WWB dedication


Member Spotlight for the week of: April 28th, 2003

Wow.....Am I proud to have received this one *S*
Could not believe it at first, but it IS realy ME !


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As this site is called TEMPLE OF LOVE
I think WOMEN WHO BELIEVE is a great group to be mentioned here.
Cause, can there be love without Caring ?
I think not.
And therefore WWB is dedicated on this page of my Temple.

I really do believe
that WWB-members DO CARE about one another.
That's probabably the reason why I'm a PROUD member

It's not only FRIENDS you'll find here.
There's those COMMITTEES as well.

Deliver articles, poetry or short stories
for the Monthly Newsletter
Great Fun Playing with PSP



From this date on I may call myself
ACL from the Secret Whispers Committee,
and boy, am I honored !

SigTag made for me by Emerald Fae
I Love it !
Thanks a lot my friend *S*


This is me as Newsletter Member *S*

I've joined this committee and I'm real glad I did !
The members are great and each one of us has her own "writing speciality"

A wonderful committee with a great bunch of ladies.
We have lots of fun, go nuts now and again, and help one another with our "homework".


On April 27th 2003, WWB celebrated her 2nd. Anniversary !


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Today is indeed the best day there is to reach for the very best you can be.

~ Ralph Marston ~

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If you click on the banner below,
You will enter a wonderful Site by Laz,
a lady who recently joined WWB.




Of Friendship
Random Act
Of Kindness
Of Souls
Temple Of Love





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