/-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\ x1cygnus@wanadoo.fr | _______ | ICQ 38240788 | ___ |_______________ _______ _ | | __ /| |_ __ \ __ \_ | / / __ `/ | | _ ___ | / / / /_/ /_ |/ // /_/ / | | /_/ |_/_/ /_/\____/_____/ \__,_/ | | | \-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-/ ; 1999 Cygnus X-1 Technologies ; X-1 Anova MicroShell Version 01.04.01
<Whats New> -=-=-=-=-=-
Anova is now known as Anova Microshell. Indeed, after having removed the Anova title, the Anova executable takes exactly 569 Bytes in memory! And that's not all, you might say: Anova might be half the size of Sos, but it doesn't support modules, APD... You're wrong, Anova now supports it's own add ons, why "add ons"? Because Anova's add ons are permanent like Anova itself. The first add on lets you delete a program from Anova. Shortly a programmer's guide for Anova add ons will be released.
<Features> -=-=--=-=-
* MicroShell, takes very little space, uses 1 byte to load. * Low power consuming. As Low as the TI-Os, lower than Sos (no interupts). * Can display up to 256 programs. * Icons! * Libarys, Level Loader Programs & Add Ons. * Ten programs displayed at a time. * Program write back for scores... * Programs can run with about 50 bytes free RAM. * Contrast Changing.
<Installation> -=-=-==-=-=-=-
Send Anova.83g to your calculator, the first time you execute prgmANOVA, the message "Installed" will be displayed, next time you run Anova, it will execute properly.
WARNING: Anova's new loader doesn't support memory leaks, this means that in no way must you try to turn off the calculator while Anova is running. Otherwise Anova will crash next time you run it.
<Description> -=-=-=-=-=-=-
Anova is a TI-83 shell totally compatible with Ashell & Sos programs (not modules, add ons!). But who offers some extra graphical & programming features compared to this one. Indeed, Anova supports icons & aims at making the TI Interface the most comfortable possible.
<Using Anova> -=-=-=-=-=-=-
To use Anova, use the [Up] and [Down] keys, if you have more than eight programs then press [Right], Anova can handle up to 255 programs! Of course, for those who didn't notice, you can change the contrast.
<Version History> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Description Version DDMMYY
First "Working" Version 00.01.01 270699
Added Loader, No Longer Quits 00.02.03 290699 On Run. Changed System Icon. Requires 787 Bytes To Run.
Libaries Implemented! "Strange Ways" 00.05.00 290699 Loading Motor Removed.
Emulator Bug Fixed. 00.06.00 300699
GUI Change. Descriptions Now Displayed Better. prgmINSTALL released 01.00.00 300699
Anova modified in order to work with 01.00.01 300699 the standard prgmINSTALL.
Anova Loader modified, requires only 01.01.00 030799 1 byte to run. "Unlimited" number of programs handled.
Install now easier, new gui. 01.02.00 080799 Anova is a lot smaller.
Game programming level loader 01.03.00 200799 added. Installation upgraded.
Stack Overflow On Level File 01.03.01 210799 Error Bug Fixed.
3 Bytes smaller, Sos patch released. 01.03.02 240799
18 Bytes smaller. 01.03.03 240799
Lib Not Found Bug Fixed. 1 Byte 01.03.04 290799 Larger. XInstall released.
Smaller! Add ons added, "more than 01.04.00 050899 eight programs bug" fixed. Welcome to the MicroShell.
XInstall Upgraded. Add On SDK 01.04.01 110899 released aswell as XHider, another AddOn.
<Credits> -=-=-=-=- * Sumit for the new gui. <sumit-1@rocketmail.com> * Bryan Rabeler for making me improve Anova. <rabelerb@pilot.msu.edu>
<Futur Ideas> -=-=-=-=-=-=- * Shutdown? (very easy to do & Anova will be 3 bytes smaller) * Tell me
If you find any bugs, have any sugesstions or comments please contact me at x1cygnus@wanadoo.fr
1999 Cygnus X-1 Technologies x1cygnus@wanadoo.fr - ICQ 38240788