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The Getaway

You're ridin' around London, looking for a fight. You come to an abandoned warehouse, and get out of your car. You equip yourself with a small handgun, and decide to break up a gang meeting. You peek around the corner to see 5 gang members. You stealthily sneak behind a stack of crates. You take another look, and fire a round into a sly looking leader. The others whip out their guns and start firing! You roll to the right to dodge fire, killing two more with a shot to the head each. Your out of ammo, what do you do? You had a feeling you might need more! Do you get shot, or do you run out there and give the two gangsters a mudhole stomping?

Sounds exciting, eh? This upcoming game hasn't gotten as much publicity as GTA: VC, but it's still may give it a run for the money, or so people are saying. This new title is a mixture of GTA 3, Max Payne, 007, and Rambo? Though it will come as a surprise to many, it does not have motorcycles like in GTA: Vice City, but it has some features that VC doesn't have! For example, the ability to hold people hostage, or that's a rumor anyways. If you do this the cops won't try to shoot you, but a gangster may take the opportunity to blast a clip through the hostage to try and kill you!

Getting excited? I am not even close to being done, well maybe that's not so true! Anyways, This games realisticness is amazing, the people look sort of real, the buildings look amazingly real, but the cars look like cars from a Driver game! I'm not dissing Driver it just has not so impressive car graphics. For instance, the windows, you can't see the drivers through the door windows.

Now, I've got you thinking, I think I'll give you the background. Soho Studios, London, had been working on The Getaway title for 3 years. At one point the whole project was on the verge of being scrapped, but Sony Entertainment, Europe, saw great potential in the game and decided to hand over around £30 million into having this game created for the PS2. Soho only wanted to have the best they could make, so they sent a group of photographers on a quest to photograph 70 square kilometers of London! After 3 long years, Soho had finished their title, but by this time all the cars and shops in the game had become out-of-date. In conclusion Soho had to post-pone the release to better the main aspects of the game.

Wow, this post-ponation, has created yet another rumor that there may be the possibility of 200+ cars. This would beat GTA:VC by 60 cars, which would be more than GTA 3.(The 200+ cars is more than GTA:VC and GTA3 put together!) This amazing feat could cause what, like some rumors say, a outselling of the GTA series.

In my opinion this will be an outstanding game at $39.99 it will be a great buy. The down-side is that it comes out the 10th of February, 2003. By the time this game comes out school will be almost over! This may be a bad thing, but it could also be something good, since it's after the holidays a lot of people will have some money to buy it! I am still going to buy Vice City but this may be on my renting list.

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