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Beschrijving: Cleaner v4.1
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Program: 	Cleaner 4.1
Made by: 	Huub Heerink
This is (uni)version(al) 4.1 of Cleaner,
Because cleaner hasn't got any written word in it, accept the logoscreen, 
there is only one universal version (other programm's will also be written in Dutch).
Cleaner sets all settings to the right settings (if you use Degree, and not Radian), 
it deletes List 1 t/m 6 and variables A t/m Z and theta. And it sets the graph window right. 
V1: 	Made it for the graph.
V2: 	added table and mode settings (this one had a menu)
V3: 	made a 2nd program to pass the menu.
V4: 	Deleted the menu, made a logoscreen, and addeded the commands to delete the Lists and variables.
V4.1:	Made it a bit smaller.
I hope this was the last version, but I don't think so. 
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