Some of my USENET Postings
On The Affordable Care Act, (ObamaCare) Domestic Oil Production, Renewable fuel sources, Collapse of the real estate market, role of derivatives, and financial speculation, the deficit causing Bush tax cuts for the rich, and National security outlook regarding our Monopolisitc Ologopoly see this link: Click Here or below URL:
note I post as thomaswheat1975 this is where I punked this guy Click here and here
Causes of the 2008 Financial Collapse of the economy then click here
regarding How the Bush Tax Cuts Tanked the economy, and why there is no reason why we should have them see this link
Bush Tax Cuts are a Disastear Debt levels would be sustainable without them
index of my info on Bush Tax cuts click here
How the top 12 USA corporations paid an effective income tax rate of negative 1.5%
TOP 10 worst Corporate Income Tax Cheats
On hypocritical Social Darwinist Corporate Communist Hobbesian Class Warfare:
How the GOP 2011 - 2012 Budget will cost USA to lose 700000 more Jobs, According to Moodys Analytics, Chief Economist, Mark Zandi,
then see discussion on this topic here
On How Renewable Resources can strengthen national security and how DOD QDR 2010 has identified Climate Change as a National security threat, along with some info on Nuclear Fusion Tokamak reactors
Enviromental Impact Facts about TOKAMAK Nuclear Fusion
Fusion power: safe and very low-carbon
Many studies have looked at the potential impact of fusion power on the environment and at the possible risks associated with operating large-scale fusion power plants. The results show that fusion can be a very safe and sustainable energy source.
The initial European Safety and Environmental Assessment of Fusion Power (SEAFP) looked at conceptual designs of fusion power stations and their safety and environmental assessments, including the identification and modelling of every conceivable accident scenario. This research has been extended in subsequent studies.
SEAFP concluded that fusion has very good inherent safety qualities, among which absence of 'chain reaction' and no production of long-lived, highly radiotoxic products. The worst possible accident would not be able to breach the confinement barriers. Even when a hypothesis is done that confinement barriers be breached, any accidental radioactive release from a fusion power station in this case cannot reach the level that would require the evacuation of the local community.
The inherent safety characteristics of a fusion reactor are due to the very low fuel inventory in the reactor during operation and to the rapid cooling that extinguishes the fusion reactions should a malfunction occur.
Of the fuels, lithium and deuterium are not radioactive. However tritium is radioactive with a short half-life of 12.6 years. As tritium is produced and used inside the reactor, no transport of radioactive fuel is needed.
At the end of a fusion power station's working life the radiotoxicity in the reactor chamber and other structural and waste materials will decay rapidly. In less than 100 years the residual activity of these materials would be less than the radiotoxicity found in the waste from a conventional coal-fired power station. Fusion power will not burden society with a long-term toxic waste issue.
Fusion power does not produce any greenhouse gases (GHGs) or other atmospheric pollutants during operation. It offers a route to large-scale baseload energy production with no negative impact on the climate.
The fuel consumption in a fusion power station is extremely low. To generate 7 billion kilowatt hours of electricity, a 1000-megawatt fusion power station would consume about 100 kg of deuterium and three tonnes of lithium per year. This compares to the 1.5 million tonnes of coal in an equivalent fossil-fuel plant.
Fusion offers an almost limitless fuel supply with the fuel found in all parts of the world, and no negative climate change issues.
Safety for ITER
Key aspects of the safety of ITER are effluents and emissions during normal operation, occupational safety of workers at the site, proper storage and treatment of radioactive materials generated during operation and decommissioning, and potential accidents and incidents.
All these aspects were evaluated as part of a Generic Site Safety Report (GSSR) that developed a technical safety basis for the regulatory and licensing of the ITER site.
The GSSR indicates that effluents during normal operation should be less than 1 % of natural background radiation levels. Occupational exposure of workers at the ITER site is estimated to be less than the guidelines set for the next-generation of nuclear (fission) power plants.
For decommissioning, the majority of the radioactive materials should be released from regulatory control in reasonable timescales. It is estimated that 60 % of the material will be below international clearance levels after 30 years, with 80 % available after 100 years.
The GSSR assessments showed that ITER can be constructed and operated safely without significant environmental impacts.
Further site specific studies will continue once the facilities at Cadarache are built and commissioned.
Info on Ballistic Missile Defense click here