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ZeS Development

Programming for ZeS is nor hard, you have to options, in your program, you:
    use librairies
    you don't

If you don't want to use CONVERT program (on-calc) you just need to do this:

    REPLACE           .org  9327h

    WITH               .org   931Eh         \          .db  E7h,"9_ZES"
                                                               .db  3Fh,D5h,3Fh

   in your source code and compile it normaly :)  -program must be squished!
   (See sample.asm)

Programming using SOS librairies
If you want to program using librairies then write your program just like if it was for SOS.
Here is an piece of the Readme file from SOS by Joe Wingbermuehle:

    #include    ""    ; contains the lib/vector definitions
    .org    $9327   
    ;----> This code is required for ALL SOS programs:
    ccf        ; make this program SOS compatable
    jr    Program         ; jump to the start of the program
    .dw    Libraries-$9327    ; pointer to a list of libraries used ($0000 if none used)
    .dw    Description    ; pointer to a description (0 terminated)
    ;----> end required code

    call    vector1    ; call library ZLIB routine 0
    call    vector0    ; call library ZLIB routine 3

    .db    "THE Ultimate Game by BOB!",$00
    .db    "ZLIB",0,0,0,0,lib0,vect1     ; set up vector 2 to be ZLIB routine 0
    .db    "ZLIB",0,0,0,0,lib3,vect0     ; set up vector 0 to be ZLIB routine 3
    .db    $FF        ; end of libraries


The library format:
    -First 8 bytes are the library name (use 0s if less than 8 bytes).
    -Library routine (lib0....libF)
    -Vector number (vect0....vectF)
    - [ $FF if end of list, otherwise continue the list...]

*---->All asm programs MUST be compressed!
    Using the cmdshadow could cause the calc to crash!
    (if you use only the first 13 bytes at the beginning no harm will be done).

Don't use cmdshadow memory area because the loader and the librairies pointer are stored in it.
If a program requires a librairie that is not in your calc, then you'll see an "ERROR:[libname]" message at the bottom of the screen.
You won't have to clear the screen and the graph buffer since ZeS does it when a program is started.

Programming without using librairies

Things are really easy here. Just write your program (no special header is required, no description) and use Devpac83 on a computer to compile it or use SQUISH.83p on-calc.
Then send CONVERT.83p to your calc and your own program and type at home screen:


That's it! You can now execute your program via commandline just like you would for a basic program (ZeS must be installed!).

Do not separate this document from ZeS version 0.5!