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Legaia 2: Duel Saga Characters

This is Lang. He's the main character and a rookie in the militia. He is also like most RPG characters of the fire element in magical attacks.

Maya, the second of five(?) characters that you can get. I know very little about her besides she is probably water elemental.

Kasa, an old guy, usually old guys are wise in the arts. He might be an old monk or maybe a lonely old hermit! Possibly rock or earth elemental.

Ain. The only thing I know about him is his name and that he fights.

Sharon. I believe she's suppose to be like Cara(from Legaia1)! She could be a pick-pocket but then again maybe not. She wears a lot of very "showful" clothing.

Dopurin. This guy kind of looks like a mayor or something. I doubt many people have seen him.

Sutoraus. Ooooooooooo, cool armor!

Berune. She looks pretty mysterious... ooooo, mysterious!

Avaron(I think). The villain, he steals the water crystal and it seems he is the sharp-looking, invincible opponent that is undefeatable until the end. All RPG's gotta have em'!

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