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Here We Go Again~Heave Ho~ Annie Barrington

Heave Ho! Heave Ho! Off To Work We Go…

Building an empire isn’t really all that easy. It takes LOTS of time and LOTS of ideas, even if it is only an empire of websites.

I liken it to pyramid building. Heave Ho! Move those gigantic bricks. A pyramid is made up of chambers and the dead body of a person in the burial chamber and IMPORTANTLY! All of their stuff. I don’t want to end up dead with nothing to do but fly around. I want canvases, paint, paper, pencils; a computer would be good too. I need my stuff! So empire-pyramid-website building is for me.

Now one of my websites has disappeared. It was taken down. I’m not sure why. It was a one-page deal called Bear-In-The-Water, Wisconsin. I went to add to it and POOF! Demolished by the hostsite.

So now I have a whole. Oops not that kind of whole, this kind of hole. I need to stem the wreckage. What is that Dutch boy clip-clop story? Something about a hole in a dam or derrick and the boy fixes it with bubble gum. That doesn’t work; neither does a bunch of other stuff. Then he jams one of his clogs into the hole and VIOLA! He saves the town from a massive flood. Chicago, the city with the most movable bridges of any town in the world, has locks. With locks you can control water, which is really cool, especially if you live down river like I do. When there is too much rain they close the lock at McHenry Dam so we don’t flood. BUT! Sometimes we still do because there is TOO TOO TOO much water and nowhere for it to go. So we sandbag and have big bonfires and chant :OPEN THE FUCKING ALGONQUIN LOCKS! All nightlong. That seems to work. So how will I fix my “hole” problem? I could just cross my fingers, but that seems like a bubble-gum remedy. I guess it’s time to get my own server….blah, blah, blah. Isn’t it enough that I could up with these stories and make art? You would think so. Now I will need to become more technical. Unfair! I say. I learned code. Maybe a tech BOYFRIEND could be my wooden clog. HELP!

Nah! It would be a LOT less complicated just to hire and pay.

(I never knew “nightlong” was a compound word, did you?)