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Here We Go Again~All In The Family~ Annie Barrington

Sterling invited me to spend Mother’s Day with his family. Which seemed a little weird at first but just like new sex things the idea seemed better and better the more I thought about it/them.

His mother has that cool remote sophistication that I like. It reminds me of my mom. Mostly because I know that the veneer of women like that occasionally cracks open and wow! A flood of warmth comes pouring out. Plus deep-down they like you a LOT. And deep-down is much better than all of those fake people who hug you to death all of the time and spear you the second when you aren’t around them. So yes! His mother is cool.

[Damn it’s chilly in here today. We need the sun to come back. Too much rain. My dahlias are beginning to get stem rot. I planted $150 worth of annuals yesterday. It was ass up to the clouds though. I prefer ass up to the sun. Oh, sorry for the tangent. I need to leave for a bit…chicky-noodle-garlic soup!]

Ster’s dad is swell too. He met me at the door with a present…an orchid corsage. Beautiful and corny too. Is it prom? I fastened mine in my hair. The other women had theirs pinned to their dresses.

After a scrumptious dinner all hell broke loose…in a good way. Sterling and his brothers picked up the chair their mother was sitting in, and they carried her like a queen on her throne into the living room. Pregnant sister-in-law L was tossing confetti. I was laughing so much I thought I was going to split apart. Dad served after-dinner drinks while mom opened her presents. What a sensational family!

Sterling even had a present for me. It was in a bright yellow gift bag littered with shiny red apples! Perfect imagery. Eve and her apple. Inside I found glad corms, BAM! Spice, a Bjork CD (the swan girl. I know who she is, but I don’t know her music) and a gorgeous pendant. He put it on me. It drapes down onto the base of my throat in a configuration of 4 medallions…the first is purple amethyst, then triple deep-red garnets, next a large lapis lazuli, and finally a hypnotic moonstone. It seems to be of Celtic origin. Sterling says these little gifts are a prelude to my real Mother’s Day gifts to come.

Does he know something I don’t know????????? Whoa!

All day long I had this weird-ass feeling that Sterling and I were a married couple. It was bizarre yet I rather liked the idea…for a day.

What fun!

Happy Mother's Day To My Mom!!!!