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AUTHOR: Emir Sakic
DATE: maj 1998.
LANG.: basic
This program is made for making school schedule of lessons in
form of a table.
prgmSCHEDULE stores your schedule as picture 9.
Once you enter your lessons, start and end times you can
anytime look at your schedule by recalling Pic9.
Than you can even delete prgmSCHEDULE and let only Pic9 remain.
How to use prgmSCHEDULE:
1.Send prgmSCHEDULE to your TI-83
You will see a table of days and hours. Press enter!
3.Choose a day you want to edit! Press enter!
4.Enter the subject name!
(Press A-lock! prgmSCHEDULE accepts up to 3 letters.
If you enter more program will take first 3.)
5.Enter beginings and end times!
(hours from 8 to 16 and minutes from 0 to 59. If you enter
unacceptable time prgm will ask you again.)
6.Choose the next day or end to quit. This will show your
table and store it as Pic9.
7.You can anytime look at your schedule by recalling Pic9.
But first go to format and choose AxesOff for better view.
This program is AShell compatible.
If you have any comments or suggestions please
e-mail me on
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