Please, don't leave.I know there are many sites about this subject
but realize the importance of writing about it.
So take your time to read on & maybe you can even help someone !
I think this a very important part of my website Temple Of Love,
because it's about LOVE & RESPECT FOR CHILDREN
I have this feeling that many adults don't give their children what they deserve.
Mind me, I'm not judging.
I'm only talking about my concerns about this matter.
Why am I writing this ?
Well, that's because I do volunteer work for children who are being abused.
I started this volunteer work cause I couldn't stand it, children being treated badly
and felt I had to do something for them.
And this was just it.
Maybe it's not much I do for them, but all I can do is a little help more, isn't it ?
How can one stand up for children who are being abused ?
I realy don't have THE answer, but I'll try to do what I can....