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Beschrijving: Phone Book

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version 1.0 (released 21 April 2000)

by Daniel J. Bishop


To install this program:

1. Use TI Graph Link to copy the PHONENUM.83P file to your calculator.

2. Press PRGM and select PHONENUM.

3. Press 3 for CLEAR ALL.

To add a new record:

1. Run PHONENUM. Press 1 for ADD NEW.

2. Enter the person's name. (If it's more than 16 characters, only the first 16 will be stored).

3. Enter the 3-digit area code.

4. Enter the 7-digit phone number, with no hyphen. (i.e., 5554748 for 555-4748)

To display records:

1. Run PHONENUM. Press 2 for DISPLAY.

2. Press the up/down arrow keys until you find the number(s) you want.

3. When you are finished, press ENTER.


* Names can be no longer than sixteen characters.

* It is assumed that all phone numbers are of the form (aaa) xxx-xxxx. 
   If you make a lot of international calls, this program won't help you.

* There is no way to delete individual records. 
   (However, you could delete them manually by removing the appropriate 26-character substring in Str0.)

* There is no way to sort the records.

* CLEAR ALL does not ask for confirmation. If you ever accidentally press 3 at the main menu, 
    you'll have to re-enter everything.

How This Program Works

Every time a new record is entered, 26 bytes are stored in Str9, with 16 digits for the name and 10 for the phone number. 
For example:


where each * indicates a space.

The new entry is then added to the end of Str0. If there are 2 records, Str0 might look like this:


Update (15 June 2000)

The May 17 release of SOLID personal organizer has made this program obsolete. 
This program is now public domain;  
it will remain in the as as example for programmers who wish to write similar programs. 
You are encouraged to download SOLID at

Contacting Me

If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at

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