him, then he’s planning something bad,” he said, softly trying to rub her shoulders.


She jerked away and accused, “Did you kill him too?”


“No. But I think eventually we might have to.”


“We can’t! We’ll get Willow to curse him! Get another orb,” she said as tears flowed down from her face.


“Buffy, you can’t condemn him to an existence like that. No one deserves the curse I have,” he tried to reason.


“So what? You’ll just kill him? You’d like that wouldn’t you,” Buffy said, unsure of where the emotion was coming from.


Suddenly Angel couldn’t hold back his emotions for Buffy anymore, “For all this pain I get…Yeah! I’d like to kill him! Because he can do what I can’t! And I hate him for it! He could do all those things I wanted so badly to do with you- to take you into the sunlight, to give you children, to make love…”


As Angel’s sentence trailed off, the anger left Buffy and she sighed, “I guess Pike took care of all of that… It makes sense. Pike is just Spike with an ‘S’ at the beginning.”


“I don’t think we can entirely blame this on the two of them. Riley knows a vampire when he sees one,” he said trying to lessen his previously harsh tone.


“Meaning what? He was looking to get bitten,” she questioned, half-knowing the answer.


“Pike said that Riley was begging to get changed. That Riley even invited him in.”


The harsh truth struck Buffy and she almost collapsed at the weight of it. But Angel was there to hold her up. Yet he held himself back a bit, not wanting to take advantage of her.


“Oh, Angel,” she gasped, realizing he was right. “Riley’s been obsessed with trying to beat me-”


“Has he hurt you? I swear I’ll-”


“No, not really. He’s just been trying to show he’s stronger than me… Every time we’re together, it’s like he wants to control me,” Buffy confessed.


She hadn’t told anyone about her doubts- she didn’t allow herself to think them. Yet, now it made sense. How he wanted to run experiments on Xander when he was split into two. How he didn’t tell anyone about his heart. How he could sometimes be so bent on being better than her at everything.


“Maybe he sided up with Wolfram and Hart to get that power,” Angel said, snapping Buffy out of her thoughts.




“Long story. I’ll explain on the way to Giles,” he said pulling her up.


“No, let’s go find Spike and then head out for LA. I feel like kicking some ass. He might have some information,” Buffy said as she wrote a note on a piece of paper.


“Shouldn’t we get Giles?”


“I’m not going to risk everyone’s life on this. If things are really that bad, I’m not going to involve the gang.  I’m doing this alone. I’ll leave this note,” she said, walking out and sticking the note to the door.


“Buffy, you don’t have to do this alone,” he said, tugging at her shoulder.


“Fine. Then you can come with me…Since you have the car,” she added sheepishly.


Angel flashed a half smile, comforted in the knowledge that Buffy could still keep her sense of humor. That smile made Buffy melt, and almost lose her balance again. But she quickly regained her defenses without hinting that she had lost them to begin with. She gave a quick nod as she led Angel out of the dorm.


“Spike better watch out,” he said as the door closed behind them.


Part IV- The Drive And Its Destination


The sun just got up as Angel and Buffy hopped into the car. Angel had the top up and the windows were tinted, so no sunlight came in. First, they drove to all of Spike’s hangouts to look for him. The vampire wasn’t at any of them.  At around noon, they came upon the graveyard and Buffy agreed to ruff up Spike. Angel was confused when she quickly came back a second later.


“He’s not there. Neither is Harmony. It sort of looks like there was a struggle… I found this, though.”


Buffy handed him a crumbled piece of paper. Angel took it from Buffy, and both felt the electricity surge through them when their hands brushed together. Angel tried to quiet down his emotions and read the note.




It’s Pike. Long time no see. Now I’ve got a new deal with some lawyer people. It’s awesome! They give me all the blood and booze I want. Heard about that nasty chip in your head. And about that annoying Harmony chick that follows you around…


If you want to get rid of the blonde, the Slayer and the chip then come down to LA. Look up the law place called Wolfram and Hart. There’s someone who wants to see you down here… Can’t say anymore, but there’s more good stuff to the deal.




“Spike and Riley working together. That doesn’t sound good,” Angel said, stuffing the piece of paper into his pocket.


“Let’s just hope that they argue as much as they did when Riley was alive,” Buffy said sarcastically. “Then they’ll never get anything done.”


Angel started the car again, driving to the highway. He wanted to talk to Buffy, to comfort her. But he wasn’t sure it was his place to do this. Every inch of him wanted to be wrapped around her, telling her it was all right.


“So… If he didn’t like Spike then everyone else must have loved him,” Angel finally blurted out.


“The gang was encouraging… My mother the most,” Buffy sadly admitted.


“Things will work out, Buffy. If not with Riley, then with some other-”


“Just stop it Angel! Now!”


“I’m sorry,” he apologized.


“It’s just that…Riley was supposed to be normal Joe guy. Then I find out he’s some commando for secret government demon hunters. Then when he’s finally out, when he’s normal- he wants to be a super hero.”


“What do you mean?”


“He had to get an operation or else he’d die. His body couldn’t handle having super abilities. It came from some chemical thingie his directors gave him.”


“I see,” he said, letting Buffy continue.


“But he didn’t tell anyone about it until it was almost too late. I had to force him to get it and be normal… We both almost got killed.”


“Oh,” he said calmly, trying to hide the sadness.


Angel didn’t have to be forced into being a regular guy. Yet he couldn’t protect her as a normal guy. No, he wanted the best for Buffy. He would bare whatever pain or agony if it could keep her alive and happy.


Yet it was clear from the little Buffy said, Riley wanted powers only to impress her… Maybe even to control her. How could Riley have been so selfish? How could he have let Riley put her through this hell?


“Angel, it was real bad. He was acting so stupid! Damn, it! Why is it that all the guys in my life feel like they need super powers in order to be with me?”


So you took twenty-four hours to weigh the ups and downs of being a normal Joe and you decided it was better being a super hero?


Angel almost lost control of the car at her remark and said worriedly, “What do you mean ALL the guys?”


“Well like Riley and yo- No wait, I meant just Riley,” Buffy said stopping mid sentence.


She leaned back into the passenger seat and wondered. What made her say both Riley AND Angel had the choice of having supernatural abilities? Angel always had his vampire senses. Nothing in the world could ever change him into a normal guy…


Angel could not shake off the strange, almost clouded energy that surrounded them. Did Buffy know about last Thanksgiving? No, the oracles saw to that. She would never know… Or feel that pain he had right now.


Angel sat up ridged in the seat, not looking directly at Buffy. His thoughts went back to the day that never happened. The utter joy came not from being normal- but having no limits placed on them. To pour out all of his soul into Buffy. Then came pain of having to let her walk out of his office, eventually into the arms of someone else. Why couldn’t Riley understand the amazing gift he had been given?


The couple was lost in their own thoughts as they continued their trek to LA. They stopped for gas and food only once, since Angel couldn’t be in the sunlight. Buffy filled up the gas tank and grabbed some take out from a nearby diner. Within a few minutes they were back on the road, with little words exchanged between them.


The skies had suddenly turned dark and storm clouds blocked the setting sun. Strangely, Angel heard a sputtering sound from his car. He pulled off the road, onto the roofed parking lot of a run down motel. He and Buffy got out of the car to survey the damage. When Angel opened up the hood, a flood of smoke whipped out in front of him. Buffy coughed, trying to fan away the vapor. Angel stuck his head inside.


“I guess the car is just worn out. Driving back and forth without a long rest. Funny, that’s never happened before.”


“The car isn’t the only one worn out. Angel, you’ve spent almost two days without any sleep. Maybe we should just rest here for a while,” Buffy suggested.


“Lately, I’ve been sleeping too much… But you’re right. We could both use the rest. You can get something to eat. We’ll get two rooms,” he said, as they both walked over to the roofed clerk’s office.


“You don’t have to- We can just share the one room. Only for the night.”


“It just wouldn’t be a good idea.”


Buffy was too tired to argue with him, and just shrugged. They walked into the office and asked for two rooms. The clerk shook his head.


“Sorry kids, only got one. It’s a good one though, just put in new sheets.”


“Fine, we’ll take it,” Buffy said as she shot a no nonsense look at Angel.


He didn’t argue with her. Angel paid the man the money and filled out the register. While he did that, Buffy found the only working vending machine. She put in the quarters, getting herself some cookies, a soda, and some chips.  She met Angel outside again and they walked nervously together to their room.


Part V- The Conspiracy Meeting


A woman’s scream could be heard through the quiet halls of Wolfram and Hart. It was after hours and most people had already left to go home.  The only souls present were Lindsey and Lila, who were supervising the warlock’s work.


“Let my will be done,” he concluded.


Harmony tried in vain to get out of the chains and undo the gag. She wriggled around in the pentagram, almost knocking over Spike. At the moment they touched, a fireball of energy shot from the warlock’s hand. The fireball engulfed the two, and Harmony felt herself turn into ashes.


When the fireball disappeared, only Spike remained. He looked around for Harmony. All that remained of Harmony were the chains and gag used to bind her. He laughed out loud, and clapped his hands together.


“The vamp is back,” Spike gleamed.


“The transfer spell is complete. The other vampire’s energy is now blocking the functions of that chip. There should be no problem now,” the warlock confirmed.


“Thank you. That will be all,” Lindsey said as the warlock exited out the door.


The female lawyer walked over to the vampire and asked, “How does it feel, William?”


“Please, baby. Call me Spike. And I may call you what again?”


“Lila. But we have more-”


“No Harmony and I got my fangs back. This is bloody well Christmas. Now, what can I do for you mi’lady?”


“Actually, Spike- There is someone else who wants to see you. Two old friends actually,” Lindsey explained.


The doors opened to reveal Darla and Riley together. Spike almost flipped out. He stood there gaped faced as she and her new assistant walked over to him.


“You big sods! How the hell did you bring back Mummy? Hello Darla.”


“William. Or should I say Spike now?”


“William will do just fine,” he said, giving a wink at flustered Lila. “ So you’re the one behind all this…”


“I’m afraid not. I have these wonderful people here to thank for my presence,” Darla motioned to Lindsey and Lila.


“Are you up to speed on the situation,” Riley questioned Spike.


“What’s that big poof doing here? Why aren’t you humping the Slayer…Hey,” Spike said as he realized he felt something strange coming from Riley. “He’s a bloody vampire!”


“Before Pike’s unfortunate demise, he brought Mr. Finn to me. He has been most helpful with information on the Slayer and Angel.”


“I’ll bet. Well if that’s the case, why am I here,” he mocked.


“We thought you’d like to share in the wealth, Spike. In the downfall of the Slayer and return of Angelus,” Lila continued.


“And how are you little kids trying to do that?”


Darla smiled, “After the Oracles died, we found out some revealing information. And so I’ve been softening up Angel-”


“Don’t you mean, hardening him up,” Riley joked.


Lindsey ignored him and continued, “Darla has been giving him suggestions, appearing to him in his dreams. Messing with his emotions, reminding him of-”


“Slutty, the Vampire Slayer?”


“I’ve tried appearing as myself, but my appeal is to Angelus. So I have been trying the new approach. There are memories…They will remember,” Darla explained.


“Pike and I have lured them together down to LA. Darla was able to suggest to Buffy not to tell any of the Scooby Gang either,” Riley chimed in.


“Ah… They’re alone. So its only a matter of time ‘til they start banging each other. Clever little wanker, Riley… But didn’t the First try this mumbo jumbo?”


“He did… And it would have worked, save for their friends. As you can see, they are not an obstacle, William.”


“To ensure it, we had the warlock cast a little spell on his convertible just as they pulled to the motel we own. We only have one room available,” Lila said.


Lindsey turned to Darla and asked, “Are they taking the proverbial bait?”


“They have just arrived at the hotel… I’ve also set up a few surprises as well, to set the mood, ”Darla chuckled as she stretched out with her mind to sense Angel’s presence.


“Hate to rain on your parade, but what if they don’t do the deed? Peaches and the Slayer already know what will happen when they go whoopie.”


“If that should happen, Darla has thought of another solution,” Lila added.


Spike just smiled back, “Well then gang, what do you want little old me to do?”


Part VI- Let’s Pretend


By the time they reached the room, Buffy had already devoured her food. She didn’t know why she was so nervous. She wondered about Angel’s comments before. Did he still want to…


Angel opened the door to the small motel room. Just as they had entered, a bolt of lighting flashed the sky. Angel closed the door in time to stop the rain from coming in. The door muffled the thunder that followed.


Buffy surveyed the room. It had few furnishings. A small refrigerator that probably didn’t work. An uneven table. Then the bed. Buffy gasped at the mattress, the red silk covers. She wasn’t the only one surprised.  As Angel spun around, he saw the striking similarity too. It looked just like the bed from his old apartment. The bed that he had first made love with Buffy on.


“It doesn’t look so bad,” Buffy said, ignoring her every impulse to point out her observation, wanting to relive that night.


“No, we’re here just for the night anyway. I, um, I, ah, I’d better take the floor,” Angel said as he took off his duster.


“Angel we can share the bed. I don’t mind,” Buffy said as she sat on the bed.


“I do. We’re both very vulnerable right now.”


“Ha! You’re worried that I’ll sleep with you? Because that’s the farthest thing from my mind,” Buffy half-lied.


“I just need to experience that one moment of happiness.”


“And that’s not going to happen,” Buffy said, beginning to lose her resolve.


“Its close to happening and I need every bit of my will to fight it. Every day. Every time I think about you. Just seeing you makes me so- It fills me up with so much joy…”


“Yeah, well- Join the club! I felt that whenever I used to see you,” Buffy said, trying to deny her own feelings at the moment.


“Look, I know we’ve never really talked about this… I didn’t lose my soul JUST because I had- with you. It happened afterward, right before we went to sleep,” he confessed.


She didn’t say anything, just looking up at him. Angel saw she was quiet, waiting for him to finish. He took an unneeded breath and looked directly at her.


“When we made love, it made me so happy.”


“Obviously,” she muttered, feeling the passion rise in her.


“That night… It changed everything. I couldn’t deny what was going on between us anymore. How right everything we did felt. That’s why I left, Buffy.“


“And you did all this for me, right? You didn’t even care how much it hurt,” Buffy said using her anger to keep her feelings at bay.


Angel was pained at Buffy’s remark, and fought every urge to protest his love for her. He wanted to tell her so many things. To let her know how deep his love ran for her… To shake into her how dangerous he was to her, just because of a selfish desire to love her. He used this pain to keep himself and the curse in check as he went on.


“Look, what I said doesn’t change anything. It only proves my point. Riley is the guy for you, if we can stop this-”


Buffy could no longer take his reasoning and screamed, “Ahhh! Angel when are you going to realize I don’t really love Riley!”


Angel looked at her in surprise, “What?”


“I don’t love Riley,” Buffy whispered as she curled into a small ball on the bed.


Angel walked over to the bed and sat down. He placed his hand on her shoulder and tried to turn her body to him. She turned slowly, and looked up into Angel’s chocolate eyes.


“I had to pretend, Angel. I overlooked everything about him- the controlling, the Initiative, even him sleeping with Faith!!!”


“He couldn’t have known-”


“You would have,” Buffy asserted.


Angel weakened from the night, had to be honest and said, “I would have.”


“I was just so…scared.”


Angel moved closer to her and asked, “Of what?”


“That I wasn’t any good… I remember what Angelus said the morning after we- well, you know. And he always says the painful things that are true,” Buffy cried.


As Buffy looked up at him, Angel let himself cup Buffy’s face with his hands. He was speechless at what Buffy was implying. He lost his voice at the thought. All he could do was gently stroke the sides of her face as she went on.


“And when I met Riley-I thought… I could love him… Or maybe there could be some practice time…That I could get better at not only you know- but just… everything,” she confessed.


“God- oh no… Don’t you realize that ALL of the time we spend together is so… precious,” he asked, wanting to strangle his demon half.


“Really,” she asked in a soft, child-like voice.


“There are no words, Buffy. Nothing can ever really quantify how special and amazing that night was for me,” he said, the passion rising in his tone.


“I tried so hard to believe that he was you… That maybe if I got better-”


“Its okay... We’re okay,” he said, trying to calm her.


“I mean…I pretended all the time… Even when I told him that having super powers wasn’t the best thing. I gave him the same speech I gave you before. Just like at Thanksgiving when we-”


Buffy’s voice suddenly trailed off as a force washed over her, willing her to remember. Angel looked at her with worry. After all this time….did she remember? As he wondered, the images and feelings came as intense as when they were first made.


Kissing, with the sun shining upon their bodies. Staring at Angel in the sunlight…


I’m sorry I kissed you like that.




Not for the kiss itself.


Good. I mean... Cause, as far as kisses go- I thought that it was well above average.


Making love on the table…


Why didn’t you ever tell me about chocolate and peanut butter?


I’m over the whole needing to be mature thing. That time we spent in the kitchen? That was enough time apart.


Too much.


Licking cookie dough fudge mint chip ice cream off his chest, then making love, again, and again, and again, and again…


Because more than ever I realize how much I love you.


No! It did happen! I know it did! I felt your heartbeat.


Just as quickly as her eyes closed, Buffy opened her eyes again. To Angel, only a second had gone by. For Buffy, she had relived an entire day with the only man she ever loved. A perfect day of just them acting naturally, being themselves. No pretending.


“I’ll never forget, I’ll never forget, I’ll forget,” Buffy cried, her eyes on Angel’s and grabbing his chest.


“Buffy, what happened just now?”


“Our perfect day,” Buffy noted sadly.


“The Oracles are dead… They still took it all back.”


“It doesn’t matter how, Angel… The point is I do,” Buffy said in a louder tone to make her voice heard above the rain.


Another clash of thunder sounded, and the two turned their attention to the storm. They could hear the pouring of the rain on the roof. The two were in silence, listening to the drops hit the titles- thinking back to the last time this had happened. They were in a trance at the memories- all of the memories, loving and fighting together.


The two lovers turned to each other. Their eyes deeply penetrated the other’s soul. Angel’s hand was still on Buffy’s cheek. Both realized this and they began to fall into each other’s embrace. His hand moved from her cheek to her neck, letting his fingers massage her soft hot flesh. Buffy felt herself lean more into him, using her own hands to explore his back. Her hands meandered down to his pants, undoing his belt and pulling out his silk shirt. Swept up in the moment, Angel’s palms traveled under Buffy’s shirt. In one move he pulled off the garment. Before either of them knew it, their eyes met again- urging their lips to do the same. When their lips did meet, the couple lay together in bed- feeling the natural love that had always existed between them…


Part VII- The Morning After


Buffy felt Angel’s muscular velvet legs entwined with her own. At first she snuggled deeper into him. She felt his naked body snuggle back, and his hands tighten over her own nude waist. The couple’s eyes shot open in an instant. At that moment, the lovers realized that last night was not a dream…


The Slayer jumped out of bed, grabbing the red silk covers to cover herself. Angel fell out of the bed with that action. While Buffy ran around the room to look for a stake, Angel held onto the side of the bed to pull himself back on top.


“Stay away from me,” she warned, grabbing her cross from the table.


“Buffy, please-”


“No! You won’t hurt me again!”


Angel held his hands up in protest, not caring he was naked in front of her, “I’m so sorry that I did that Buffy- I had no right to do that.”


“I- Wait a minute… You called me Buffy!?!”


“What else would I call you? Especially if I’m talking to the person I lov-”


Angel stopped in mid sentence when it suddenly dawned on him. He had just made love to Buffy. And the morning after he was still here. Buffy saw the soul in Angel’s eyes and dropped her cross back on the table. She crawled into the bed and stared into his face.


Buffy placed her hand on Angel’s chest, and in surprise said, “You don’t have a heartbeat! And you’re cold!?!”


Angel was just as confused and shook his head, “We just- but I’m…still here.”


“You are still a-”


“Yeah. The demon is still here. But he seems… Occupied…”


“What’s going on???”


Angel looked down at their unclothed figures and began to worry, “I don’t know. But we ought to-“


“Oh! Right! Skirt! I had a skirt,” Buffy yelped, looking around for her clothes.


She searched all over the room to find her clothes. Angel tried to help her, but she was too fast for him. Buffy quickly dashed into the bathroom, slamming the door in Angel’s face.  She couldn’t face him. As she put her clothes back on, a million thoughts were going through her mind. What had possessed them to do something so reckless? And why hadn’t Angel lost his soul again? He had said it himself, he only needed a moment of perfect happiness. All of last night was perfect happiness. Wasn’t it?


Buffy emerged from the bathroom, to see Angel buttoning up his own silk shirt. His dark sad eyes looked up at her. Not wanting to scare her, Angel decided not to discuss how passionate and blissful the night was for him. Both of them were at a loss of words. Finally the vampire tried to cut through the awkward tension.


“We need to get to my office. Talk to Wesley,” he managed to get out.


All she could do is nod in agreement. Angel then stood up pulled his duster from the chair. Together they left behind the motel room. As Buffy closed the door, she looked back at the bed. The red silk sheets still rumbled from their evening encounter.


Part VIII- The Plot Thickens


“This is completely UNACCEPTABLE! I want answers,” Lila commanded of Darla.


Darla was just about to settle into of the executive chairs when Lila began yelling at her. Lindsey quickly followed her. Darla remained calm as Lila got right in her face. When the young lawyer had started her tirade, she merely yawned back.


“He felt that happiness. Even before they did anything… physical. It was enough for him just to see her,” she assured them.


Lindsey echoed, “You do realize that we brought you back for a specific purpose. Angel has been a thorn in our sides for some time now.”


“I do not take threats… Or orders,” she hissed back. “It is for this scenario I have brought William. He and my assistant are taking care of it.”


The two lawyers looked at her in disbelief. She spun around the chair to the large table to put her feet up. Her tall frame was lost among the sharp metal letter opener, stamps, and other office supplies that littered the massive table. Both founding partners were away at the moment, leaving Lila and Lindsey in charge of the operation. They had deemed these lawyers capable- and there were more important matters to address elsewhere. How were they going to explain this?


“Just relax,” she sighed. “Pretty soon- you won’t be worrying about Angel anymore…”


Part IX- Reviving the Past


The rest of the ride to Angel’s new office was quiet. Neither knew what to say to the other. Angel concentrated on the road, trying not to think of what had happened- and unending joy he experienced.  Buffy was lost in her own thoughts and doubts. She remembered everything from Thanksgiving. Then what happened last night… Angel was still here with her. She didn’t know what to feel.


Buffy loved Angel more than anything. For her, last night was a release for all those feelings that been pent up for so long. Buffy couldn’t stop asking herself why Angel hadn’t lost his soul. There was one answer she could think of- she just didn’t make him happy anymore. And that thought scared her more than anything she had faced before.


“We’re here,” he said as he turned into a shaded parking lot.


He got out of the car and let Buffy out of the passenger side. Angel opened the side door and took a step back, allowing Buffy to enter first. She mumbled a thank you, and he followed her inside.


Wesley was at a make shift table with a dozens of books around him. Several charts were laid out in front of him and he seemed very engrossed in what he was doing. One item that caught Buffy’s eye was a slightly crumpled parchment scroll. The Slayer felt a strange attraction to the scroll. She almost wanted to reach out to touch it…


Angel made their presence known and said, “Wesley, we have situation-”


The ex-Watcher jumped up from his seat, knocking over several books in the process. He quickly excused himself and began to pick them up. Buffy bent down to help him, and Wesley gasped at the sight of her.


“Buffy! You’re here,” he exclaimed.


If this were another time, Buffy would have been amused. But she merely said, “Hello, Wesley. I see you’re in full research mode…”


“Yes, um. Well your situation will have to wait-“


Buffy stood back up and began, “No it can’t. Angel and I-”


“I made love with Buffy last night,” Angel interjected.


Wesley almost knocked over another stack of books at the words. Buffy felt a slight sense of pleasure when she heard Angel use the words “make love” instead of sex. She was quickly snapped out of her happiness when she heard Wesley stammering.


“B-b-b-ut I don’t understand…. Shouldn’t you be a little more-”


“Evil? I don’t know. I just woke up... And I was still here.”


Wesley could hardly get out his next question, “Well, yes, then… And, so, ah-huh… Um- Perhaps you didn’t quite reach that- No, that’s not the appropriate to ask…um…What I’m trying to say is, is it possible you were not able to hav-”


“I feel total bliss just looking at Buffy…Yes, Wesley- I was happy. Last night was more than enough to make me completely happy.”


Buffy glanced back at him, “Wait a minute- are you just saying that or do you really mean that?”


“You know I love you, Buffy. Of course I mean it-”


“Then how come you didn’t turn as soon as you saw me?”


Angel was about to speak, but couldn’t think of answer. He only thought of the dreams. When Buffy looked at him with concern, he explained to Buffy and Wesley about the strange dreams he’d been having. First a few with Darla. And then lately ones with Buffy. He continued to tell Wesley why he had gone to back to Sunnydale. Angel skipped the specifics of his night with Buffy and just reiterated the basic fact that he had not been turned. Wesley began to look worried as he started to shake his head.


“This might have something to do with the vision.”


“What vision,” the couple asked in unison.


“Cordelia had a vision. Angel- she saw Darla. She was quite alive and might I add, fighting you and Buffy,” he said worriedly.


“That can’t be. Angel and I killed her almost four years ago,” Buffy said shaking her head in denial.


“Buffy, its possible. Something strange is going on…”


Wesley continued, “In light of that vision, I decided to review the prophecies of Aberjia. It was most disturbing. The scroll contained a resurrection spell for a vampire.”


“Meaning that Darla really COULD be out there to get us? I thought once you slay a vampire, it can’t come back,” Buffy said.


“Yes, that is essentially true. However, from what I can ascertain the scroll says that the demon resurrected will not come back as a full demon.”


Angel looked to Wesley and said, “I don’t get it. Darla is human again?”


“Yes, but not quite. Technically, she is. Unfortunately the scroll says that the resurrected will have certain powers. To exactly what end, depends on the individual… However, it is hinted those powers could include hypnotism, drawing out the subconscious, with the ability to manipulate the elements and the like.”


Angel then worriedly asked, “Could Darla make it rain?”


“I suppose it is possible. Why do you ask?”


“Darla might have tried to make me…happy. So I could be turned.”


“That doesn’t make sense. If she was trying to get us…um, I mean you…happy- She did it, right? So how come you’re not all- grrrr?”


“Well, Angel’s curse is very specific- it is even recanted in the prophecy. The happiness needs to be total and complete from circumstances of fate alone.”


“A loophole within the loophole. The fun doesn’t stop for the gypsies,” Buffy remarked.


“At any rate, her attempt backfired. She messed with our minds and the- happiness, didn’t come out naturally…But Cordelia still saw us fighting her.”


“Yes, Angel she did. Which brings me back to what I was originally trying to explain to you earlier. To even cast the first spell is very difficult- there is a month long period every millenium when it can occur.”


Buffy looked worried and asked, “Wesley, did you just say FIRST spell? As in there’s another one coming?”


“Yes, is there is a second part of the spell,” Wesley sighed. “ The resurrected demon’s existence will not last for very long.”


“I’m guessing it’s not good,” Angel said dryly.


“If not completed, then the resurrected will die on the zenith of the next full moon. Coincidentally, the next full moon is tonight.”


“She’s getting electrical equipment,” Buffy asked sarcastically.


“No. Buffy, the zenith occurs when the full moon reaches a point that is precisely perpendicular to the horizon. From my calculations, this will occur at exactly 7:00 p.m.”


Angel asked, “What does the second part include?”


“It requires the mixing of blood from what they call the strong and the fair. A sacrifice of greed must be made as well for the spell to take effect. A series of very long chants must be uttered and then a circle must be drawn using the blood,” Wesley said, showing them the passage.


“Human blood,” Buffy realized.


“I am afraid so. Then in order to complete the process, the resurrected must remain in the circle until the zenith passes. Once they do that, they will be given immortality as well as several other great powers.”


“Then we need to stop her,” Angel said determinedly.


“There is a binding and banishment spell I had in mind. We can start there,” he said.


Angel nodded and asked, “Where did Cordelia say she saw us fighting Darla?”


“I am not quite sure. She did not explain the surroundings in great detail.”


Buffy looked around the lobby and asked, “Hey, where is Cordy anyway?”


“Unfortunately, she had a ghastly headache after the vision. We were all out of aspirin, so Gunn agreed to take Cordelia to the store in his truck.”


Buffy wrinked her nose, “Gunn?”


Angel reassured Buffy, “He’s a friend. When did they leave?”


“They went just a few moments ago. Cordelia insisted they go to a market on the other side of town to obtain a specific brand of aspirin.”


“Well if those visions hurt as bad I think, I don’t blame her,” Buffy agreed.


Angel shook his head, “We need a place, Wesley…What about the scroll? Does it say where the ritual will be performed?”


“The text says that the ritual must be performed at the same location of the resurrection.”


“Which means we’ve got to figure out how to get into the basement of the Wolfram & Hart building,” Angel said, walking over to a drawer of blueprints.


Buffy opened her eyes wide with realization, “Oh God! That Wolfram and Hart lawyer thing! They’re the ones who recruited Spike and Riley! That means-”


“They’re all in cahoots, together. Spike, Riley, and Darla… Which is why we need this,” Angel said, holding up the blueprints.


“Wait a moment, Angel. Aren’t you forgetting about the security measures in the place? For example, the demon that can detect vampires,” Wesley questioned.


“I’ll go in. Then once I’m inside we’ll look for a way to get Angel in,” Buffy said.


Angel was about to protest Buffy’s involvement, but the ex-Watcher interrupted him. Determined to be of use to the couple, he suggested they research the demon while he found the specifics of the binding spell. Neither argued the idea.


The two were again caught in an awkward silence. With a glance, Angel suggested to Buffy to help Wesley research. But neither of them really focused on the task. They remembered the countless times they were in this exact situation. Angel was thinking the same thoughts Buffy had at that moment… What will happen to us now?


Part X- Getting To the Hart…


For the first two hours of research, the situation was civil. Wesley’s presence was the main reason for this- no words between the lovers were exchanged. On a hunch, Wesley went to the back for a book he needed. Once he left, the tone between the two immediately changed. The strong feelings between them were so overpowering…


“Look,” Buffy started, breaking the silence. “This is a lot for us. All three of them together like that-.”


Angel reached for Buffy’s shoulders and quickly turned her to him, “No. They want me. Darla wants me. You will live! Never mind about me, YOU WILL LIVE!”


“Is this what you call living Angel? ‘Cause its not! When I said I wanted a normal life- I meant with YOU. Nobody else. When I said we were in a rut, I meant that we needed to do more things TOGETHER…”


“I can’t,” he said, sounding more like a cry for help rather than a statement.


Buffy was in his arms, wildly shaking, “You’re always walking away from me-”


“I can’t give you anything, Buffy. And if I stay with you, I put you in danger. If I love you- I hurt you.”


Before Buffy could respond, Wesley returned with a concerned look on his face. Angel took the opportunity and pulled away from Buffy. She wanted to go back to him. But sensing that there was something wrong, Buffy turned to Wesley.


“What’s wrong? Couldn’t find the book?”


“Actually I had it in hand when something suddenly occurred to me. What time is it?”


Buffy looked at her watch, “About 4:47 p.m. Why?”


“Cordelia and Gunn haven’t returned yet. Although it does take a while to get to the market I mentioned, they ought to have returned by now.”


Just then, a crash sounded. Angel reacted and was just able to catch the steel tipped bow before it hit his chest. Reeling from the event, Buffy was barely able to catch the second one before it hit her.


“Good Lord! What in heaven’s name was that?”


“Don’t know,” Angel answered Wesley, looking over to Buffy. “Are you okay, Buffy?”


“Yeah, I’m okay… Look at this,” she said, pulling a small piece of paper attached to the bow. “Take out yours first.”


Angel complied and read the note out loud, “Darling- Its been a long time. I’ve been lonely, but your friends are keeping me company. I don’t believe this… They’ve got Gunn and Cordelia.”


“Wait, Wesley- You said that the ritual required the blood of the strong and the fair right? I never thought Cordelia was fair- but this Gunn guy, is he-”


Wesley suddenly frowned further, “Strong as an ox… In the words of my esteemed colleague- Oh dear! They will be the ones used for Darla’s resurrection.”


“Come to the offices tonight at 6:20 p.m. Alone. I may just only take their blood and nothing else if you’re good,” Buffy finished.


Angel took his coat and said, “I’ve got to go after them alone. You two stay here. Don’t argue with me on this one Buffy.”


“You need me as much I need you,” Buffy urged.


The vampire stood there, looking at his only love. More than anything he wanted to take her in his arms and show her the vastness of his love. Angel was fighting every impulse not to touch her. Buffy ignored his silent refusal and went to him instead. She tip-toed a bit so she could hold his pained face in her hands.


“We are stronger together. That’s what the Mohra demon said and I’m sticking to it. And don’t give any excuses about how you think you keep hurting the ones you love. I only hurt when I’m not with you.”


Wesley felt very out of place at the moment, but still felt he should say something, “Angel, I am fully aware of the consequences of our collective actions. However, we all share a strong bond of friendship. I absolutely refuse to let Cordelia or Gunn down.”


The Englishmen’s arguments were convincing, but it was Buffy’s look of love that spoke volumes. He stared deep into her hazel eyes and sighed. At that moment, they both silently admitted that they had been living denial. The truth was here, being in each other’s arms. Yet Angel felt just as protective of Buffy as she did of him. He did not want her anywhere near the evil that took him into the darkness.


“Together, Angel,” she charged with a determined look on her face.


“I’m not letting you get hurt,” he began, softly stroking Buffy’s shoulders.


As Wesley observed their exchange he checked the clock on the wall, “It’s almost

5:00 pm now. You must decide NOW. If you’re going alone- you don’t have a lot of time to prepare.”


Part XI- The Struggle For Power


Riley felt a sense of manly power as he stood over the unconscious May Queen and this street fighter. The blood seductively dripping from their necks made the new vampire’s mouth water. As Riley bent closer to the bodies, he was swiftly kicked in the butt.


“Umph,” he cried out, stumbling over the captives.


Spike hit him and said, “Look but don’t touch…. We need the blood, you big poof!”


Riley still in vampire face angrily said, “Quit calling me that!”


“If anyone is going to drain Spordelia here, it’s going to be me. That’s payback for the all the damn Billy Idol cracks.”


“Then I get the other one, his strength will make me powerful,” Riley said thoughtfully.


Spike couldn’t help himself from laughing, “Oh God! What did the Slayer see in you?”


“What exactly are you getting at, Johnny Rotten wannabe?”


“Hey,” he said warningly as he gathered the blood. “Just telling you the truth.”


“And that would be?”


“You’re the doormat to every bleedin’ woman out there! Always will be. If not to the Slayer then to Darla. Face it- you’ll always be hiding behind the skirt of a girl.”


“Oh I’m so weak right? Then what are you doing here, huh?”


Spike shrugged it off and simply said, “I admit I’m slave to my obsessions- and respect my elders… Bloody hell! You’re not even man enough to say that. And sad part is, it’s not like you haven’t tried. Little Buffy has quite the imagination doesn’t she?”


Riley strode over to him and spoke in his face, “What is that supposed to mean?”


“Are you deaf AND dumb? I’ve heard her call you her lover’s name during all those stupid Scooby Gang meetings…We both know all too well- the Slayer opens her legs and heart to one vampire… And his name is-”


“You rang,” Angel called out, jumping Riley from behind.


Riley’s reflexes were still slow, and Angel’s punch connected squarely to his jaw. He tumbled to the floor. Spike turned in full vampire face to his sire.


“Oooh… Don’t get too happy at that one. Felt good didn’t it? Kicking his bloody bum- knowing that he’s touched your precious Buffy in the same places you’ve-”


Spike didn’t finish his sentence before Angel lunged at him next. The blonde vampire was surprised at the attack and took the full brunt of the assault. He slightly regretted taunting his sire in such a manner. Although Spike could pummel the ex-commando, he was still recovering from the spell worked on him. Even at full strength, Spike could just barely keep up with Angel.


“Hmmm….Still having performance problems? Well, I’m sure it happens to a lot of men even after they’ve sought professional help,” Angel quipped, in full game face.


The two vampires continued fighting, exchanging blows- not paying attention to the  figure in back of them. As the jeers on Angel’s part continued, Spike became more and more angry. Finally, he used the rage to overcome Angel and held both of his arms back. Using all of his strength Spike pushed Angel down on knees, not sure if he could hold him down for very long.


“Riley, you sod! Get a stake,” he ordered, as Angel twisted against him.


The newly made vampire walked in from the back, glaring at Angel. Hearing the command, Riley walked over a large broken crate that was nearby. He yanked a plank from the connected boards and smiled back.


“Well Angel… We know who the bigger man is now,” Riley said, walking over to him.


“Yeah… It must take big pair to stake me like this. Tell something- how does it feel being Spike's lap dog?”


Enraged at the label, Riley pulled back the wooden stake- ready to thrust the weapon into Angel’s undead heart. His hand went down, but just before he connected another hand grabbed his wrist. The harsh grip forced him to drop the weapon and turn around.


“Time to break up this little boys club,” Buffy said, pulling Riley to the side.


Riley groaned from the pain, but still showed his bravado, “Buffy- long time no see... How about we pick up right where we left off? I’ll be on top.”


Angel flinched at the remark, but he took the interruption to his advantage. Spike was amused by the scene and did not foresee Angel flipping him over. Buffy shuttered at the thought of being touched by anyone except Angel. She quickly shook off the comment and continued to twist Riley’s arm.


 “Angel, you’ve definitely lost the title to World’s Best Actor. I still don’t know how I could pretend THIS was you,” she retorted.


Angel pinned Spike against the while marble wall and said, “I’d like nothing better to stake the both of them-”


“But we’ve still got to deal with Darla. Right. Here,” Buffy picked up some chains with her foot. “We’ll just tie you two together. That should be torture for you both.”


The two warriors quickly tied the vampires to one of the iron fixtures on the wall. Angel couldn’t control his impulses and knocked the two out. Buffy gave him a slight smile of approval as she quickly walked over to Cordelia and Gunn. Wesley stepped out of the shadows, running with the scroll in hand. He surveyed his two unconscious friends.


“The wounds don’t look so bad,” he said, kneeling down to tie his handkerchief around Cordelia’s neck. “They didn’t take a lot of blood. I think they’ll be all right.”


“Let’s stick to the plan… Wesley- Get them out of here. Buffy,” Angel said, turning lovingly to his girl that looked sweetly back. “Stay close to me?”


Buffy grasped his hand back, “Always.”


“You had better take the binding spell found in the prophecies then,” Wesley said, giving the scroll to Buffy.


“Wait a second,” she said looking at her watch. “Wesley, its 6:35. Where’s the vial of blood Spike had?”


The three looked around, but the vial had disappeared. Just then, a soft voice could be heard. Even with their supernatural hearing, neither the Slayer or the vampire could make out the words. As the voice grew louder, Wesley eyes shot open.


Part XII- Come Back To Me


The ex-Watcher said hurriedly, “I hear chanting! Angel, Buffy- Watch out! It’s-”


“Just me,” Darla cooed, almost floating into the room with a wooden box in her hands.


Buffy stared at Darla, surveying her clothing, “Well- someone took a hint and dropped the Catholic school girl look. Hey, that’s MY dress!”


“Well- I didn’t think you’d be needing it. I found it lying on the floor next to that boy’s pants,” she shot back, pointing at the unconscious Riley.


“That was a cheap shot! I love Angel more than you could EVER comprehend,” Buffy said, stepping in front of Angel.


“We refuse to let you achieve complete resurrection,” Wesley said, just as Cordelia and Gunn were waking up.


“Let me at them,” Cordelia said groggily.


“My! We have an audience. Let’s keep this at a duet,” Darla said as she waved her hand.


The three associates tumbled back. Angel turned in their direction and saw them stumbling around. Buffy saw Cordelia grasping the ground with her hands.


“What have you done,” Gunn demanded reaching into the empty air.


“I just tapped into your collective subconscious… We’re all afraid of something. You all share the same fear… Not being able to see the evil. Impressed,” Darla asked.


Angel tried to stay calm and said, “Look this has nothing to do with them. So why don’t we leave them alone?”


“Coming around to your senses, sweetheart. Very well.”


Darla waved her hand again. Buffy felt a small gust enter the room, but the wind grew stronger. Before she knew it, a small tornado forced open the main doors to the basement. Wesley, Gunn, and Cordelia were suddenly swept up and blown out of the room like leaves. Buffy felt herself rising too. The Slayer reached out for Angel, and she felt his strong hands hold her fiercely. Buffy returned that devotion, and she grabbed tightly onto her lover.


“Angel, you don’t need her,” Darla said as she stopped the wind. “You know what you want. What you’re blood is screaming out to you.”


Angel caught Buffy as the wind died down. The doors swiftly closed, locking the three inside of the room. As soon as Buffy got on her feet, she looked up at Angel.


“Are you all right,” the Slayer asked, afraid to lose him.


Angel said in surprise, “I wasn’t the one lifted 10 feet from the floor. Are YOU okay?”


“I meant about what Darla said. Angel, I love you-”


Darla interrupted, “I’m still here, children… You know its true, Buffy. Angelus is for me, little slut.”


Angel turned back to Darla and yelled, “I love her! She kissed me Darla.”


“And she also bedded other men…”


“You know what I mean. Buffy kissed me. As I am. Face and all.”


“I MADE YOU,” she screamed at him. “And I’m offering you something she’ll never be able to give you. I’m giving you’re identity. Yourself, Angelus.”


Angel glared at her and said with resolution, “You have nothing I want.”


Darla smiled and slowly opened the box. Buffy and Angel wanted to throw up at the sight. Both recoiled from contents of the box. The bloodied heads of Lindsey and Lila lay in its purple velvet folds. Their faces were testament to the horrible pain and fear they suffered as their bodies were decapitated.


“Its all for you. They are no longer a problem. You won’t have to worry about them anymore… And together WE can be the supreme force, just like before.”


“Things are different, Darla. I AM DIFFERENT,” he insisted, feeling the demon within him stir.


“You are the lovely monster I made you, darling. Everyone sees it. That lady cop sees it. Her father saw it before he died. Hmmm… Even your little Slayer’s MOTHER sees that. And you know what? She was right to force you to leave her. You belong to ME,” Darla said as she ran her fingers down his cheek.


Buffy shouted in surprise, “My mother made you leave??? Oh that’s it girlie-girl. You’re dealing with me now. NOBODY TOUCHES THE MAN I LOVE!”


Buffy ran up to Darla and began her tirade of punches. Darla fell down, dropping the box of heads on top of Angel. The box hit him hard, knocking him unconscious. Darla tried to wave her hands again, but the Slayer pinned her down.  Buffy began chanting the binding spell while she held Darla down. But just as she was near the end the Slayer lost her advantage. Darla quickly rolled Buffy to the floor. Darla was now on top her.


“Angelus is mine. He will come with me. The resurrection is almost complete. Look at the floor,” she cackled, strangling the Slayer.


Buffy turned her head and saw a circle of blood on the floor. She gasped as she saw the empty vial tucked inside the hem of Darla’s dress. Darla merely laughed again.


“I’m not at full strength yet… But I’m getting there,” Darla growled.


Darla felt another wave of power rush over her body. Suddenly, she didn’t need both hands to restrain Buffy anymore. She used her right hand to reach for the wooden plank Riley had dropped earlier. She now held the improvised stake over Buffy’s head. Angel’s eyes opened just as he saw Darla raise the stake.


“How ironic… Me killing YOU with a stake. Enjoy your death,” Darla said drawing the stake downward.


Angel slid over to the two women and screamed, “NOOOO!!!”


He knocked Darla off of Buffy, rolling himself onto Darla. Confused by the sudden motion, Darla’s hand slipped. The stake was caught squarely in Angel’s chest. Buffy watched the scene in horror and ran over to him, calling his name.


He reached out his hand and called her name, but it was too late. Buffy watched as her lover disappeared before her very eyes. Darla was shocked as she felt the dust fall onto her body. She started to sob, lying on the floor with Angel’s ashes around her. Fighting the numbness from her soul, Buffy managed to whisper the last word of the spell.


The ground beneath them rumbled. Buffy felt the winds blow in again, and the door swung open. The gusts all gathered in the center of the large room, swirling to form a glowing red vortex. Still crying, the gust sucked Darla inside its fiery depths.  As the vortex closed, Buffy heard Darla wail and felt them infinitely louder in her own heart.


“Angel,” she cried. “Come back to me.”


 Part XIII- The Sacrifice


As soon as Darla had been banished, Wesley and the others quickly staggered back into the basement. Still blind, they did not see Buffy crying over a pile of dust. In between gasps of breath, Buffy tried to explain what had happened. Wesley was the first to get back his vision, and stared at Angel’s remains.


“What’s happening,” Cordelia asked, suddenly scared.


“He’s dead,” Gunn answered, his eyes reverting back to normal.


Cordelia got her vision back, as her eyes adjusted to the floor. She saw the pile and fell down on her knees to begin her own sobbing. Gunn tried to comfort her, but a dark sadness filled his own heart as well. Wesley looked on at Buffy, half-knowing the torment that raged within her. He slid next to Buffy and tried to put his hand on her shoulder.


“He can’t be dead! He’s Angel,” Cordelia cried out.


“There’s nothing we can do, Cordelia. We can’t bring him back,” Gunn tried to reason.


Suddenly Buffy’s head shot up. She turned over to Wesley, who did not realize the fault of Gunn’s statement. Buffy took the scroll from her belt and unraveled it. Some it was in English, but rest was in Latin. There was still a chance he could come back… She whipped Wesley out of his mourning.


“Wesley, we need to resurrect him,” Buffy said stubbornly.


The ex-Watcher shook his head sadly, “We need a sacrifice of greed for it Buffy. And one vampire for every century Angel’s been alive… It’s too late.”


“No it’s not,” she asserted. “We have Spike and Riley now, and that’s enough to cover the two centuries he’s been alive. We can do this,”


Gunn looked over to Wesley and asked, “Can we bring the boy back?”


Wesley shook his head, “Buffy, you aren’t properly schooled in the magiks. Lindsey was able to do it because he had the training-”


“Guys, I’m going to this,” Buffy said, taking out the scroll.


Gunn looked Buffy over and said, “Hold up- This is Buffy right? As in The Slayer? That pretty thing Angel’s been pining over since I met him? I wouldn’t be telling her what she can and can’t do, brother.”


“Wesley- if she can bring Angel back, then maybe,“ Cordelia agreed.


“No! I’m afraid you all don’t understand-“


“We need to do this now,” Buffy said, getting into the circle.


“This is highly dangerous for you! And it is going to take a lot of energy… Even if you were fully rested, the ritual could kill you. Buffy, if you do this, you may not survive,” Wesley warned.


Buffy quickly looked at her watch, “We don’t have much time. Only ten minutes before the zenith, and we need to do both spells…”


Cordelia was shocked and said, “Wait! You won’t survive? No way-”


“Don’t argue with me! I’m doing this. I just have to be careful about the Latin.”


“We still need the sacrifice of greed-”


“Darla must have it here somewhere! We don’t have time to look for it! If she were going to complete the resurrection she’d have done it already! I love him,” Buffy yelled.


Wesley began to protest again, but Buffy had already started. Buffy felt her eyes glaze over, and her body went numb. She felt that somehow, she was outside of herself. The only action that kept her conscious was the chanting. All she could do was chant…


Part XIV- I Will Lie With Thee Tonight


“I can’t let Buffy die,” Cordelia said, making her way to Buffy.


“No! Do not interrupt her! If you do, she will most certainly die. Cordelia we have to help her. NOW,” Wesley said, holding the brunette back.


Gunn put his hand on her shoulder and said, “I may not know her all that well- but this is something the girl’s just got to do.”


“The best way to help her is to do this for her, Cordelia. Just follow my lead and say- ‘Yet they live.’ After each line,” Wesley urged.


Buffy continued on during this exchange- quickly coming to the parts where a response was needed. The three of them had to fight to keep up with Buffy’s speed. As they neared the Latin part of the spell, the group felt the tremors beneath them. Undaunted, Buffy continued- fixed on her purpose to bring her lover back from the dust.


Abruptly, another whirlwind emerged and engulfed the still unconscious Spike and Riley. Their bodies turned into dust and bones. A mixture of wind and dust began to whirlwind around Angel’s own ashes. The force of the wind was so powerful, the group had a hard time standing up straight. Buffy, almost outside of herself stood erect- chanting, steadfast, fighting to channel the energy… Feeling her own life, her energy- leaving her body.


“Sergei, Serga,” Buffy chanted, feeling her breath drain out of her.


A hot blue light suddenly emanated from the whirlwind- and a sonic wave propelled Buffy to the wall. Her tiny frame crashed into the cold marble, and fell out of the blood circle. The moment her body fell to the floor, the light engulfed the ashes in a brilliant exposition. When the light faded away, Angel’s wet, sweaty naked body appeared.


“Buffy,” he coughed, desperately looking for his love.


Angel immediately became scared. He couldn’t feel her life force as he always had. There were times when he was separated from her- but he could always feel her existence in his soul. Now his soul heard nothing… Still a little groggy from the ordeal, his eyes had trouble adjusting to the dimly lit room. Angel moved on instinct, trying to feel even the most remote sensation that Buffy provoked in him.


“No! Angel you must stay in the circle,” Wesley cried out.


Yet he paid no attention to the screams and shouts of his staff- straining to see in the darkness. And that's when he saw her. Buffy’s lifeless body lay just outside of the circle, her neck twisted at a horrible angle. Angel stepped out of the circle and held onto his lover’s corpse, still warm.


“I need you, Buffy. I need you, because I love you,” he whispered, shaking her in a futile attempt to bring her back.


“Go back in the circle, there’s not much time left,” Cordelia cried.


Angel looked to the group in tears, “Let me die! Let me be with her…”


He pulled her into his own lap, rocking her back and forth. They had resurrected him, but he refused to spend eternity without her. Angel had lost everything. He had lost his only love. All of the control he had gained over the years failed him. His heart was now truly dead, freeing all of his tears to the surface.


Angel felt his body turning to dust once more. He was dying. He knew he had only a few moments left to live. He ran his hands through her blonde silky hair and kissed her cheek.


“I will lie with thee tonight,” he whispered.


And with that, he embraced her and together the two warriors lay down on the ground-dead.


Part XV- Their Fate


Gunn looked down in horror at the bodies of Buffy and Angel. Cordelia had her head burrowed in Wesley’s chest. All of three of them looked down in despair. After all of what the two lovers had sacrificed for each other, this was their fate. Death.


At that moment, Gunn saw a beam of light streaming from a crack in window. He turned his head to get a better look and saw the full moon shinning back at him. The beam of light lit up the circle of blood, causing it to glow with a white-blue hue. He watched as the light engulfed the bodies, making them radiate with electric energy.


“Wes- check it out,” he said, pointing to the circle.


The two turned to follow Gunn’s gaze at the circle. The light shone on the bodies- which were just barely inside its rim. All at once, the ground began to shake again. They all tried to see what was going on, but smoke and midst obstructed their view.  It billowed and curled around the bodies, until another brilliant light blinded the three of them again.

Another sonic wave brought the trio to their knees. Just as quickly as it began- it was over. The smoke evaporated, revealing the two lovers embraced together.


Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn ran to the spot where Buffy and Angel lay. The two lovers returned to consciousness, only slightly disoriented. Cordelia bent down to help Buffy up, and Gunn did the same for Angel.


“Shanshu,” Buffy whispered hoarsely.


Wesley looked at her in surprise and said, “What?”


“I don’t know… That’s… just what… I heard…Shanshu,” she huffed.


Angel tightened his grip on her and said, “Oh, God… I love you Buffy.”


They sat together like that, holding onto each other fiercely. Wesley quickly consulted the scroll, looking for an explanation. Gunn surveyed the area, making sure it was safe from anything else that would come. Cordelia covered Angel with Gunn’s trenchcoat and he quietly thanked her.


“But it said Angel would be human… I suppose I could have been wrong about the translation... However, Buffy died,” Wesley puzzled.


“Hey- Hate to break this up. But I found this,” Gunn said, picking up Darla’s box.


He walked over to the group and held it upside down for them to see. Buffy and Angel were surprised when they saw it was empty.


“There were heads in there… The lawyers, I mean… Darla cut them up,” Buffy said.


A look of awareness dawned on Wesley’s face, “The sacrifice of greed… Darla wasn’t going to resurrect just herself- She wanted to resurrect Angel as well.”


“What does that mean,” Angel said, trying to stand up with Buffy.


“That means- you and Buffy are… Resurrected. Both of you have come back from the dead with immortality,” Wesley said stunned.


Buffy stared at Wesley, “Hold on. We’re…immortal?”


“I thought you said Angel would just be human,” Cordelia asked, turning to Wesley.


“Well it is possible. For the moment we first resurrected him, Angel was technically human. But now… If the translation holds, he should have the same strengths he had as a demon, possibly with other new powers…”


“Wait, hold up… The two of them are unkillable,” Gunn asked, wanting answers.


“If this is true…In their new immortal state, Buffy and Angel can not die unless they are killed in a particular way… Angel is technically not a full vampire at this rate,” Wesley confessed.


“It doesn’t matter…. Angel you’re here…I just want get out of here,” Buffy said softly.


Angel smiled and held her tight, “I know, we’ll go together...”


Part XVI- Returning Home


It had been a long night for the entire group. Gunn decided to head for home, while the rest of them piled up in Angel’s car. Cordelia was about to protest to it, but Angel silenced her. He understood it was Gunn’s way. Just before he left, Gunn patted Angel’s shoulder. The look in his eyes said everything. Angel silently understood Gunn’s approval of Buffy.


The ride back to the offices was relatively quiet, save for Wesley’s musings. After looking at the scroll again, he was still unsure of what exactly happened. In the end, he stuck to his original conclusions about the resurrection. Angel would have at least the same abilities as did when he was a vampire. Yet it was mystery if he would develop new powers. Also, there was the matter of Buffy resurrecting with Angel. She could have easily gotten a few aspects of the demon as well.


Wesley admitted, he didn’t have any clear cut answers on that.  He only knew what the rest of them knew for sure- Angel was no longer a full vampire… And Buffy had escaped the destiny of all the Slayers before her- death.


It was around 8 p.m. once they arrived at the offices. Sensing that Buffy and Angel needed some time alone together, Wesley and Cordelia left on his motorcycle. Before Cordelia left though, she pulled Buffy aside.


“Wesley and I have been talking… And if Angel isn’t a vampire anymore- then that means no curse,” she whispered.


“Cordelia, I-”


“Buffy, even Gunn sees how much you two love each other. And you’ve known him for what? Half an hour?”


The Slayer turned to her old friend and said, “I don’t know what to do-”


“Make him happy… Let him make you happy… Be happy together- just try to restrain yourselves while I’m around,” she said as she climbed onto the bike.


“But what if he doesn’t want-”


“He truly does love you, Buffy. Cordelia and I thought we should leave so the both of you could have some privacy,” Wesley said as he revved the engine.


“I’ve got cookie dough fudge and mint chip in the refrigerator. Tell Angel we’re taking tomorrow off,” Cordelia said as she put on Wesley’s helmet.


Before Buffy had a chance to respond, the two sped off into the night. Buffy slowly walked back inside the building. She walked over to the refrigerator and opened the freezer. As Buffy took the two cartons of ice cream out, Angel walked behind her.


“Hi,” Angel said shyly, unsure of anything else to say.


“Hey, um… Cordelia said this was all the food you guys had,” she said, holding up the two flavors.


“Oh… Yeah. I guess Cordelia was cheating on her diet… What kind of ice cream is it,” he asked, surprised that there was ice cream.


“We have two different kinds…Cookie dough fudge and mint chip,” she said, feeling the awkwardness of the moment.


“Buffy, when we made… well, um, when we had our day together, wasn’t there…  I mean… Couldn’t she have bought-”


“I know… They don’t make all ready mixed cookie dough fudge mint chip anymore. The company split the two flavors apart.”


“Oh I see,” Angel said sadly, insecure with his feelings.


Buffy decided to cut through the tension and said, “Angel we’ve been through a lot tonight. And things were said-”


“You don’t have to say anything, Buffy.”


“No! I do. Angel- I meant every word I said tonight. God, tonight is the first time in a long time I can say that! I love you Angel. Maybe we can-”


Angel walked to her and held her tightly, “No, Buffy. Don’t finish that sentence. I love you. I’ve always loved you. But feel,” he took Buffy’s hand in his and held it to his chest.




“I don’t have a heartbeat… I’m still cold. I can’t offer you anything-”


“Angel you give me yourself! And that’s all I ever wanted. You,” Buffy said, letting her head fall on his chest.


He let himself get lost in her and said, “I want you so much… But you’ve had other men- and we still can’t-”


“I’ve only loved you Angel. Just you. You’re technically not a real vampire anymore! So the curse kinda doesn’t count,” she bellowed, her breath hot on his neck.


Angel leaned forward into her but he said, “I still might not be able to give you children or walk in th-“


“I don’t come with any guarantees either, Angel. We’re in the same boat now… We’ve both died and come back… forever. It’s just hard feeling so ashamed- the two of us fighting and me with Riley,” she said sadly.


He pulled Buffy his to his head, so tempted to kiss her back, “Don’t you think that you’re not special or amazing… YOU ARE. I haven’t been the best in this relationship either… I’ve kept things from you, too.”


“The whole thing with my mom? Oh I’m sooo going to kill her,” Buffy confided.


“Not that. Something else…”


Buffy looked at him with total love and said, “Angel, I don’t care. We’ve both done really horrible things in our lives…But we’re here together now. And I want my life to be with you, forever.”


“ I do too, love,” he whispered, gently stroking her back. “ You know…We’ve come a long way together. You and me.”


Buffy hugged him back, transferring heat to warm Angel’s cold body. At that moment, they both realized that only thing Angel had on was a trench coat Gunn had lent him. Buffy and Angel were already brimming with desire- and the realization broke the dam of their control. Without hesitation, their lips met in a rebirth of their love.


Angel felt himself melt into Buffy’s gentle touch and wrapped his arms around her waist. As they continued to kiss, Angel began to pull away so Buffy could breathe- but she stopped him. With a glance, Angel knew- Buffy didn’t need any air. Buffy shot him a hungry look and she pulled him back to her burning lips.


When their lips met, a flash of lightening lit the dim room. The couple heard raindrops on the roof as a clap of thunder sounded. Angel smiled against Buffy’s mouth and teasingly pulled a little away.


“They’re playing our song,” he tantalized, stroking her cheek.


“Mmmm… The last time we were like this, we agreed to take things…slow,“ she said, seductively rubbing his chest through the coat.


“Slow,” he echoed, as his mouth traveled downward to kiss her chest over her silk shirt. “I’ll make sure we go very, very, very, very slow.”


“Well, we might want to take the varied approach on speed,” she teased, as he pulled her back to his mouth.


Their kisses became even more intense than the couple thought possible. Buffy felt her body hum not only at his touch, but just at his mere presence. She began to feel weak in the knees. Wanting more of him as each second passed, she jumped up- wrapping her legs around his lean waist.


Angel became increasingly aware of his own body against Buffy’s. They needed each other. Now. As he felt her legs wrap around him, Angel began maneuvering their intertwined frames to the staircase. Buffy held onto him tightly, as he tried to make his way to his apartment. Along way they were dangerously close to their passion erupting on the flight of steps. But they were able to reach Angel’s apartment, letting nothing hold their love for each other back.


Angel stopped his ardent kisses for a moment and Buffy looked visibly disappointed. The disappointment didn’t last for very long- before she knew it, he whisked her into the air. He cradled her in his arms, and Buffy tenderly gripped his neck. Like a groom and bride, Angel carried Buffy over the threshold of his hotel penthouse. With both arms he held onto Buffy lovingly, closing the door with his foot.


When they got inside, Buffy fervidly wanted to continue their kisses- but Angel stopped her again with his index finger. He laid Buffy down on his bed, but to her surprise- he sat on a wooden chair next to the bed. Angel tried to reassure her, looking at her with all the love in his heart.


“Buffy- there’s something I need to tell you,” he whispered as he kissed her hand.


Buffy slanted her body to Angel and said, “I told you already, I don’t care. I just want you, always.”


“No… I have to say this. You have to know.”


“What is it,” she asked, fear reflecting in her eyes.


“Nothing bad… I promise,” he said, looking at her hazel eyes.


“Then what’s going on?”


“The ring,” he said as he gently rubbed her naked left ring finger. “The claddagh I gave you. For your birthday? I didn’t… I didn’t tell you everything.”


“What do you mean,” she asked, wrapping her arms around him, holding him close.


“That night… I married you. When I put the ring on your finger and I said those things I did… I married you. Over here it doesn’t mean anything- but during my day in Ireland-”


“We would have been married,” she finished quietly.


Angel looked at her, slightly surprised, “You’re not angry with me?”


“No. Why would I? I think that night we had something- sacred… And how great of a present is that,” she said, softly kissing him on the forehead. “I think I’ve always known. Sorta… On some level.”


“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before…When Angelus came, every part of me fought him from telling you- I didn’t want it to come out that way. And after that I just didn’t want you to feel obligated to me,” he confided.


Buffy ran her fingers through his dark brown hair and said, “Loving you is never an obligation. It’s a privilege. Something I sometimes think I don’t deserve-”


“But you do-”


“Exactly! This is what we need to remind ourselves, Angel. We deserve each other. Always. Forever, that’s the whole point, remember?”


“When I’m with you, I don’t need to be reminded as much… I feel it,” he said, snuggling his head onto her shoulder.


“Well then… That settles it. We just won’t leave each other alone,” she said, drawing him in her a soulful, sensual kiss.


Angel pulled back again- but his left arm was still tightly wrapped around Buffy. He reached over to a nightstand on his bed. He opened up a drawer revealing inside a black satin jewelry box. He took out the box and got on his knees in front of Buffy. The Slayer beamed with joy and she felt the tears welling up inside of her. Angel smiled that sexy half-smile she loved, as he opened up the box.


“I found this after I came back. Buffy, I want to make that commitment to you… Again, and again, and again,” he simply said, holding up the claddagh ring.


“I looked everywhere in the mansion for it,” Buffy said in wonder.


“The crown represents, loyalty. The hands for friendship and the heart- for love,” Angel said, now finding a confidence he did not have three years ago.


“With the heart facing toward you… That means you belong to someone,” Buffy said.


“So, will you-”


“Yes,” Buffy cried before he had a chance to finish. “You don’t even have to ask- I’m already yours, you know.”


With each moment that passed, Angel kept amending his definition of happiness. Being with his Buffy- made the each passing second more special than he thought possible. The truth and freedom was here- in his arms. And he knew that he would never have to let go of it again. Feeling like a giddy teenager, he kissed the ring and held up Buffy’s hand.


Angel excitedly slipped the sliver ring on her tiny finger. He looked at her hands in awe, and Buffy looked down with him. The ring felt snug against her skin and she wondered how she had lived for so long without its touch- without Angel’s touch. With a slightly mischievous grin, Buffy arched herself back onto the blue satin sheets of the bed. She pulled Angel on top of her and gave him an enticing kiss. He eagerly returned it, but looked shocked when she pulled away.


“What’s wrong,” he asked, worry apparent in his voice.


Buffy said nothing as she guided his hands to her short silk blouse, letting him feel the flesh sticking out of it. She motioned to him and he undid the buttons, quickly sliding it off. Her red silk bra was the only thing that covered the rest of her chest, and Angel reveled in the sensation of touching her flesh against that fabric. He marveled at how Buffy’s skin felt so much softer that the material. With his eyes fixed onto hers- his thumbs gently massaged her.


She moaned softly as he proceeded with his orchestrations. But she giggled when he felt something hard between his fingers. Buffy smiled again as he stopped to look at that spot in confusion. She guided his hands again to the front clasp of her bra, and he gently removed it. Angel peaked inside of the bra’s cup at saw a glimmer of metal shine in the nightlight. Buffy pulled the ring out of its place and tossed the bra onto the floor.


“I found this when you came back too… But this was too big for me,” she said holding up Angel’s claddagh ring for him to see.


“You’ve had it all this time,” he smiled back, staring at it in Buffy’s tiny fingers.


“They’re the symbol of our connection. The rings, I mean. And that’s why I kept it close to my heart,” Buffy explained.


“So where does it go,” he asked with a hint of playfulness in his voice.


“Right here,” she said, slipping it onto his left ring finger- with the heart facing inward. “There. Now we match, like we always do, husband.”


“Wife,” he whispered kissing her again, removing the last obstacles to their joining.


Angel looked into Buffy’s eyes and saw the fire that shone brightly in them. His own eyes reflected that same burning. In each other’s eyes, the couple discovered happiness, love, and a sense of hope that they both thought could never be found again.  He felt slightly nervous as he continued his kisses, his hands roaming around her bare being. Buffy shared the anxiety, but as their bodies moved closer- the worries left the couple’s thoughts.


They exulted in their union, finally feeling from their profound love the total freedom it engendered. While it may have taken a while for them to get this bounty, the journey made its destination all the more worthwhile. During this renaissance of souls, they rediscovered the true meaning of being complete. Both of them realized they were two different people, contrasting each other perfectly- Angel’s large, masculine frame emptying into Buffy’s tiny feminine body.  Yet they were two different parts of the one whole. Delighting in these differences- coupled with the knowledge that they shared the same essence.


Their love finally knew no bounds. Together they could be gentle, slow and tender. Together they could be brisk, ravishing and voracious. What never wavered throughout the night was their passion and love for each other. Acutely aware of the other’s spirit as well as their body- and the merging of those parts into a single entity. Although they could have easily continued on like this, the couple finally decided to proceed with their expression at dawn.


Curling inside of each other, they allowed sleep pass over them. Buffy cooed into Angel’s chest and he tightened his already firm embrace. His mind drowned in the happiness Buffy had given him. He returned her reflection with an aroused satisfyingly husky moan. And as Buffy lay on top of Angel, she slowly closed her eyes. Just before she let them close, her eyes wandered over to the night table. She smiled at the empty containers of ice cream they had devoured.


“What are you thinking,” he asked, stroking her arms with his index finger.


“Oh Angel…You know- most people don’t think that mint chip and cookie dough fudge could taste so good together,” she said, beginning to doze off in his comfortable grasp.


“Mmmm, I can see that,” he yawned, letting himself drift with Buffy into subconscious.


“But Angel… I can’t imagine my life without them together,” she said thoughtfully.


“I can’t either,” he added, knowing Buffy meant something more than just the ice cream.