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The Getaway Screenshots

I'm happy to introduce The Getaway, but I'm also happy to show all these screenshots. Hope you enjoy this!

Hey, watchout for the camera!

Where you going?

Who's there?...I hate knock, knock jokes, you STUPID...!!!!

You have the right to remains si-... wait do they say that in London?

I wonder who's in the car!

I thought I saw a mouse!

Where'd he go?

You again!?

I'm running, I'm runni-...Oooo shop displays!

Anybody there? I got a gun!

Aww, man! I wonder how long he can stand there?

I wonder who killed him?

Aww...I was sure there was a can to shoot at up here!

I get to drive on the left side of the road!

Road Safety: Always look both ways before you cross!

He's on fire...let's eat his flesh!(flesh eating not available in The Getaway)

I killed him already? I was going to shoot him doing a trick!

Hey, just like my story!

When he comes around the corner, I'm gonna fire a round into his head!

Did I get him?

Double the pistols! Double the accuracy?

More like my story?

Let's snipe at CLOSE RANGE!


Maybe that wasn't a good idea!

I wonder if he knows I'm here?

Well, let's find out!

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