__ ______ ______ ______ __ __ __ ___ _____
/ / / ____/ / ____/ / ____/ / / / / / | / / / __ |
/ / / / / /___ / / / / / / / |/ / / /_/ /
/ / / / / ____/ / / / / / / / / / __ |
/ / / /___ / /___ / /___ / /___ / / / /| /| / / /_/ /
/_/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____//_/ /_/ |/ |/ /_____/
Version 1.02
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Game by Dan Weiss, January 13 2001
0. History:
v1.02: Optimized!
Possibly works with MirageOS now!
SOS Version now lib-free (to prevent crashes)
v1.01: Fixes the stupid bug that causes the TI83+ version to
do nothing but crash
v1.0: Inital Release
1. About the game:
This is a vertical scrolling platform/puzzle game where you
control a penguin to try to reach the door at the top of each
challenging level. There are 4 levels total.
You will have to jump on blocks, climb ladders, and think hard
before each jump. You will even have to play with Spikes!
This game has SOUND, so if you have an AM radio handy, set it to
a silent AM station and put the calculator near it.
2. Files Included / Which one to send...
Files included:
Iceclmb.txt This Readme File
Iceclmbz.83p TI83 ZES Version
Iceclmb.asm Source Code
dwedit.inc Include File
icemaps.h Source for compressed maps
iceedit.exe Level Editor
3. Requirments:
A TI82, TI83, or TI83 plus graphing calculator
A ZES shell
At least 1500 bytes of free memory to fit the program on
Lots of patience
4. How to play
Note: This game is HARD!
Left and Right move the penguin in the direction pressed.
Up and Down climb ladders.
Down drops down from certin tiles.
Up enters the exit door at the end of a level.
2nd Jump Left
Mode Jump Right
Clear quits the game.
A secret key skips a level.
When you jump you always move 2 squares up, then 3 squares left or right.
After completing a jump you FALL if there's nothing below you. You can
cross unobstructed gaps of 2 squares safely with a jump.
Spikes behave oddly in that they don't always kill you. They only kill
you if you FALL on them. This means you can jump on them, walk on them,
walk behind them. But they do kill you if you fall from a jump onto them.
You can climb down from the following tiles:
- Ladders
- Thin Ice
- Thin Platforms
Thin ice is unique, you can walk on it, walk behind it, but you fall right
thru if you fall on it or jump thru it.
You can't hang onto the bottom rung of a ladder if there's nothing below it.
When you are falling, you can't control.
Make sure you reread the parts about jumping and spikes, spikes are only
fatal if you FALL on them.
Enjoy this game, if you feel lucky.
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