Beautiful painting by Josephine Wall
Harmony of Souls - An "Invitation Only" Group
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This RingSurf Net Ring
owned by Yellowmoon .
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Harmony and stillness come
by living in the moment
Every moment.
Anxiety takes me out of the present
I put expectations on myself
that block the peace
beyond understanding.
Open fellowship
and walking with peace
Reveal the next step
as it leads.
I give peace my trust
in every step I take.
It gives harmony and stillness.

~ by © Dusty ~

please, visit our homepage


We are a group of men & women who believe in

Beachcomber invited me to join this special Group:

Hello, I was surfing today and went to your wonderful home on the web.
I would like to invite you to join a web ring
that is made up of active men and women around the world
who truly believe that by treating others, as we would like to be treated,
we can make a difference, make our world a better place for all of us.

I looked and did not see that you were a member of the ring.
Please go to our home page, and if interested, fill out the Ring Surf form on the last page.
Please put "INVITED-BC" after your site name so that they will know you were invited.

Thank you so much for considering us, and above all, for sharing your home on the web with us.
Big Smiles and Happy Thoughts to you.

Please visit our Home Site

Ring Administrator
Please visit beachcomber's site


I am very proud to say I am


May 2002 my dad came home from vacation in a wheelchair.
Prognoses: Cancer
October 2002 my daddy changed our earthly world for the spiritual one.....

The message below shows what and how HOS is there for its members !

Hello Marie-Anne,
there are a bunch of folks praying for you and your father,
thinking good thoughts.
Knowing that you and your entire family will have the strength that you need.
Think about it , people you dont know are here for you.
Isn't it wonderful?
People you will never meet, here with love for you.

Friendship Graphic by © GrammyJ.



Of Friendship
Who Believe
Random Acts
Of Kindness
Temple Of Love





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