

Please, don't leave.

I know there are many sites about this subject
but realize the importance of writing about it.
So take your time to read on & maybe you can even help someone !

I think this a very important part of my website Temple Of Love,
because it's about LOVE & RESPECT FOR CHILDREN

Please display one of our Banners and Link back in support!

I have this feeling that many adults don't give their children what they deserve.
Mind me, I'm not judging.
I'm only talking about my concerns about this matter.

Violence Prevention Week

Why am I writing this ?

Well, that's because I do volunteer work for children who are being abused.

I started this volunteer work cause I couldn't stand it, children being treated badly
and felt I had to do something for them.
And this was just it.

Maybe it's not much I do for them, but all I can do is a little help more, isn't it ?

How can one stand up for children who are being abused ?

I realy don't have THE answer, but I'll try to do what I can....




Another very serious matter is OUR MISSING CHILDREN.

Often I ask myself: What kind of a world is this we live in ?
How come children just disappear and never return home again ?

I haven't got an answer to this question either, only thing I know,
a lot of people grieve because of a lost child.

And is it not so, it is the biggest fear of most parents, losing a child ?
Well, mine sure is !

If you wanna read more about MISSING CHILDREN
please follow me to the next page
Visit this link




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