Everyone Needs A Hobby

Disclaimer: Most philosophers and other religious dignitaries say you can't really OWN another person, so I don't claim to own either David Boreanaz or Sarah Michelle Gellar and other celebs mentioned in the story.

Feedback: Hey, if not for me- then for all the terrific S/D and B/A fanfiction writers out there. You guys are all super talented and make our lives easier during these sad times of post Buffy and Angel breakup.

Dedication: To Kim and Karin, thanks for letting me know about all the cool websites and lists dedicated to our two favorite couples.

Background: When Buffy refers to Tony, she is of course talking about Anthony Steward Head- aka Giles. And YES- he did do what he does in the story in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the movie THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW. If you don't believe me, watch VH1 and you'll see the special in reruns. I'm a little fuzzy on the details of Irish All Hallow's Eve customs, but as far as I know- the symbols used in my story are true.

Author's Notes: Yes, this is a sequel to If Only They Knew... And while it would nice if you could read this story first, I guess you don't HAVE TO. But please read it that one first??? This one is told from Sarah's viewpoint.


"Be back soon," I call out to David as he slips out of bed.

"You know I will," he said as he gives me another kiss.

I watch him as walks over the refrigerator and pulls out the carton. I can't help my silly grin as I watch him grab a spoon, and head back- totally in the nude. Our relationship has been a dream for almost a month now. Miraculously, the press hasn't gotten wind of it yet. Or if they have, then they don't care or believe it. The secret part is good for now, that way we don't get bothered…I'm really thinking about more important things, like how much I love David… I don't think I'll ever stop feeling absolutely wonderful whenever I see him, especially when he's not wearing anything.

"I can't pause it forever!"

"I know, it was too long of a wait," he said dropping the carton on the bed and reached out for another kiss.

"Mmmm… How about we just do this, skip the video?"

"Or we could do both, my fiancée" he whispers as he pushes the play button on the remote control.

He rubs the claddagh ring he had made for me on my finger. I loving pat the identical one he is wearing and give it a kiss. He moves in back of me and wraps his arms around me, using his mouth to caress my flesh. Tonight we are watching that second Buffy/Angel crossover episode of his show. Well, sometimes watching it… We are now up to the part with us in bed, feeding each other ice cream and chocolate. I snuggle up close while reaching for the ice cream and spoon. Checking out the carton, I give him a slight pout.

"What's a matter baby?"

"No cookie dough fudge mint chip," I say, with my lower lip sticking out.

"No such thing, sadly. But there was-"

"Peanut Butter and Chocolate," I say as I feed him a spoonful. "Shhh… This is the good part. Let's just snuggle and kiss."

As he leaves a trail of kisses down my neck I hear him say, "You don't think we're becoming too much like our characters, eh?"

"I hope so," I murmur, nibbling his ear.

He stops and gives me a surprised look, "So does that mean you'll be spending your nights with Marc now?"

"No," I giggle. "I just meant that we're like Buffy and Angel. In the sense that they belong together… They are soul mates, like I know we are. I wish Joss could see that."

"Yeah… I really wish we could do that episode together everyday… At least the parts before Angel has to go fight that demon thing. I miss going to work and loving you. Actually, that's not really work at all, is it?"

"Not really. Maybe it's a good thing we don't… If we did and got carried away- Joss would be making porn," I joked, turning around so that I faced him.

The look in his eyes tells me what I already know. We both indulge in a long deep kiss and lean back onto the bed. He gets on top of me, pushing away the carton and remote to make more room for our bodies. I feel him get back on top of me and my body rises up to meet his. As we continue our expression of love, I hear a familiar voice singing in the background, coming from the television…

"You better wise up," the male voice sang.

"David, honey… Wait a minute," I breathlessly, trying to sit up.

He stops his kisses to pull me up, but I feel his embrace tighten as he says, "What's wrong? Did I do something ba- OH MY GOD!"

His large sculpted body is blocking the television, and I can't quite see what he is looking at. I give him a quick kiss on his back. Then I try to shift my body around so I can see the screen, but still be close to him. I see who's singing and I can barely get the words out of my mouth…

"T-t-t-that's Tony! Looking very un-Giles like! Why is dressed up in that pair of pantyhose??? And that corset???"

"It's a karaoke for Rocky Horror Picture Show," David says quietly. "I guess when I pushed away the remote, I must have turned off the VCR. Switched it back to tv."

We both watch in amazement until he finishes the song. When its done we turn off the television and I look over to David. As soon as we look at each other we break out into rippling laughter almost until I begin to tear. Finally, David wipes the mist from my eyes and I lick his hand.

"I didn't know he had it in him," he chuckled.

"Neither did I," I agreed.

"But I guess everyone needs a hobby. It is cool with me, although that particular movie is not my favorite thing in the world. I have my own hobby," he said with a mischievous grin on his lips.

I smile back and innocently ask, "So what's YOUR hobby?"

I feel his large, soft hands cup my face as he lowers me unto the bed again, "Don't you know already?"

"Remind me again," I say, wrapping my hands around his neck to pull him down on me.

"I love you Sarah, on-line, off-line… Any and every way you want me, I love you…"

We begin our loving expression again, with renewed energy. I naturally begin to rub his arms and back, just the way we both like it. I feel his thighs against my waist, and we both moan out when are bodies are joined together. Just as we begin to expand our love for each other, I hear his cell phone ring.

"Don't answer it… Just stay with me forever," I moan, suckling his nipples.

"Sounds like a good plan to me," he whispered, kissing and nuzzling my hair.

Yet the phone does not agree with us. It continues to ring, and ring. Finally, we both realize David needs to answer it. Reluctantly, he sits up- yet, still connected with me. I whisper an `I love you' to him as he answers it. The conversation is brief, but I can sense what is being said. Despite David's protests, he grunts and hangs up the phone. He tries not to look disappointed, but I can already tell what he's about to say. He moves his lips to say something, but I touch his mouth with my index finger.

"You don't need to pretend with me, honey. You have to go, huh?"

"Ten minutes, baby! A new assistant assures me he just needed ten minutes for some quickie shot in a promotion. I promise- we will DEFINITELY finish this, " he says kissing me, but getting up from the bed.

"Oh, David… I don't EVER want to finish loving you," I sigh from the bed.

Putting his clothes on he smiles back at me and says, "You're right! I don't ever want to either, baby."

I watch him leave and then fall back down on the bed. I stare at the carton of ice cream on the floor and pick it up. I find the spoon and remote, then turn on the television. I flip through a few channels and come across the evening news.

A stoic faced announcer reads the report, "The local police station has been flooded with prank Halloween phone calls. Claims that there are vampires roaming the streets and werewolves in shopping malls are among the lies officials have to deal with."

I shake my head in sadness. When will people find better things to do? I don't like David being away from me at all. He's been gone for two seconds, and I miss him already. I continue to eat my ice cream as the announcer continues.

"Yet officials have readied themselves this year. All units have caller ID systems, which will block out the numbers of repeat pranksters."

I get a little bored with the news and switch over to a Scooby-Doo marathon on another channel. As I watch, I get an idea for what I can do before David comes back. I get up and put the ice cream back into the refrigerator. Then I make my way to the closet, the one with all of my bathing supplies. One of the few nice things about him leaving, is getting time to prepare for when he comes back.

His bathtub is modest size Jacuzzi, complete with a heater to keep the water warm until he returns. I fill it up with the warm water, adding in my bath salts, bubbles, and scented extracts. When everything is mixed in, I sprinkle in my dried rose petals for a finished touch. Now all I have to do is wait.

I go back to the bed and snuggle in its covers. I continue my wait. First one hour goes by. Then another. Before I know it, it's just around nine and the marathon is over. Where is David?

I try not to worry, but I can't help myself. What if something horrible happened to him? What if he got into an accident speeding over there or coming back? I try not to get too upset, but I got upset the moment he left. I jump as I hear David's cell phone ring. I debate whether or not to answer it, but I do. I reason that I can make up an excuse as to why I'm answering his phone.


"Sarah? Thank god, you have to help me," David says back, laden with worry.

"David what's wrong? What happened?"

"I'm at the-"

He screams as his sentence is cut off, and I can hear scuffing in the background along with a new voice on the phone, "Hello Buffy."

"I'm not Buffy- she's just a character I play," I assert, trying not to be scared.

"Stop the games, Summers. We know that you and Angel here were having some happy time for weeks now. What ever happened to Riley?"

I decide to play along and say, "He was never a match for Angel. I never loved him. Whenever he and I were together all I could think about was Angel."

"Don't say that! Riley and you belong together! Not you and this freak show," the voice screams back at me.

I shudder trying not to get scared, then demand, "Who is this? What do you want?"

"If you don't want your lover to be dusted with a stake, then meet us. We're at the abandoned building near the café where you and Angel here first started this business. Meet us in one hour. Until then, don't leave the house or try to call the police. We will kill you if you do. We're watching the beach house. We've got a tracer on Angel's cell phone and his home line. There's no way to call anyone. Remember-meet us in one hour or we stake him."

The line goes dead and I blankly stare at it. David has been kidnapped! That whole call was just a scheme to get him out of the house. Damn it! I should have known better. Once Joss gives you a vacation, he means it. He wouldn't have sent his assistant to ask for a promo even if it were a quick one.

Maybe I should try to call the police. I can't handle this thing by myself! But how can I not? If I try to contact anyone about this, they'll kill me. God, I'm so scared. I love him so much! They must be crazy fans. I've heard of stalkers before, but I never thought someone would stalk David and me…

I begin to pace back and forth across the wooden floor. What am I going to do? I think for a moment, trying not to panic. Wait a minute… They said they bugged HIS cell phone, but they didn't say anything about mine. I pause for a moment. Should I do this? It could get me killed… But if this can save him, then I have to try it. I pick up my clothes from the floor, secretly grabbing my phone in the pile. I quickly walk over to the bathroom and close the door behind me.

The bathroom has a curtained window, so who ever is watching me will not be able to see what I'm doing. I quickly dial 911 and wait for the operator.

"Hello, 911."

"Operator! Help! My boyfriend has been kidnapped and I think he's being held against his will somewhere! Please help us," I plead.

"Okay, stay calm… Now, let me get your name and I'll send someone to your hou-"

"No! You can't come to the house! They said they're watching me and that they'll stake him if the police come," I say, not realizing that I used the word `stake'.

"Did you say `stake' ma'am?"

"Does that matter? You need to help me," I plead.

"What is your boyfriend's name?"

I pause for a moment and pray that this operator doesn't know of the show, "David Boreanaz."

"I see… And you are?"

"Sarah Gellar," I say as I bite my lip.

"As in Sarah MICHELLE Gellar? As in the two actors who play Buffy and Angel???"

"Yes- but that's not important! I think some fans might have-"

"Look I've gotten this prank call for the 10th time today… So don't start with me-"

"But I'm telling you the trut-"

"Stop the imitation. Besides, if you REALLY did you're homework you'd know that those two aren't even dating. Sarah's going out with that Freddie Prince Jr. guy. Tell your little friends to stop calling."

I hear the phone click and the line goes silent. I try calling back, but I hear an automated message. I cry out in desperation. They must be blocking me because they think I'm a repeated prank caller. Ten minutes have already gone by. What am I going to do?

There is only one solution left. I have to go down there to save him myself. I slowly begin to dress and turn off the heater in the tub. I just hope I can save him by myself.

The drive over to the building is quick, and I find myself at that spot. I get out of my car and take in a deep breath. Hoping that David is okay, I walk over to the building.

I open the door and I'm relieved to see David. He's tied to a run-down bed, with two large boys huddled around him. They looked too short and weak to have attacked David. I see only one small cut on his neck. I also notice there's hypodermic needle nearby. They must have drugged him.

David's face lights up as much as mine when I see him. He's about to speak, when one of the guys warningly shoves a wooden stake close to his heart. He settles back down and I'm still happy to see he's all right.

"So, you finally came! Buffy, how did you fix it so you can hump him and he doesn't turn evil?"

"Or be with him in sunlight," the other near the bed asked.

Not wanting to set off either boy, I continue my charade, "Willow found a spell to bind his soul to his body, the more I love him- the more his soul stays to him. It also enables him to go in the sunlight with me."

"What are you still doing with him? Riley is a perfectly NORMAL guy. He's so cute and handsome! And now you treat him like dirt," one spits back.

"I told you this before… Look, Angel and I don't want any trouble…So why don't I take Angel and we'll-"

"NO," the both scream. "If you don't love Riley anymore, we'll make you go back to him," the one closer to me says, walking over to a run-down table.

"I found this love spell in this old Irish book. We have all the ingredients… Except for demon's blood, " the other says, staring at David.

"You can't do this," I begin to protest.

But the two are beginning to chant in what sounds like Gaelic. I don't know what to do. I look over desperately at David, looking for any signs of what I should do. He seems just as afraid as I am. There's only one desperate thing that comes to mind…

"Wait! If you truly observed the Irish traditions, then you'd accept what the sprites told you about my true love, right?"

"Yes, we would," the one near David relented.

"We already know who your true love is, even though you do not accept him," the other insisted, then began to chant again.

I pulled out the beautiful real silver claddagh ring David gave me the day after our encounter at the café. The two boys see the glimmering piece of jewelry and recognize its significance. They stop chanting and let me continue.

"Tonight is All Hallows Eve. Traditionally there is ring and saucer game played to discover a person's destiny," I say, taking off the cross I am wearing.

"We are aware of the game," the one near the bed said, lowering the stake to his side.

"Then let me prove it to you. Get three saucers. Hide this ring and my cross in two of them. Leave the third empty. Mix them around so I can't tell where anything is. Then let me pick a saucer- "

"I know. If you get the cross it means you will be a nun. If you get the ring it means this vampire is your true love. But if you get the empty bowl-"

"Then you must let us continue the spell and kill the vampire," the other near the table finished.

I have no choice, so I nodded my head in agreement. The one near the table found some dirty saucers, and placed them on the table. I handed him the cross and the ring. As I began to turn my back around, he stopped me.

"No- have Angel pick the saucer. The Slayer can manipulate the sprites to tell her where the ring is. Vampires can not contact such beings. Also, he is bound, and then there will be no cheating, " he asserted.

I looked over to David. He nodded his head, and the boy next to him covered his eyes. The boy at the table began to toss the saucers about very quickly. When he was finished, even I didn't know where each one was. And I had been watching him…

"Tell me which one you chose," the boy near the table asserted.

I could see David squinting and trying to make out the saucers. I began to worry again. What am I doing? Why did I suggest this? What if he picks the wrong one and they kill him? What will I do without him in my life?

"The middle one," he says.

The one near the table pulls up the saucer. To my surprise and everyone else's the claddagh ring is underneath it. The one at the table just starts to shake his head in denial. The boy at the bed drops the stake in his hand.

"Blessed be! He chose the ring," he said, flinging the ring and my cross back to me.

"Quickly, untie him! Leave them be! The sprites will not be pleased if they find us! We have kept true love apart," the boy at the table said, running around and knocking it over.

The other boy quickly unties David and runs with his partner out the door. David immediately runs over to me and sweeps me into his arms. We both kiss and hold the other tightly, never wanting to let go.

"I was so scared they would kill you! I love you so much," I cried.

David is trying to hold back the tears, as he rubs my back and kisses my shoulder, "I was so worried that they might have hurt you… That was what I was worried about."

Just as we realize the two boys have left, a siren goes off and a bullhorn can be heard. Hand in hand we hesitantly walk out the door to see what is going on. There is an ambulance and a mess of police officers outside. I see the medics take away the two boys in the van. He sees the van drive away and I feel his safe warm hands tighten around my waist. I snuggle back at him. A police officer comes to take our statements, not realizing who we were. We say nothing to him about our `jobs' and he tells us that if we want to, only an anonymous report is needed. Our testimony in court isn't necessary- the boys had already done so much damage that no court in the world would let them free.

The officer explains that the two boys were escapees of a mental hospital that was three counties away. They would do or say anything that fanned the flame of their `hobby' which was watching our two shows. No one knew where they had gone, until the owner of café across the street noticed them going into the building. He also saw a flash of something he thought was metallic in the window. Thinking that the boys had a gun, he quickly phoned the police.

The questioning only takes an hour or two, and the ambulance releases us. We both take my car back to the beach house. David told me that he didn't even get into his car before they drugged him and dragged him off. I'm glad the drive will be short. I can barely concentrate on the road. I'm still so scared at the fact that I almost lost him tonight. I cuddle up with him in the car.

When we get inside again, I lovingly grip him with all of my might. He returns the action, and I feel comforted as his arms reach around me again.

"I love you so much, Sarah… I don't ever want to lose you," he says with raw emotion in his voice.

"I don't ever want to lose you either… But this confirms it you know. We were meant to be together," I say back.

"As do Buffy and Angel. But you did incredible. You saved me."

"We saved each other. You were the one who actually picked the right saucer."

"But you thought of the whole thing, baby. You had that kind of faith in me and our love. Sarah, I need you near me always-"

"I need you too. So…Shhh…. Just kiss me," I asked him.

He nods his head at my half-question. In his eyes, I see he realizes that we both need to be with each other now. In one incredible move, he lifts me into his arms. David carries me over to the bed, and gently rests me down on it. As he begins to furiously kiss me again, I remember my surprise in the bathtub.

"No, not here- Come with me," I say getting up and grabbing him before he speaks.

We run to the bathroom, and he sees all of the petals still in the water. I turn on the heater of the tub and begin to light the candles I had on the rim. Once I finish I smile back at him and find myself melting into his eyes. We begin our strong but sweet kisses again.

Without his mouth pulling away, his hands wander down to the zipper of my dress. It falls to the floor, so I step out of it and my shoes. I moved my body closer to his, to work on his shirt and pants. I gently massage his back and torso as we both enter the bathtub.

The bath is nice and warm, but the feeling of David's body against mine is all the warmth I'll ever need in life. I know he feels the same way too, as his stomach brushes the top of my own.

"I had this planned before the call," I explained, exploring his lower back.

"You've done so much for me… You are the light in my world. Sarah, you make me love you more each day- if it's possible for me to love you more than I already do."

"I know anything is possible if I'm with you," I whisper back.

The scent of the candles doesn't compare the wonderful aroma that David has. I breathe in the honey musk and wooden scent. We both can no longer stand the wait, and lean against the end of the tub. I hear the two of us moan again as I realize that David's presence is driving into me.

Wanting more of him, I find myself pushing back- letting us both go deeper. I feel his hands run up my thighs and rest on my lower back. Our tongues play in each other's mouth and his hands grip my waist. I begin to need oxygen and reluctantly pull away, still giving quick kisses to his neck. I feel his hands in my hair and his lips on behind my ear. He gasps as hard as I do, hastily getting air so our mouths can quickly meet again.

When lips do meet again, so do our bodies- and I sense in David the same explosion of pleasure and pure happiness that I have at that moment. I ride that wave of love with him, and tighten my legs around his waist as the wave slows down.

I take another deep breath as he pulls a little away from me to get a breath himself. We're still joined, and I feel his breathing. I look up at him, into his deep chocolate eyes. I lovingly stroke the sides of his face and feel that heat of desire again. Before I can say anything though, he plunges down and kisses me again with fierce energy.

We again lean back to continue this expression, again, and again and again… Knowing that our love is true, pure, and strong- and that nothing can come between us…