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Legaia 2: Duel Saga Screenshots

Looks like a Kamehameha!

That's a nice pose! He kind of looks like me!(if only I still had blue hair, and only if I had blue eyes)

Looks like another Lloyd(Dragoon) or Sephiroth(FFVII) or Songi(Legaia)!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to squish your brother!"

YES! There's gonna be Dragons! YAY!

Other Pics

Don't play with swords! Unless you know what your doing.

Aww, I wish I could fly!

What's so funny?

That's a cool pic of Lang and Avaron. It would make a good background image!

Go ahead you can play Rock, Paper, Fireball.

It's a Water Fairy...Oh! Nevermind.

Wow, he's big!

Pics of Arts

Lang using Super Arts.

Kasa charging for the Hyper Art.

Lang and Maya combining power for a Variable Art.

Lang performing his powerful Mystic Art!

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