On the 13th of May 1985, as I Jonah ben Noah, was sitting in the house at my table, the voice of the Lord God began to speak to me and give me the interpretation to a vision that he had). He said unto me, "The eagle that you saw torn apart is America, who has it's wings of freedom taken away, and it's mind of life, liberty and happiness crushed and vanished, and the body that remains is so twisted out of shape, it is no longer recognizable for what it was. It disappears by the power of two separate powers that bring death and destruction to the land. But then, as one is looking up and rejoicing in exultation over the destruction of America, it is attacked by the other, who is as sly as a fox and deceitful as Satan, who rules them both. But then they shall vanish into nothingness at the Lord's coming, who will fly through the heavens at My will and power near the end of the tribulation...
On June 14, 1996 as I, Noah, was writing Bro Elisha in Florida, the Lord spoke the following word. Thus has the Lord spoken,
"America, you have NOW been weighed in the balance and found wanting and lacking in those things of righteousness, and love of holiness and truth. Therefore your house is taken from you, your freedoms are removed, you are to go into captivity and to watch your children so die, for your sinful and wicked unbelief in the Lord God and His words of prophecy to you. 'AMERICA, GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER' for you shall surely die!"
Amen, even so Lord God Almighty, for Thy judgments are just, righteous, and true, and all Thy ways holiness. Whoever reads or hears this, by the command of the Lord you are now set as Baruch in Jeremiah 36.
August, 2002, Audible Voice Of The Lord Jesus & Dreams & Visions, Visions & Dreams Of Both The Coming Destruction Of America & Massive Repentance Revival — Mona, and the rest of the group. Let me say this very clearly so you will know you have heard a certain sound.
Issue number 1 ) don't count on the multitude of prophets to be right Elijah was outnumbered 850 to 1 definitely in a minority yet he was right, 2 ) after 911 the Lord spoke to me in an audible voice and He said this concerning prophets and preachers; if they are my servants they will be calling my people to prayer, fasting, weeping, gathering solemn assemblies and they will lead this by example. He also said if they are not doing this they are serving themselves, building there own kingdom and not His. I will give an example a certain faith teacher who happens to live in the DFW area --- made a statement God does not want us to fear, to have faith and not to fear, no call to fasting, prayer, repentance, etc. --- this man is under strong delusion and one of his spiritual sons is already reprobate, nevertheless we should still be praying that he repent. Many very large ministries took a middle of the road stance concerning 911 --- if you tell people the truth, they don't want to hear. It doesn't motivate them to send you big offerings. I agree the brothers that continue to cry aloud about the Phoenix thing seem to have a one track mind like that is all they can see or hear when they should be doing everything they can to motivate people to: prayer, fasting, weeping, etc. Me personally I am not a doom and gloom person, I still hold out a hope that if the remnant prays and obeys --- there will be enough repentance to delay this Judgment and give us time for a harvest.
I have had visions and dreams of both the coming destruction and massive repentance revival etc., that could push the time clock back so to say. I don't believe they are conflicting, but they send a seeming conflicting message which depends upon we the people which are called by His name, if we will humble ourselves. confess our sins, and repent, and seek His face --- then He will hear from heaven and forgive our sins and heal our Land. I have been doing much fasting & prayer etc., to stop or delay this event or change of events from happening, because if it comes it will definitely bring about a collapse of the economy with it as of right now it is a long shot that the church will repent and turn enough to stop what is coming.
The Lord gave me a very clear dream last week in which I saw Russian troops on American soil in occupation doing house to house searches for both food and weapons. I have seen this many times before with both Russian and Chinese troops so when I got up I asked the Lord why did you give this to me now again, I have seen it before and know that it is coming. He said to me, I wanted to show you that the spiritual event or chain of events that is needed to stop or delay this has not happened yet, that this thing was coming our way and in the not to distance future if we don't have massive repentance now and that by repentance it would have to be more then the church just weeping and praying and asking him to forgive us, but that we would have to change our ways and come back to his pattern of doing church and not mans; that the biggest thing that needed to be repented of is the bondage --- the idolatry, the pride --- the arrogance --- the manipulation --- the witchcraft --- the control going on in the church at large --- that leaders would have to repent of building there kingdoms and not Gods, … we could not go back to our old ways --- that we need to seek His face like never before. You can go up and down this land and there is almost virtually no fervent corporate prayer going on --- I am sure there are some small groups here and there, but where are they? For example, here in Raleigh NC, we need to pray for those who are crying out that they would have the fruit of peace even though give a hard message that people do not want to hear, we all need to seek His face like never before to see what He would have us to do concerning our part in preventing or stopping what would very evidently be the beginning of the down fall of America, this is a serious hour and we cannot take these things lightly our future and the future of our children depends upon it, we need a national Spiritual Awakening !!!!!!!!! RIGHT NOW, IN FACT YESTERDAY. Let us not hit the snooze button anymore, but wake up, and do our part, and rise up in the zeal, wisdom, and grace of God to pay the price it will take to have an anointing that will bring repentance to our land. Kevin Nugent
From: siloam777@aol.com .