
Insiders Report #2 for 2004     January/11/2004
                                                Editor: Dennis Crenshaw
This report:  Earth, Space & Water
Quote of the Week:
"I think it's fair to say that we have truly entered the realm of science fiction in Washington, D.C., when it's fair game to disclose the identity of a clandestine CIA agent, but not the records of an unexplained crash in Kecksburg, Pa., that occurred 38 years ago."  John Podesta, former Clinton chief of staff.

According to a report from the Sci-Fi channel's web page they may have won a major battle in their war with the US government to turn over information about UFOs:
"NASA Opens Kecksburg Docs
  "NASA has agreed to turn over documents relating to the alleged crash of a UFO in Kecksburg, Pa., in 1965, the SCI FI Channel announced. The news comes a day after SCI FI said it would pursue legal action against the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to release its records on the incident.
  "NASA informed Lee Helfrich, attorney for the Channel-sponsored Coalition for Freedom of Information, that it is releasing 36 pages of documents, the Channel
For the full story:

In all the hoopla and political expediency of publicizing the "successes" of the Mars
Rover there is other just-as important pieces of space news that are being overlooked. 
Aliens in Our Galaxy? Experts Map Possible Hotbeds
Stefan Lovgren 
for National Geographic News
January 6, 2004
 "Scientists say a ring-shaped region in the disc of the Milky Way shows the highest potential for life in our galaxy.
 "But don't expect them to find extraterrestrial life anytime soon: In this region, there are some 20 billion star systems that offer the prerequisites of life.
  "The team of astronomers has identified stars that contain enough heavy elements to form terrestrial planets; are sufficiently distant from disastrous supernova explosions; and have existed for at least four billion years,” the time it took for complex life to evolve on Earth.
  "Using a sophisticated computer evolution model, they found that ten percent of the stars in our galaxy, located in a ring around the center of the Milky Way, meet those criteria."
For the full story go to:

In this "Seeing Inside the Earth" report we learn how Scientists claim they are able to assess water storage and movement deep underground. 
The GRACE Experiment:
"Weighing Earth's Water from Space
  "With vast oceans covering about 70 percent of Earth's surface, it would seem that our planet is home to a nearly boundless water supply. But in reality, only 2.5 percent of Earth's water is fresh, and only one-third of that small percentage is accessible. Since the amount of consumable water on Earth is limited, scientists and natural resource managers are looking for ways to monitor our water resources.
  "NASA's twin Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiments (GRACE) satellites are using a new technique to address this problem. Launched in 2002, GRACE is serving as a "divining rod" in space, using changes in Earth's gravitational field to track the amount and movement of water both on and under our planet's surface."
See complete report at:
The Hollow Earth
Raymond Bernard
The complete Book

Speaking of free books.  Some of the best research into the things that interest me the most have been found in many books published just before, or just after, the turn of the century.  Most of these books are in now Public Domain, but unfortunately, very hard to find.  Recently I found a virtual goldmine of  thousands of FREE down-loadable Public Domain books.  I haven't been able to explore this amazing site the way I'd like to as of yet, but you can bet I will. In the mean time go browse "the stacks" yourself; and happy exploring:
The current Number one topic at's "Phorum" is in the Hollow Earth area and concerns the upcoming Russian Icebreaker expedition to the North Pole in search of the legendary northern entrance to the inner lands...

I must thank frontier UFO researcher James Moseley for his mentioning of Pete Navarro and my soon-to-be-released book, "The Secrets of Dellschau," in the December 1, 2003 issue of his very enjoyable newsletter "Saucer Smear."  I personally feel it an honor to even be mentioned in this grandfather of UFO publications.  Thanks James!!!  Next time I'm in Key West the refreshment will be on me. 
You can read the complete article at:
And finally from an e-mail from my old army buddy Andy:
  "If pro is opposite of con,
 then what is the opposite of progress?
 Men's restroom
 House of Representatives, Washington , DC
Please send any articles of interest, links to websites you like, or personal comments to me at under subject matter "Insider's Report.  Thanks!
 See yaw!
Dennis Crenshaw