Come To Me


Disclaimer: Most philosophers and other religious dignitaries say you can't really OWN another person, so I don't claim to own either David Boreanaz or Sarah Michelle Gellar and other celebs mentioned in the story. Nor will the priests let me own the television show Entertainment Tonight or the perfume company Candies…

Feedback: Hey, if not for me- then for all the terrific S/D and B/A fanfiction writers out there. You guys are all super talented and make our lives easier during these sad times of post Buffy and Angel breakup.

Dedication: To Kim and Karin- thank you for opening my eyes to the great lists and websites dedicated to our two favorite couples.

Background: I wrote this in January/February of 2001, when VALENTINE just came out and the Golden Globes hadn't been aired yet. Enjoy!


Also, for anyone who doesn't already know, Candies is a company that makes men and women's cologne. They are known for their racy, sexy commercials of celebs. People like Carmen Electra, Dennis Rodman, Alyssa Melano, and Mark McGrath have all done commercials for it. The commercials also have a cool commercial jingle to them- "Come to me. Let me be, your- candy, candy- CANDY MAN!"

The young actress sat down in her agent's office, while the he listened intently on the phone. If not for the air conditioning in the place, she surely would be sweating with anxiety. Sarah almost pounced on the man when he hung up the phone.

The press agent smiled back, "It's set!"

"Really," she beamed.

"Yep. Congratulations, you and your boyfriend are in the new Candies commercial."

"Did you hear that,' Sarah asked her boyfriend.

Freddie had a far away look and said, "What?"

"We got it- the commercial for those colognes. We'll finally be working together again."

"Oh right," he remembered, trying to sound enthusiastic. "Yeah. Can't wait."

"Okay, now this time- with less feeling," she chided. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said, shaking it off. "So when do we begin shooting?"

After getting a few more details from Sarah's agent, the couple left the man's office. As he began cleaning up the mess of papers on his desk, he noticed a magazine on top of his coffee table. He knew immediately that it wasn't one of his. The brightly colored teen magazine stood out like a sore thumb against his copies of Newsweek and the Wall Street Journal. The headline on the magazine also caught his attention- A WEEKEND WITH SARAH'S BOYTOY.

Shooting for the commercial came quickly for the actress. But she loved every minute of it and redoubled her efforts to fit everything in. Sarah looked at the marvelously constructed area with delight. There were actually three sets, one for Sarah's scenes, one for Freddie's scenes, and a beautifully decorated bedroom set. As she and Freddie came to the set, the makeup people pulled them away get them prepared for the shot.

Freddie turned to the director of the shoot and asked, "Um, listen- do you mind if we do my single shots first?"

"How come," Sarah asked, joining the director.

"I have some stuff to do later."

"Really," she asked, trying not to sound hurt. "I know I have a few things, but we can work around-"

"Actually this might be a good idea- seeing if we can cram all of this in a day shoot. I can take it to editing and then we can take them to the groups," the director remarked.

"The groups," Sarah echoed. "What groups?"

The director explained, "Focus groups. Their word is like God. We'll show them the commercial and then see if they like it. If they do, then we'll run them."

"Why do we have to go through a focus group? I mean, not to sound prima donna-ish or anything- but when I did the Maybeline thing-"

"That was different. Modesty aside, you're an incredible talent and a bankable actress. A focus group wasn't needed for just you," the director said.

Sarah smiled humbly at the comment, while Freddie continued to be silent. The director then called out orders to the crew to set up Freddie's scenes. He shot them quickly, getting them all in one take. He hurriedly shot his remaining scenes with Sarah and then took off. The young actress plastered on her best `nothing' face and continued with the shoot. She even stayed a bit longer than scheduled just so the director had extra shots to work with. As she got into her car to drive to the WB lot, she did her best not to cry.

Within the week her agent called Sarah and Freddie into a meeting at his offices. Sarah could already tell over the phone that it didn't sound good. She stepped tentatively into the office and took a seat to wait for Freddie. He leisurely walked in fifteen minutes later.

"Sorry," he said, sitting down. "I just kinda- forgot."

"I'm sorry too," Sarah said, referring to what happened on the set.

Her agent was puzzled over her apology, but continued anyway to say, "There's good news and bad news."

Sarah's slight smile faded, "The focus groups didn't like me-"

"No, no. They liked you. It was just-"

"They didn't like me," Freddie answered back.

"Well… They didn't think the two of you had good-uh, chemistry?"

"But we're going out," the young actress exclaimed.

"I know. Which is why Candies company thought it would be good to pair you two together. But they still want to you for the commercials," he said to Sarah.

"I don't understand. Don't these commercials have couples in them? I mean, I can't do them by myself," she said, feeling dejected.

"Sarah, don't you get it? They want someone ELSE to do them with you," Freddie snapped back.

"I'm afraid so," the agent confirmed.

And with that, Freddie stormed out of his office without another word. Sarah was still in shock at his action, and couldn't go after him. She was still numb about ten minutes later, when her agent tried to console her. But she regained her senses and friendly waved him away. She smiled again, and said that she was a professional. Together they went over the shooting schedule for the new commercial.

From what she was told, the shots she had done earlier were wonderful. Sarah was relieved she didn't need to re-shoot them. Now she was waiting for the crew to finish with her co-star's scenes alone. Sarah didn't know who would be staring with her in this ad and was too sad to care. By the time she arrived at the set, her mystery co-star was doing the single shots of himself. She thought
she would just do the commercial and be done with it. Freddie hadn't called her since the incident in her agent's office. That left her with a sad sinking feeling as she sat on the mattress of the bedroom set.

"Is there a problem, ma'am," a familiar voice asked.

Sarah immediately smiled and turned around, "You do realize that you're not the character you play, right?"

"What can I say? I'm not very original- the lines are the only thing I know," the man teased as he sat down with her.

"I'm glad to see you, David. I mean, when you left for your new show and the last crossover-"

"We haven't had much time to hang out," he finished. "I know. I miss it too."

"So you're going to shoot the commercial with me," she asked. "The focus group must have all been B/A shippers or something."

"I don't care how it happened," he said giving her a hug. "Just happy to have some quality Golden Globe nominee time."

"Oh," she blushed. "Thank you. I'm just dying to go see your new movie. And I've been watching your show- its incredible. You've really developed Angel a lot, you know?"

"You mean the writers have," he said modestly. "But I do my best."

"Well you are the BEST," she insisted. "But really David, thank you for being here."

"Are you kidding? As soon as I heard you were going to do this, I wanted in. Had my agent begging and everything."

Sarah giggled at the thought of David's agent begging, "Did he really beg? I find that hard to believe, considering the holy terror he is."

"Well actually, before he did- Candies called and asked first. Guess I was next in line after Freddie."

"Yeah," she said quietly, remembering the strains on her relationship.

David automatically picked up on her sadness and gave her another hug, "I'm sorry. Did something happen?"

Before Sarah had a chance to answer him back, the director began pushing the crew into their positions. She gave David a knowing look and he understood that she wanted to fill him in later. They looked up at the director's orders.

"I don't think I have to tell you guys this, but this needs to be very, very, very hot. I've seen your Angel and Buffy scenes, so I'm
not too worried about it."

"Gotcha," David said pulling away from Sarah. "Anything specifically you wanted us to do?"

"Yes," he said looking them in the eye. "Make love-"

Sarah was taken back and interrupted, "I'm sorry what?"

"To the camera. Make love to the camera… I want the both of you to burn up the lens," he said dramatically.

"Oh," David laughed a bit. "Sarah does that enough. She burns so bright it even makes ME look good."

She smiled back at his playfulness and decided to lay herself down on the bed. Sensing what she had in mind, David followed suit and lay down beside her.

"Music please," the director ordered. "And- ACTION!"

The Candie's music blared out and blanketed the set with its seductive rhythm. David found himself slightly singing out the words, but only loud enough for Sarah to hear. In between the fierce camera kisses on her cheek, his lips went to her ear.

"Come to me," he sang softly. "Let me be… You're Candy, Candy- Candy man."

Sarah would have lost control of it then and there, were it not for the dozen people watching them. His touch was so amazing. She wondered if she was ever this aroused when they did scenes like this before. Well, to her sad disappointment most Buffy and Angel scenes were never this physical due to the whole `curse' plot. But when they did do scenes like this, they were always intense… Sarah stopped her passiveness and tried to work out some of her romantic tension by touching him back. Her touches were in time with the bluesy harmonica music, and she could hear David moan slightly at her orchestrations.

When the music stopped, the couple continued on caressing each other. But now, comfortable enough to move away from the teasing movements on the upper body area. David found himself beginning to wander down Sarah's chest and torso, almost hungrily nuzzling the area. With his lips and nose, he reveled in her skin wrapped with the soft chiffon of the light pink teddy she wore. Sarah leaned forward slightly, clutching on the elastic waistband of the silk dark navy boxers he had on. Her hands moved to his own back, dipping underneath the band just a little bit to feel the velvet patch of skin between his lower back and rear. He moaned again. David was slowly lost in Sarah's motions. His lips went to hers, finally letting himself kiss the area he so desperately wanted to. She thought she was at the total point of rapture before, but now with his strong hot mouth on hers- it set everything ablaze all over again.

"Cut," the director said softy, amazed at the energy they exuded.

When Sarah and David didn't stop, he struggled to find his voice again. He was quite hypnotized by their movements and just getting his voice above a whisper was very hard for him.

"Cut," he repeated, barely loud enough for anyone to hear.

Sarah and David heard him this time and slowly pulled away from each other. From the look on David's face, she could have sworn he did this reluctantly. After taking a few deep breaths, she finally had enough control to look at the speechless camera crew in front of her.

The director stood just as opened mouthed as the rest of the crew, "That was, uh-Perfect. It's a wrap you guys. Sarah, I'll call you later on tonight about the commercial."

Quietly, the rest of the stunned crew filtered away and began closing the stage set. David was still reeling from the event and could barely get out a sentence. Understanding and sharing his breathlessness- Sarah sat up and put a hand on his chest. The touch was electric and calming, making David silent in awe of the paradox she engendered.

"Can I buy you an early dinner," he finally managed to inquire.

All Sarah could do was nod, and she stood up from the bed shakily. She slowly sauntered off to the small dressing room to change back into her clothes. Sarah was a bit more collected when she emerged again and was happy to see David waiting nearby for her.

David said lightly, "What do you feel like, tonight? The world is your oyster, Miss Cosmo Girl."

"Well, Mr. G.Q- there are a lot of good restaurants. Pick one."

"There's Brown Derby. Always wanted to see the pictures there," he considered.

"Sounds wonderful," she beamed. "Oh no- wait! I'd better change first. Mind coming with me to my beach house? That way we can drive over together. You can leave your car in my garage."

"You look gorgeous already! Intelligent and beautiful as always," he mused. "But I like the idea of us driving there together, so I'll play along."

"Hey- I have to work at looking nice- you just roll out of bed looking all hunky and desirable."

David chuckled, "Not really. Look, I could argue over your beauty forever, but we might want to-"

"Get a move on so we can beat the dinner crowd? I'm ready to go," she finished.

They both left the set and headed over to Sarah's beach house. David followed behind Sarah's car and made the appropriate turn off on the freeway. When they finally reached their destination, he looked carefully at the house in front of him. The house was small and cozy- with the expanse of the beach in back. David parked his car in the garage and Sarah let him inside.

"I don't really want that much space- since it's only just me here," she said, turning on the lights.

"I feel that way too. Before with Ingrid she wanted something a little bigger. I think big houses are over rated. Unless you have someone to share it with," he added.

Sarah motioned for him to sit on the coach and said, "Does it bother you, to talk about her?"

"Well- I guess she just wasn't the right one. Don't know. My parents have been nudging me to get married for a while now. I was grasping at straws," he said sitting down.

"You can watch tv if you want," she said, walking to her bedroom.

"Thanks," he said, finding the remote.

She nervously walked to her bedroom, already wondering what outfit she should wear. Sarah felt wonderful about eating dinner with David, but she was anxious. She wanted to find the perfect breath-taking ensemble for him. She heard him flipping through the channels, while she thumbed through her clothing.

"Nothing good to watch," she asked from her room.

"Nope," he yelled back.

Finally, he settled on Entertainment Tonight. He normally didn't watch the show, but compared to the rest of the channels he was content to watch. By the time he stopped flipping channels, David had missed the little previews for each story. After the commercials ended, the announcer came back on.

"And now for tonight's top story- Our correspondents recently had a very revealing interview with Freddie Prince, Jr. In tonight's ET interview he talks about his career plans, his sudden break up with Buffy star Sarah Michelle Gellar- and his surprise wedding to another famous celeb."

David froze in place as the interview continued. He realized now, THIS was the reason why Sarah was so upset. His eyes were glued to the television as Freddie spoke candidly, almost crassly about his relationship with Sarah. He may not have said anything directly bad about her, but just thought that he'd talk to a complete stranger over Sarah was too much for David. His heart broke for her. Suddenly the sadness was swept away by blinding anger at the male actor. Unknowingly, Sarah bounced from her bedroom to the living in complete oblivion. Her smile to David quickly faded when she turned to the television set in front of them.

"So why the sudden marriage," the interviewer asked.

He just shrugged, "Things were just getting too weird for me. I didn't feel comfortable being referred to as Sarah's boytoy. And Sarah didn't really help me with it."

When David saw her in the living room he promptly shut off the television and walked the short distance over to her. Tears were already streaming down her cheeks as she collapsed into David's touch. He wrapped his arms around her, trying to absorb all of the pain away into his body. He gently guided her over to the couch to sit down. She continued to cry into his chest while held her close and supported her.

"Shhhhh," he said softly. "It's okay. Don't listen to him, he's a jerk for saying those things."

"But he's right," she sobbed. "I didn't help him. I took the commercial anyway when they didn't want him."

"Don't let him hurt you like that," he said, holding her closer still. "I hate to see you cry."

Sarah slightly began to subside, "I know, he's not worth it. I just- I just don't like being all alone."

"Being alone is very hard," he said with his own raw emotion. "I'm alone and it drives me crazy."

Sarah looked up at his face, seeing that his jaw was locked tight. His eyes were welled up with tears, threatening to flow down his face. Her tiny trembling hand reached up to caress his jaw line. He looked down at her and immediately relaxed. David leaned into her touch, letting it sooth him. Sarah was equally calmed by her action. She could get lost on his skin.

"I'm sorry. I should be comforting you," he slightly croaked. "I've been feeling so empty for such a long time now. Even before the break with Ingrid. Damn, that's what got me to even consider her…"

"I'm just glad you're here with me now. That way we don't have to be lonely," she said snuggling up to him.

"Being with you has always been enough to fill me," he confessed. "Its that- when I'm so close to you, I just-"

"Never want to leave," she finished for him.

"Yes," he said leaning into her further.

"I don't either. David- I've always had this feeling- and I think it means," she paused before she continued. "I think- it means I love you."

David looked back at her stunned and didn't know what to say. He had always felt that strong connection with Sarah, but dismissed it. He never thought a relationship with Sarah would be possible, only a fantasy for him. But his desires and hopes were always there, wanting to surface.

"I've…hoped… Sarah, I love you more than anything," he said, tilting her chin to his face. "But I don't want to take advantage of you like this."

"You're not taking advantage of me," she said, pulling herself up to his chest. "Haven't you felt this since we first met? During all those scenes, not just the ones today, I mean?"

He smiled and kissed her lightly on the forehead, "I do- I thought, maybe that was just me imagining things."

"No," she said simply, caressing his shoulders. "I really do love you."

David looked deeply into the pools of her eyes and saw the truth blazing out in front of him. He continued to stroke her silken blond hair, using his own eyes to convey all the feelings of love he had inside. They shared this new connection and understood the depths of their love. Sarah used her own hands to trace his soft lips and the other sculpted planes of his beautiful face. As the need to touch her could no longer be ignored, he pressed gentle kisses to her neck and shoulders. Her fingers combed through his dark hair, arousing the both of them further. Before he could kiss her again, the phone rang.

Sarah reluctantly pulled away to answer it, "Hello?"

David watched her smile grow bigger at the conversation. She asked several questions before she giggled and hung up the phone. Unexpectedly, she hopped onto David's lap, wrapping her arms around him. She held him tightly, eagerly planting kisses onto his chest.

"Must have been a good phone call," he joked. "You should get more calls like that."

She laughed at the truth of his statement, "I hope I do. That was the director. He had such good footage it was easy and fast for him to edit the commercial."

"How'd we do?"

"The focus group loved it. Not just the teenagers- everyone, even with the older people. They're going to start running them next week," she said kissing him squarely on the lips.

"If today was work- I don't think I could handle PLAYTIME with you," he moaned as ran his hands down her side.

"But it gets better," she exclaimed, shivering at his touch. "They want us to be the official spokespeople… Which means-"

"More commercials," he smiled.

"Think you can handle that," she teased, grinding her lower body into him.

David gave her his trademark half-smile, "Well… I do have an idea for another commercial…"

"Really," she asked huskily. "What do you have in mind?"

"See, it's not just a two minute thing," he said, caressing her ear with his nose.

"Mmmmm," she groaned, using her fingers travel down his back. "How….Oooh… long, did you….Mmmm… have in….Oooooooh….mind?"

"An epic," he answered breathlessly. "Lasting for….ahhhh…show…you…"

Their kisses grew urgent on their swollen lips, and David let his hands wander downward. He firmly clung to the gentle curve that connected her back to her thighs, as he carefully stood up. With a firm hold on her, he backed into her bedroom. He broke their kisses and playfully swung her around the room. She laughed and felt whole at his touch- holding his neck and arms for support. Sarah kissed him deeply again, and motioned for him to lay her on the flannel sheet bed. David realized her silent request.

"I want you so much," he passionately divulged. "But- Oh, Sarah- Are you sure? We're not moving too fast?"

"You are the only thing I'm sure of," she said, resting her head into his chest again.

David freed one of his arms to pull her face to his and whispered, "God! I love you."

"I love you, David. But you said you'd show me," she urged as she began to undo the buttons of his shirt. "Show me."

Before she could finish unbuttoning his shirt, he tenderly stopped her. He held onto her wrist, and guided it up to his mouth. David slowly suckled and kissed the soft flesh below her palm. Sarah gasped back in pleasure, she never realized how erotic that part of her body could be. David eased them both on the bed, with Sarah sitting and straddling his hips. She was already beginning to feel herself explode, and he had not removed her clothing. Sarah looked ardently into David's face, his eyes closed tightly to control his desire- smiling at the contact of her skin. Sarah aroused David just by being herself, and that furthered her own pleasure. Their mouths met again in fierce desire. Tongues dueling with each other, Sarah tauntingly pulled her mouth from David's to softly sing in his ear.

"Come to me," she breathed.

David's lips found her earlobe and sang back, "Let me be… You're Candy, Candy- Candy man."

They laughed, thankful at the situation that brought them together. Again their mouths meet and they kissed gently- almost afraid the love in front of them was only a dream. Abruptly she pulled away from his mouth. With a mischievous gleam in her eyes she removed the rest of David's long sleeved shirt. He now sat down on the bed bare chested, eagerly trying to touch her again. Sarah gave him a wanting, reassuring stare to lull any doubt of her love. She slowly removed the watch that was strapped around his own wrist, tossing it next to his shirt on the floor. She moved his wrist to her tongue, flicking and sucking the delicate area. David drew in a quick breath, surprised at the sensations she gave him. He never expected Sarah to elate him this way and luxuriated at how his body seemed to stimulate her. Between his slacks and her underwear, her need was apparent. He felt her invitation seeping through her onto his own lap.

Sarah knew of David's own longing ever since he kissed her the couch. The evidence of his rapture rubbed provocatively against her, growing with each continued touch. Another idea flew across her features, as she took his drenched wrist to her own. David knew what she was thinking and poured all of his love for her into his gaze. He pulled his palm back, exposing more of his sensitive wrist to hers. Together they massaged each other, wrist to wrist. At the contact of that small patch of bare skin, they both yelled out in an apex of ecstasy. David and Sarah were startled at how tantalizing their touches could be.

"Sarah, I love you so much," he lovingly proclaimed.

Sarah sweetly gushed, "I love you too, David."

Heavy with burning need, any nervousness was brushed aside. In a blur they removed the other's clothing, leaving them fully exposed to each other. Yet the exposure was not just physical, it was emotional too. They knew of each other's loneliness. Each wanting to feel needed. He needed her just as much as she needed him. Their need came from wanting to love the person in front of them, starved for so long without it.

Before either realized it, David was inside of Sarah's being. Panting from the sensual intensity they felt, they looked into the other's lust filled faces. Affirmations of love through whispers, moans, and breaths permeated the night air. The couple explored this heaven fully in every way. They were raging at this total nakedness one moment, the next gradually enjoying the singleness of their union.

"David, yesssssss! Keep….ooooohhhhh…. going," Sarah impelled, feeling him in every part of her body.

"Ahhhhhh! Sarah! Please, Sarah, please," he cried out, sensing her as she surrounded him.

The climax of their joy came all too soon, with an intensity neither were prepared for. Wave after wave of passion swept over them, pulling them even closer together than before. With their bodies tightly interlocked, together they released themselves into this bright glorious celestial delight. The action was meant to calm them, to find peace in one another. But this conjoined peak of pleasure came also with an inflaming need for consumption. Their hunger for another exchange was too great. Sarah and David's eyes locked again, and they spoke out at the same moment.


Sarah and David basked in the other's presence once again and unanimously cried out in bliss. Bliss that came from knowing they would always have what they needed- unending love from each other.