Beschrijving: Agenda v1.0
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Ver. 1.0
By: Sean Weeks
To use your TI-83 Agenda:
Send the Agenda.83p file to your calculator using a
calculator-computer link. Run the program from the PRGM menu or
a shell.
To enter an entry, select make entry from the main menu.
Then select a subject. You can go from list to list by the "MORE>"
on the bottom of the list. Then select the type of homework for
that subject. (Sorry, I have yet to build something so you can enter
page #'s) You can put many many entries into your calc. One entry
takes only about 19 bytes!
To see your entries, select VIEW ENTRY. You will see the
first 3 entries. Press enter to see more until your done.
To clear the last entry, select CLEAR LAST ENT.
To clear all entries, select CLEAR ENTRY
Your entries are stored in the list ZAGEN .
*Sorry, your teacher can't sign this agenda to let you out of class*
******************** Please pass on this program! *********************
I hope you enjoy the game! Please e-mail all bugs and comments to:
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