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Here are the characters in my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles online Fan Fiction Comic. Most of them you probably know from the TMNT universe, however some are original creations and some are cross-breeds of original and TMNT characters. ENJOY!

Silver: A brawler more then a ninja, this warrior was once the leader of a gang in NYC. When Shredder slowly became the leader of the underworld, Silver under his real name challenged Shredder. In the end Shredder defeated Silver, and nearly killed him. Shredder decided not to kill him, in exchange for his life Silver would become one of Shredder's Imperial guards and turn over his gang to Shredder. After his violent battle with Shredder his face was horribly scarred and he now wears a silver mask to cover it. Hence the name silver.

Platinum: Wearing a mask much like Silver, Platinum also battled Shredder when he first arrived in NYC. He too turned over his gang and services in exchange for Shredder to spare his life. This somewhat cocky ex-druglord is very wealthy, and when it came time for a mask to cover his war wounds, there was only one metal of choice. Platinum.

"The Dragoness" Snap Dragon: A female ninja assassain from Tokyo, Japan. She trained under Bruce Lee and, has sense adopted the Dragon name into her identity. Very little is know about this oriental scarlet, but don't let her looks deceive you. She's a in battle psychologist and won't let any MAN, defeat her.

Leonardo: Leo is the bravest and truest Ninja of the group. He is the de facto leader (Raph would say fearless leader) of the group. He is very deeply religious, and is probably closer to Master Splinter than any of the others. He feels a very strong sense of duty to his sensei, and cannot bear any shame. The mighty leader (even if he won't admit it), proud and strong, to a fault. Follows Splinter devotedly, and is only lost when he has nothing to do.

Donatello: Don is commonly known as the "brains" of the turtles. His endeavors span far, including planning, inventing, being the team doctor, and generally being a "Mr. Fix It." He is possibly the quietest of the group (if that can actually be said of any of the turtles), although a chance for a good jibe is often impossible for him to turn up. Yet for all his quiet introspection, he seems to care more about his brothers feelings, and others, than the rest of the group. Don rarely has a harsh word to say to anyone, and is quick to comfort those who are in distress.

Michaelangelo: Mike is definetly the party man of the group. He is happy go lucky and carefree, at least most of the time. Mike is fun, but smarter than he lets on. He loves kids, animals, and, well, life in general. He just goes with the flow. Mike enjoys pizza, and bashing evil ninjas when he gets the chance. He also has the most interest in girls. Namely that reporter chic....APRIL!

Raphael: Raphael. The wild man. The loose cannon. The berserker. The weakest link in the turtles armor, if not for his short temper. He is sullen, moody, and, lets face it, very human. He is sullen, moody, jealous, tempermental, and he has kind streak in there somewhere. His sarcasm knows no bounds; but he is not a killer at heart.

Splinter: Hammato Yoshi's pet rat, turned into a master sensei of the ninjitsu way. He's from a time long ago and a way much different then today's. He however is a master in battle, and is the one of the greatest thinkers of our time. His advice to the turtles is not only wise, but unreplaceable.

Shredder: Oroku Saki, Ninja Master of the Foot Clan. The Foot have existed for centuries, and he is their prodigy. The sum-total of all past Masters before him, he surpasses them all in skill and knowledge. He reigns supreme in the Clan, and hopes he will one day rule the entire globe... and beyond. Shredder gained his leadership by killing the only rival to his skill, Hammato Yoshi. Knowing that Yoshi had his love Teng Shen, and could possibly be a better ninja, Shredder dawned his armor and killed them both. Then slaughtered the Foot Clan's sensei and took over the clan. He is now imposing his will on NYC's ganglang, in a attempt to form the Foot Clan in the United States.

Murphy Mcree: The world’s foremost automotive engineer, Murphy Mcree designed and built many race car. Murphy can always be counted on to be as loud and overbearing as any well-meaning father has the right to be. But his love for his garage and NYC brings out the kinder, gentler side of his personality, particularly in light of his overprotective treatment of his alley. On occasion, Murphy Mcree will battle many a villain, putting to good use his skills as a former wrestling champion of the Westside Grunters and Groaners Club.

More characters to come as the comics continue.
