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Insider’s Report for 2004 #16 April/24/2004 Editor: Dennis Crenshaw





The “we never went to the moon” question heats up again as a reel of lost footage is found and astronaut Buzz Aldrin refuses to swear on the Bible that he walked on the moon.

“Unprecedented Proof Uncovered!
An investigative journalist uncovers a 31-year-old mislabeled, unedited reel of footage (dated three days into the flight) that shows the Apollo 11 crew falsifying part of their photography! This exclusive footage is only available in "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon." When Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin (the one believed to have shot the bogus footage) was recently shown the tape he said, "Well you're talking to the wrong guy! Why don't you talk to the administrator at NASA? We're passengers!" He then threatened to sue us if we showed it publicly. …”
See the film clip at:

The TAL Zone
Research and Reports from long time researcher/writer Tal LaVesque

Strange blue band around Jupiter
(Courtesy NASA)

Although Jupiter has, in the past, produced some unusual
upper cloud features, nothing like this has ever been seen before!
NOTE: ... there's a brand new blue band forming around the entire planet right where the black spot was observed on that planet back in October. Could this be evidence of atmospheric ignition from Galileo’s plutonium that had been theorized back then? Are we about to see a major change in Jupiter? Highly charged ions!

Did NASA Accidentally "Nuke" Jupiter? :




Thanks to my long time friend “Citizen66” for sending me this article

Gamma Block: The Philadelphia Experiment: New Evidence lolik4 on Sunday, April 18 @ 15:29:37 PDT

“The Philadelphia Experiment is a story that refuses to die. For over sixty years the tale of U.S. Government experiments with invisibility, time travel and mind control have been the crux of what started at the Philadelphia Navy Shipment as a project to demagnetize warships in the early 1940s. Despite denials by the Navy, in-depth investigations by debunkers and a world full of scientists who say it wasn’t possible in the 1940’s and still isn’t today, a steady flow of new witnesses and evidence seems to support the story. Ronald Mallett, theoretical physicist and professor at the University of Connecticut, stated in 2001 that recent experiments with light make time travel possible.

“Those experiments proved that light could be slowed, and then returned to its normal speed. Mallett felt that this new information provided positive theoretical implications for time travel theorists. But that’s theoretical and pails in comparison to what the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project may have already accomplished. …”

Read the complete report at:



By 'C Verismo'


A series of 30 articles on what is going on in the skies, probably unknown to anyone except intelligence agents, privy to the latest space technology, has been put on the net and written by a former US govt. insider calling himself "One who knows". These articles are called Fire From The Sky and can be read at:

In summary these articles claim that the Russians, starting from about 1977, began to produce a flying disk initially called 'cosmos-interceptor' then later called Cosmo spheres. By 1980/81 they'd built 7 super heavy Cosmo spheres called jumbos, even bigger than the zeppelins of the 1930's.
They could carry 50 tons. It was actually Russia's space shuttle and powerful electromagnetic propulsion could take them all the way to orbital speed.

In the book UFO's - Secret Nazi Weapon by Mattern and Fredrich the authors describe the designs of the anti-gravity flying disks the Nazis manufactured. 2 Germans wrote this originally in the 50's and finally published it in Canada about 1966. In summary, it shows pictures of the original Nazi engineering plans for wingless anti-gravity craft. In April 1945 Germany had over 130 different types of missiles and rockets. After the war, early in the morning of 21 and 22 October 1946, in Soviet occupied Germany, Russians hauled out of their beds approx. 275,000 German scientists and technicians and their families and even included babies. They took them to Russia supposedly for 5 years. Protests were ignored or beaten down. German factories were awaiting them, dismantled and crated. They worked around the clock for 3 bowls of borscht soup and a slice of dark bread daily. They worked in 40 different locations all over Russia. This included aircraft and jet engineers. After the 5-year term had been served, during which many died or were condemned to slave labor camps for life, the scientists were kept for another 2-3 years in quarantine, to forget the projects they worked on. They were not even allowed pencils or papers. They brought Russia into the 20th century and later the space age.


Mattern and Fredrich’s book also covers in great detail the secret German Antarctic activity. Germans had already developed technology from a spaceship that crashed in Germany in about 1939, and they developed their own anti-gravity flying disks in about 1941. (Some have also said that Pleiadians wishing to help Germany deliberately crashed it.) Germany had UFO's as early as 1940. Plans of prototype models of Victor Schauberger, inventor of the implosion motor, were found in Germany after the war. Photos of UFO's seen after the war, showed they were the same models as the ones drawn in the plans. In 1943 they were obviously working well enough and the entire German UFO plant was dismantled and shipped by freight train to the Shangri-la that they'd already built in Antarctica for Hitler. The Germans staked out Antarctica in 1937-38. Over 11,000 photos were taken of it. More land than Germany itself was claimed and Swastika flags were dropped every 20 km. Warm lakes were found by the expedition. Hitler's escape was discovered after
the war. Washington, Moscow and London, in fact 8 countries then decided to go to Antarctica. 4,000 elite US navy troops and 13 ships under Admiral Byrd went there in Dec 1946. Admiral Byrd's plane instruments went haywire, when he located the secret Nazi base. He declared that in case of a new war flying objects that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds would attack US.


UFO's appeared over Germany in 1943 and 1944. Berlin headquarters issued telexes that they were 'theirs'. The allies found that after the war about 250,000 Germans had also inexplicably vanished. This took into account casualties and deaths from all causes and this number still remains constant. (The Germans kept meticulous records of people, including the number of Jews killed.) The allies could not found Germany’s flying disk research scientists and test pilots after the war. The allies began to suspect and accuse each other of having captured the last secret. They'd agreed to divide 'the loot' (i.e. German patents) honestly. Each ally was to receive microfilm of every German patent and secret document, regardless of who had captured him or her. They took 30 railroad cars full of German patents. With the advancing allied armies, came teams of scientifically trained specialists whose job was to ensure the German installations, labs and factories weren't destroyed. The Americans captured many prize 'catch' scientists, much to the anger of the British, French and Russians. The great American 'brain robbery' was so mind boggling that a special dictionary of technical jargon of the aircraft industry, containing over 75,000 separate terms had to be created by the captured Germans in US. Top-flight scientists were 'invited' to work in US for $2.20 a day, while kept as prisoners. In order to get cooperation their diets were 'supplemented'. They were offered citizenship as an inducement or a war crimes trial if they didn't produce.


It is also claimed in this book 'UFO's Nazis Secret weapon' that the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima was made in Germany. Germany first started atomic research in 1939. The German scientists who had made the bomb were by then in an English maximum-security prison that was bugged. Prof. Openheimer mentioned then the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was made in Germany. The Russians captured Herman Oberth, the professor who taught Werner von Braun, the Nazi rocket scientist who started the NASA space program and has been credited with single-handedly getting Apollo to the moon. (i.e. if they actually did arrive at some time in the past by rocket.) The Russians got a head start with Oberth and started manufactured their own flying disks, complete with particle beam weapons. They used these from 1977- 1981 to shoot down American satellites, space shuttles and even passenger planes in a bid to control the skies. Nazi scientists were also brought over to USA to start the space program, to research anti-gravity technology at Area 51 at Nevada and also to start the CIA. Former Nazis have popped up all over the globe and there are many articles written on them, but the main sources are Branton in his online book in 58 parts called The Underground Nazi Invasion of United States of America and his Omega Files in depth report on the Nazis in Antarctica.


In Evil Agenda of the Secret Government by Tim Swartz, there is another account of the creation of Russian flying saucers, and it has a very intriguing story. In 1954 a German magazine, ran a series of articles claiming that flying saucers were developed and produced in the Soviet Union during WW2. The magazine gave detailed accounts of a top secret US document of 1944. An intelligence organization had dispatched 16 agents to a foreign country. 14 were lost on duty but a 15th made it back to reveal what unbelievable things were happening. Another agent, who returned code named PKR, corroborated this and he had been working as a scientist's assistant in
a Soviet laboratory. PKR told of a German scientist Horst Pinkel, who in 1928 went to Russia in an exchange program of German and Russian officers. He was the only officer who failed to return a year later. Pinkel had been a follower of Walter Lewetzow who developed some theories on gravity, and its interaction with light and energy, but received some ridicule from the German scientific community.


Pinkel advanced Lewetzow's theory, that the entire universe is filled with rays whose particles or waves, traveling in all directions, cause a neutral and balancing effect on all matter. If they were controlled, they would be a source of power, equaling perpetual motion. In 1930 outside Moscow, Pinkel furnished with all necessary materials available to him, did research. By 1941 he had finished developing instrumentation for measuring the strange new rays. He discovered that the rays belonged to a new category, whose single rays change with terrific speed from the character of ordinary waves into the clear character of corpuscles. He found that "the rhythm of change of the oscillation-frequency remained parallel". PKR said in 1942 that Pinkel, with a group of Russian scientists and inventors moved to the south Urals. However, time ran out to develop a powerful new weapon against the Germans. At that time 5 flying saucers had been constructed in the Soviet Union. Air Marshal Konstantin Wershinin in 1948 urged his scientists to complete more of the craft which had terrific speeds and a potential sphere of action the same as the "radius of the universe". In 1949 Pravda quoted one of Russia's most famous aeronautical engineers "If ever an aircraft from earth lands on one of the heavenly bodies, it will be Soviet". PKR brought back to the US, the exact formula for an alloy, which Pinkel had developed
for use in fabricating a craft, utilizing the powerful new rays and the precise data for harnessing the fantastic ray that Pinkel had discovered. The German magazine concluded its series by reporting that in 1952, the Russians were at work on a "Space Island" that would allow a stop-over for space vehicles flying from earth to "other particles in the universe".


The Americans were confronted with technology; they couldn't counter so they signed a non-interference treaty to get the technology to fight back. The Germans gave the USA their anti-gravity technology after the war, when they came to America. Al Bielek says that when Apollo 11 landed on the moon, Americans already there, greeted them because they had anti-gravity technology in the 70's by back engineering UFO's. There must have been 2 different factions developing space technology as the Bolsheviks were in charge of the space shuttles at Houston, which couldn't get off the ground, for being hit by Cosmo spheres according to The Fire From the Sky articles. But the Nazis, who came to USA after the war started work at Area 51 on anti-gravity disks. Originally there were 3 Nazi scientists in Germany developing flying disks. The specialists were Schriever, Habermohl and Miethe. It is believed after the war Habermohl fell into the hands of the Russians. Miethe developed at a later date similar flying disks at A V Roe and Co for USA, according to Robert Jungk who wrote this in 1956 in the book Brighter than a Thousand Suns. Werner von Braun went to USA to start the rocket program, his professor Herman Oberth was captured by Russia and the rest of the Nazi anti-gravity scientists disappeared down to Antarctica where they had prepared a place to live for some time previously. (Or possibly to the moon.) Linda Hunt of CNN told of 1,600 Nazi scientists, largely escaping the Nuremberg trials came to US under Operation Paperclip to develop the US space program. Von Braun became the director of the Marshall Space Flight Center; his brother joined him to work there. V-2 flight test director, Kurt Debus was a director of Kennedy Space center in Florida. Arthur Ruldolf was project director of NASA's Saturn V rocket program that took US to the moon.


Tim Swartz also writes that Vladimir Terziski, a Bulgarian born engineer and physicist who graduated from Tokai University in Tokyo in 1980, says that the Bavarian Illuminati has been involved with top secret space research and development since the turn of the century, and that the Nazis, the American Eastern Establishment and KGB has been involved as well. The Nazi's workings in the highest levels of internationalism were and are intricately involved in the situation. Terziski says there are videos of German/Japanese saucer landings on the moon and Mars in 1944-46; Marconi group's landing on Mars in 1956; video footage of Nazi interplanetary dreadnoughts and a secret Soviet-American saucer landing on Mars in the 1960's. The Germans allegedly landed on the moon as early as 1942, using their larger exo-atmospheric turbine powered rocket flying saucers. On their first day of landing, the Germans started tunneling under the surface. By the end of the war there was a base on the moon. After 1944 the free energy tachyon drive craft were used to haul people, material and the first robots to the construction site on the moon. When Russians and Americans secretly landed together on the moon in the early 50's with their own saucers, they spent the first night there as guests of the Nazis in their under ground base. In the 60's a massive Russian-American base had been built on the moon, now occupied some say by 40,000 people.


Tim Swartz writes that according to an underground German documentary from the Thule Society, a German flight to Mars, departed in April 1945. The crew contained hundreds, a volunteer suicide crew of Germans and Japanese, who knew this was a one way trip. The 74-meter naval warfare dreadnought was saucer shaped and had bigger tachyon drives. Most of the systems had to be operated manually and it took almost 8 months to accomplish. The initial thrust was probably accomplished using the strong gravitational field of the earth. The craft coasted in an elliptical orbit to Mars, with its main drives turned off. After a disastrous, almost crash landing, the saucer slammed to a stop, damaging irreparably its engines, but saving the crew. The smaller gravitational field of Mars, and thinner atmosphere generated less power for the tachyon drives, so hindered air braking. The radio message of their arrival was sent to their base on the moon and the German underground space control center in Antarctica. Later trips to Mars by the joint Soviet-US craft reached Mars in only 2-3 days, because their drives were working the whole flight, accelerating in the first half and decelerating in the second. Terziski, claimed in 1993 that any independent scientist who discovers electromagnetic 'free energy" antigravity-propulsion is soon bought off, black listed or killed by the Bavarian Illuminati. The Bavarians, Tim writes, were intent on establishing the New World Order. The defeat of Nazi Germany, forced the Secret Group, (Bavarian Illuminati) to flee to their secret base already established in Antarctica. By 1946 the secret Antarctic base, (New Berlin or Neuschwabenland) was beginning to make its presence known through incursions into the airspaces of US and the The Soviet Union. Since then there have been rumors about Germans counterfeiting US currency and the Nazis from their Antarctic base, are reported to be the real power behind the New World Order, with the help of their allies in the CIA and NSA.


They first began to slowly infiltrate into Argentina, Chile and then up into US. In the late 40's and 50's they put their agents in place and began rebuilding their European industrial base. Nelson Rockefeller brought 3000 high Nazi party officials from Germany illegally into US. As of today there are now 1.6 million Nazis in US, many in high-level govt. and major corporations. These Nazis are attempting to set up a Fourth Reich to eventually eliminate all non-Aryan people, dissidents and undesirables. The Bavarian Illuminati's most critical agents, Earl Warren and LBJ, with assistance from J. Edgar Hoover participated in the JFK cover-up. Tim reveals the deception by writing: One of the first things the Group (Bavarian Illuminati) did was to protect its own operation, was one of Reinhard Gehlen's specialties in WW2 Nazi intelligence, divert attention to the "Red Menace". We also know from the Fortress Australia article that an American called John Friedrich who worked for the Nazi created CIA built the Pine Gap base. This is linked to Antarctica and is said to contain information on their supercomputers on everyone on the planet.


A book written by a German American, Reinhold Schmidt, claims that the author was taken up in a UFO on several occasions. The crew spoke German and he was taken to the South Pole. The Americans forced him into silence. The UFO matched at least 2 German designs. The crew leader claimed he was from Saturn. It could be that Germans along with the Nordic nations are descendents of Nordic ETs, as contactees have said that Pleiadians have confirmed this. There was also a story of a German woman who was getting abducted and the ETs spoke German, and they claimed that they had a space
station outside our solar system and were the German gods as mentioned in German legends. Hitler, Haushoffer and Hess were all interested in the ancient mysteries of the Nordic world. Blond blue-eyed giants are spoken of in Nordic, Incan, Aztec and North American legends. Perhaps the Germans did originate from Agartha as the Nazis believed and before that from another planetary system. The Nordic Pleiadians are said to be blood type A- and apparently Hitler was attempting to eliminate all blood types except type A that is genetically Nordic.


According to the book The Messianic Legacy, Heinrich Himmler spoke of geomancy 'earth magic' and leylines and fancied Wewelsburg as an occult power center like Stonehenge. It was described as the midpoint of the world. Articles in the Nazi associated research bureau were on these subjects. Runic inscriptions were on the uniform emblems - 2 jagged lightning flashes of the storm god Thor (or Donar/Odin/Wotan). Festivals of the Sun, of the year, of growth, of harvest and solstices were celebrated to revive ancient German paganism. They made a 20th century version of the old Sol Invictus cult. The swastika was known as the Hammer of Thor and to symbolize the ruler of the winds and rain. The Demonic Connection by Toyne Newton says the swastika is associated with the Celts, Buddhism and Japanese. As many as 1000 Tibetans in Nazi uniform were found as ritual suicides in Berlin, April 1945. Hitler was searching for occult power and its connection with the
underground-lost world of Agarti in central Asia. The left hand swastika as chosen by Hitler was associated with Kali of India and the sun of the underground in its nightly course west to east. Karl Haushofer, the Nazi general believed the German people originated in central Asia and went to Japan and became initiated into a secret Buddhist society. He said it was the destiny of the German people to rule Europe and Asia, the homeland of the Aryans. He learned of a race of supermen beneath the Himalayas, Agartha, with its capital Shamballa. He'd read Lord Bulwer Lytton's book Vril and the Coming Race. (Approx mid 19 cent) The people of Agharti had used vril power to become supermen and to control nature. Haushofer hoped to reawaken slumbering superhuman powers with vrilpower. They brought back Tibetan lamas with high occult powers.


Trevor Ravenscroft in the Spear of Destiny wrote that Agharti was regarded as a 'Luciferic' headquarters, concerned with astral projection and thought control. Nazi emissaries made contact with their governing orders, but only the Luciferic party of Tibetans were willing to support Nazism, along with 7 members of the Green Dragon Soc of Japan. These were employed to teach occultism to the Nazi elite. A cone of searchlights were placed over Hitler and the masses, making emotion travel upwards to be directed to Hitler and then directed back to the crowd. Witches call this a ‘cone of power’.
In the book The Lost World of Agharti - The Mystery of Vril Power by Alac Maclellan, there is a map of a huge worldwide underground tunnel that stretches from Tibet, Mongolia, Alaska, Vancouver, Mid West USA, Mexico, Equador, Brazil, the Atlantic where Atlantis was, to Ghana, Chad, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan and back to Tibet and called the Agharti tunnel system.


Satellites, planes and the space shuttle can do remote sensing using radar imaging, radio waves, infrared and thermal infrared to see underground. It is believed HAARP does this too. Multispectral scanners are also used and even ice is penetrated. A tethered blimp attached to a jeep will also allow underground viewing. One can probably guess that this is a reason; the insects, frogs and birds are becoming extinct as X Rays do cause cancer. It has been used in Antarctica, Greenland, Mt Ararat, Eastern Sahara, Egypt, and Guatemala tunnels and for Mayan causeways. Microwave radar has been used to penetrate Saharan sand. It can use 500 MHz. NASA (started by Nazi scientists) uses this radar. Paul White wrote the declassification of ground penetrating radar has revealed a complex and labyrinthine underground system in various parts of the world. Dr James Hurtak was involved in using this to find a 15,000-year-old subterranean complex under the pyramid at Giza, a legacy of Atlantis. It's rumored he encountered 'Thoth" down there. There were massive chambers the size of our largest cathedrals. Paul White writes that hi-tech Flood survivors of the previous civilization arose "after the dust settled" to become the gods of ancient Sumer, Egypt and India. Tunnels under the Mayan pyramids extend 800 km across the country.


Alec Maclellan wrote that Hitler said the amazing force of Vril power; the people of Agharti used in possession would make certain his dream of A Thousand-Year Reich. German scientist and soldiers were sent on one fruitless search after another in search of the lost world. What is Vril power?
  Bulwer Lytton wrote it is electricity, except that it comprehends in its manifold branches other forces of nature, such as magnetism and galvanism. The Aghartians can influence the weather through Vril conductors and exercise influence over minds and bodies, animal and vegetable. It can be used for expanding the consciousness of the mind and destroy like a flash of lightning. Again it can replenish, invigorate life, heal and preserve. The underground people used it to re-establish the due equilibrium of the natural power of the body to cure itself. It can also cut through solid rock from a rod and be destructive against enemies. Vril was seen as an enormous reservoir of universal power, some parts of which could be concentrated in the human body. Helena Blavatsky claimed that the Atlanteans and Indians, which may explain why the ancients in their flying machines reduced cities in India to ashes from ancient Indian texts, used Vril. One wonders if particle beam weapons compare, with more power than a hydrogen bomb can generate.


'One who knows' writes that in 1970 the Russians destroyed a UFO base on the China/Soviet/ Mongolian frontier with ground to air missiles. There were hundreds of UFOs. They had destroyed a secret UFO base of immense proportions consisting of many miles of subterranean tunnels and dozens of pyramid like structures in the northern area of Mongolia. A supersonic Soviet jet bomber had previously disappeared and almost 200 planes were searching. However 25 huge UFOs confronted them so high up they couldn't get near them. Admiral Byrd's diary of when he went to Antarctica in 1946? Tells of an entrance to the hollow earth at the poles. It has also been said that Byrd's plane was landed artificially and that an ET who spoke German and that greeted him he came from the "Aryanni". If the earth is hollow, perhaps it leads to Agartha. One wonders if after the Nazis built their flying disks they went to Agartha to find the 'King of the World' as they had already tried to go by foot previously. Perhaps the Tibetan Initiates could go through a dimensional doorway to reach this Sanat Kumara as written by Richard Leviton.


Keith Basterfield wrote that (possibly 1988) in Adelaide a man reported that he was in 2 way communications with aliens via an implant in his ear. He revealed that he'd undergone 2 apparent out-of-body experiences where he was sucked out of his body, while he was onboard a UFO. Bill Chalker also writes that in 1992 a woman called him to say that her 22 year old husband "Greg" had seen 2 strange looking men standing in her NSW front yard about 8.45 pm. They were wearing long dark coats like raincoats. They suddenly disappeared. They were 'Men in Black' and watching him. At age 5 he had MIB imaginary friends, who looked like friendly normal human beings. They appeared in his room at night, in the park to play or at a pool. Later in the late 70's they gave Greg something like a hand held computer device, that showed moving colored scenes, like a TV. When he was about 12 he started having the experience of finding himself in a strange room, onboard a craft a number of times. Normal looking humans escorted him, yet he didn't know how he got there or returned home. Then things changed MIB would approach him and ask him to come somewhere and he would be driven to a bush setting and enter a craft on the ground. He would be taken on rides and shown things. At about 14 he sensed little aliens on board, apart from humans. It seemed he was being groomed for some sort of 'service'. The craft then started going to secret bases. He'd had their trust but realized he'd made a mistake and wanted out. He became aware of others participating in these 'cultivated relationships'. He claims abductions were going on at secret bases and people being subjected to cruel procedures in the bases. The beings were ultimately cruel and ruthless. He began to fear for his own safety and he thought he was being evolved into a "men in black" type role.


Greg's first visit to Pine Gap underground facility onboard a UFO showed what was ahead as an image on a computer screen, not through windows. The screens would automatically switch off and a thing took over and guided them through the actual opening. It was a big opening that split in to 2 pieces which slid open. Like traveling through a tube for about 15 to 30 seconds before coming to the base itself. The actual complex had ships there almost the height of telegraph poles. The roofing system was much higher. At the base there were men working on repairs, laboratories, glass houses, food storage areas and other facilities. The MIB presence stepped up. On Christmas day in 1992 Greg and his wife saw 3 men in the adjacent paddock. They disappeared suddenly. On Dec 28 Greg had gone into the backyard and as he returned his wife saw what seemed to be a flash and explosion that knocked Greg off his feet and left behind a burning hole. He thought they were intimidating him into compliance and submission. Greg intended not to continue with the alien liaison relationship, but Bill has not heard from them since 1993. There was no evidence to prove this, only Greg's word.

Tesla's technology expended in the 1940’s

When WW2 ended in 1945, Tesla’s relatives petitioned Washington to receive seventeen trunks of papers and equipment he’d stored in a NY garage. In 1952 these were sent to communist controlled Belgrade and put into a museum where the Soviets got all the data. It is hoped that Tesla didn’t leave the instructions for making his "Death Ray" in his papers because the Japanese among others went to research them at the museum. The Soviets built Tesla museums themselves. It is also claimed that the Russians helped the Serbs in the Bosnian war with Tesla scalar technology to down U.S. helicopters. More good scientific fortune came for the Russians after Japan had atom bombs dropped on them in 1945. When Germany became under their control, they took Germany’s radar scientific team to the Soviet Union. (The book ‘UFOs Nazi Secret Weapon?’ by Mattern and Friedrich said that Germans had already invented the atom bomb before the war ended.) These Nazi scientists had already advanced the theory of radar cross-section and radar absorbing material. They were on the verge of discovering phase conjugate time-reversed radar waves, which led to scalar wave technology, according to Bearden. The Germans did well in developing anti-gravity technology and if they’d succeeded in timing this six months earlier they’d probably have won the war, according to the German book ‘UFOs, Nazi Secret Weapon?’ which was written just after WW2 following the acquisition by the writers all the technical drawings and plans the Nazi anti-gravity engineers had left behind. Exactly the same UFOs they’d built in German facilities all over the country during the war were soon seen in the skies after the war, flying from the Antarctic base where they’d taken them before the war was over. The engineering plans found by the allies in Germany showed what they’d made. Mattern and Friedrich wrote of innumerable German inventions and after the war the Americans threatened war trials if they didn’t reproduce all their inventions and they were given small food rations as an incentive. The Nazi scientists set to work at Area 5, Nevada to build America’s own UFOs and they also created the U.S. space program. They brought the Soviets up to date not only to the 20th century but also to the space age. U.S. Jewish communists’ spies helped Russia produce the atomic bomb. German scientists produced the Mig fighter planes, used to kill Americans in Korea and Vietnam, along with submarines, torpedoes, tanks, military rockets and the ‘cosmospheres’ (Russian anti-gravity UFOs). When the Germans protested in a group, they were shown documents in English by Churchill and Roosevelt granting the Russians the express right to utilize any German person as they saw fit. (Bearing in mind Roosevelt also managed to cause the deaths of about 1 1/2 million Germans after the war in German concentration camps from diseases and starvation). After the five years were up, if the Captured Nazis hadn’t died, many were condemned to slave labor camps for life. They were also kept for another 2-3 years in quarantine, so they’d forget the projects they worked on, not being allowed any pencils or paper, wrote Mattern and Friedrich.


However all of the initial specialized German UFO scientists could not be found after the war. According to Mattern and Friedrich the Germans had their own UFOs in 1940 but they didn’t have enough of a rare metal needed to make enough quantities to win the war with them. The Germans had kept exacting records of everyone in Germany, including how many Jews they killed. The allies, in 1945, ferreting out war criminals found 250,000 people had disappeared taking into account casualties and deaths from all different causes. According to Mattern and Friedich, the number unaccounted for remains constant and they claim they moved to Antarctica and South America using submarines and their own UFOs. The Nazis had forged U.S. dollar notes and English five-pound notes so perfectly (using genius Jewish forgers), that the banks couldn’t tell the difference. The World Monetary Fund found 15 billion dollars that shouldn’t really exist. The British had to withdraw the five pound note, after a wrecked German plane was found with 300,000 English five pound notes complete with printing plates! The Nazis had secretly colonized Antarctica in 1937/38 after carefully taking 11,000 previous photos for mapping. After the allies found out, they sent over 4,000 US navy troops to Antarctica on Dec 2 1946. When Admiral Byrd landed there, the instruments went totally haywire and the performance gages and altimeters behaved in a most erratic manner, forcing Byrd to abort the invasion, however he did manage to locate the Nazi base. It has since been said by the writer W.A. Harbinson, that the Nazis down there have super-weapons which don’t let anyone near. Other sources say a UFO greeted Byrd with a German speaking Aryan-looking alien, who’d somehow managed to land his plane for him, by removing gravity under the plane. He apparently spoke with the alien, who said he was from a race called the Aryanni. Other sources say that the Nazis are in league with renegade Pleiadians down there. Could the aliens at Antarctica be helping with the pole shift? In the article called ‘Fortress Australia’
( )

it is said that Americans, together with aliens are using a HAARP transmitter to alter the magnetic field over the South Pole now and that they have already done this with the magnetic field over the North Pole. Many psychics who apparently ‘channel’ Pleiadians have said Earth will ‘ascend’ to 4th dimensional frequency, which they are ‘helping’. Billy Meier, a Swiss, who was contacted by a woman from the Pleiades named Semjase, claims that she said the Germanic peoples descended from Pleiadians. Other sources say the Pleiadians told Hitler the earth was over populated. Apparently Hitler was trying to save people with blood type A, which the Nordic type Pleiadians have.

In Antarctica, some say Byrd dropped an American flag, others a bomb, but within forty-eight hours, four of Byrd’s planes had been lost, so they went home. Maybe the Nazis developed a secret weapons from the alien alliances they are said to have now in Antarctica since they’d been there
from 1940/41?

More on the Nazi colony in Antarctica can be found in Branton’s online book ‘The Omega Files’ in which it says that Admiral Byrd’s nephew called Dr Harley Byrd claims that Admiral Byrd was greeted by a collaboration of Nazis, gray aliens, Draco (reptilians), and rebel Pleiadians and even sasquatch. More can be found here by Branton on this subject here as well: ( )


But safe to say that WW3 will be fought with spaceships and beam weapons, now that many other countries also have made their own UFOs, complete with all kinds of deadly weapons that come from Tesla’s inventions and alien technology alliances and crashed alien saucers. Could this be the Biblical ‘War in Heaven’? The Russians now have hundreds of cosmospheres and it’s unknown how many Nazi UFOs down in Antarctica, but apparently there are about two million people there now according to Branton. Perhaps the Russian cosmospheres are still at odds with the Nazis in Antarctica as well as fighting the Americans - who also had former Nazi scientists create anti-gravity craft at Area 51 after the war.
  The Nazis had also set up colonies in South America during WW2. Mattern and Friedrich say that Argentina and Chile, as well as Antarctica were places where many Nazis escaped to because of a large German population and fascist leaders. In the (UK) UFO Magazine, Aug 2003 curious underground signals were detected in Argentina, with unnatural radioactive signatures, microwaves, levels of electricity and oscillations originating from the depths of the earth. They were concluded to have come from machinery operating many km beneath, sending oscillations with alternating electrical waves. The area has strange swiftly moving lights, which then plunge into the ground. Could it be Nazis or aliens? Mattern and Friedrich mentioned an American man of German blood called
Reinhold Schmidt and he claims he was taken away on numerous occasions by a flying saucer to the pole, with the crew speaking German and acting like German soldiers. However the crew leader claimed to be from another planet. He’d also spoken with German speaking Saturnians. Preston Nichols claims that Hitler was in league with Pleiadians and also a Dutchman who’d seen Hitler in a field in Holland during the war conversing sometimes with aliens who’d landed and got out of their ships to meet him.
  Others say the Pleiadians deliberately crashed a ship in Germany in 1939 to give them a technology boost during the war because of the Germans being the same Nordic race as them.


Also in time travel experiments at Montauk LI, run by aliens and
Nazis, they were said (in the ‘Montauk ‘series of books by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon) to have sent technology back in time. Andy Pero claims in Vol. One of in the interview by Eve Lorgen, tha t he was sent back in time by Nazis working at Montauk, to both England and Germany to deliver drawings and communication devices and< weapons made of 1940’s parts to enable America to win the war. This could be a complex puzzle to solve with different timelines, in operation regarding who really won WW2 (in our present reality) because an American man named ‘Professor Phate’ claims he comes from another timeline running twenty five years behind this one, in which Germany won the war or called a truce and he claims that his U.S. government handlers switch him, using his soul, from one timeline to another as they wish. He says there is another whole new reality, running concurrently with this one, where there was no hippy revival and things are much different. The people at Montauk and their alien cohorts are manipulating different timelines from there, where apparently many converge due to the location of the world’s gridlines which meet at Montauk. Each timeline/gridline contains a different ‘reality’ which can apparently be manipulated by technology. Our present ‘reality’ operates at 435 MHz according to Preston Nichols, and the window frequency to the human consciousness operates at 400-450 MHz. A new ‘reality’ is being churned out with a series of ‘thought forms’ (emanations from the mind) transmitted from technology tuned to 400-450 Mhz. Nichols claimed that one day when he went to visit the outside Montauk grounds where all the transmitters were, things he saw were there one minute and gone the next, popping in and out of reality. Parallel realities were switched at random there with computers. He even found that on another timeline he’d worked at the place as an electronics engineer for years, even though he hadn’t visited there to his knowledge before. Time was looped and twisted and bent beyond recognition using alien computers and magic processes which were powered by manipulations of ‘kundali spirit fire’ syphoned from the spines of victims taken off the street. They used a ‘Zero Time Generator’ constructed by Tesla in the 1920’s, from which to reference their timeline manipulation. A person would be sent anytime to thousands of years in the past or future, along to any point across the universe through time tunnels. The time co-ordinates were calculated by the computer and referenced to Zero Time to enable the person to return to the right time line, otherwise they may get lost in a different ‘reality’. ‘Multiple realities’ where different timelines operate concurrently (using technology thousands of years in the future) is said to exist at U.S. military underground installations at Montauk, LI, Dulce, NM, and Pine Gap, in central Australia according to the writer Branton.


By Brandentapes

Global coordinates or natural compass is good enough to get to the last stop in Greenland. But something happens at the 84th parallel that makes either global coordinates or magnetic lines rather useless at this point.
One can head due North by a gyrocompass, which is the way Admiral Byrd made it........ And you will realize that when the hump is crossed over your compass will be reading north but in fact will be south. Why are global coordinates worthless? What satellites or stars would you be getting information from once inside the earth???
   Expect to travel about 2,000 to the nearest landmasses once you leave the area of Greenland.

   By Vessel, the waters will be very rough and dangerous when you are right at the lip, because this is where mucho seawater flows out from the center. This seawater is where Icebergs come from because the
gravity is denser here and it pulls the salt downward, leaving fresh water.

  Sometimes there is a ring of ice that completely encompasses the polar opening.  To travel with a degree of safety one should fly into the opening on a plane, like a Cessna, with pontoons, to avoid problems.

  I have just been informed that some navy ships are now carrying rail guns that shoot at sub-light speeds. If you are in the water, headed in the wrong direction,
you might get blasted and never reported to the outside world. Total denial.  The government’s attitude is this: If they cannot own the land nor control it.... it simply does not exist..........and our government
is not permitted to enter.

  Today, there are more submarines, and surface vessels than ever before in history at both is my personal feeling that they are waiting there for a specific reason, for something they expect to

  At the South Pole there are at least three mysteries, possibly one covering up the truth of the other. #1.  Buried ancient city. #2. The mystery lake two miles under the ice and 40 miles deep? And no mention that it is not at the polar opening... which also does not exist. But the
word has it that they are doing time-travel experiments in the south. Evidently the North Pole offers little to work with...but it is still


From the Chicago Tribune comes the following story:

Fears rise anew over homegrown terrorists with focus abroad, militias may thrive By Howard Witt Tribune senior correspondent Published April 19, 2004

AUSTIN, Texas -- When FBI agents searched a rented storage locker in a small east Texas town last year, they were alarmed to discover a huge cache of weapons and the ingredients to make a cyanide bomb capable of killing thousands.

Just as startling was the identity of the owner of the arsenal, which included nearly half a million rounds of ammunition and more than 60 pipe bombs. He was not some foreign terrorist with ties to Al Qaeda but a 63-year-old Texan with an affinity for anti-government militias and white supremacist views …

Read it all:,1,5460138.story


"101 Things to Do Before the Revolution"

Fight back with these free stickers:;article=53624;title=APFN


HISTORICAL SECRETS (Stuff they don’t teach you in Government schools)

From Historynet.con comes this little-known story of “Cowboys and Injuns” fighting it out … in the US Court system.

  “Andrew Jackson v. the Cherokee Nation

  “Old Hickory" had been an Indian fighter, and he continued the struggle as president. His new weapon was the Indian Removal Act, which would force Eastern tribes to relocate west of the Mississippi“.

By Robert V. Remini

  “The great Cherokee Nation that had fought the young Andrew Jackson back in 1788 now faced an even more powerful and determined man who was
intent on taking their land. But where in the past they had resorted to guns, tomahawks, and scalping knives, now they chose to challenge him in a court of law. They were not called a "civilized nation" for nothing. Many of their leaders were well educated; many more could read and write; they had their own written language, thanks to Sequoyah, a constitution, schools, and their own newspaper. And they had adopted many skills of the white man to improve their living conditions. Why should they be expelled from their lands when they no longer threatened white settlements and could compete with them on many levels? They intended to fight their ouster, and they figured they had many ways to do it. As a last resort they planned to bring suit before the Supreme Court. …”
Read the four page report at:

Protect your privacy

Are THEY using YOUR computer without YOUR Knowledge?

Long time Insider “Jeff” brings the following very important press release from Microsoft to our attention.

Spyware and Deceptive Software
Published: April 16, 2004

Spyware and other deceptive software conduct certain activities on your computer without notifying you and getting your permission first. These activities may include displaying pop-up advertisements, changing Web browser settings, and collecting personal information. Some of these programs are annoying but harmless while others may slow your computer's performance or violate your privacy. …
Read complete release at:

Protect your on-line privacy with free software from:


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Dennis Crenshaw