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Insider's Report for 2004 #20      
May/22/2004                                        Editor: Dennis 


In this Issue:  
Today, Yesterday & The Day After Tomorrow

'Unraveling the Secrets' is a free service of

By Dennis Crenshaw

  When I woke up last Sunday morning my mailbox was overflowing 
regarding last weeks Editorial, "It's a sad day in the neighborhood" (See 
Letters to the Editor File, this report). 

  The fact of the matter is, whether we like it or not, the World Wide 
Web is actually nothing more than an electronic illusion.  This report 
you are reading right now does not exist in a physical way unless you 
print it out. Everything on the Internet is public and can be deleted 
with the stroke of a key or the manipulations of software programs by an 
11-year-old kid.   However on the other hand, books are made of paper 
and ink, are personal, and can be transported away from those who would 
destroy them.    

The question we must ask ourselves is this:
“Do we believe that if certain groups could get their hands on the 
Internet would they take complete control of the knowledge available if 
they could?'

   There are groups that have controlled our radio and TV broadcasts, 
newspapers, and the major book publishing decisions for years.  Not to 
mention our text books.  The only think that keeps them from having 
complete control over accumulated knowledge is the fact that a person or 
like-minded people can get together and publish a book, magazine, or 
newsletter on their own.   And WE can collect, share and save that 
information and if need be, hide it away for others. 

The problem with switching to a computer based [free] method of 
publishing and storing information is that as soon as it leaves the creator's 
computer on its journey through the Internet to it's intended audience 
it is out of the senders hands and in the hands of those who can 
control this electronic data.  This isn't some wild theory.  It's the gospel 

We mustn't turn our minds completely over to the graphic filled, 
colorful screen you are right now reading. We must continue to support those 
who still put their knowledge on paper.  It's our duty to buy, enjoy, 
learn and then save the source of that knowledge in the privacy of our 
individual libraries for future seekers of the truth.

Example.  I have a 3rd edition of Etidorhpa published and printed in 
1896 privately by the Author setting on a bookshelf in my library.  How 
many people do you suppose have gotten enjoyment out of this single copy 
of this important book in the 108 years since it rolled off the 
printing press?  And I'm proud to report that the beautifully crafted old book 
is in excellent condition so there is no telling how many more people 
will be able to enjoy this classic in it's life time.  My late wife 
Betty bought this book as a Christmas gift for me in 1971 for $50.00.   
Today anyone can read Etidorhpa on the internet for free, but at any 
moment it can be deleted with the flick of a key because someone didn't pay 
to keep the site up or in a controlled situation because it's decided 
that it's [bad science].

On the other hand, not counting a fire or some other natural disaster, 
my old copy of Etidorhpa will still be sitting there patiently waiting 
on the shelf. Waiting for someone to come along and take an interest in 
the story of “The Man Who Did It.]

Bottom line:  Do we REALLY want to TRUST the Internet to be the main 
depository of all of mankind's knowledge and just HOPE that future 
generations will get to share all that we are now learning and all that those 
before us left for our study?  It's all up to us here "right now" at 
this point in time.

Dennis Crenshaw
The Hollow Earth Insider

From our up-to-the-minute CURRENT NEWS Wire:

Photographer Thinks He Caught UFO On Film
POSTED: 10:05 a.m. EDT May 21, 2004

SALT LAKE CITY -- Up in the sky -- a bird? -- or a flying saucer? 
To the naked eye, Tommy Woodard's digital photo appears to be nothing 
more than a pretty picture of trees in Provo Canyon, Utah. But zoom in, 
he says, and the purple glow of a saucer hovering at an angle above the 
tree line starts to take shape. 
Complete report:

See the video:

Watch a slide show:


From National Geographic Online:

T. Rex Found on Montana Ranch

Having found a "very good" Tyrannosaurus rex, dinosaur hunters are
inviting the world over to follow the dig as it happens, online.
Joint the dig:



According to a report posted Wed. May 19th 2004 at 6:13 PM ET on the 
Yahoo News Web Page:

Ancient Pre-Inca Graveyard Found Near Lima
By Monica Vargas 

LIMA, Peru (Reuters) - A well-preserved graveyard possibly 1,000 years 
old has been discovered at an archeological complex of Inca and 
pre-Inca temples on the outskirts of the Peruvian capital, experts said on 
Archeologists this week unearthed the remains of 30 people, including 
19 still intact as mummies, dating from between 1000 and 1500, making 
them some of the oldest mummies ever found in Peru. 
They said the discovery was "exceptional" because the site had not been 
plundered by grave robbers and that some of the dead were religious 
sacrifices. …



Misty3 reported in with:

Date: Thursday, 20 May 2004 2:28
Subject: Puerto Rico: New UFO sightings in Cabo Rojo

DATE: May 19, 2004


A report has been received that on May 5, 2004, Mr. Aguirre, a 
and local resident of Cabo Rojo, a town in the southwestern corner of 
Rico, reported seeing "strange lights" entering and leaving the sea and 
cliffs near the famous Cabo Rojo light house late at night. An on-site
inspection revealed that many tourists who visit the site have 
odd sensations and certain types of "paranormal energy" as thought 
was something else at the location. It is well known that UFO sky 
have taken place in the area and some of them have yielded positive 

Our survey of the site disclosed that the waters near one of the cliffs
showed evidence of what could be termed remains of spiritual or 
"trabajos" (artifacts). The height of another cliff gave us pause, 
as well as its magnetism (sic). What is worth pointing out here is that 
people claim having had unusual experiences in the vicinity of the
lighthouse, giving rise to the belief that this is an area of intense
paranormal activity. It must be made clear that the light house's beam 
been confused with other surrounding lights, which makes the study of
something taking place in the region even more interesting.

A recent photo of the newly remodeled Cabo Rojo Lighthouse.

One of the strange lights reported in recent days over the lighthouse, 
above the range of the light issued from the structure. The object 
signs of movement and deformation.

[For more information:
Photos credit Prof. Reinaldo Rios

The TAL Zone
The research and writings of TAL LaVesque.

Russian “Flying Saucers] to Grace American Skies
Created: 05.04.2004 
Russia reports that the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command [NAVAIR] ( ) has signed an agreement with EKIP 
Aviation in Russia to co- produce a flying saucer-shaped aircraft that was 
developed in 1992. They say the new planes will be ready in a few years, 
but from recent Middle Eastern UFO sightings, we suspect the unmanned 
version is already being used as a spy plane. 
Why a saucer-shaped plane? It doesn't require a long runway and can 
land almost anywhere. 
The shape gets rid of vibration, which is a big problem with 
conventional aircraft design. 
The first saucers built under the new agreement will be unmanned 
vehicles. The article doesn't explain how these will be used, but we suspect 
they may be spy vehicles destined for the Middle East, which means 
there will be many new UFO reports from that area. 
Could this already be happening? The Washington Times ( ) 
that UFOs have been spotted recently in Iran. The Iranian news agency IRNA 
says UFOs were seen twice over major Iranian cities, and people poured 
out of buildings to watch them. 
Currently, the plan is to test the aircraft in 2007 and launch it into 
mass production in another five years. 
Also at


From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer's web page, Seattle pi. com:

Friday, May 14, 2004
U.S. worked with Nazi war criminals, FBI records show


WASHINGTON -- The American government worked closely with Nazi war 
criminals and collaborators, allowing many to live in the United States 
after World War II, and paying others who worked for West Germany's secret 
service, according to declassified documents from the FBI, CIA and 
other intelligence agencies released yesterday.
The disclosures came as part of a project to place more than 8 million 
government documents in the public domain, under legislation passed by 
Congress in 1998 to create the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial 
government Records Interagency Working Group, or IWG
"Although we have long known the outlines of the U.S. government's 
covert dealings with Nazi war criminals, the full scope of these 
relationships has never been fully documented or revealed," said Elizabeth 
Holtzman, a member of the working group and a former congresswoman from New 
York. …
Complete report:

Scientist Seeks Reason Why the Earth Wobbles
By Associated Press
posted: 04:30 pm ET
17 May 2004

RENO, Nev. (AP) -- A Reno scientist and his team of researchers have 
uncovered the mystery of why the Earth wobbles on its axis as it spins 
through space. Geoff Blewitt, a geophysicist at the University of Nevada, 
Reno, said the discovery provides scientists with another means to 
determine whether Earth is undergoing global warming.
Researchers have used models and global positioning system (GPS) 
technology for more than a decade to track the movement of water from melting 
ice masses, the oceans and the atmosphere that cause the Earth to bulge 
at its equator and the North Pole to shift slightly, he told the Reno 
In recent years, however, Blewitt and his colleagues developed computer 
software that analyzes GPS signals more precisely, allowing them to 
measure changes in the shape of the Earth within a few millimeters, or 
about three-twentieths of an inch.
"So instead of using models, we actually observe bulges in the Earth's 
shape directly and relate it to the wobble," Blewitt said. 
Complete Report:


The Polar Shift: Today, Yesterday and the Day After Tomorrow
Compiled with editorial comments by Dennis Crenshaw 


The story started to leak out in January of 2002. and it sounded like a 
World Wide News cover story but it wasn't.  This was mainstream.  Mail 
& Guardian on-line, “Africa's first on-line magazine“ reported:

“Sun's rays to roast Earth as poles flip. 

“Earth's magnetic field -- the force that protects us from deadly 
radiation bursts from outer space -- is weakening dramatically.

“Scientists have discovered that its strength has dropped precipitously 
over the past two centuries and could disappear over the next 1 000 

“The effects could be catastrophic. Powerful radiation bursts, which 
normally never touch the atmosphere, would heat up its upper layers, 
triggering climatic disruption. Navigation and communication satellites, 
Earth's eyes and ears, would be destroyed and migrating animals left 
unable to navigate.

“Earth's magnetic field has disappeared many times before -- as a 
prelude to our magnetic poles flipping over, when north becomes south and 
vice versa,' said Dr Alan Thomson of the British Geological Survey in 
'Reversals happen every 250 000 years or so, and as there has not been 
one for almost a million years, we are due one soon….”
Complete report:

By April of 2002 such highly respected news sites as 
were featuring the story.
“Anomalies hint at magnetic pole flip 
“19:00 10 April 02
“The Earth's magnetic poles might be starting to flip say researchers 
who have seen strange anomalies in our planet's magnetic field.]

By April of 2004 mainstream establishment scientists were admitting 
that a Polar flip was due very soon.  Something that they had only 
shrugged off as the ravings of paranoid simpletons in the not-to-distant past.

“Quick flip of Earth's magnetic field revealed 
“18:00 07 April 04 news service 

“The Earth's magnetic field takes an average of only 7000 years to 
reverse its polarity, but the switch happens much more quickly near the 
equator, according to the most comprehensive study yet of the last four 



From THEI's paper filled Filing Cabinets: 
Ruth Leedy's Ignored warnings

With all of the chatter we're hearing about a possible pole-shift due 
in the near future, much of it from establishment scientists, it's time 
we review the work of pioneering Hollow Earth researcher/writer Ruth 
Leedy aka Floria Benton.

Throughout the 80s and 90s Ruth spent all of her extra time and efforts 
trying to sound the warning of the coming pole-shift of our planet, 
which, according to her, would instantly wipe out all living things on or 
inside our earth.  Few listened … and those of us who did listen … did 

  Under the name Floria Benton she self-publisher her now very rare 
book, [Hollow Earth Apocalypse: Asimov's Warning] (1985).  In this 
fascinating little book she documents her belief that:
  "Issac Asimov, the master of many scientific subjects as well as a 
master storyteller has combined his talents to provide mankind with a 
warning that could be provided in no other way".  This secret is so closely 
guarded that for a prominent person to state it openly could mean death 
as well as the stifling of the message.  Asimov has nevertheless told 
the message [which are hidden within the words of his many works of 
science fiction] in hints and allusions so numerous that the meaning is 

The message?
[The earth is hollow and the poles will shift in the near future.] 

Throughout the 80s and into the 90s Ruth also published, “The New 
End-Time News] which she used to document her further research into the 
coming flip-flop of our Hollow Planet.

In a letter to THEI Research Reports dated Nov. 23, 1994 Ruth wrote:

[The [November] '94 newsletter gives a lot more scientific support 
than I had in the past for the idea that a field reversal (cataclysm) is 
imminent.  Our scientists have indeed been speaking out, perhaps not 
with the whole picture all at once, but with significant parts of it.]

In the November 1994 Issue of [The New End-Times News] (#10) the 
headline reads:
[Will the Earth's Axis Follow the Magnetic Poles?]
By Ruth Leedy


“Our planet is gearing up fro a major change in the axis and/or 
magnetic field, which could come in the near future if certain conditions are 
met.  In view of the known consequences of such changes, the almost 
total ignorance of the subject on the part of the public and out leaders 
is hard to fathom.

“Trigger for a Polar Shift?

  “We will examine the possibility that a field reversal is not only 
imminent but also acts as a trigger for a shift in the earth's axis.  
Either one of these alternatives would be devastating news for us, but 
together they would be explosive indeed.  The political dynamite involved 
would be reason enough for the whole matter to be hushed up….
[The wanderings of the geographic poles, as deduced by various 
investigators, are described by Walter Sullivan in his book "Continents in 
Motion" and by Takeuchi et al. in "Debate About the Earth."  The wanderings 
of the earth's magnetic poles are also discussed.
  It has long been considered likely that the location of the axis is 
related to the location of the magnetic poles.  The earth's rotation 
has been thought to have a role in generating the magnetic field.    A 
Harvard geologist who was asked to comment on the prospects for an 
imminent polar shift stated that a geomagnetic field reversal, for which we 
are [overdue] might bring about the result, since the axis and magnetic 
poles appear to have [wandered together] through geologic time.  He 
chose to remain anonymous with these startling remarks.'
[In a reversal of the earth's magnetic field, the north magnetic pole 
becomes relocated somewhere in the southern hemisphere and the south 
magnetic pole reforms somewhere in the northern hemisphere.  North becomes 
south and south becomes north, approximately.]

  - What is the timetable?

  - How long does the field reversal process take from start to finish?  
We see in John Gribbin's book, "Forecasts, Famines and Freezes'" this 

  "It seems from the geological evidence that a complete reversal of 
this kind can occur in less than 5000 years, on some occasions the 
change seems to have happened in less than 2000 years.
  "Thus, if the process began in 500 B.C. as indicated by Sullivan, 
then the establishment of a new field could have been expected as early as 
1500 A.D. or as late as 4500 A.D.  This puts us now, today, within the 
time span when the event might reach its culmination."

Ruth gathered up all of her undisputable research and evidence and took 
it to United States Senator, Joseph R. Biden, Jr. who in turn passed it 
on to Doyle G. Frederick, Acting Director of the United States 
Department of the Interior. 
Mr. Frederick's replied dated Jul 1, 1992 is on official Department of 
the Interior stationary of which I have a copy in my files.  Here is 
that letter verbatim. 

Office of the Director

In Reply refer to:
Mail Stop 104

Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510-0802

Dear Senator Biden:

Thank you for your inquiry dated June 4, 1992, on behalf of Ms Ruth 
Anne Leedy, regarding her concern of an impending cataclysmic event due to 
a magnetic polar shift.  The background material provided by Ms. Leedy 
suggests the existence of a Polar hole which might explain the 
mechanism for polar reversals.  The northern axis of the earth's rotation (the 
north pole) is located in the Arctic Ocean basin.  The sea floor of the 
entire Arctic Ocean has been extensively surveyed and mapped and there 
is no evidence of a hole leading to the interior of the earth.

Ms. Leedy postulates a very rapid reversal and shift of the magnetic 
poles.  The geological evidence from past magnetic polar reversals leads 
us to believe that a polar reversal takes thousands of years to occur 
and it is not a rapid event.  In terms of our experiential timeframe, 
they take a very, very long time to occur.

We agree with her that the Earth may have some surprises for us yet; 
but we do not believe an impending major cataclysm due to a rapid polar 
shift in the near term is one of them.

If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.

Sincerely yours,
Doyle G. Frederick
Acting Director

As we can see by the above official letter, Ruth and her research were 
dismissed as hog wash.   She ended up, as we all do, preaching to the 

But oh what a difference 10 years can make.  Now the facts are coming 
to light loud and clear.  Of course when information of this magnitude 
becomes available to the masses we can always expect the [experts] to 
jump in with their spin, and this time they have come up with a doozey.

According to this report posted at the Newscientist,com site last week:

Solar wind to shield Earth during pole flip 
09:30 15 May 04
Hollywood now has one less disaster scenario to worry about. The Earth, 
it seems, will be safe when its magnetic field falters during the next 
reversal of its magnetic poles.
A new model of the way the Earth interacts with the solar wind 
indicates that a replacement field will form in the upper atmosphere during the 

The strength of the Earth's magnetic field is known to drop during 
"magnetic reversals", when the north and south poles swap places. Records 
of the field direction, frozen into sediments laid down on the seabed, 
show that the magnetic field has reversed hundreds of times in the past 
400 million years. 

According to the report the scientists ran the scenario through a 
simulator.  Their findings'
"the million-kilometre-an-hour stream of hydrogen and helium nuclei 
from the sun - wraps itself around the Earth in a way that induces a 
magnetic field in the ionosphere as strong as the original field."
Complete Report:


So the scientists are now telling us that the solar wind will protect 
the earth from harm and that everything "indicates that a replacement 
field will form in the upper atmosphere during the switch."

How convenient.  But not so fast. Let's see what Ruth Leedy might have 
to say about the solar wind.  Fortunately for us, Ruth REALLY did do 
her homework.  During her research she also gave a good hard look the 
solar winds.  In fact the solar winds were what started her in the 
direction of this whole area of research.   Her documented findings are a wee 
bit different than those stated in the above report. 

Continuing with quotes from the October 1994 issue of the [New 
End-Times News]:

"Now how might a change in magnetic field position make any difference 
in the solar wind's impact on our planet?  The reason for this is 
easily deduced by the fact that the magnetic field's shape allows the solar 
wind to strike the earth at the magnetic poles only.  The field has a 
doughnut shape, which funnels or channels the solar particles to the 
magnetic poles, where they set off the Aurora.  Although the magnetic pole 
is said to be a point, the Aurora actually forms a ring around the 
axis. [And the suspected hole-at-the-pole ... Editor].  Thus the impact of 
the solar wind is actually centered at the axis, and this could be a 
basis for suspecting that this force actually defines the axis.  Its 
awesome power at times exceeds the entire generating capacity of the United 
States, Partusiak has observed.  Naturally, if the earth's axis were 
being defined in this way, then any prospect of a change in the solar 
wind's path - as a result of a relocation of the magnetic poles - w!
ould be a matter of great concern to us.
  The solar wind's ability to set off variations in the earth's 
rotation speed during solar storms has been mentioned (Gribbin, Flagemann).  
[The largest of these sudden changes in the length of the day.] states 
Sullivan citing a paper by Walter Munk and Roger Revelle, [has been 5.5 
thousands of a second], which he says is "impressive if one considers 
that it involved the entire mass of the earth." (p22).

But is it impressive when one is looking for a possible cause for the 
wandering or shifting of the earth's axis?  It has been argued to me 
that the solar wind's power is too slight to bring about an axis shift, 
based on such a miniscule change in the length of the day.  What this 
argument ignored is that an axis change need not be completed in one day 
or one week, and also the fact that the solar wind's presently observed 
power to change the earth' motion is not the sum total of it' power.  
On the latter point, It should be obvious that a force which is usually 
constant will have a constant effect which will tend to go unnoticed 
simply because it is always there.  The pressure of the solar wind on one 
magnetic pole at 8 am may tend to accelerate the earth' rotation, but 
12 hours later its effect will be the opposite, and so the net effect 
is no detectable change.  Moreover, the pressure on either magnetic pole 
at any time is counterbalanced almost totally by the pressure !
on the other magnetic pole, since the magnetic poles are on opposite 
sides of the axis and traveling in opposite directions relative to the 
sun as the earth rotates.  "If the magnetic poles were to be relocated, 
the solar wind' power would be diverted toward the new poles in a total 

"As soon as one admits that the geographic poles have wandered in the 
past, one is almost forced to admit that the sun' influence has brought 
about this change.  Why?  Because as Velikovsky observed, it is 
difficult to conceive of a change in the earth' axis as emanating from any 
force on the earth itself.  A body that is apparently coasting in its 
rotation (ostensibly coasting) should not undergo a change in axis unless 
an outside force intervenes."  Thus one must look at the sun - the only 
consistent and powerful force infringing on our planet in any major 
way.  The sun has gravity, which pulls on the entire planet and would thus 
not be effective in changing the axis.  It is the solar wind which sets 
as a finger, to define and at times redefine the axis."

Ruth believes the solar wind is the major contributor to a pole-flip. 
And she believes it will happen at the snap of a finger' continuing 
with her use of the word.  

Ruth adds:
  "The fact that most encyclopedias say nothing about the cataclysmic 
effects of reversals in the earth' field should alert us to the 
possibility that important information is being deliberately withheld from the 
public.  After all, this is basic information about how events on earth 
have effected the development of life, which an encyclopedia should be 
expected to tell us."

Ten years ago no one would listen to Ruth when she tried to bring her 
research and information regarding the threat of an imminent pole shift 
to the front burner.  She was told, "The geological evidence from past 
magnetic polar reversals leads us to believe that a polar reversal 
takes thousands of years to occur and it is not a rapid event."

Today the establishment scientists are finding the same information 
that Ruth tried to give them 15 years ago!  A polar shift is coming very soon.  Ruth was right on the money with that one while the experts'
dropped the ball.

Now the establishment scientists are telling us not to worry because 
the solar winds will "cushion" the earth and "wrap" around our planet 
like a cocoon.

Yet Ruth's research points towards the polar winds contributing to the 
rapidness of the flip.  
  So the next question is simple.  Do we go with Ruth Leedy's findings?  
Or with what the "accepted" scientific community would have us believe?

You know, a long time ago I decided that if the controllers and their 
flunkies come out and say, "Look up."  Then it's a sure bet that the 
answer is "down."
But, don't let me influence your answer to the question in any way.

  I'll just sit over here quietly and strap myself to something sturdy. 


 Sometimes, especially in times like the current political 
maneuverings, one of the rocks that the controllers hide under gets lifted up just 
a bit.  It can be by mistake or by design. But when it happens if 
we're sharp enough and quick enough we see a little bit of daylight 
shinning in on the reptilians and their pals.  And sometimes we just get 
lucky.   And when that happens the shenanigans of the controllers can be 
seen standing out like they were operating under a grand-opening spotlight 
at Wal-Mart.

  If you still doubt that the controllers aren't constantly and 
tirelessly working to keep control of scientific knowledge in the hands of the 
Skull and 
Bones types, read between the lines of the following report carefully.
This was posted on the Seattle Post-Intelligencer's web page, Seattle datelined, Thursday, May 20, 2004:

"It's not science, it's politics, and they say, Democrats step up 
charges that the White House rigs panels' membership

  "WASHINGTON -- House Democrats stepped up their charges yesterday 
that the White House rigs the membership of scientific advisory panels to 
support its political decisions.
"The White House has essentially been vetting people for these 
committees on political and ideological grounds, rather than on whether they 
are qualified scientifically," said Rep. Brian Baird, D-Wash."

  "Hundreds of independent committees advise the government on 
regulatory policy and other decisions. Although their advice is rarely binding, 
the presence of formal scientific opinion can be difficult for 
policy-makers to ignore".
Complete report:

Of course the Democrats charges against the Republicans of trying to 
influence scientific decisions is tantamount to the pot calling the 
kettle black.  They are two peas in a pod, they both work for and with the 
same controllers.   And if one party is doing something you can bet 
your last Federal Reserve Note, given the chance, the other will be doing 
the same thing just around the corner out of sight. … But at least we  
can see in this article that the scientific community is not above a 
little biased slanting with their reports and if that isn't a form of 
controlling science, then what is?

Extra assignment:  Read my article "Who control's Knowledge?"



Here are just a few of the e-mails I received in regards to last weeks 
Editorial, "It's a sad day in thee neighborhood." (Sorry, I couldn't 
use everyone's).

“Pete] writes
Dear Dennis:

I'm sorry to hear of the poor response to 
the Richard Shaver interview on CD offer. I was 
one of the "guilty" non-responders. I am not 
writing in response to your email "The Hollow 
Earth Insider #19" about that but about your 
remarks on the Internet and the "controllers".

It will be a sad day for this world and 
this country if the "controllers" get the claws 
on the Internet (and I use the word "claws" 
advisedly!). Beast is too good a word for these 
folks! Yes, and beasts do have claws, not hands. 
Be careful what you say and predict--it may come 
true. Beware of the self-fulfilling prophecy. 
I'm sure you're heard of that concept. What we 
focus on and visualize often does come true.

If what you say about the controllers planning to get their [claws] on 
the Internet and turning it into the [pabulum] dispensing medium that 
our conventional media outlets have become, then the average Internet 
user should not take this lightly. There must be action 
and plans taken to stop this Internet takeover. 
If the Internet is "taken over" by the clawed 
folks, then we are that much closer to the New 
World Order fascistic style dictatorship.

The Internet is the one free source (yes 
FREE) of good information left in this world and 
this country. We cannot let it become a 
"pabulum-dispensing medium".

----Pete in Phoenix
Brent writes:
Have to agree with your editorial. I work as a librarian and can assure 
you that we buy as many books now as ever before there was an Internet. 
No one will write, edit, print, distribute a book and then offer it for 
over the Internet if it has any value at all. There are thousands of 
on the Internet for free, but they are almost all out of copyright.

Enjoyed the reprint from Ernst Zundel. Had an opportunity to talk with 
at length about two or three years ago but I didn't get up the courage 
ask him about whether or not he believed what he wrote about Nazi UFOs. 
I did ask him what he thought about Miguel Serrano and he expressed 
that Serrano supports neo-paganism. Otherwise had no criticism of him.

Hope you can get some of Norma Cox's works up on your site. Her "Enter 
into the Rock" sounds like an interesting title. Have read her three 
that have already been put on the Internet. Filled with fascinating 
that she excavated from old books among other sources.



Drama/Dean writes:

Don't be too discouraged by the lack of participation. My book on the 
hollow earth is thought provoking, nice reading, and attacks the hollow 
earth theory from the perspective of an entire cultural tradition, but 
all last year, hardly any books were sold. I always make some reference 
on this list and others, but people are in too much of a hurry.

People want a sound byte or film clip, and they don't want to have to 
consider the implications of the hollow theory too much because then 
they would have to become, like, "patriots" or something. And if you have 
to go to work tomorrow morning, it is kind of hard to be a patriot. 
Maybe after the kids grow up. 

Only eccentrics (like us) go in for this kind of thing.

Actually, I don't want to be too hard on people, but you all should 
actually pick up some hollow earth books:


Donna Writes:
Dear Dennis

Well - at least there's ONE of me that wants page 2! ! ! ! I am so 
Robert is closing up. I got his catalog and haven't even had time to 
it cover to cover. Guess I don't need to, now. How awful. And you know,
it follows my luck - every time I find something wonderful that I like 
- it
is either canceled, discontinued, or closed. This is truly sad, indeed. 
fear you are quite correct about the Internet, too. Gee - I sure am 
I'm as old as I am, as my dear departed aunt used to say!

Blessings to you -

Robert's ONE orderer -

Donna C. Williams
Harrison, Arkansas



Oz writes:
Hi Dennis,

The last couple of weeks, while the site has been down, have brought to 
attention just how much I have grown to depend on the discussions and 

I have no idea what I might be able to do to help you get the site back 
but if you think of anything, please feel free to ask. …



We're glad that you are making good use of our page and hope you 
continue to do so in the future.

Thanks for offering to help with the problems on the site.  Tom has 
pretty much solved the problems we were having but I would ask that anyone 
that runs into any problems getting around within the site itself to 
please let me know.  Thanks.
Dennis Crenshaw


From long-time Insider "Jeff" comes a …uh…hum… game?   Puzzle?  
Whatever you call it, I know you'll enjoy figuring it out as much as I did:

Now I KNOW for a fact that anyone who reads, "Unraveling the Secrets" 
on a regular basis would never need a "cheat sheet" to solve this little 
ditty.  However this report might accidentally get into the hands of an 
Outsider who I'm sure will need help.  So as a public service this is 
for Outsiders who need help:


NEXT WEEK:  Due to the ending length of the special report on the 
coming "Polar Shift" in this weeks issue I was unable to include the next 
installment of "The Bender Mystery" this week.   
   However, Part 4 of the Bender Mystery, "Project X “ will be in next 
weeks issue. Don't miss it!"  Dennis.

The goal of this publication is to bring to our readers attention news 
and reports they may have missed, or didn't have the time to look for 
while surfing the web.  Mixed with an editorial comment thrown into the 
mix just to wake up the nodders.
All copyrighted materials are highly respected and proper credit is 
given for all snip-bits and links used.  If you find anything in this 
publication that you had a hand in creating or bringing to my attention and 
feel that you are not given proper credit, please let me know and I'll 
do whatever it takes to correct the mistake.  
Let it also be noted that the views and reported ideas might not always 
be those of the Editor or staff at THEI, but we do believe that 
everyone should have a place to offer their own ideas about those matters 
which we look into and we want this to be that place.  The bottom line is 
that "Unraveling the Secrets" is YOUR newsletter too.  Your thoughts and 
research are just as important as anyone else's here.  This is a "free 
press" area, and we'll turn this soapbox over to anyone who has 
anything relevant to say.
We urge you to pass these reports along to your friends and associates 
who might enjoy our little excursions into the outer edges of knowledge 
as we attempt to Unravel the Secrets.  But, please pass it along 
unedited.  And if you only want to send part of it to someone, please do.  I 
only ask that you include a link to our site.
If you received this Insider's Report by e-mail from a friend and you 
like what you read please join our list so you don't miss another issue.  
It's easy.  Just type in your e-mail address at the prompt on our web 

Hope you enjoy this report. Until next time, see ya'll!
Dennis Crenshaw