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Beschrijving: Discriminant
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Name:	Discriminant
Version:	1.1
Author:	Bart Billiet
Language:	Basic
Size:	475 bytes
          Table of Contents          
I.	Introduction
II.	How to use
III.	Files & Installation
IV.	Known bugs
V.	Version History
VI.	Thanks
I. Introduction
I've written this program to controle my test of maths.  
I'm in the 5th form now, and we're learning about 'Analyse'.  
II. How to use
Just put in the A, B and C and you will get the Discriminant and X1 and X2. 
Afterwards a graphic of the equation.  (A, B ,C stand for => AX˛+BX+C=O )
III. Files & Installation
Send Discrim.83P to the TI-83.  Run Discrim.83P
IV. Known bugs
I don't think there are bugs in this program. 
I've checked everything several times and I haven't found any bugs.  
If you find some bugs you can mail to
V. Version History
Version:		1.1
Improvements:	No error any more if D<0 or D=0
Bugs:		I don't think so.
Version:		1.0
Bugs:		Error if D<O or D=0
VI. Thanks
Thanks to everybody who uses my program!

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