Beschrijving: Password
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This program is approximately 2.6k, but it is worth it. Its capabilities include User Programmability and Backspacing. It can protect BASIC programs from being used by people of which whom do not know your password.
1. Send PASSWORD.83G to your calculator.
2. Begin thinking of a password that is 15 characters or less. Remember it.
3. Run GETKEY and type each key that you wish to be a letter of your password, and write the numbers, that the program gives you, down in order on a piece of paper.
4. Edit PASSWORD. Scroll to the bottom to where it says ":Lbl OM", short for "OMEGA". Replace the "00" in "LCHARS(1)=00" with the first number that you wrote down, replace "00" in "LCHARS(2)=00" with the second number that you wrote down, replace "00" in "LCHARS(3)=00" with the third number that you wrote down, and so on… Remember to leave all unused variables as "LCHARS(???)=00".
5. Edit any program that you want to be password protected, and find where you want the protection (e.g. beginning, middle, end). Press the "PRGM" button; Press the "<" button; Use the up or down arrows to select the prgmPASSWORD, hit enter. Congratulations, you’re now password protected.
6. You may delete the program "getKey" if you wish to save some space.
VERSIONS (dates may be slightly wrong)
v1.00 (released 7/31/99)
Initial Public Release
Many errors were found (did not protect with your password).
v2.00 (released 8/18/99)
Second Public Release
I fixed the errors from first version.
This release is very stable, compared to the first one.
v3.00 (released 11/22/99)
Third Public Release
It uses a list, instead of the variables "K – Z".
It uses an ASM portion in order to achieve lowercase letters in the title.
I added a "versions section" to the documentation and I changed the style of the documentation.
1. I promised to many people, that I would incorporate a new "Computer – Like" new password editing system. I later realized that this would be impossible on any calculator except for the Motorola 68000 calculators (89, 92, 92 Plus).
2. I may have promised to add an encryption system into the system mentioned above. In the end, I think that the current system will be impossible for a novice user, that hasn’t read the documentation, to "crack".
Name: Greg T. Schenzel
AIM: ZipIt85
Please contact me with any problems or suggestions. Use this program at will; pass it around; even include it with your programs, but please don’t edit it or take credit for it.