; Ion Compatible Enhanced v0.91 Second Beta Release
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<What Is This?>
Ice, as it's name says, is a Ion compatible shell with a major
innovation. This inovation is the use of folders! As on the TI-86, there
are five folders and you can move files from one folder to another.
* Folders!
* Static Libarys.
* Contrast Changing.
* Little memory needed to run.
* Unlimited number of programs.
* Eight programs displayed at a time.
* Programs are free to allocate memory.
* Program write back for score saving...
* Low power consuming. As Low as the TI-OS.
Send Ice.83g to your calculator, the first time you execute
prgmA, nothing will happen, Ice will just automaticaly install itself.
Afterwards, Ice will immediatly start-up
Note: Ice, Inidium, Anova & Ion are incompatible, you mustn't run more
than one of these shells on your calculator!
<Using Ice>
* [Up] & [Down] keys to select program.
* [Right] if you have more than eight programs
* [F1]->[F5] to select folder
* [Sto] + ([F1]->[F5]) to change a programs folder
* [2nd] [Up/Down] to change contrast
Note: Do not press [2nd] [On], it will cause a memory leak & Ice will crash on next run.
<Version History>
Description Version DDMMYY
First release, 00.09.00 221299
Binary Size: TI-83 938 Bytes.
TI-83+ 960 Bytes.
83 Plus Loader Bug Fixed 00.09.01 231299
Binary Size: TI-83 938 Bytes.
TI-83+ 960 Bytes.
* Joe Wingbuermuehle For ZLIB & ZGFXL.
If you find any bugs, have any sugesstions or comments please contact me at
1999 Cygnus X-1 Technologies
x1cygnus@wanadoo.fr - ICQ 38240788