Serenade In Blue


Disclaimer: For legal purposes, Joss Whedon and company own the characters from the shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series.


BUT IN ALL OTHER WAYS THAT ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT- Buffy owns Angel and Angel owns Buffy. Always and forever.


Feedback: Hey, if not for me- then for all the terrific Sarah/David and B/A fanfiction writers out there! They really could use all the support you have to give in these dark times.


Dedication: I’m dedicating this one to all the B/Aers who feel like they are losing hope. All we can do is try. And continue to Chester. 


This also goes to all the nice B/A friendly babblers at the Babble Board, BA or BUST! And as always- to all of the B/A and Sarah and David shippers out there! I hope this makes you all happy. WE MUST KEEP THE FAITH! Don’t worry guys- I’m not going anywhere, and YES- I will get my next big fics done soon. I PROMISE!


Rating:  Possibly PG-13? Nothing at all graphic.


Distribution: Wow? You actually want this? Well email me and I'll give it you on a silver platter.


Background: Did you ever have a song stuck in your head? I wrote this since I’m a big lover of Big Band music, (I’d buy Royal Crown Revue albums if it wasn’t tainted with B/Rness… also, I’d need money too) and wanted to rid this song of its B/R taint.


Takes place RIGHT AFTER the “off-screen meeting” of Buffy and Angel which happens after Buffy Season Six’s FLOODED and Angel Season Three’s CARPE NOCTEM. Both Angel and Buffy think about the meeting as they make their way home. Sigh… If only there existed a copy of Brad Kane singing of SERENADE IN BLUE where I don’t have to listen to mushy B/R in the middle of it…ewww….


“You’re listening to Auguries, your host for tonight’s edition of NICE AND SLOW… The show where we give it to all of you listeners nice and slow,” the female announcer began, as Angel started his car.


Buffy was alive.


Alive and warm. In his arms, or was- a few minutes that seemed like centuries ago.


“And while all of you might not be with the ones you love, all of us here at NICE AND SLOW are with you… Hoping that you can someday find that special someone,” Auguries himself intoned, as Angel shook his head.


He found his someone. On a sunny day in Los Angeles in 1996. And even though this Auguries person sounded every bit sincere, knowing that a complete stranger who’d probably never know WHAT you were, let alone who you were didn’t really console the vampire who had- once again, let go of his sunshine. His light. His Buffy.


“I know for most of you that isn’t a lot of comfort,” Auguries said, as Angel was completely surprised this man had somehow known his thoughts. “All we can do in this life… is try.”


Try… A three-lettered word that sounded good on paper. But did trying ever REALLY work? Sometimes he felt like he should just chuck it all together, drop all of what made him special and just- blend… Blend so much that he became another blissfully ignorant soul that had the job of saving. Goofy, even. Those kinds of people didn’t have problems. Or cares. Or demons. Or lost loves that reached out to him in his dreams but were never there when he woke in a cold sweat just before dawn. They didn’t have to deal with the danger, the havoc this whole fight did to your soul… They didn’t have to deal…


And somewhere, as if his personality, that tiny corner of soul that made him REALLY care was a switch… Angel turned it off, letting himself blend into the dark California night…Those kinds of people didn’t have to deal. And neither did he.




“Try,” Buffy said, monotonically echoing Augeries’s words as the bus radio droned on with the rest of NICE AND SLOW.


Buffy curled up in her front seat as she listened to the man. Try? Try… A three-lettered word that sounded good on paper. But did trying ever REALLY work? Buffy didn’t know where to even begin with that question. Did she even know how to do that anymore? Try? It seemed like something innate. A fundamental part of existing. But even that bit of knowledge from Mother Nature seemed missing, as she rode the bus back to Sunnydale. Making an effort, working through everything- the how’s, the actual doing… How? Buffy had nothing to fall back on, nothing to start with. Nothing.


She was empty inside. Devoid of anything. Even when she had seen Angel tonight- she had been more at ease with him than she had with any of the friends since she…returned here. But later and later on in the night, she felt that emptiness return- and completely swallow her whole as she boarded the now sparsely occupied bus.


For the good of… everyone, they parted again. It wasn’t anything new. Though that didn’t make having to leave each other any easier. Not one bit.


Was there anything in this world that could ever make her snap out of this? Any way to escape? Couldn’t she just do… something, anything- to just be Buffy again? All she needed was that anything to stir her up inside. Something to fill her. It didn’t matter what it was- just as long as she wasn’t empty anymore. She couldn’t be empty… Even walking around the tombstones of Shady Hill Cemetery with nothing but self-loathing and contempt sounded nice… Was there anything worse than being empty? Free from life… When did the proposition that had disgusted her as high school girl, that she still abhorred and spat upon- become more alive than she was now?


“Life can be empty,” Augeries continued, as Buffy snapped out of her thoughts and tuned into the faceless radio voice. “And life can be hard to deal with. We only hope, all of us here can make it better for you to bear. Nothing should ever have to be borne alone…”




“Borne alone,” Angel remembered, any indifference that had built up in him came rushing out of his body and the current of longing settled in his heart again.


“Some things are forgotten. But we have our memories… And we can share those with others,” Augeries said, making Angel screech his car to a stop right then and there. “There’s a memory I’d like to share with you. For all of those of you who wonder… Its never too late… ”


A lump deep inside his undead throat formed as he whispered, “Never?”




“Never,” Buffy repeated as she nodded in agreement, clutching her purse. “Its never too late.”


His voice soft and kind, offered, “And so, I have for you… A dance while we… Serenade in Blue.”


Buffy further eased into her seat at the sound of the song title. Did she remember it? There was something… It didn’t matter now. It tugged at the edges of familiarity- but in the end, all Buffy really saw wasn’t a memory. It was a dream. A dream of soft melodic beats, strong cool hands, big soulful amber eyes and lips that filled her with love and the world.


Buffy sat up as she heard the song, “When I hear that Serenade In Blue…I'm somewhere in another world alone with you, sharing all the joys we used to know…. Many moons ago.”




“Once again, your face comes back to me,” the singer harmonized, as Angel saw Buffy’s face in his own reflection-less car mirror. “Just like the theme of some forgotten melody. In the album of my memory, Serenade In Blue.”


Over his nearly three hundred years of existence, he heard a gaggle of countless and nameless pretty tunes. Memorized a few only to forget them as time wore on. And even though he hadn’t expected it, tonight- the music lightly played in his heart.




“It seems like only yesterday, a small café, a crowded floor… And as we dance the night away, I hear you say, "Forever more”,” Buffy sang out, to the amazement of the driver, suddenly struck by the small young thing…


Her tone. Her words… Her… feeling… It was real.




“And then the song became a sigh- Forever more became goodbye, But you remained in my heart,” the song went on, as Angel nearly stood up from the driver’s seat.


It drove him to his heart, to break the carefully constructed shade he built and just be confronted with the truth.




Buffy’s eyes opened at the words she had just sung. He remained in her heart. She wasn’t empty. Angel was a part of her- part of who she was… Of who she’d always be.  Buffy felt the emotions bubble inside of her, she didn’t realize she had missed her transfer- or that the bus was at the end of its route… Turning and driving back to where it came from.


“So, tell me, darling, is there still a spark,” she sang.




“Or only lonely ashes of the flame we knew? Should I go on whistling in the dark,” he quietly sang as he sat back in his seat, asking the air.


He already knew the answer.




“Serenade In Blue,” Buffy sang the end of the chorus, as the bus stopped at the spot where she had met with Angel.


The feel of the music, as the trumpets and clarinets has their moments in the spotlight filled her and gave her the answers she had been seeking. Quickly- she hopped off the bus and dashed to the backroads that with two hours of pathway- connected city to city.




The song waltzed on, as Angel sped forward- hoping to catch the most important bus he’d ever chase after in his entire existence…




Her legs worked fast… running to him- not wanting him to slip away…Running…












And all of a sudden- they were there together. A spark suddenly became the grandest fire either of them had ever felt as they were rushing- rushing to be in each other’s arms again. To hold, to kiss and to love.


With all of what was standing in their way- of everything that told them otherwise, could it ever outweigh the power of the love between them? Could it ever hold the tiniest flicker of a flame to the heated passion they would always have for each other?


Not to them.


And even though these things squarely glared at them plainly in the face, as sunrise would loom over them at any minute- they took each other’s hand, together dancing and listening to the last refrain…


“So, tell me, darling, is there still a spark? Or only lonely ashes of the flame we knew? Should I go on whistling in the dark? Serenade in blue…Serenade in blue,” the singer spoke for them, as they danced- wrapped tight in their lover’s embrace, kissing and softly shuffling their feet….