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Games of Dragon Flash

It seems that I have to take appart my bed, because my window is broken and it's in the way...I didn't break it! What? I didn't! Anyways, you all must really like my site, or my site has problems, because there have been 66 times that my bandwidth was over it's limit... If you want me to add stuff to my site, e-mail me or AIM: DJDragonFlash


10-19-02: I'm back! I got my awesome sword...Valermos-Sword of Fire. I have more Vice City updates...can you believe it? Why was I gone...uhh...I had homework?

9-20-02: I have more Vice City updates! My birthdays the 27th! I'm getting a SWORD!!!!!! YEAH, and Vice City when it comes out!

8-30-02: I added the Help, and the DW3 walkthrough. Oh...and you can't forget. A MOTORCYCLE MOVIE CLIP FOR GTA: VICE!

8-29-02: Freekstyle page!

8-28-02:The name of my new addition, The Getaway, a game set in London! Check this out!

8-27-02: Guess what? NO....I just added GTA:VC characters and weapons pages.

8-24-02: There are now even more screenshots for Vice!

8-19-02:I just put 6 more screenshots for Vice City up. I'm really getting in to it!

8-18-02: I have drastically updated the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Page, check it out!

8-16-02: I added some screenshots for Vice City, go look at them!

8-14-02:I am back from surfing for news. I have added a Grand Theft Auto: Vice City page!
8-11-02:I added a bio of myself! YAY! Check it out! I just added a Dynasty Warriors 3 page! Click here to look! I really worked hard today, I added a Grandia Xtreme page for you Steve!

8-10-02: I added some character info and some screenshots for Legaia. I also just added a movie clip!(I hope it works)

8-9-02: I added some Legaia 2 info! Click here to check it out!
