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Legaia 2: Duel Saga

Legaia 2: Duel Saga is supposedly set a while after the Seru are destroyed! It begins in the village of Nohl, where our hero Lang(I hope I can change the name!) pursues a villain who has stolen the mystical water crystal! This water crystal can supply an infinite amount of water! I believe Lang is a rookie in the Nohl militia, which is in charge of protecting the crystal and the village.

The characters are no where near as polygonal (one of my favorite words) as were in Duel Saga's predecessor. What I have read about it seems like the main characters don't speak much. The scenery is seemingly breath-taking and the frame rate is decent.

There are some new features though! This time around you can combine items and weapons to get rarer and more powerful objects! Plus you get to use the arts! The normal arts which charge your AP meter. The super arts, are similar to the ones in the first Legaia. The Hyper Arts, that can be learned by scrolls(maybe books) or events which occur during gameplay. The new Variable Arts which combine the character's attack to create a very powerful assault. Last but most powerful(maybe) are the Mystic Arts, which take the place of Miracle Arts, that are elemental attacks that allow your character to summon their "Ori-Jin" to demolish the enemy(hopefully)!

What about the Seru and Ra-Seru? Hold on, hold on, I'm getting there! Ori-Jins take the place of the Seru and Ra-Seru. The Ori-Jins can also be used to interact with the environment. Didn't you think that it would have been better if your characters didn't glow when they talked to their Ra-seru? Well... this time they appear when they talk! YAY!

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