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Beschrijving: Spectrophometer
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WITH THE TI CBL AND TI Graphing Calculators
This document briefly describes the use of a program, SPECTROP.??p, that 
supports the use of the Milton Roy or Bausch & Lomb Spec 20 and Spec 20D 
spectrophotometers with a TI graphing calculator and the TI Calculator-
Based Laboratory (CBL) System. The spectrophotometer is connected to the 
CBL with a serial cable and a CBL-DIN adapter. The Spec 20 must have a 
6-pin female connector (for a 6-pin Jones Plug) on the bottom of the 
spectrophotometer. The serial cable (SPC-DIN, $25.00) and DIN adapter 
(CBL-DIN, $5) are available from Vernier. 
The program provides four data-collection modes: 1) monitor the 
absorbance, 2) collect and graph absorbance vs. time data, 3) collect 
and graph absorbance vs. concentration data, and 4) collect and graph 
absorbance vs. wavelength data. The program can record both absorbance 
and percent transmittance, but wavelength must be typed in as a prompted 
input. A Spec 20D can also be used, but the wavelength cannot be read in 
digitally- only the absorbance and percent transmittance can be read in 
(again, wavelength must be typed in as a prompted input).
The following general description applies to the use of this program on 
the TI-82 calculator. For specific help in executing programs on the 
calculator, refer to the manual. To begin, run the SPECTROP program. 
After an introductory screen, the following main menu will appear:  
The first option, SET UP PROBE, allows you to calibrate the 
spectrophotometer. This program assumes that the spectrophotometer is 
connected to channel 1 on the CBL. Calibrate the spectrophotometer at the 0% 
transmittance without a cuvette and 100% transmittance with a blank cuvette. 
After calibration, you will return to the MAIN MENU to begin data 
collection. After selecting option 2, COLLECT DATA, the following menu will 
The MONITOR INPUT option allows you to use the calculator and CBL to 
monitor the absorbance. The purpose of this option is to view data at 
1.0 second intervals. No data is stored.
The ABSORB VS TIME option allows you to graph absorbance as a function 
of time. You will be prompted to enter the time between samples which is 
entered in seconds. The sample time can be in the following range of 
values: 0.000165 to 0.2 seconds or 0.25 to 16000 seconds. After the 
sample time is entered, you will be prompted to enter the number of data 
points. (The maximum number being 99.) After the experiment is run, the 
time is stored in list L1, absorbance in L2 and transmittance in L3.
The ABSORB VS CONC option allows you to collect absorbance values as a 
function of concentration (Beer’s law). The CBL and calculator collect 
absorbance data for each sample while you manually enter the sample’s 
concentrations. As the experiment proceeds you will monitor the 
absorbance for each sample. When the % transmittance reading on the CBL 
has reached a stable value, press the CBL [TRIGGER] button to record the 
data and then type in the concentration. This process is repeated for 
each new sample. The concentration will be stored in list L1, the 
absorbance in list L2, and % transmittance in L3.
The ABSORB VS WAVE option allows you to collect absorbance values as a 
function of wavelength. The CBL and calculator collect absorbance data 
for the sample at different wavelengths while you manually enter the 
each new wavelength. With each new wavelength setting, you will 
recalibrate the spectrophotometer for 100% transmittance by placing a 
blank in the spectrophotometer, set the spectrophotometer to 100%, and 
press the [TRIGGER] button when the signal has stabilized. You then 
place the sample in the spectrophotometer and again press the [TRIGGER] 
button when the reading has reached a stable value. You will then 
manually type in the wavelength. This process is repeated for each new 
wavelength. The wavelength will be stored in list L1, the absorbance in 
list L2, and transmittance in L3.
The fourth option on the main menu, VIEW DATA, exits you from the program 
allowing you to view, edit and analyze the data stored in the lists. Press 
the [STAT] button on the calculator and choose the Edit option to view the 
Option five, QUIT, will exit the program without resetting the CBL.
Here are some suggested experiments that can be performed with this 
1) Standard solutions that are 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 M CuSO4 will yield 
a good Beer’s law curve using a wavelength of 630 nm with a 
spectrophotometer. Or prepare a stock solution by adding 10 g of NH4NO3 
to 10 mL of 0.1 M CuSO4 and 90 mL of 0.20 M NH3 (forms the Cu(NH3)42+ 
complex ion) and dilute to obtain standard solutions.
2) A less expensive alternative to using the solutions above is to 
prepare solutions using food coloring. We have obtained very good Beer’s 
law curves using these solutions. We added about 6 drops of red, blue or 
green McCormick brand food coloring to 1 liter of water. The red 
solution can be analyzed at a wavelength of 510 nm with a 
spectrophotometer. With green food coloring, use a wavelength of 600 nm 
and use a wavelength of 620 nm for the blue solution. Since the actual 
concentration of the solutions will not be known, refer to the original 
solution as “100%” and then dilute to 80, 60, 40, and 20%.
3) Rate law determination can be done when 2.0 X 10^-5 M crystal violet 
reacts with 0.10 M NaOH. Combine equal volumes of these solutions (10 mL 
of each works fine). Collect absorbance data at a wavelength of 565 nm 
for three minutes. Analysis of absorbance vs. time, 1/(absorbance) vs. 
time, and ln(absorbance) vs. time graphs show the reaction to be first 
order with respect to crystal violet. The crystal violet solution is 
prepared with 0.016 g crystal violet in 2 L of solution. Sodium 
hydroxide solution uses 4 g of NaOH per liter of solution.
4) To determine the concentration of an ion in a colorless solution 
using a spectrophotometer, an agent must be added to the solution to 
yield color (such as a colored complex ion) or turbidity through the 
formation of a precipitate. The assumption is that the intensity of the 
color (and its resulting ability to absorb light) is proportional to the 
concentration of the ion in solution. Hach Company markets pre-massed 
pillows for analysis of such ions as nitrate (NO3-), sulfate (SO42-), 
phosphate (PO43-), water hardness (Ca2+), or dissolved oxygen. A 
wavelength and colorimetry method is recommended for each of these ions. 
Pillows are available for various concentration levels (i.e., 1-100 
mg/L, 1-10 mg/L). Try adding these pillows to samples of water collected 
near your school and analyze for ion concentrations using your 
spectrophotometer. You may obtain a Hach Catalog by writing to: Hach 
Company, P.O. Box 389, Loveland, CO 80539.
5) Test for turbidity of stream samples using standard methods with a 
spectrophotometer. Devise a method for determining the settling rate of 
sands of different coarseness.
6) An absorption spectrum can be made for nearly any solution using the 
absorbance vs. wavelength experimental mode of this program. Place a 
sample of a solution in a 13 X 100 mm spectrophotometer test tube. You 
will first be instructed to zero-calibrate the spectrophotometer by 
removing the sample and adjusting the zero control to read 0.0% 
transmittance. Then you will be instructed to change the wavelength on 
the instrument, calibrate at 100% transmittance using a blank, insert 
your sample, and collect the absorbance data. You will then have to type 
in the wavelength reading shown on the spectrophotometer. You can repeat 
the process as many times as you want. When you have finished collecting 
data, you can view or print a graph of absorbance vs. wavelength. 
7) It is also possible to produce an absorption spectrum for 
photosynthetic pigments, such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, lutein, 
or beta-carotene. Following their separation and extraction using paper 
chromatography, each pigment is eluted from the chromatography paper 
using acetone. The resulting filtered solution can be read at 
wavelengths from 400 to 640 nm, with Spectrophotometer Program, using 
acetone as a blank. The presence of any of the chlorophylls or 
carotenoids can be determined by examining the wavelength value of peaks 
in the spectrum. 
8) You will find other experiments in these books: 
Holmquist, Dan and Volz, Don. “Chemistry with Computers”. Vernier 
Holmquist, Dan; Randall, Jack; Volz, Don. “Chemistry with CBL”. Vernier 
“Educational Manual for the SPECTRONIC 20 and 20D Spectrophotometers”, 
Milton Roy Company.
August 26, 1997
Rick Sorensen  
Dan Holmquist
Vernier Software  
8565 S.W. Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy.  
Portland, OR 97225-2429  
(503) 297-5317   
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